
Preparation Quotes

There are 35773 quotes

"Human beings are incredibly resilient if given the opportunity to brace themselves first."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Give me five hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four hours sharpening the axe."
"There's no such thing as luck. There's preparation meeting opportunity."
"Nobody can predict the future. What you need to do is be financially educated and prepare for anything."
"The time to have the map is before you enter the woods."
"When it is a heavy scene, don't talk to nobody. I have to get in the zone."
"You're preparing yourself so that that ultimate truth will be a stunning, beautiful, blissful experience."
"The universe is not throwing hardship on you to mock you; it's preparing you for big desires and dreams."
"Nobody's doing better than you will ever criticize you. They'll mentor you."
"Put that sh*t on like you're about to see your ex."
"Perseverance is also laying the groundwork for what comes next."
"Bozosity is like the flu: you need to be exposed to Bozosity so that when you encounter big Bozosity, you have already built up the antigens."
"Luck can be a fickle and mysterious force, but it is also, as Roman philosopher Seneca once mused, what happens when preparation meets opportunity."
"You are on the brink of good fortune; be open to situations that may bring about positive transformation. Take care to get your ducks in a row; do some research before taking action to avoid a misstep."
"All of us should prepare for parts of being a caregiver in our lives, just to be able to support who we are and who we may be providing care for."
"It's been an absolute honor to prepare you for this historic flight. Today, you are truly inspiring the world."
"Success is when preparation meets opportunity."
"Prayer is heaven's process that prepares you for promotion."
"It's a well-known principle that if you keep steel in one drawer and Flint in the other, you're not going to get much of a fire."
"It's all about making sure that we're all primed and in the best efficient position to succeed."
"I've done my homework, I've finally put everything together into one beautifully distilled FORTY EIGHT slide PowerPoint."
"You have to be more proactive. You don't have to be obsessive about it, but you better be prepared."
"The purpose of the church is not to entertain, not to be a social club, but to prepare souls for the day they stand before God."
"Success is when opportunity meets preparation. You've got to be prepared for when the moment comes."
"God, in this time, is preparing people that will be able to represent Him in every sphere of influence."
"Everything you've been through was all rehearsal. Now we get ready to play the game."
"Be fully prepared, but it's a Sunday special."
"Everybody buff up, mount up, trade some gold, and get ready to kill the Blood God. This is going to be epic."
"The framework to support the enormity of this moment can't be measured in renovations and rehearsals alone, but in the testing of a mettle found much deeper."
"Dreams can be like a virtual reality simulator that helps prepare us for real life dangers."
"And though many thought we were through, no, we've been learning, we've been building, we've been trained, and now, it's time."
"Anticipating this month of Ramadan, they conditioned themselves."
"Educate yourself before you act on anything."
"With my team complete, it was time to enter the tournament."
"Having the vision and doing a little bit of strategy and homework is the most important thing."
"I would rather see during my legacy to help over-prepare our nation's public health system."
"You're planting the seeds for something... it's like you're setting a lot of seeds in place for success later down the line."
"The universe does not want you to be afraid; the universe wants you to be prepared."
"Everybody wants to win, but not everybody has the will to prepare to win."
"Our tutorial has to start by cutting a four-inch bit of webbing for each of our D-rings."
"I had accumulated all this knowledge and experience, and when that opportunity came, I seized it with everything I had."
"Prepare for the stress that you're going to experience through manhood, and one of the biggest causes of stress is going to be financial."
"The greatest leader wins without battle because they've already surveilled the frontier and the terrain ahead of them."
"Preparation plus opportunity equals success."
"Preparation is the biggest determinant for your performance on the SAT."
"The best thing you can do is just prepare yourself."
"Last time we went out there, it didn't end so well, boys."
"If we don't prepare and act now... we could be facing multiple famines of biblical proportions within a few short months."
"Make this month...even from now preparation how you're going to make genuine dua to Allah, know that Allah will listen to every one of your du'a."
"You look in fine physical shape. You put the work in, haven't you?"
"Planting the seeds of growth, prosperity, and abundance."
"This is why 90% of traders lose money. They don't want to prepare; they don't want to think ahead of time."
"If you understand the gist of this video, underneath it leave a comment saying, 'I will prepare'."
"My success and my millionaire students' success is all about preparation. You cannot over-prepare, but it is very, very easy to underprepare."
"It's not just about the money; it's how much you prepare, and I will overprepare you."
"If you want to have a good day, it starts the night before."
"Proper preparation prevents poor performance."
"Pay attention to the little things now so that later on, things are easier for us."
"Our life is composed of all of these laps to bring us to a place where we're ultimately prepared to do the ultimate will of God for our lives."
"You have been training for this for lifetimes."
"These are the interview questions that get asked at companies like Google, Microsoft, and Amazon."
"There is no textbook that prepares one for life."
"Raising a kid is tough if you're not prepared to do it, if you don't have the money to do it, if you don't have the support network to do it."
"It's the start of a very, very big climb up the mountain, and we need to scrutinize every step."
"We all are nobody's invincible, prepare yourself."
"The only way we can even hope to fend off their onslaught is through preparation."
"If you build your Ark, you will never stumble, even when the flood comes."
"When you work hard, you're going to be rewarded. You have to believe that this moment is preparing you for something better."
"A stitch in time saves nine. Those who are prepared will not fail."
"Chin tells his new student that it will be a difficult journey for the both of them and hopes that he is prepared for it."
"Just like a warrior getting ready for the war, you know?"
"We need to prepare ourselves with a proper lifestyle. Having a proper lifestyle, you prepare yourself for the good and bad."
"Well then, I'm grabbing the strongest armor ever."
"Don't panic, guys; it's just another exam. You've done this many, many times. You've done mock exams at school, so treat it as just another exam."
"He was idolized, he was just this remarkably well-spoken kind man who was helping bring people together to prepare for the return of Christ."
"Success can come on its own when you are prepared very well and you plan very well."
"If you could do that before you send a group together into a class or a group together into a factory to work, how great would that be knowing that at that given moment everybody was negative?"
"We're pretty solid. We're pretty tough. We got our systems pretty much in place."
"Manifesting is like training for getting what you want...it's socializing your mind, preparing your mind, rehearsing your mind to help you take the steps before you take the steps."
"I took the time to do my homework and understood myself physically, emotionally, mentally in all aspects."
"I'm very organized and I like to make sure everything's done the night before as much as possible."
"Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies."
"I feel like if I'm on top of my game, I have the perfect stats for every single scenario."
"I will. I'm most looking forward to just sort of getting out there and very exploring really, but I'm gonna store a winter coat on my horse. Can I do that?"
"You have to believe that this moment is preparing you for something amazing that hasn't happened yet."
"Mindset is everything. Until you're mentally prepared, you're never physically ready."
"Success is about setting yourself up for it, then diving into the gameplay."
"God didn't give us prophecy to scare us but to prepare us."
"You do your best to prepare for the worst, and that's all you can do."
"Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today."
"Ultimately, you have to prepare for these next three months but do not let the next three months define what you have done or what you will do at the NFL level."
"God's timing throws everything off. You might swear you're ready, but there might be a few more things God wants you to set up."
"Being able to secure water must be a top prep in your inventory. It is also one of the biggest global problems right now."
"History is filled with examples of people who accurately heeded the signs and prepared when those around them did not."
"Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity."
"You only own two things in this life...that's my mind and my body. Make both as sharp as you can before you go."
"This moment is preparing me for something amazing that hasn't happened yet."
"We should prepare for Barzakh; we should prepare for the Qabr, as our Prophet, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, himself said: 'I have not seen anything except that the Qabr is more terrifying for me than anything I've seen.'"
"Preparation takes time; we just can't see the clock."
"The purpose of the church is to prepare you to meet the Lord."
"Everything that happens to you is God preparing you for what you ask for."
"The key in all of this...is to stay calm, please do not panic during these times, but prepare."
"As a good rule of thumb, it's good to have multiple batteries."
"In the quiet before the storm, one hears reports of huge forces gathering, indicating a tense anticipation."
"All challenges don't come to us because we are not doing enough; some challenges come to build up the strength we need for the journey ahead of us."
"Artificial intelligence and the future of power: As youngsters, we should be better prepared for a world driven by AI."
"Before God uses a man greatly, he must first break him greatly."
"Knowing what you might come up against in a game is really, really important."
"Their preparation is one of the best that we'll ever see in the Overwatch League."
"Feel yourself starting to sweat. Remember, you're ready for this."
"Success is a big part preparation, but there's an X-Factor. You're waiting for lightning to strike."
"Luck isn't random; it's almost like a bus that keeps showing up at the same bus stop over and over again. But if you don't have the right fare in terms of your preparation, you will never be able to get on that bus, no matter how many times it comes to the stop."
"Don't wait until you're drowning in orders to find the right shipping solution."
"You've been prepared for this soulmate; your vibration has elevated."
"So get a drink, a notepad, and your periodic tables ready 'cause we have lots of science to talk about."
"Knowledge is very important to kind of study the ebbs and flows of financial history and equip yourself with a worldview for the world we're going into."
"Before you buy new furniture, you need to clean the house."
"You better gear up, or you may not survive the trip, which would make my life easier. So, your call."
"Make certain that you are solid, you and your wife, before you become a father."
"Jesus has given us a prophecy to prepare us for what's to come, prophecies that should shape our priorities, define our character, and help us thrive instead of just survive in these days of uncertainty."
"You are not just experiencing the heavens not being open; you are being prepared for a supernatural breakthrough."
"Have a clear idea of what you're gonna do with it... before you buy something."
"It's also very important to do your research beforehand so that you can prepare yourself for what this investing journey is all about."
"Remember they studied you; that's what makes playoffs so great."
"The book of the dead... helped them prepare for the afterlife where Osiris, the god of the underworld, would judge them."
"We've all heard that in order to achieve success, it's when preparation meets luck."
"I like a hot shower before I work out because I go in the shower and I start sweating immediately."
"Make mistakes, but make note of the mistakes so that when you're in the heat of the battle, you know what to do."
"There was one John the Baptist, but now there's a corporate body saying, 'Prepare the way for the Lord's return.'"
"Our country's financial and economic troubles are about to get a lot worse, and it is important that you understand why so that you can begin to prepare."
"It's much easier to be afraid than to, you know, spend a couple of years reading about it to prepare in order to get the most out of it."
"I'm trying to soften people up for what's coming because I don't want them to be too terribly shocked when they hear the real [stuff]."
"The next 10 years will be very turbulent, and I truly, from all my heart, believe this, and I am strapped up and ready to go."
"Prayer is not so much what you ask for, as how you prepare for its reception."
"Play has a purpose. It prepares children for adulthood."
"You can't turn it on and off like a light; you have to train the way you play."
"I've always wanted to play or train as if someone's going to take it from me and that's your last chance."
"Just all the hard work I knew I put in, I was already ready. I'm not scared of the big moment or nothing like that."
"If you would not have a man flinch when the crisis comes, train him before it comes." - Seneca
"The reality is, managing a crisis like a pandemic isn't something you can prepare for; it's unprecedented."
"Proactivity means that you take initiative, you take steps, you do things, you make plans, you prepare, and you think of others."
"Being aware and prepared is much different than being scared and fearful."
"You never know where life is going to hit you from...you just got to be prepared."
"The process I use is an extremely simple one. It involves plenty of preparation."
"2020 is not cancelled; we've learned a lot, we're very grateful for 2020 because it's preparing us for 2021."
"Wars are won long before you fight them. It's your attitude going in."
"I'm making you quartermaster; don't check the ship's stores, run out the guns and make ready."
"A great day starts by setting yourself up for a great day the night before."
"If you're not ready for this race, it will definitely expose your weaknesses."
"The level of prep that you need to get through a debate like this is insane."
"You have to make preparations with your mind, soul, body, and spirit."
"Rejuvenate yourself beforehand... make room for growth."
"In order to be ready for 2020, you can't go after it if all your habits look like 2019."
"Session Zero is essential in guaranteeing that all players are on board with the general feel of the adventure they're about to have."
"Before there was sin, God had prepared a Savior."
"If you discard it, ignore it, don't use it, don't value it, don't learn from it, don't understand it, you will lose the battle before you because you did not learn from the battle behind you."
"Just off the coast, 130,000 soldiers were poised and ready to come ashore."
"Even if you work from home, getting fully dressed...we mentally prepare ourselves for the day and say, 'Okay, I'm ready to be productive and get the things that I need to done.'"
"Rev up for optimism beforehand, no matter what the situation is, and set out to enjoy it."
"Make sure you do research. Sometimes things take a lot more care than you realize."
"You never know what's going to be meta... nothing feels better than having something in your Vault that turns out to be meta."
"Imagine like you're doing something with a Trump or a... you got a big interview coming out, you want the intro to be perfect."
"Hard work pays off. Now, let's dive back into the arena and let the nonsense begin."
"Some brand new snow goggles for snowboarding."
"Everything in your past was getting you ready for what you're about to do in your life."
"Sit down and buckle up, folks, because there's a lot of stuff to cover here."
"Prepping is not just taking care of yourself, but it's also taking care of your loved ones."
"The more sweat that you lose in practice, the less blood you lose in battle."
"If you believe that God's going to do something in your life, make room for it."
"I've been watching this. I've been studying film sessions. I know what he likes to do. I know what he doesn't like to do. Just know I'm ready."
"Over preparing has been my secret weapon... It actually elevates my confidence."
"We need to prepare people for a world where this president and his presidency has come and gone."
"What may seem like a delay to us could actually be God preparing the way for something even greater."
"Choosing the right retirement account that best suits your needs is a vital step in making sure you are well prepared for retirement."
"Either you dress for the war, or you stay home."
"They say luck is where preparation meets opportunity."
"Every battle is won before it's even fought."
"Like attracts like, and all the success you're experiencing is preparing you for more success."
"Prepare, get a glass of wine, water, or something else that'll make you feel good."
"Everything is practice for the big show. Everything is preparing you for the big show."
"Dreaming may have developed as a way to prepare our brains to handle the situations of which we are most fearful before they happen."
"You're making a list, checking it twice, gonna find out who's naughty or nice."
"I'm about to go write my speech... God gave me all the tools in my heart."
"I stocked up on Armor, mostly fur, with my Flack just in case I needed it, plenty of shotgun ammo of course, but I think this cave needs something a little special."
"The guests have finally arrived, all is ready, the cooks have worked day and night preparing the food, the castle has never looked lovelier."
"Finding the initiative to complete that project or getting the energy to go work out can be exhausting without proper preparation."
"Everyone expected a disaster... even President Richard Nixon himself was ready should the Apollo 11 mission fail."
"Change how you think and how you feel before the experience occurs for the event to find you."
"Hardships often prepare ordinary people for an extraordinary destiny."
"God cares about you so much that he's trying to prepare you."
"Before I get something, I have to visualize it."
"My definition of luck is preparation meeting the moment of opportunity."
"If you're planning a trip here next time, make sure to plan ahead."
"Visualize what your training session is going to look like, also anticipate the what-ifs."
"The worst thing that could happen is that you get there and you're not prepared, and then you have no plan."
"This Camp felt different. Every camp is good, but I felt the strongest in this camp."
"No one plans to fail; they just fail to plan."
"He got a compound down in Puerto Rico... he brought all them boxing people around him and he's really preparing."
"When it comes to opportunities, not only do we have to seize them, we have to prepare for them also."
"Make a test recording... it's 30 seconds of minor inconvenience now to save you hours of headache later."