
Karma Quotes

There are 5733 quotes

"Leaving them better than I found them...trying to leave as much positive karma in my wake as possible."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"I find it hard to believe in karma when I know how good I've been to people, how nice I am inside, and the way I've been treated."
"Karma is transcended when you become fully aware and understand it."
"Karma is real. Yes, you can believe in God, yes, you can make amends, but karma is real."
"Karma, in its essence, is no different from... every action has an equal and opposite reaction."
"All of the good that you do is going to come back to you in August."
"Karma is so real, you know what I mean? I feel like the more you tip, the more you get."
"If you're meditating, making peace, being kind, being gentle, you're making good meditation karma."
"Karma really just means that for every action there's a reaction."
"Karma is like a mirror... it's constantly showing you the reflection that you're giving it."
"Karma has been a very valuable feedback system that has allowed us to feel on our own skin, what we do in the world, what we intend in the world."
"Don't waste your time on revenge; those who hurt you will eventually face their own karma."
"Making amends is really important because a lot of times what causes us to use substances is we have all these crushing karmic debts which are weighing on us."
"Master your thoughts; the karma will be resolved when you decide to resolve it."
"You are not subject to this cycle of birth and death. You are not a part of this chain of karma."
"Karma means action. Whose action? My action. Whose responsibility? My responsibility."
"The karma releasing saint-germain says: Move beyond drama, create your own path, make room for good energy."
"What you put out is what you get back, so just be very clear before you communicate."
"A time will come in your life when some people will regret why they treated you wrong. Trust me, it will definitely come."
"Karma has a way of making people pay for their wrongdoings."
"The way you treat people always comes back to you."
"Everybody reaps consequences or blessings in their lives based on what they say and what they do."
"Whenever you do an act and you give, I feel like there is some type of intangible nature that is inherent to the way the world works."
"We reap what we sow, more than we sow, later than we sow."
"There are different mental dispositions, mental capacities, and karmic potentials among individuals."
"There's a massive lesson in karma... because I'm just genuinely pretty nice to people."
"A lot of karmic things in your life are gonna come to a close in July."
"The more I give to the world, the more I get."
"Let karma float it down; heed no more than how body lives or goes. Its task is done."
"What you damn damns you back; what you bless blesses you in return."
"As you sow, you shall reap. When you create value that's going to benefit somebody in the short term and long term, you're multiplying the value that you put out."
"The evildoer mourns in this world, and he mourns in the next; he mourns in both. He mourns and suffers when he sees the evil of his own work."
"Karma does eventually eat back at you when you continue to do wrong things."
"Your karma is nothing but your false thinking, and the only way to escape it is to think the truth."
"Reaping the benefits of good karma, you're on the path where all of your dreams are aligning, waiting to unfold."
"Navamsa shows us the storage of your hidden Karmas, like something that you are to walk on."
"Navamsha in a nutshell reveals deep insights into marriage, karma, and the soul's journey."
"It's Karma, and when I say Karma, this is like what's meant to be, this is attached to soul contracts as well, and you've done your part."
"This is about balancing out that karma... you're raking in all the good karma."
"Karma will get them legally; I'm not here to cause violence, I'm not here to cause harm."
"Justice is getting served; karma is coming around."
"Life gives to the giver and takes from the taker."
"What you give will come back to you, and I didn't buy that, so I'll just test it. So I gave away my first million-dollar project."
"The ultimate goal is to liberate you from something and to be free from something and to complete and to finish some karma in your life."
"What you put out there is what you get back."
"What you put out there is like what you get back."
"What money you lose will come back. And then the same way, the money you steal will go away."
"Karma is real, and it's good to do good for people."
"I love you. I've just seen Karma, and she was being really happy."
"Do we deserve to be the Vishwa Guru, or are we becoming Vishwa Coolies, based on our karma?"
"Understand the energy that you put out in this world will come back to you."
"The more positive energy you put out, the more you get back."
"Karma means action. There are four types of action: physical, mental, emotional, and energetic. Of all these, the energetic action is the most important one and the most enduring one."
"Karma, probably one of the most misunderstood words. It's a complex web of chains, but there is just one single pin."
"This experience with Jackie might have been your karma, might have been the lesson that you needed to learn. Grow from this."
"We take the most responsibility for ourselves and our actions. That's what the law of karma does—it puts it right back on us."
"When you're making peace, being kind, being gentle, you are making good karma every time."
"My mother had this concept of karma that she said, 'If you're successful at some point you have to give back.' And I agree with that."
"The love you give is what you get back from this universe."
"Good things happen to good people in this game."
"I believe kindness brings forth kindness and whatever energy you invest into the world, you will eventually harvest the reward in return."
"Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap."
"Spread love, do good, and it'll all come back around, for real."
"Your good karma is about to pay off, you're about to receive ultimate abundance."
"Whatever you put into the universe, you'll get back."
"Expect Karma to be delivered from this year."
"We strongly believe in karma; whatever you put into the world, if it's positive, it will come back to you, and if it's negative, it will also come back to you."
"You're beginning to see it, oh my... every act of hatred and violence you committed against another, you were committing against yourselves."
"Whatever you focus on and whatever you're putting out there, it's going to come back to you tenfold, for better or for worse."
"If you think good, good will follow; if you think evil, evil will follow."
"As one sows, so shall they reap, and the joy of reaping is what one yearns for."
"How you treat your parents, so your children shall treat you."
"Remember what you give out, you get back. Some people call this Karma, cause-and-effect, God, or the universe."
"I believe my entire life, just being a good person, that will pay off."
"The law of sowing and reaping is the greatest law of history."
"Justice is interesting, isn't it? Things come around, they sure do."
"Everything you do in life is like a boomerang."
"Take the high road. Let karma do your dirty work."
"What a man sows, he shall reap. Therefore, I could take the law of God and use it to my advantage or disadvantage."
"I kept hoping, just as Mother had always taught me, that karma would catch up with him, and his actions would be punished by that ever-present force of cosmic justice."
"Karma is what gets you your whole soul to evolve."
"Honest hard work... is definitely a major karmic theme for you."
"Experiencing true intimacy...is a huge thing for the Venus soul planet person's karmic journey."
"What you put out to the universe, you get back."
"This is about your generous spirit being recompensed for all the goodness that you've done."
"If you're happy about an unfair thing happening to somebody else, the only thing you have to do for that unfair thing to happen to you is wait."
"Karma is not about fear, karma is not about guilt, karma is about liberation. It is about freedom."
"The universe gifts to the giver and takes away from the taker."
"Be careful who you step on trying to get to the top because the same folks you see on your way up are the same folks you will see on your way down."
"Trust me, I've gotten my karma. It hurts me so deeply to know what I did, and I really wish I could take it back."
"Karma is a [ __ ]; the things you try to fight against the most is really what happens."
"The old weight of the karmic cycle and karmic or negative experiences is being lifted off you."
"It's about taking a risk on yourself and that's what's going to bring the karmic justice."
"Karma is just people repeating their beliefs, actions, and behaviors until they finally get what they deserve."
"All past karmas and conditioning, manifest or unmanifest, are burnt away with enlightenment."
"The theory of karma is not very different... we exercise free will in doing our karma."
"Sometimes people do bad things, but what if that bad guy is there to teach us what not to do or balance karma?"
"Why not give a meal when somebody is hungry, that is the gift you can give, that is karma to do."
"What goes around comes around; it's truly amazing how, if you're good to people, you can build up so much influence."
"Every day millions of thought cross your mind, but if you hold on to some thought, identify with that thought, that forms your karma."
"The grace which helps one to rise above the karma, don't think grace only makes the bad karma into good, good karma into bad, no, it helps you to rise above the karma, it brings you freedom."
"Allah rewards the smallest of virtues and punishes for the smallest of sins."
"The universe rewarding you for putting out as much good energy as you can."
"I'm sort of like a karma guy: do good things, good things happen."
"It's all about karma, about creating karma because everything is the unfolding of karma collectively and individually."
"The nature of life is such if you keep your karmic bag down, it's not going to go away. It's going to travel with you."
"You inject good in this world, things coming back."
"It's bad karma to wish bad things for customers just for business's sake."
"Every thought that we think, in whatever man sets in motion in mind, will be returned to him, even as he has conceived within himself and brought forth into manifestation."
"Anything that you put out into the universe will come back to you 3 times as hard, minimum."
"We cannot all be bazillionaires. It's just that way. It's an aspect of karma but it's also an aspect of the mathematics of economics. Scarcity does rule."
"Do not be deceived, God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows."
"Your karma is always going to be based on the actions that you put out into the world."
"Karma is in the balance for you, and now is your time for reward."
"Your actions always have a way of coming back to you."
"Tipping is always good karma and it's good courtesy."
"I do wish karma existed as frequently as people hope it does, but I don't think it does. I've seen good things happen to bad people and bad things happen to good people."
"What goes around comes around, my friend. It's a vicious cycle, but it's a fun cycle."
"People who do bad, bad happens to them. So just sit back and watch, put some sunglasses on, get your sippy cup out, and just watch because karma's going to kick his ass."
"The key to releasing any karma whatsoever against anybody is forgiveness."
"Karmic relationships are those things we must go through in order to learn our lessons."
"Funny how karma worked, isn't it? Funny how things come around full circle."
"Karma's gonna go around, you know karma is a beautiful way of presenting itself."
"Dharma is about duty or responsibility it's sort of like a concept flow say to some that happens in your brain and karma is not something that happens in your brain."
"Karma has no expiration date. The same people who are praying for that young boy's downfall, that same plot came right back on them."
"You can do whatever you want to do in this world, just don't get mad when the universe dishes out the same exact thing that you dished out."
"Be responsible for your own thoughts and actions, they will come back to either bless or haunt you."
"Sometimes you have to wait on money because it's passing through karmically."
"Remember Saturn is the bouncer of karma, and what is owed to you will come to you."
"Bless is a cyclical, it comes back and cycles. You put a lesson out for somebody else, and down the line in your life, everything comes back full circle."
"It's rare that we get to see karma actually work in our own lifetimes."
"Trust and believe good karma's coming through in this lifetime for you."
"Everything happens for a reason and this happened to you in a past life to teach you things so that you can grow."
"I feel like at the end of the day... it's karma."
"Every action brings forth a reaction and every inglorious blow struck by you will blow back on you one way or another some call it karma some call it Divine Justice but karma or Justice either way it is surely guaranteed."
"My intuition brings all the karmic to the yard."
"Karma hits: the joy of seeing justice served."
"Revenge is a dish best served with a side of karma."
"When you do good, there is good that you will reap."
"The energy you give out is what you receive."
"Know that luck is on your side, know that karma is on your side."
"It wasn't afraid, and that fearlessness was paid back tenfold."
"Karma, it turns out, has a hell of a right cross."
"You put good into the world and you kind of get good back."
"Do good for others, good will come back to you. That's how life works. It's all about energy and good karma."
"I'm just gonna mind my karma and just try and be nice."
"It's a learning lesson about how the energy that you place out does come back around."
"Now that karma's come right back around, unfortunately that karma is misplaced because it's hurting the people again."
"Everything you've been through was this process, okay? You were balancing karma, and now you have done that process."
"Karma is very much real and everybody gets it in the end."
"Karma is real, certain people got to live with certain things."
"There's definitely karma in your connection."
"In forgiveness lies the stoppage of the wheel of karma."
"What is right for you will never pass you by, especially with this good karma."
"Nene, your life was front-loaded, it's now time to pay the piper..."
"The quickest way to get rid of karma is just to forgive."
"There was karma between the two, it had never been worked out."
"Just keep giving, and the more you give away, the more that comes back. What goes around comes around is not just a funny little song title, it is a powerful, powerful message."
"Karma comes to you whether it comes a day later, a year later, 30 years later."
"Karmic rewards and helping others bring fulfillment."
"Put out good vibes and they will come right back to you this world just needs a bit more love so stay positive."
"Life deals its own karmic cycles and lessons."
"You're going to be in a cycle of very positive karma and this is old to you because you've done the work."
"Life is like a boomerang and we keep keeping these hurts you are it's in favor of you now you are happy so when it comes around hope you will not complain"
"We're the ones dishing out the Karma, we're the ones putting the smiles on your face when your ex's new boyfriend turns out runs out on her after knocking her up. You're welcome."
"If you're doing bad or you're like to people, it's going to come back and get you."
"I like to live my life a certain way in hopes that I get good things to happen to me."
"Karma will come back to bite people in the ass who do malicious things."
"You don't get away with things in this life. You get your comeuppance one way or the other."
"Your life is your karma. What you make out of it is all there is."
"Good things will come to you, and whoever you're dealing with, they're going to have to deal with their karma as well."
"Creating and mastering the right kind of karmic relationships."
"The power of karma compels you to reap what you sow."
"Being responsible for others doesn't happen only when we owe people something or when we want to balance out our karma. That responsibility is always there simply because we exist alongside others."
"You're letting a lot of heavy shadow energy go karma has been balanced and clear and it's time for you to move into a period of prosperity happiness abundance joy and reward."
"I am aligning myself to my new start because the karma is gone. It's just a new brand chapter."
"It happened again and it couldn't happen to a nicer guy."
"Physical pain is here. This person did cross you, but what is crossing them is their own Karma, their own BS, their own sneaky energy."
"You know what you put out in this universe is what you're gonna get back. What you reap is what you sow."
"For this list we'll be looking at the most entitled, rude, and irrational people who got a sweet taste of Justice nearly immediately."
"I feel like the reason why you guys are brought together... is because you guys have karmic debt to pay off..."
"My advice? If you don't like something, just keep it moving. Stop putting negative energy into the air because you're going to get that negative energy back on you."
"The universe sent it back to sender, karma is sending it back to sender."
"Eventually the person, the liar and the cheater, eventually they get a taste of their own medicine."
"Everything rebounds on us. Whatever we are sending automatically it will come back to us."
"God or the creator, the universe, was so gracious with my karma, it came quick."
"A lot of people think they could do things and get away with it but there's no such thing because karma sees everything."
"You've already passed this test, it's time for you to move on. The Wheel of Fortune, it's about Karma, it's about passing a test."
"Good things happen to good people, look at that."
"I believe in good karma, there's a lot of warm-hearted people out there."
"When good karma arrives and you kind of know that it's deserved and it's right that it's happening, it's just beautiful."
"You sow love, forgiveness, grace, you will reap God's love."
"Karma's going to get your ass regardless bro you could sit in that jail cell forever that doesn't mean Karma's on its way."
"Trust your intuition; this spread is showing me that the law of karma is on your side."
"Don't let anything hold you back; the law of karma is on your side."
"Whatever you do to that spirit I will unleash on you tenfold. Let It Go Now."
"I just feel like when you're kind and you're sweet and you're a good person, that you just get blessed in life and have good karma."
"Always trust your intuition primarily but do be aware of the energy you're projecting into your reality. We do create our own karma."
"Remember that we create our own karma... allow yourself to dream bigger."
"You live a good life, you do good to people and good things come in exchange."