
Human Resilience Quotes

There are 207 quotes

"Human beings are incredibly resilient if given the opportunity to brace themselves first."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The dignity, the beauty, the connection to nature, the honoring of spirit, the welcome, the love, the resilience was also just absolutely humbling to behold."
"They were undone, destroyed, after all of man's weapons and devices had failed, by the tiniest creatures that God in his wisdom had put upon this Earth."
"But fortunately for humanity as a whole, somehow despite all of those challenges and perverse incentives, wars eventually do tend to come to an end."
"Human beings have existed for 300,000 years and have managed to live in many unstable environments."
"They totally expected him to be dead by the time they found him because it's like, nobody's gonna survive for this many days really breathing that crappy air."
"I always take that bet when I can bet on human beings figuring it out under pressure."
"Humans are awesome. Humans are freaking awesome. The resilience, we can do some shit."
"Our specific civilization is vulnerable in some ways, but I don't think our species is going to go extinct."
"The great resiliency of the human race is that if we had enough time to catch up to this, to revise the way that we farm, a lot of these farmers... invested in new equipment just to try to keep up."
"Ordinary people faced with extraordinary circumstances who rose to the occasion and triumphed against the odds by their own force of will or because they had no other choice."
"What makes us human is to overcome, it's to push through dark times, it's to grow."
"The fact that we have been able to flourish in such dirt and grime that our ancestors had to go through is a beautiful thing."
"It may very well be that we are all faced with a challenge someday which is going to be possibly insurmountable. But regardless, it is our duty as human beings, I believe, to fight to the bitter end."
"You have no idea how powerful your body is, and it's hardwired to adapt and survive."
"If any species could get us out of this mess it's us."
"Despite being surrounded by harmful microorganisms, toxins, and the threat of our own cells turning into tumor cells, humans manage to survive; largely thanks to our immune system."
"It’s a story of remarkable engineering and human resilience from which the world could learn a lot."
"At some point one or more of these super volcanoes are bound to explode and we don't know how humanity will cope with the brunt of such a deadly event."
"Humans have overcome every single challenge set before them thus far."
"This guy felt days of and suffering within a moment and collapsed. Oh that's terrifying you've never seen anything like that anywhere."
"Everyone comes to face the abyss at some point in their life, but when the abyss looks back, some of us blink."
"I actually have an unbelievable amount of faith in humanity in terms of our ability to overcome challenges if we work towards it."
"A stark reminder of the fragility and resilience of the human body."
"Everyday people are challenged by extraordinary medical conditions."
"If humanity were faced with an onslaught of malevolent unstoppable giant monsters, humanity would make giant robots to punch those giant monsters IN THE FACE."
"2020 was the clear example that when things get hard human beings really do step up for each other."
"They can show us the signposts pointing toward disaster, remind us of the resilience of humanity, help us to think through the consequences of social and political change..."
"The bad things that are happening are not the apocalypse; humans have faced great struggles before."
"I think the reason that we're so fascinated with these horrible tales is there's something life-affirming about the people that get through them."
"No, the younger dryas was not an apocalypse in any way, shape, or form for our species."
"Danganronpa was from the very beginning a game not just about the worst humanity was capable of, but also its undying capability to face those things head-on, to identify and acknowledge them, and to overcome them."
"The durability and adaptability of human beings in terrible circumstances."
"How dire circumstances can truly change a person."
"Humanity is incredibly resilient. Look at the things that we've done throughout history."
"It feels like we could achieve anything overcome anything and even in the face of a world turned to stone with a little bit of humanity we do have a chance to continue."
"Love, compassion, and empathy are still possible, even laughter in the face of death."
"Mankind has always survived, even through destruction."
"He is as hard as iron for having the courage to challenge Gods as an ordinary mortal."
"Most human beings on earth today... endured all manner of unspeakable horrors... only some of us go around talking about it all the time."
"Life is fragile, but people's hearts are strong."
"Human beings are inventive, and there have been silver linings." - Professor Frank Snowden
"The greatest force of mankind is the power to adapt and evolve to higher living standards."
"The human will to live is one of the most important aspects of any person's life."
"The human capacity for survival is being tested."
"The human spirit is just amazing... I'm blown away by the resilience of the people of New Orleans."
"The strength of the human spirit is our ultimate power."
"Life will return to normal, plagues always end and like plagues, hope is an enduring part of the human condition."
"To this day, I have no earthly idea how she survived."
"Man is not made for defeat, a man can be destroyed but not defeated."
"You are dealing with some very tough people who've gone through awful things, and you know, they're very sweet people."
"Humans have a way of rising to meet any challenge in incredibly surprising and inspiring ways."
"Humans can adapt and thrive in any situation."
"Humanity's not going away, we'll evolve out of this the same way we evolved out of the plagues."
"The most common cause of death with our early ancestors was childbirth or early life accidents. If we made it to our adolescence, we would live a life full of robustness into our 80s or 90s with vibrancy."
"A story that reminds us just how cruel people can be but also how strong the will to survive can be."
"Survival stories really show how strong humans can be."
"Humanity's gonna make it one thousand percent."
"They prove the indomitable nature of our species."
"But humans have quite the ability to recover from tragedies, even those self-created."
"Humanity is damn sure trying to find a way to stop it."
"There is no human being in the world who is troubled right now who can't learn from what happened in this courtroom." - Defense Lawyer
"You are never gonna survive on this planet if you're completely alien to viruses, funguses, and bacteria."
"We humans are about to be put into the grinder."
"These are not stupid or naive people. They are people trying to work out how do we free ourselves."
"If everything else in your life can be a societal construct, then so can depression. Isn't the real thing about being human how you overcome these trials and challenges?"
"The good thing is you know humanity has survived all of the craziest things that have happened."
"Amongst the stories of tragedy, there are also stories of triumph."
"Ordinary people are exposed to extraordinary circumstances, maybe it is that period of great sacrifice or the fear that you might not live to see another day, that reminds us of what is most precious."
"Tim Lancaster's survival was little short of miraculous."
"Playing Warframe, you're not just a player, you're part of a passionate, welcoming community."
"Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of human freedoms."
"State of Decay is not a grim game, you know, it is set in the zombie apocalypse but it's a game about humans working together to overcome a common threat."
"Man has a spirit and a soul that is just so strong."
"No matter how critical the crisis is, and it is, this is also our collective human superpower."
"No matter how dark the circumstances there are always people out there strong and determined enough to persevere and to try to make the world a better place."
"Even in the darkest moments, the human Spirit can rise above adversity."
"But the Thai video is real, and it does suggest that some people can take massive jolts of electricity, possibly because of their skin."
"The pure do not bend. They do not break, and despite all of the horrors that they endure and are forced to perform, they remain human."
"Humanity's back is against the wall and I want to tell all of you that I love you."
"The next time you knock on wood, know that you're not just partaking in a quaint ritual but echoing a melody of human resilience and hope."
"In a time of crisis, you don't stop being human." - Premier of Newfoundland and Labrador's reaction to Trump's actions.
"Larry is one of the strongest human beings to ever exist. I'm not even anywhere close to him."
"Larry is one of the strongest human beings to ever exist. God bless."
"If given no other alternative, human beings can recover from even the deepest of addictions."
"People still manage to smile and be friendly and be loving against all odds."
"If you can feel that staying human is worthwhile, even when it can't have any result whatever, you've beaten them. We have to beat them."
"The human will is stronger than any type of circumstance you might experience."
"The story of their survival is an unparalleled account of perseverance, courage, and self-sacrifice."
"The willpower inside the human being is unexplainable."
"We as people, even though we are quite strong, are still a very delicate system of balance."
"The human will to keep going is there. To be strong is to keep fighting."
"The forging of alliances in the face of chaos brought a new hope for humanity."
"The solution has always been there: humanity always finds a way."
"I'd like a reminder that humanity still has hope and that hope lives on in people like you."
"The only thing we have left is our science and our magic."
"Humanity may not have only survived but also thrived."
"It really puts into effect what you're able to overcome and push through when survival becomes a necessity."
"When we're driven to a corner we find liberation and that's when a person's true nature comes out."
"From the deafening roar of engines to the silent vigilance beneath the stars, every moment aboard these vessels is a testament to human perseverance and unwavering dedication."
"Humanity deals with tragedy and moves past it."
"It's a story of survival, endurance, resilience, leadership."
"It tells me how fragile life is but it also taught me how resilient we as humans are."
"The reality is the jinn are weaker than us if we turn to Allah."
"Humans, they are not the cowering wretches we were promised. To challenge them is to court death."
"Is your widow baby afraid of widow radiation? Say what you want about humans, at least they still buy the cancer sticks."
"Harrison o'keen, a man who survived an extraordinary ordeal."
"536 may have been the worst year to date, but it arguably kicked off the worst era to be alive."
"Look at the blood, and somehow we've survived this."
"Humans are resilient, like square kilo Mongoose."
"A very strong message to society: despite the war, the human dimension remains critical."
"Old World Blues contains what very well might be the game's strangest bug."
"Humanity will wipe out the cancer from the human body."
"Despite this, humanity has prevailed time and time again, despite many setbacks."
"Life and The Human Experience will outlive all evil and will continue to blossom as trying as the times that follow."
"Stories of survival can be incredible because they show us the ability that humans have to adapt."
"This is the perfect example of the determination of the human spirit and our will to live."
"Once we accept that laughter and pain are related, we are less likely to be shocked when people laugh in all sorts of painful, even tragic situations."
"Humans are really, really good at getting ourselves so scared that we think we can't possibly solve this problem, and then we solve it."
"Your body can do amazing things when desperate and deprived." (Repeated for emphasis)
"Utam Molan's self-portraits stand as a poignant testament of a human spirit's resilience in the face of devastating adversity."
"When you're faced with what's seen as an existential threat, ordinary people do utterly extraordinary things."
"We need some type of gut punch or some type of near-death experience to wake up humans."
"History shows that humans are infinitely creative, adaptive, and can overcome through struggle and determination any hardship before them."
"What we usually see is human resilience; it's not like everybody dies, people survive."
"I'm an optimist about the long game. I think human resilience and ingenuity is strong enough that it will triumph."
"Humans evolved. We had to eat [ __ ] off the floor, eat berries and poison and rats. We're fine. We're built for this [ __ ]."
"It's the Triumph of the human spirit."
"Surviving and living in harmony... humans can find common ground when push comes to shove."
"The survivability of the human race never ceases to amaze me."
"One of the beauties of humanity is that we have continued to survive and to innovate in a way that addresses existential challenges."
"...the dragon is amazed by how humans calmly face difficult situations..."
"The ability of the human being to respond to an acute obvious situation such as COVID-19 is amazing."
"Human beings are extraordinarily resilient and adaptive."
"Humans can handle way, way more than we think we can handle."
"The Amazing Story of human history is of resilience."
"Life is hard, cruel, and unforgiving, yet humanity's persistent nature allows it to bravely continue despite the odds."
"We are a resilient species. We have this capacity to care about each other and to help each other."
"Humanity would somehow defy the odds and come out on top."
"You're a human being that is very resilient, you have a very complicated robust body."
"Throughout history, mankind has been forced to wage many battles in order to protect his family or nation against misfortune, disaster, or even possible extinction."
"They think we're defeated, but Kelians haven't even begun to understand what humans unleash when they truly anger us."
"Man has no greater enemy than disease, disease has no greater enemy than us."
"It's so wild to me how on the one side humans can be so resilient and survive horrible things and on the other side just how fragile and quick life can be taken from us."
"I learned more about the people than I did about what they did to survive. How they adapted to the moments, what they were doing, and that to me was an astounding experience."
"It is a testament to the resilience of the human body that many survived this procedure."
"The one thing I've learned since Hurricane Katrina is the power of people."
"By nature, humans exhibit remarkable resilience and flexibility, especially when faced with the challenge of inhabiting unconventional spaces."
"The endurance of Shackleton's crew is a testament to human determination and resilience."
"When there's a war looming, and humans are in a place where they could perish, maybe become extinct or destroyed, they dig deep and they find solutions."
"History moves in cycles, and all it takes is one huge natural disaster... all of a sudden we'll be back scrabbling once again like these people in the Stone Age."
"By the grace of God and many fateful events, I managed to survive the most brutal, the most cruel, the most inhumane treatment of human beings in the history of our planet."
"But today, we could be witnessing the unfolding of the most untold story of human resilience of the 21st Century."
"Recognize the presence of an inexhaustible love that remains unaffected by human affairs."
"Humans are resilient, and you'd be surprised."
"Humans are astonishingly adaptable, and we've been around for a long time."
"Humans put more attention to their Ground Forces; if not for them, then we would probably still be just yet another race conquered by the Farachians."
"Humanity had gazed into the very pit the dark gods of the warp or the worst it could ever be thrown at them and had spat into Evil's eye."
"Humans are very good at adapting."
"Shedding light on the extraordinary resilience and determination exhibited by those who risk everything for a chance at freedom."
"You've done literally the best any human could in this type of situation."
"I am hopeful about people's resilience and what we can do if we really want to do it."
"Will man destroy himself? The popular opinion seems to be he won't because he can't."
"Never underestimate belieber fever; it's almost as strong as the human will to survive."
"Humans are resilient, we can withstand extreme heat, extreme cold, we learn to adapt to the environment."
"We wouldn't have lasted as a species as long as we have on the planet, so it doesn't matter color, size, shape; we come out as babies, we're pretty resilient creatures."
"Blood types serve as quiet sentinels of our genetic past, creating a tapestry of human variation and resilience that transcends geographical borders and cultural divisions."
"It's not just the physical challenges of Earth that have shaped us as a species; it's the way we've learned to confront those challenges."
"Nature gave the human body the ability to survive in extreme situations."
"We're built for struggle, us human beings."
"What a tough thing your body is, right? It's built to withstand bending, swimming, childbirth, football, rollerblading, even company meetings."
"Humanity has its problems, individuals have their problems, but in moments of crisis, they can put that stuff aside and they can work together and they can do amazing things."
"For any virus, there will be one percent of the human race that is naturally immune."
"Every man, woman has a breaking point; some people are stronger than others."
"We as a society and as a human being, we are far more resilient than I think anybody really gives themselves credit for."
"The human race just found a way to manage the threat and live with it."
"You cannot stop people from being happy. You can make laws, but people will come up with ways to get around them."
"To deal with and to address the vagaries of life, human beings have developed coping mechanisms."
"We're super adaptable, we're meant to adapt."
"This is humanity; we take what's thrown and throw it back."
"We're amazing machines, man; we can self-fix ourselves."