
Strategy Quotes

There are 100824 quotes

"One of the great secrets to negotiation is learning how to exhaust the other side."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"I love the idea of a macro-structure. And I love the idea of de-loads in anticipation of being able to go further in the long-run in terms of results."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Knowing when to trade and when not to trade is just as important as finding good trades."
"Persistence and resourcefulness will get you there. The plan works as long as you work the plan long enough for it to work for you."
"Affiliate marketing works when you help other people get what they're searching for."
"A definition of leadership is that you have to find out where people want to go, assume they have their reasons, and then help them strategize."
"You just need one thing, one concept, one model, and you can be profitable."
"We're on a discount. That's the framework for high probability."
"This is about working smart first, then working hard."
"I decided I needed a spacious area for the various crafting and refining tables."
"Play to your strengths... in terms of the efficiency of the brain playing to your strengths is absolutely the best way to move forward."
"We only need one more artifact for the Broodmother boss fight, and that's in the lava cave."
"When I prep for a debate, I don't prep for the person because the person is irrelevant. I prep for the question or the subject of the debate."
"Everything was a calculation, everything was a decision, everything was based on what is my teacher looking for, what is the right answer, and what is the path of least resistance that will get me there."
"This card was arguably one of the strongest cards in Clash Royale history."
"The Elixir Golem changed the entire dynamic of the match."
"The Elixir Golem may have had a toxic past, but if the Royal giant can become a healthy win condition, I think it can have a bright future too."
"This is how I'm achieving my goals, this is how I'm getting closer to my dream, is by doing all of these little things as inconsequential as they may seem in the moment."
"Now we know the game plan of the enemy and Allah recorded it in the Quran so it's not a small thing to just pass by."
"You need to work on the right thing and work smart first. Working smart puts you on the starting line, then you got to work hard to win the race."
"Replacement works way better than abstinence."
"If you understand why other people do what they do, all you have to do is connect what they care about with what you want them to do, and you just increase the probability of them doing what you want them to do."
"You have to try and grow your population, make your people happy, and make as much gold as possible, all at the same time."
"Having good trading psychology is all about not letting your emotions interfere with your statistic advantage you have from your trading strategy."
"If you go through all 10 of these steps, your chances of becoming a profitable trader will go sky-high compared to anyone else that's trying to trade in the Forex market."
"The most powerful mental tools you can use in your arsenal... it's a little strange but once you get the hang of it, this is one of the most powerful mental tools you can use."
"Combine candlestick patterns with key levels and areas of confluence to increase the quality of the trade."
"Figure out what your goal is, measure and test."
"I'm gonna try something different. I went with raise the banners high."
"Holy, that's right, yeah, just volume of fire, just extra hits. Loving it, absolutely."
"It's kind of like I feel like I'm the prey in this game."
"The beauty of Destiny build crafting is in the loop of mods and abilities."
"If we could keep people from getting into these relationships in the first place...prevention in this case is the best cure."
"When you're making decisions, slow down. Slow is fast."
"The first step in crisis management... is just slow it down."
"Michael Jordan sees three people on him, he's gonna pass the ball... Kobe's gonna shoot with all five people on him."
"We're going to achieve work-life integration."
"Despite being a Duke with a credit value of 270, it still managed to defend itself against Julius's shot-kill attack."
"Don't try to do everything at once. The power is to concentrate your focus strategically into just a few, ideally one thing, to knock it out of the park."
"The secret to gaining the upper hand in negotiation is giving the other side the illusion of control."
"Never deny a negative directly; observation without denial can change the dynamic of a negotiation."
"Bet on your strengths, not on your weaknesses."
"Positivity and offense always wins. Historically, always."
"DeepMind's AlphaGo program... defeated Lee Sedol... in the game of Go. It played a move that all of the Go masters thought was a mistake... it turned out this was a masterful move."
"Sometimes the best defense is a good offense."
"Innovation has too many tanks. Serral can't take this fight."
"The way to never get a woman is to chase a woman; the way to get a woman is to chase everything else, and women show up."
"You can get yourself out of practically any situation if you really deeply understand the game's mechanics."
"You can carry anything if you cut it up in enough pieces."
"Your goal is to do multiple steps to make yourself safe. No one strategy is perfect; it's like a Swiss cheese model where there are holes in every strategy."
"I consider myself to be a value investor, so I continue to look for companies that are high quality, have enormous moats, they have high upside and very limited downside."
"Big Bank, one of Payday 2's most iconic heists bar none, it had amazing pre-planning, multiple ways to do objectives and escapes."
"You never actually have to ask them 'Did you kill?' They eventually tell you."
"I'm very fascinated by how much time people spend dwelling and debating, I think we glorify strategy and we underestimate execution."
"What's terrifying right now is Serral... can remax with ease and his army is already so so high-tech, so efficient."
"Every little mineral, every piece of gas counts at this point."
"This is such a perfect game by Serral; like, if you told me what was his mistake, I'd be like, what are you on about? He didn't even make one."
"Significant standoff distance might prevent you from being targeted and engaged."
"Ukraine is now targeting Russian oil refineries, causing significant damage and impacting Russia's oil production."
"What a defensive start to the game for the bananas."
"Grouping is OP. Most mid-game macro revolves around just being at the right place at the right time."
"Small things add up to one big thing. That's how League of Legends works, in my opinion."
"The beauty of StarCraft lies in its complexity and depth."
"Understanding the opponent's strategy is as crucial as executing your own."
"Anticipation is power. Leaders anticipate; losers react."
"It is a situation where the outcome does not depend on what you do, but it depends on what others do, and what you think that they think that you think that they will do."
"Those are the 10 steps, my friends. Those are 10 steps that if you follow those steps and you go deep into each one of those, you can make as much money as you want."
"You want the tactic to get into the top 20% of men? Write up the timetable."
"Amazingly good storms while he's counter-attacking. Great moves."
"There are times where jump pack is so clutch."
"Defense procurement is not a game where you can just load a previous save if you've made a suboptimal decision."
"Palafin has been an absolute monster in single battles, but I think it's a little bit more difficult to execute in doubles."
"The saying, which is 'Si vis pacem, para bellum', which is 'if you want peace, prepare for war'."
"Manta Style is extremely good on agility heroes... it confuses the enemy."
"Blademail... any damage you take gets returned to your enemy."
"Dust of appearance reveals nearby invisible units for 12 seconds. It has a big radius and a big cooldown."
"What I don't want Arsenal to do is get desperate and think, 'Oh, we have to win.' We do have to win, but don't lose the game."
"I'd like you to charge with your hippo, your hippo is going to have advantage on this attack roll because he's surprising these ghouls."
"You're killing yourself. I'm like, yeah, and to put your soul into the body of the hippo to save the hippo. Yes, exactly, absolutely, to help the team."
"I think the lesson of Bitcoin is: Bitcoin is the best asset; there is no second best asset. Buy Bitcoin, keep buying Bitcoin, don't sell the Bitcoin, ignore the noise."
"Dragon's Dogma 2 will test players not in the same way as Elden Ring or Souls games. It's not the kind of game that's about individual skill; it's a test of understanding, strategy, and preparedness."
"It's very complicated... but if Cole's ultimate plan did come to fruition, it would most certainly be constructive for the Imperium in one respect."
"Hypersonic missiles are designed to cruise within the Earth's atmosphere, giving their targets minimal time to detect and intercept them."
"SAM: Whirlwind. 'When you make a successful attack using a weapon with melee, you may also spend a Hope to use that roll against every other enemy in the range.'"
"Allowing players to spend their inspiration to impose disadvantage on an enemy's attack roll, saving throw, or ability check...could be very dramatic."
"The best way to speed up is to play uncomplicated moves that just improve something."
"Chess is about making your opponents uncomfortable."
"You never know when an opponent just kind of gets lazy and starts making mistakes."
"This guy is losing. He hasn't completely lost yet, but he is in the process of losing, and we need to capitalize on that."
"I'm not one to get carried away by one win, I'm not one to get carried away by one loss... we find ourselves in a good position going into the Champions League."
"As Brazil, just liberated all of Italy in one fell swoop."
"This is exactly why the rich get richer, because you look at the perspective beyond what's obvious. When you start looking at the income beyond what's obvious, it's like, oh my gosh, how could I not do this over and over and over again?"
"What we can do is make educated decisions based off of what we do know."
"Making money in the stock market is just as much strategy as it is psychology."
"Intelligent strategy with perfect execution is almost impossible to 3-0."
"It's when I think about how much replayability this game's going to have, having played a couple of games of it now, I can honestly say that you're looking at playing quite a few games to get to the vault."
"The game is never lost; there's always a way back. Wait for one mistake, and you can punish them."
"Look like the innocent flower, but be the serpent under't."
"You don't become number one by buying number three."
"Buckshot Roulette is a game where you play so badly, you actually psych out the AI into turning the gun on himself."
"War is always about choosing the lesser of two bad options."
"You don't want to make everyone an enemy; you win by making everyone your friend."
"War is a test of will, but it's also a test of logistics."
"I can deal with Stalin. He is honest but smart as the devil."
"The game rules are not that complicated, but the competitive aspect is huge."
"We cannot win today's battle using yesterday's tools."
"It's your willingness to walk away from the sword that's going to determine whether you can use your slingshot."
"Their whole strategy to steal 2024 through the use of weaponized legalism just exploded in their faces."
"Suzune thinks they should prioritize escaping the forest if it's really as dangerous as he says."
"The beauty of Gallagher is that even though he does have that break niche where he's going to excel and help buff your characters...he doesn't have to be in that because healing is actually pretty decent overall."
"The Meta has finally settled and I'm here to bring you my personal tier list for ranked play based on my observation."
"All Things Considered, though, it just means you have to be a bit more careful with your spell management and your queen charges."
"Passive abilities... are active throughout the entire attack so every time your queen fires, she is slowing down the defense."
"It's not a set it and forget it with the equipment where this combination is best for this strategy and this combination is best for this strategy. It all depends on the strategy you play and how you play it."
"Shen Yun is a solid five-star that I like and I'm happy with, but don't feel pressured to get her as she's not a must-have and will vary in strength based on who you play her with."
"This run, I got incredibly lucky with the Rocks: Full Restore and that's why we do this. Moomoo Milk, Super Potion, that's actually so sick."
"A two-round lead for NRG, they're the ones who call a timeout, perhaps feeling the situation slip from their grasps."
"Match point, so clean from crashies and Demon one to open it up like this."
"Operators will leave footsteps; when they're red, that means they're hot and close by."
"Smoke is really nice to have on your team... it covers a pretty decent area, it does significant damage, and it'll stop a plant most of the time."
"The best way to take down the biggest country on the planet is to use its own internal tensions against itself."
"The basic premise centers around the idea of solving a problem by first identifying and solving subproblems and then bringing these sub-problems together in some manner to solve the larger problem."
"I've enumerated nine different problem-solving principles... each one is deceptively simple. You would be shocked at how often you can make very meaningful progress in very hard problems just by keeping some of these tips in the back of your mind."
"It's a pretty smart business model to like create the problem and then be like sell people the solution."
"When you give things meaningful names, that actually helps you move forward in your problem."
"If you've ever played Factorio, you've probably realized that you always need more red circuit assemblers than you think."
"If you're exploring late game, it's definitely a big brain move to make an ender chest and bring it with you or even shulker boxes."
"Super Saiyan 3 is meant to be a form you use to end fights quickly because the more a fight goes on, the more energy will drain and you'll eventually burn out."
"When exploring, if you're trying to do things efficiently, I recommend picking one direction and going in a straight line."
"If you don't have your own plan, then you're the tool of someone else's plan."
"Finale of Eternity, a modal spell where you can destroy some creatures early in the game or reanimate your entire graveyard late in the game, adds a lot of modality."
"Living death is just an insane card. It's only 5.5 mana and extremely powerful."
"Imposing Grandeur is underplayed. Discard your hand, draw nine? That's a lot of cards."
"You can't win this game. You have to walk away from this table. The game is rigged."
"If you're told to do something by somebody...anything you can do to humanize yourself and comply with what the bad guys want increases your chance of survival."
"Being proactive about the emotions is about deactivating the negative emotions that either are taking place or highly predictable."
"How do we change the world? Do we work within the system or try to dismantle it?"
"Poker is often considered as both an art and a science."
"God is strategic. He has a plan for everything."
"It just shows how much the game is played in the minds as well as with the feet and the head."
"The only way to load the dice is to keep on fighting."
"Whether he's right or wrong or whether what he's saying is true or not, you do need to know what your adversaries are thinking."
"These guys aren't going to kill our base, but how long can they last?"
"I don't look for knockout. I look for a fight, and then if knock out, if I collect the information at some point and have opportunity, I take that opportunity."
"Good hacks can net you millions of ISK in a single trip."
"The best way to stop an incursion is just to prune the timeline so the rot doesn't continue to spread through the tree."
"These are essentially best in slot not for strength bonus...but the increase in DPS from recoil is actually a lot more than the increase in DPS from one max hit."
"Leaving aside his insane power, strength, durability, speed, and his godly hacks, Jin Wu's arsenal of abilities would have been useless without his insane big brain and intelligence."
"Believe my message to Sagi Serial on this was: don't be afraid to milk it."
"The spotlight shines on the need for robust risk management strategies and contingency plans to navigate turbulent waters."
"When everyone else was going slow in, fast out, Sam was going fast in, faster out."
"A bad plan is a lot better than no plan at all."
"We are getting more and more information, and it is affecting our understanding and therefore our strategies."
"It is so good to see your progress on the village, unlocking all of the new troops, having different strategies to work on."
"What would you do if a secret society is calling me and blackmailing me into doing a bunch of freaky... you know what I mean? I'm outsmarting them immediately."
"To win trivia, you need good planning, intelligence, and you need to think outside the box. Not in My Trivia. My Trivia you need to be dumb, random, and lucky in order to win."
"Goodbye! Oh my God, yes, yes! And my plan ended up working."
"Sometimes these games can go very fast. The cards go in your favor, and you play them correct."
"Holding the wild cards till the end is certainly working."
"Look at the Diplo strategy here from skirm Slayer though, I have suggested this for years more people need to do it."
"Follow me is one of the single strongest moves in the entire game."
"Having the vision and doing a little bit of strategy and homework is the most important thing."
"We will double down because the more they do this, the more they're going to expose the flaw in the system."
"You're done with compromising; your focus is now on how to win how to win the battle with my enemy."
"Like, when we plant, bro, do you see how much pressure it puts on them?"
"We can't let the virus rip, so we follow a balanced approach, to keep the R down while keeping schools and the economy going, and controlling the virus by changing our behavior so as to restrict its spread."
"We don't want to live our lives like this, but this is the narrow path we have to tread, between the social and economic trauma of a full lockdown and the massive human, and indeed economic, cost of an uncontained epidemic."
"Subscription cancellation is genius. I'm about to get on this ASAP."
"The people that win in this cycle are the people that have patience and a strategy."
"The only solution... it's more than just conversation, although that's a good start."
"We have got a lot of options, he's just got to put the jigsaw together."
"To win 100 victories in 100 battles is not the acme of skill. To subdue the enemy without fighting is the acme of skill."
"Probably the most expensive bluff in human history."
"The more offense we have, the less defense we need because if I just have a wall of turrets, everything will die before they're able to get a chance to even take a breath."
"Hopium is hope with a plan. We don't just hope the election is going to turn out well; we actually go to work to make it so."
"Let's not get overconfident; let's stay cool, calm, collected, and composed."
"Energy ball, okay, that's fine, just don't crit me, please. Great, there's the light screen value."
"Mega Adino EX, which was used by Japanese player Shintaro Ito to win the 2016 World Championship, pretty much everyone considered that card to be completely useless, and it clearly wasn't designed to be that good, but a creative player found a way to use it in an unexpected way."
"Darkest Dungeon is about making the most of a bad situation. You are not expected to succeed on your first expedition, or even your tenth. Heroes will die, failure will abound, and the world will seek to smother your flame."
"The greatest leader wins without battle because they've already surveilled the frontier and the terrain ahead of them."
"You wouldn't give a Blues starter Eevee hyperbeam right; that's just too strong."
"The entire war... was all for the sake of drawing out as many adventurers as they could."
"There is no room for nuance in winning; there's lots of room for nuance in governing, but we don't get to govern if we don't win."
"Leverage is about using what you have to get where you need to be."
"If you want to be successful, a super successful person always stacks the deck in their favor."
"The way you make hard things easy is you stack the deck in your favor; you don't try and play with a disadvantage."
"They didn't so much beat the lottery odds as they figured them out."
"Defending is way harder than attacking. Defenders have to be alert 100% of the time."
"What a sight, careful. All right, so in here we've got our hub terminal. We have tier 1, tier 2, and then all the other tiers are locked via the space elevator we have to build."
"It's like a strategic chess match where every move counts."
"The most important thing I believe that we need to do is we need to understand the dynamic, not the diagnosis."
"A good investment plan is always slow and steady."
"Your army of dollar bills is doing what it needs to."
"Batman has always been a genius tactician...and he is infamous for having contingencies for every eventuality no matter how unlikely or absurd."
"The key to success here is patience. Rushing in like a bull in a china shop will only lead to disaster."
"What we urgently need now is quiet diplomacy, not microphone diplomacy."
"By wise counsel you will wage your own war, and in a multitude of counselors there is safety." - Proverbs 24:6.
"When you bring out five competitors, the person in the middle is most likely going to win."
"You big old fool, I knew my glowing effect would throw you off because I was deep below."
"It's time for me to craft my secret weapon, one bucket of lava."