
Exhaustion Quotes

There are 3166 quotes

"One of the great secrets to negotiation is learning how to exhaust the other side."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"You must understand that it is possible to completely exhaust your supply of dreams, thereby entering a state in which you will not be able to wake up."
"The commitment he displays to his wife and their baby despite the visible exhaustion he feels every day is touching."
"I'm tired, I feel like this pandemic is just kind of stealing away the past two years of our life."
"I'm tired... I'm more tired probably, but I am trying to channel that tiredness into innovation."
"Grace carries you home at the end of your efforts, when your resources are exhausted and you are without further recourse. I am there for you with loving wild grace to carry you home."
"I'm very tired and I only got three days left."
"We have become a world, again, I think we're in a largely symbolic economy now. You want everything you do to reflect your deepest commitments, and that is exhausting."
"I feel alive again, but also like I need a nap."
"Misery is an equal opportunist...but being dysfunctional is exhausting."
"It's pretty exhaustive." "Exhausting." "That as well."
"Mental exhaustion is very real and it impacts so many people, but what can help diminish that exhaustion is structure and organization."
"I'm kind of tired. I think I'll go home now."
"My social battery has been at an all-time low."
"Sometimes, and today has been a little rough for me. I'm trying to hydrate, trying to eat healthy, and have protein and good snacks, but I'm so tired."
"Other times reality simply waits patiently for you to run out of the energy it takes to deny it."
"He's in a state where he can't fight anymore."
"I'm exhausted. Who cares if you're not with me, you're against me. F off."
"I still find the cognitive stuff exhausting."
"More and more people are like I am done with this."
"At the end of this, you are guaranteed failure, you are guaranteed sleep, you are guaranteeing destruction."
"There's so much to say that I think I'm going to have to split this into two updates because my fingers are legit going numb."
"The stench of overtime is just... it's full on my nostrils right now."
"They're so tired. They're exhausted. All I got to say is tomorrow it's gonna be a little bit crazy because tomorrow is the day." - Dianna
"The CIAA was also very much interested in recording and transcribing the works of certain priests who served as Exorcists and their findings in certain cases of supposed possessions."
"I've never felt so much exhaustion together with so much joy at the same time."
"Donald Trump's fashion relies on just exhausting the crap out of you so that you tap out."
"Anyway, this has been a grueling video over a year in the making... so I'm gonna go take a nap. See you later guys, I love you."
"I feel like I need a nap after spending so many hours on both of these puzzles."
"As much as I wish I could just keep going on fumes, at one point it catches up with you."
"He's gasping for air as no man is at a vertical base yet."
"So, objective truths. Okay, good luck just like just once in a while could I have a good old-fashioned objective truth that we can just compare everything against and this is exhausting right."
"It was a mark of everyone's exhaustion that the annoying little Xenos's idea was accepted without argument."
"She's been taking care of me all by herself, she says it's exhausting."
"She's had a long day, she needs to hit the sack."
"I was always trying to hide from it the work too was exhausting."
"This is the silliest stream I've ever had, it's just like oh we're testing our stuff whatever, I'm like sleep deprived and about to just cry but uh we have a stream going."
"The attacker is charging up the road, Giles can't even get up, he's so tired."
"I don't have the energy or willpower right now."
"Mentally and physically exhausted all the time."
"People are tired... the system does not work for them."
"I am your source of strength, even when you are weak and exhausted."
"How glad are you that this week is over? I am fucking tired man."
"This stuff really doesn't mean a lot to me. I read all the letters, I open all the packages, so guys, thank you so much for what you do and just watching me and sending me stuff. God, I'm so tired."
"Every game I come out looking absolutely tiresome and deflated... I've had enough."
"Our heroes reach the destination they've long been chasing but it's not hope or relief they feel in this moment; it's exhaustion and despair."
"I know that it's going to take it out of me."
"But I think it's more if I go all-in with the f1 stuff and if I put everything I can into you know be world champion and get what I what I'm after I think I'll be quite exhausted afterwards and quite done with it."
"You're not alone in feeling exhausted. It's time to fill your own cup."
"We're all running out of strength to fight, there's no reason for shedding any more unnecessary blood here."
"Baby Yoda using the Force broke my heart, but then he's so exhausted he passes out. Adorable."
"Our kids had a ton of fun, it's been a long few days."
"I feel like I've not taken a vacation in forever."
"I saw happy you guys were, you talk about being tired but also very excited and it was a crazy day."
"I'm freaking done with this whole day. I'm out!"
"I'm privy to seeing that happen again and again now and I'm tired of it."
"Oh those darn jerks in the anime industry are at it once again putting out Banger after Banger with absolutely no regard for the fact that yazzy and I just moved and we're exhausted."
"It can be tiring to have to be on all the time."
"People say, 'Wow, you're living the life,' but it's tiring and comes with sacrifices."
"Over scheduling is a huge rookie mistake... you're going to be exhausted."
"Last night, I was very busy. Whoa, I don't know how I made it in this morning."
"You're just too tired, like mentally, emotionally, to deal with it."
"I'm a single mom, I'm working 18-hour days, I'm exhausted, I need your help."
"It felt like a lot of weight on your feet because you've been standing literally eight hours all day."
"Your body has used up its energy stores of carbohydrates and fats."
"Plot twist, it's a horrible idea. You're just so sleep deprived that you're like dude, you're like this edible microwaves I know it sounds crazy but trust me."
"Alonso retired; he was just tired of running around at the back."
"Running exhausts you, right, even though I love running."
"It's just a weird feeling after you get done with a session and you're just like at the brink of like man I would rather die than keep going if you haven't felt that it feels so good when you're done."
"By the end of that game, you felt as exhausted as Ethan, you felt exasperated, you felt like you literally went through hell and back."
"I just wrapped a subathon, and my brain is fried, but I woke up today, and I'm not wearing the shirt of shame so I must have done something right."
"Yeah, it'd be exhausting sometimes, you just want to take a break."
"I'm so exhausted that even if I pass, I'm going to be happy and relieved."
"Empty the tank. When you come off that field in the second half, you should have nothing left."
"Become aware of when you start feeling exhausted."
"I don't want to hear any words you have left in your body."
"You look exhausted, you trying to get that ball?"
"I spent my whole life making myself smaller for other people, and I'm tired of it."
"Viewer exhaustion aside, this is definitely one of my favorite TV shows. I absolutely love it."
"She's really tired... never felt so scared before."
"That's why I said unsure because I was extremely tired. I could have been hallucinating from exhaustion."
"It is an artless, ugly, and creatively exhausted album."
"I think when you get tired, that's when you're done."
"We got no sleep. This was some of the most insane Paranormal Activity I have ever heard."
"I just feel tired at this point... I know I deserve better and I am sorry but this is not going to work anymore and it's over."
"You look like you're doing a lot better I know you were super tired that day you were probably exhausted there's about 20 on the trip."
"I'm tired of seeing people go to jail, I'm tired of having their rights stripped away."
"After seven days on the jolly mountain fire, I feel beat up. Not as young as I used to be."
"I accidentally fell asleep, but honestly, throughout nursing school, I've learned that happens."
"We signed 15,373 individual prints over the past six days and I don't ever want to sign anything again."
"I am tired of all the hate mail, I'm tired of people showing up at our factories, I'm tired of reading the misinformation out on the internet."
"I'm tired of this narrative that people are spinning."
"Once I determined that no, I'm supposed to be here, this is definitely the right thing to do, I'm just worn out, I could move on to my second step."
"She's more or less been working ever since she joined the firm like the absolute tired sleepy allo Bertram but also hard-working Queen."
"Running out of steam in a fight is the loneliest place in the world."
"We are tired, we are fighting these reptiles and this and that but these are all human collective shadows."
"Seven in the morning I fear that last night I jimmied a little too close to the sun I don't know how Jimmy does this I don't know how you can sustain this lifestyle."
"He's in a great position now that left him his attack has ran out of steam."
"I've been talking for like a million hours now and I don't feel like writing an outro, this is what you get."
"Thanos is tired, killed his own daughter, and then wiped out half the universe's population. Get the wine ready, this boy is primed and ready for a big, bad retirement."
"He's wearing them down, wearing them out." - Commentator
"Everyone was just so tired afterwards. For our end, because it's a pretty long split anyway, even when you don't count in MSI."
"So he's literally gonna pass out as soon as he gets home."
"When black people talk about when we talk about experience we then have to like then educate everyone else as to why this is our experience which is draining."
"Children are blessings but they're also exhausting."
"I just feel like I've run a marathon, or come off a fairground ride or something, and I've been asleep at the same time. But it's amazing."
"Depression is so exhausting. It takes up so much of your time and energy, and silence about it, it really does make the depression worse."
"It's like a war zone... they're tired but they can fight."
"Let's just go home, gamers. Spent a lot of time in there."
"Civilization at some point I collapsed from exhaustion but when I woke again I returned to running bound by fear and hunger."
"I'm tired," he says. "I have been trying so very hard to do the right thing but for all his efforts he had only fulfilled the prophecy of this cycle he and the dr. Monty had forged the endless loop."
"Absolute Peak twitch chat puked out, I'm all worm holy moly."
"It took like everything out of me to do that intro but here we are."
"It was great, it wasn't a permanent vacation, it was exhausting."
"It's fatigue of just being tired of the bait and switch."
"They don't care about the working people. They don't care about regular Americans. They care about enslaving you."
"He's feeling super focused, but he's so drained and also needs a shower."
"I have been researching the Ace Family for quite a while now, and honestly, these people are exhausting."
"I am tired of everything. I am tired of everyone. I am over it."
"We're exhausted, but it was so much fun."
"Women are so tough. So, I haven't had many days of relief and I'm tired now. I've been tired. I'm tired."
"I'm just so tired of fighting a losing battle with my own family."
"I struggled... I was trying to blog in one arm and falling asleep all like doing the same time."
"When my head hits the pillow after being a professional figure skater, I'm out."
"After watching the playback, stripe collapsed on the ground."
"It's exhausting, you keep showing up for someone who doesn't."
"I've just been feeling really really physically and mentally exhausted to the point that it's been making me cry. I feel like I can't really function properly."
"Everyone is exhausted as you can imagine is exhausted mentally physically financially."
"We're tired, we're exhausted, and we're literally on the edge."
"Just go to sleep" - Just go to sleep, aren't you tired?
"At this point, my voice is really tired so I'm just gonna think of a number between 1 through 4."
"It's beyond compare. We have won all of the arguments, and I'm tired that we're still having them."
"It's a spiritual war, and if you're feeling really tired and really drained, it's because they're all out on the Astral right now."
"I feel blessed, I feel happy, I feel tired. Damn, I'm tired."
"People get sick and tired of being sick and tired."
"I can't put no more on for sale y'all I can't I'm so sorry."
"The devil loves for us to feel this way, the enemy desires for us to be at a point where we just simply cannot go any longer because we're emotionally exhausted."
"Nothing, and I believe she knows off the strength that when I work and come home, I'm tired."
"I always say the greatest moment in a man's life is when he lies totally exhausted on the battlefield, victorious."
"Reject Jesus, you're rejecting Jesus himself."
"Aren't you tired of running? Aren't you tired of fighting him?"
"I'm really ready for it to be over... It's gotten to a point where it really is taking over 99.9% of my brain capacity."
"Even the birds weren't flying, and people are walking their dogs in that heat and the dogs were like, I'm gonna... they look like they were drunk."
"I've had enough of ruckus for a good while. If I don't encounter a ruckus for the rest of my life, it would be okay."
"We freaking given this everything that we got and we got 8 days left. We're tired you guys, we're feeling it hardcore but we're on the home stretch Finish Line is right around the corner."
"Take it from me, it took me a long time. I've been a mom for eight years now and there's been so many times where I'm just left on empty."
"Let me tell you my life story. I flew 16 hours to get back here, I barely slept anything."
"You're tired of what these connections do with regards to emotions."
"No sleep in my body, no [expletive] in my body."
"Let's go!" - "I haven't even slept yet, I'm wearing the same clothes from last night's show, but it's awesome. Let's [ __ ] go!"
"All parents are tired; you can't not be a parent anymore because you're tired."
"Poor mom, she's worked her shopping dad. She really did."
"Sleep is hard... I could seriously on a Saturday morning sleep 12 hours."
"I worked three flights today, but just in general for those last like month or two, I've been just running and running and running."
"That's what 40 hours of Pokémon gets you. Can't even speak English anymore!"
"Ant death spiral: the ants circle around and around until they drop dead of exhaustion."
"Let him throw, let him wear himself out, he'd start placing his shots then boom, find the kill shot."
"I'm so exhausted but I feel so accomplished today."
"Honestly, I needed it because I was running ragged."
"It might feel like you have to keep on giving, giving, giving, giving, and there is no reward. It's like a bottomless pit."
"Champions suck it up and execute when they're tired."
"Joey finally having done what he sought out to do no longer needs to remain conscious he declares Mai the winner and collapses from exhaustion."
"I'm getting exhausted, I feel absolutely dead."
"The content train never stops even when you want to get off."
"I spent yesterday up at the cabin. I was exhausted because I went down there like five o'clock in the morning, driving in the night to go to my cabin which is not super far away but anyway."
"I know we were exhausted, I was literally delusional like I felt like I was talking to my mom, she was like 'yeah girl get out the phone you slurring', I was delusional so dukes shout out to mom dukes."
"Frenzy Plant is entirely plant-bending nature druid magic stuff; they just go crazy with it, which is exhausting."
"I'm getting tired of things just getting crazier, of more and more trans people talking about it."
"Neither one of them are gonna die, just die from exhaustion."
"Chopping wood is super fun, it's slightly relaxing, it feels good, it's also incredibly tiring."
"People get exhausted trying to figure me out and I just let them."
"What happened to this love? My girl was like, 'I don't know. I don't feel like doing that over again. It's too much. I did it twice.'"
"I've got nothing left in the tank dude, I'm officially over it."
"I felt so drained of energy and I had a terrible headache. I sat up looking around and saw that my tackle box had been smashed flat."
"I'm so tired for no reason I got a record for the next six hours but I love it."
"Don't give up, you're nearly there, but you may be burning the candle at both ends."
"Long days though, I'm telling you man, really long."
"That's life, alrighty. I am so exhausted, I literally slept for maybe maybe maybe four hours and that's including a nap I took."
"It's not because we're just really tired and falling asleep."
"Someone's had enough, you know, and someone's just tired of the way that this person is treating them."
"He's burnt out, you're burnt out now too, everybody's taking chip damage, oh God!"
"I'm mentally, physically, and emotionally exhausted."
"There are days where you're like, 'I'm tired, I'm just tired.'"
"I've been feeling very tired, lazy, and exhausted most of the time. Constant exhaustion, it takes so much out of me."
"Honestly, you're so exhausted that you don't care you do not care who sees your vagina as long as the baby gets out of there."
"Thank you for watching I am so sleep-deprived so sorry you had to listen all that I'm really glad that you did and at this far please comment something crazy like it's coming something creaking random like I love committing tax fraud."
"I've been feeling burnt creatively burnt personally burnt just burnt like crispy Ash in a little pile on the floor."
"I just got tired of always having to put the relationship back together."
"I'm so out of breath because I let you just talk for like a solid or they're just talking about all my makeup products."
"And usually that's on a shoot day when I'm really exhausted, it's an omelet."
"Masking is one of the most exhausting and draining things."
"It's fun in spurts, but it also takes a lot out of you and grinds you down."
"Mayo Clinic defines burnout as a state of physical or emotional exhaustion that also involves a sense of reduced accomplishment and a loss of personal identity."
"At least I'm exhausted and the house is clean, right?"
"They're fine, just a little tired... The kids are all right... It's been a long day for them."
"At the end of it I was just done and the thought of going back... I just couldn't face it."
"It's almost like it's saying that he woke up in x-men hell surrounded by these colors that he's so tired of seeing."
"Thank you so much for watching guys, I gotta go to bed before I die because I feel like I'm about to."
"I'm ready to take a big break. Yay, I made it! Oh my God, I am so tired."
"Ain't you tired, Miss Hilly? Ain't you tired?"