
Circumstances Quotes

There are 835 quotes

"There are fair, legitimate questions that you can ask under any circumstances."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Man's ultimate freedom to choose your attitude in any set of circumstances."
"Happiness is a choice. It's not based on circumstances; it's based on choices."
"Man is not the creature of circumstances; circumstances are the creatures of man."
"Happiness is conditionally based. Happiness means that the external things around you are going well... Joy is never dependent upon my circumstances."
"The Bible says that only true peace can come from the Lord. Circumstances are always going to be there. Some things may not ever get better."
"It's a rare friendship that lasts beyond individual circumstances."
"Happiness comes from a place inside that is not always based on your surrounding parameters, not always based on your circumstances."
"You are meant to have very positive circumstances in your life."
"Catra isn’t evil just because she’s evil, she’s the product of her circumstances."
"People don't realize how much agency they have. They can choose their response to their circumstances."
"I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I'm in."
"I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances."
"Rule number three: Never let your temporary circumstances make you feel like you are permanently stuck there forever."
"Joy can be ever present, no matter what the circumstances."
"Miyazaki paints a view of the world that's truer to life: one with bad circumstances, bad choices, bad reasoning, and very few genuinely bad people."
"You have the privilege to call on the name of the Lord regardless of what your circumstances may be."
"Individual agency is largely dictated by the circumstances and options you have available to you."
"Unfortunately, we can't choose our parents, you know, so we've got the cards that we were dealt."
"You are not a victim of your circumstances; you are a creator of them."
"A man cannot directly choose his circumstances, but he can choose his thoughts, and so indirectly, yet surely, shape his circumstances."
"Your choices shape your life far more than your circumstances do."
"Men make their own history, but they do not make it as they please; they do not make it under self-selected circumstances, but under circumstances existing already, given and transmitted from the past."
"Under right circumstances, I think we would have been perfect for one another."
"Genius is not simply an internal characteristic of brain and smarts and talent; it's those combined with circumstance."
"I developed a paranoia, so the circumstances to that situation had changed me."
"People do the best they can do, given the circumstances they're in."
"Our past and present circumstances do not determine our future."
"Sometimes depression is just born out of circumstances that should make you depressed. You lose your job, you don't have a mental illness, you're depressed because your circumstances are depressing."
"God never intended that circumstances should control his children."
"No individual or group can be blamed for being born into circumstances that lack advantages."
"It seemed like more of a plan than unfortunate circumstances."
"You are attracting a complete change in your physical circumstances."
"How did she wind up in that river? What was her cause of death? What was she going through in her final moments?"
"No reflection on you, it just might not be the right situation."
"We need to recognize that this time, something is different."
"Sometimes it's not always that woman being lazy or being unkempt, she might have just lost her baby's father..."
"Please support it according to your circumstances."
"Everyone is capable of heroism, of compassion under the right circumstances."
"It's amazing how quickly things can turn for your favor or against."
"You never see it coming. It could be bad timing, bad judgment, or just bad luck. But in an instant, your life changes."
"It is what it is, there's not much I can do about it."
"Perfect timing and the situation will improve."
"Your praise is not dependent upon your circumstances."
"Innocent people might be ensnared by ambiguous circumstances."
"Everybody can change their mind based on circumstances."
"Desperate times are for desperate measures, desperate measures for desperate expenses."
"It's weird how quickly your luck can turn though. It's like things are actually looking up right now."
"We are all in our own circumstances, like, we don't give ourselves enough credit."
"History doesn't repeat, especially if the situation is different, and it's always different."
"God's capacity to swiftly improve your circumstances."
"It's not the baby's fault... what happened happened."
"I believe people should definitely do whatever they can to work for whatever circumstances they're in."
"Everybody had been out earlier in the evening. To a certain degree, I feel that she might have been semi-intoxicated under the influence of something." - Mike
"You pretty much just have to make the best of a bad situation."
"In the right circumstances, with the right encouragement, the most seemingly civilized people are prepared to commit the most terrible crimes imaginable."
"Stop feeling sorry for yourselves because of your circumstances."
"Desperate times call for desperate measures, literally."
"It's circumstance, but it's the human aspect."
"Just do the best that you can at the time with what you have."
"The key thing here for shifting out of undesirable circumstances is to realize that the more you focus on them internally, the more it's going to build momentum."
"You can rise up no matter the circumstances."
"Circumstances don't make us what we are; they reveal what we are."
"There is always a particular circumstance that winds up developing in these situations that really you could never anticipate."
"I did all that I could with what was at my disposal."
"It seems much more apt to say that she was the daughter of the circumstances that led her to ascend to the throne... fighting for what she thought was right."
"Success changes your circumstances far more than it changes you."
"Why on earth would I say yes under such a circumstance?"
"I think life is all about ninety percent the situations you're put in, ten percent how you react to them."
"People are always blaming their circumstances for what they are. I don't believe in circumstances."
"Happiness depends upon circumstances. Joy has something to do with the inner person."
"Good people do bad actions based on circumstances."
"It doesn't have anything to do with intelligence or business savvy or even financial literacy. When you're a victim of a scam, you're a victim of a scam because the right person at the right time with the right pitch caught you at the bad time."
"Depending on your life, your situation, your surroundings, it's going to affect you differently."
"It shouldn't take exceptional circumstances for you to change your mind."
"The circumstances were different, but they had their similarities."
"This one feels the most special of all because of the circumstances surrounding it."
"You may feel trapped currently in a situation."
"The miraculous often emerges from unexpected circumstances."
"Humans make history but not as they please, not under circumstances of their choice."
"You're not always defined by where you're living or your current situation."
"Making the right decisions in the circumstances that you're in."
"You don't control who stops you, but you definitely control how you react."
"Trust the situation is calling you to have trust and faith."
"I never want to paint that picture... when in the right circumstances and in the right mindset."
"It's so important to set your mind and don't allow the circumstances around you to set your mind."
"Life shouldn't feel tough all the time, and if it is, it's not necessarily your physical circumstances that are the only cause of that."
"It's not really our circumstances that upset us; it's the way we react to our circumstances that upset us."
"We can't always control the circumstances, we can control how we react to them."
"Why should I identify you by your situation?"
"You need to influence your circumstances by taking action."
"They were doing the best that they could."
"But as I lift my hands, I understand that I should praise Him through my circumstance."
"Under different circumstances, he might have been a good person."
"Any pain that you might be experiencing now is so much less than the pain that would have taken root if certain circumstances were allowed to continue."
"Some of the deaths were a little unusual."
"I can only describe the entire episode and its circumstances as bizarre."
"If you want riches, you must refuse to accept any circumstance that leads toward poverty."
"If you work on yourself, you can improve your dating life, you can improve just your overall circumstances."
"I don't let circumstances dictate to me; I dictate to the circumstances."
"State of being creates circumstances, circumstances do not create the state of being."
"Circumstances are only relative, they are not absolute truth."
"I wasn't always like this, your honor. Last year I was running my own business, supporting my family."
"It's just one of those things, it's a combination of factors between Sammy's behavior, the terrain out here, the fact that there are a lot of places to hide."
"I found a friend in the most unlikely of places, in the most unlikely of circumstances."
"I want to see what happens and they go well don't put him in a situation where he has to kill someone and I'm like that's just like you're protecting your God in a way right you're making your God irrelevant if he can't be in that situation"
"Success isn't determined by birthright or fate, it's determined by what you do with the hand you're dealt."
"Just because you're born in a set of circumstances don't mean you have to live in a set of circumstances."
"Circumstances do not make the man; they merely reveal him to himself."
"I wish this little family reunion was under better circumstances."
"Allow yourself to feel joyful regardless of the circumstances you currently find yourself in."
"People are allowed to change their mind. If you guys have watched my videos, one video I may be feeling Nene, the next one I don't. So I agree that people get to feel the way they feel based on the circumstances that they're in."
"...we're not using the distribution on purpose. It's very windy today. I can tell you driving 45, 50 mph I really wish I had it."
"Who can also be said that their madness was a result of extreme circumstances."
"Material conditions are the primary motivator."
"I don't judge God by my circumstances. I change my circumstances by my God."
"We need to create the circumstances in which wisdom can grow."
"Potential is there, just the right circumstances for it to flourish."
"God can change everything in your life without changing any of your circumstances."
"Avoid situational circumstances that can set you up."
"Take control of your circumstances."
"You can have joy in the midst of the most difficult circumstances."
"Nell explained to FR that saki had endured unfortunate circumstances for a long time."
"Really what's going on here is there's an issue of fit. There's an issue of fit between the brain of the person and the circumstances that they find themselves in."
"Circumstances change and sometimes the enemy of my enemy becomes my friend."
"The only reason he did write a book was because he was literally imprisoned with a ghostwriter."
"People be born into these unfortunate circumstances and true. She said, 'I'm a wife.'"
"Normally I'd be happy about this."
"If you wait for the perfect circumstances you may never leave them."
"...it's really a [__] benefit of your surrounding or your circumstances man..."
"Your situation should not determine your conviction in God. God is God even if you are broke."
"It's not possible to be born into a circumstance where your entire being, the essence of you, is forged in this way and to have that thing not bring you happiness. It's not possible."
"You know what's hard? The circumstances of life."
"Choosing love in that particular case and scenario."
"I didn't grow up wanting to be like a sex worker, just situations."
"Many persons take the point of view that all these happenings are accidents, they arise from circumstances which we do not understand and we cannot overcome."
"Circumstances are the means by which the soul receives its own."
"I'm always reminded of James Allen and as a man thinketh he said that circumstances do not make a man they reveal him."
"The power to lead a fulfilling life lies not in changing our circumstances, but in changing our response to them."
"But actually I realized that there’s no bad kids, but just awful circumstances."
"Understand that sometimes there's a need to surrender to our circumstances."
"Happiness is a result of circumstances, of upbringing, of nurture. It's what we experienced before that determines what we are today."
"I always wonder what got them to the place they are at."
"Why would you allow your circumstances to change the way that you see yourself?"
"Hope often comes about from a change in circumstances, and that we can actually act our way into a better inner world."
"I saw that over and over again, and I'd like to say I wasn't like that, but given the same circumstances, I would have probably done the same thing."
"Or are they victims of their environment?"
"What will be, guess whatever your circumstances, you will find your motivation to achieve your goals increases."
"The only way to end a cycle of violence is to better understand its cause and make the best of these circumstances we've been given."
"I'm not a product of my circumstances. I'm a product of my decisions."
"Whatever it is that you are experiencing right now, no matter how dire the circumstance is, it can change, and yes, you can get them to miss you."
"Some serial killers do stop spontaneously and for no reason. They stop because circumstances have changed, not because of anything innate."
"You don't know a person's circumstances okay that's huge."
"What better set of circumstances to really shake us into a space of 'this isn't good enough, this isn't what we want truly' and we can create anything, so now what do we want?"
"We tend to think we are our circumstances and conditions."
"The alteration in his circumstances has been in exact ratio with his altered mental condition."
"Hope is all you have in circumstances as insurmountable as Aang's."
"Don't make permanent decisions over temporary circumstances."
"We are not bound by our circumstances, our past, or other people's expectations."
"Faith is at the root of all of this."
"Man proposes and God disposes, reflecting Grant's adaptability and acceptance of circumstances."
"The stage is set for men, but your responsibility as an individual is the same - you have to play the hand of cards that you're dealt."
"Your circumstances do not dictate who you are."
"The individual is born when he is born and where he is born because of what he is."
"Our hope isn't in our happiness or our circumstances."
"Your circumstances are being a mirror of what's going on inside."
"If you're going to wait around for perfect circumstances, how can you ever accomplish anything?"
"Your person feels stressed, caught off balance, torn between different energies, different circumstances."
"No matter the circumstances we were born into, we are totally responsible for every action we have taken."
"I always think like no matter what circumstance you put them in they're gonna come out okay."
"The message I would sort of take away from this is like, I know there's that kind of thing of you know you should always push ahead or face your fears or just keep going even if you're not ready, but I think it's, it depends on the circumstance and the individual."
"You are better than your circumstances."
"Talent never goes away under the right circumstances."
"There must be probable cause and an exigent circumstance."
"It's funny like those little things that could change the trajectory of sliding."
"how foolish did Sarah look in Walmart in the maternity section"
"God speaks to us through our circumstances."
"Get comfortable, or as comfortable as you can get in your current circumstances."
"In an insane world it was the sanest choice."
"Joy is never dependent upon my circumstances."
"Decide to be happy. You're never going to be happy if you don't decide you're going to be happy, in spite of your circumstances."
"I come before you in humble supplication pleading for your mercy in the dire circumstances that engulf me."
"It's not the circumstances, it's the way you think."
"Difficult circumstances do not control my life or my obedience."
"It's not hard to be nice when everything's going pretty good for you." - Joyce Meyer
"The essence of adaptability and evolving with changing circumstances is key."
"We are victims of our environment basically, we're victims of our circumstances."
"We are all in different situations in life so keep in mind that those factors also are a thing."
"Circumstances can affect you only as you permit them. You can voluntarily and definitely change your attitude toward life and all things."
"We're not defined by our circumstances; we're defined by the choices we make in response to our circumstances."
"Love is willing the good of the other. You must always love in all circumstances. There's never an exception. It's never right not to love. Those are truly absolute values."
"My final thoughts are things turned out better than expected given the circumstances."
"Your circumstances are never an excuse to be a shitty person."
"It's not sexist according to the clear what's happening in the circumstances."
"Circumstances are not necessary; our responses to circumstances are."
"Your circumstances can be affected by your internal world. And essentially in that Acts 14 scripture, he was just sharing how actually at the end of the day, it's not even about the external circumstances, it's about our sensitivity to the Holy Spirit."
"A lot of that stuff happens in places that aren't exactly prime."
"Sometimes specific circumstances can transform someone into the greatest version of themselves."
"If that studio weren't in Angell Town, they'd just be on the block."
"He's got no businesses, no money, some kid who he helped out in the past is now running the show and seeing a shrink on the side, so can you blame him for being frustrated?"