
Legitimacy Quotes

There are 822 quotes

"There are fair, legitimate questions that you can ask under any circumstances."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"To say that the moon is made out of cheese... it might not be a lie, but if you have no legitimate basis to make such a statement of fact, it's as good as a lie."
"The Constitution of the United States is to be approved by the people themselves... the solid basis of the consent of the people. The streams of national power ought to flow immediately from that pure, original fountain of all legitimate authority."
"You do not have to work as a photographer to be legitimate. If you already take photographs and you enjoy it, you are already legit."
"A person cannot legitimately claim to have conquered Mount Everest if other climbers had to carry them down the mountain."
"Bitcoin became a legitimate asset class for money runners."
"Nothing is sacred anymore, and most important, nothing is legitimate, least of all those institutions charged with dispensing justice."
"One of the main advantages of regulation in the crypto market is that this is just going to legitimize this entire asset class."
"There must never be a narrowly voted impeachment or an impeachment supported by one of our major political parties and opposed by the other. Such an impeachment will produce divisiveness and bitterness in our politics for years to come and will call into question the very legitimacy of our political institutions."
"The funny thing is, what they don't understand is, for people who are populist, it doesn't matter how many establishment figures you use to try to delegitimize someone, because that actually makes him more powerful."
"India's pharmaceutical industry is legit. The story of how this industry came about is an interesting one."
"The increase in the prospect of being illegitimate is a direct proportion of us not being able to get these reforms passed."
"Legitimacy is ultimately decided in the minds of the population."
"The key objective of counterinsurgency operations is to ensure that the host nation government meets the baseline expectations of the population to solidify its legitimacy."
"Protest must be valued as a legitimate exercise of freedom."
"I think the legitimacy of any ruler or any rule on a long-term basis must be rested upon whether it delivers for a vast majority of the people that they govern."
"Is this a Witch Hunt or is this a legitimate judicial inquiry?"
"That's what full disclosure has to be if it's legit."
"If it's a relation of authority among human beings which places some above others, then that's illegitimate by assumption."
"People are becoming completely delegitimized in the eyes of the masses, and we're very, we're in the midst of this tipping point."
"Project Veritas actually put out legitimate information, information that was threatening to the powers that be."
"The American people elected President Joe Biden."
"That skepticism is a legitimate place to be coming from."
"But don't claim it's ridiculous for people to have serious and sincere concerns about what is happening."
"You gain legitimacy from economic growth only temporarily and then people demand more."
"This particular debate around trans casting, just like the one before it around trans people in bathrooms, is ultimately a proxy battle for whether or not trans people are legitimate members of our society."
"Your home seems to have legitimate paranormal activity."
"Trump is fighting for legitimacy... the best path for Trump to get legitimacy is on January 6 at this point."
"I think the real issue is they say don't platform, don't you legitimize it."
"Their opinions are legitimate, they're American citizens, you see how it works."
"The legitimacy of a justice system should not rest on its conviction rate but instead on the confidence that it searches for and honors truth and dispenses fair and just outcomes."
"Freedom of speech and assembly -- because true legitimacy can only come from the people, who must never be silenced."
"It's not a bad faith campaign, right? This is legitimate criticism."
"Dogecoin's actually fairly smart and although it's based on a meme people need to understand like it's it's kind of legit."
"Without the assurance that what happens on the pitch is 100 legitimate, every emotion that makes football sacred is tainted."
"How can an entrepreneur be sure they're joining something legitimately helpful, or an outright sham?"
"They are literally only doing this to basically make themselves feel good and to make their lies feel more legitimate even though they're not legitimate at all."
"Legitimizing is the way I would describe it."
"When you don't recognize the result of an election, that's kind of the foundation of democracy."
"The current compromise and group who runs Canada are losing their legitimacy through corruption."
"The longer it is, the more legitimate it is, the more detailed it is, the more context you get, the easier it's going to be to say, 'oh wow that made sense'."
"Things are very volatile. There's a lot of anger. That anger is legitimate."
"Now from here we can adding in some things to actually fill out our Facebook page and make it look legitimate make sure all of the information is included before we actually start running ads."
"There's just something that was too legitimate to ignore."
"The government's legitimacy comes from the consent of the governed, it does not exist to inform the people how they should think."
"He fought hard for legitimacy in many ways. He really fought hard for it."
"Engaging with it gives energy and power and legitimacy to it."
"I'm dubious right now, you know. I'd have to see something that's pretty legitimate."
"Our preoccupation with the filibuster is totally legitimate."
"A lot of times forums have their own feedback postings as well so you can actually determine if you're dealing with someone that's legit."
"If the world record's doing it, we know it's legit."
"One of the things that legitimizes elections is the ability of an adversarial third party to review what the process is."
"I'm kind of curious if that's gonna benefit it in any way are they gonna push it harder is it gonna cement it as being like okay this is legit it's gonna stick around for a long time because the cosign is a pretty big deal."
"The trucker convoy was a legitimate expression of concern."
"this is totally 100 legit and a 100 in a 100 percent sarcastic way"
"Hamilton would grant greater legitimacy to the federalist party's more radical wing, reaffirming the country's direction toward federalization."
"Authority is illegitimate, it's unjust, it's not acting in the interests of the people."
"It erodes the bedrock legitimacy of the government as being of the people for the people by the people. Absolutely it does."
"Blockchain technology is not a fraud, it's here to stay."
"We need to accept he's the legitimate pope. We need to owe him the respect that's due to a legitimately elected pope."
"The whole process has been absolutely illegitimate. Let the American people decide."
"Repression against you is seen as legitimate as long as it aligns with the ruling ideology."
"There's simply not the mandate for them to have this kind of authority."
"This is 100% legit guys, I would not be putting it on my channel if it was fake, I don't advertise anything fake guys."
"Just because they're intended for a younger audience demographic does not remove their validity in the space."
"You've got to be a legitimate world champion."
"My testimony is based on information I've been given by individuals with a long-standing track record of legitimacy and service to this country."
"Anything that's based on a meme or a joke... is not legitimate."
"So far, Earth 2 has been here for eight months and they're not going away. Scams would have been gone months ago."
"John is technically the only now legitimate heir."
"Now you're a candidate for governor, and a legitimate candidate for governor."
"Civilization was metaphorically saved by the police chief giving their plan an official seal of approval legitimized civilized killing."
"Legitimacy is everything. Belief in the court is everything."
"If something is legitimate, it should stand up to scrutiny."
"We lend them more legitimacy than they will lend to us when we are speaking the truth and they are babbling nonsense."
"Ultimately, if the war on terrorism is no longer accepted and doesn't have its legitimacy, the whole construct military doctrine collapses like a deck of cards."
"Crypto is legitimate at this point, there's no question about it."
"Legitimate questions and putting up legitimate arguments."
"She is a representative of someone who is trying to defraud the experience of real legitimate domestic violence survivors."
"But it's also all right to have your legitimate concerns."
"If they fought on an equal footing, they would be more legitimate as citizens."
"I think there are forces out there that know how to capitalize on trends and pop up around people who come forward legitimately or illegitimately with an amazing story."
"It's an Integrity thing. It's a legitimacy thing."
"Scripture does not say to have real grief over real pain is illegitimate."
"We're doing an investigation here, gotta do it legit, you know what I'm saying?"
"Their hateful defiance of his legitimacy is an insult to each of us."
"There's no business in the world that you can start with nothing. It's a real legitimate tax-paying business."
"Video game music is just as real and just as valid as any other song."
"It's not the greatest thing to promote... but as long as it's all legit."
"You attack the legitimacy of the court and say that the court is an illegitimate institution."
"How do we differentiate between protests that are completely unacceptable and legitimate protests about just causes?"
"There are roughly nineteen thousand seven hundred and sixteen legitimate anti-Trump arguments."
"The most important scarce resource is legitimacy."
"Legitimacy by fairness: if it's perceived as satisfying some intuitive conception of being fair, it gains legitimacy."
"Legitimacy by process: if a process is fair, its outputs gain legitimacy."
"Legitimacy by performance: if a process had good results in the past, it gains legitimacy over time."
"Legitimacy is a pattern of people behaving in a certain way because they see everyone else behaving that way."
"Even if the equilibrium re-establishes itself... it would be a shift from like legitimacy by performance to like just like legitimacy by brute force."
"Legitimacy is like the dark matter of the universe, directing our lives."
"Legitimacy: the powerful social force that controls resources."
"Legitimacy is something that can theoretically come from a lot of places but it's really heavily dependent on human coordination and consensus."
"Socially legitimate domination is power under color of right, one that victims internalize as legitimate because society tells them so."
"Expressing ourselves as an artist... I actually think that's completely legit."
"To be an anarchist is to be critical of authority and to always examine where authority is legitimate."
"Just be mad at her for a legitimate reason not that she's posting about Cody."
"eSports being a legitimate career choice for some people."
"This is freaking real, and this is actually legit."
"Many would rather see one of Charles's 13 illegitimate children on the throne instead."
"In crypto, something that's too good to be true is usually not something legit."
"Every single cryptocurrency and blockchain that's legitimate is here to do something."
"These Windows 10 license keys from them are 100% legit."
"A referendum has to top every other form of democratic procedure for legitimacy, right? If you want the most accurate reading of what the public thinks, you ask them all to tell you. That's surely the primary form."
"Aegon IV legitimized all his bastards on his deathbed and how much pain, grief, war, and murder grew from that."
"If somebody disagrees with him, it's not legitimate, they just couldn't find anything to disagree with genuinely in his ideas."
"If your concerns can't exist on their own without ruining lives, then how legitimate are your concerns?"
"You always want to do legitimate business from a business aspect 100 percent."
"The perception of legitimacy really is so important to this, and those red lines that you talk about are important."
"Israel was founded in the first place who believe that because of the unique persecution of Jewish people over time and specifically because of the horrors of the Holocaust that there is a legitimacy to having an explicitly Jewish state."
"Their interests in Taiwan, just as Russia's interests in Ukraine, are legitimate."
"Superstars themselves and they went legit they would be a major future 500 company from Forbes. Man, these guys are geniuses."
"So to be concerned that the Russians are messing with presidential campaigns was a legitimate concern."
"He was always looking for ways to legitimize what he was doing um whether by wrapping it in the the trappings of it's not a militia it's a community preparedness team um we're not a militia we're an educational outreach group."
"He's sort of legitimized himself. And I think that is one of the incredibly important things in this story."
"I don't see the parasocial as an inherently degraded thing. I think that it can be a legitimate supplement to real relationships."
"By putting the title on Ambrose WWE is legitimized."
"So I feel like the white mill is actually fairly legitimate even in budget form."
"Those seem like legitimate grievances against an establishment."
"I think it definitely has completely legitimized itself as a full sequel."
"Another scar on this supreme court that has frankly lost its legitimacy."
"The organization is continuing and yes they do deserve to be known as a legitimate religion."
"You have to know when did they say this is legit."
"ESports is something that has become validated as legitimate, and I am so unbelievably stoked"
"There's no real option other than to deem these runs as illegitimate."
"It's not a surprise to me. I think now he suddenly realized it's legitimate."
"Every elected Republican who's running for office again should be asked: Do they believe that Joe Biden is the legitimate president of the United States?"
"The more they try to go against bitcoin the more they legitimize its use case."
"I think he's the real deal. I think he's super legit."
"I mean how am I supposed to govern as a president if more than half the country thinks that I'm illegitimate? I welcome that."
"Cryptocurrency is not a fraud, all these large companies don't see it as a fraud."
"I actually think it's totally legit for you to leave at this point in time."
"I will accept Joe Biden as my legitimate president if there's an investigation into these verifiably documented irregularities."
"As soon as everybody agrees that they're no longer legitimate, it doesn't matter what the government says."
"Bottom line is aniba legit? I've given you my opinion yes it is legit you can buy cheap CD keys on aniba you can buy steam games Xbox Gold."
"There's a legitimacy to that... there's a conversation to be had about the ways that the dominant culture can be exploitative of other places."
"People are losing faith in the institutions, believing they are no longer legitimate."
"Thank you guys for the heads up. You are a China main and you are proud, and that is actually your name, so you are certainly very legitimate in that regard, my friend."
"Regulations kicking in just further legitimizes the crypto space."
"Sex work is work. They are legitimate people with legitimate jobs."
"This meant that he was the legitimate heir to the Russian throne."
"It eventually established itself as a legitimate metagame threat."
"The church's identity is found in who possesses valid succession from the apostles."
"Doge must ditch the meme status to be valued as money."
"Civil disobedience is legitimate, lawful, and just."
"Tesla is starting to look and feel more like a legitimate company."
"It literally depends on the public believing that what it is doing is legitimate for its institutional credibility."
"Cryptocurrencies are legitimate alternatives."
"The entire draw of sports relies on its legitimacy; it's one of the few meritocracies we still have left."
"I'm totally legit. I just got picked up by a Red Bull."
"These portraits were Kangxi's PR campaign to convince the Han population that he was in fact a legitimate Chinese ruler."
"Well, the ritual is legit; it will do what they're telling us it will do."
"Substantial legitimacy for socialism was also derived from the commemoration of the Second World War."
"Just because Netflix isn't onto me and they're not, I'm not one of their favorites, doesn't necessarily mean that I'm not credible and I'm not a legitimate comedy force."
"I'm telling you they are so legit, you guys."
"I want people to know, that you know, this is a legitimate problem that it's not just, you know laziness or rudeness or whatever."
"To make a living in a manner that is legitimate, honest, Halal... also brings with it an inner satisfaction that results in happiness."
"This building definitely looks like it was dragged in here and is legit"
"The social structures that inhibit free creative capacity are fundamentally illegitimate unless they can justify themselves."
"The illusion of legitimacy breaks down when you really start to investigate it"
"Authenticity is about being able to prove that something's legitimate."
"...but the current modern-day version of the Republican party is done, it is not necessarily politically done but as a legitimate political party in the United States of America it is no longer..."
"So if you angry with them, if you hate them, that's legitimate. Why wouldn't you? If you don't want to see them and stay away from them, that's legitimate."
"To push back on the idea that whenever you lose an election that's somehow rigged and illegitimate because that way goes the end of our democracy."
"Bitcoin is finally safe for retail investors. It really does provide some legitimization for the space and a lot of validation for the pioneers in the Bitcoin space."
"That's what makes it more legitimate."
"This is legit perfume and freaking slime form."
"That sounds totally on the up and up."
"Based on the particulars of the piece and from what I've read on the history, I think it's legitimate."
"It legitimately feels like a cinematic experience watching this show."
"Another thing, our license, right? Look at this, Windows 10 Pro, it's legit."
"It’s a process. It’s real. I didn’t believe it when I was your guys’ age, but turns out it’s totally legit."
"The sealing power confers a seal of legitimacy upon your baptism for example so that it is recognized here and in heaven."
"There's nothing illegal about it, it's all perfectly above board and all good to go, there's nothing nefarious about it either."
"I think that Klopp makes more noise but it's often legitimized by what he's talking about."
"Real ones, okay, like some of them out there doing something strange for some change."
"We want to throw up a tick tock video and all of a sudden have legitimacy as a speaker or an author or a Bible teacher. Jesus, the son of the most high God, perfectly God, perfectly man, condescended to a difficult maturity."
"The continuing legitimacy of the American political system is the greatest threat to our ongoing survival."
"Wrestling is supposed to be presented somewhat legitimately."
"It was insulting that both Japanese groups treated the business as a sport and as legitimate."
"If you want wrestling to feel more legit this is the way to do it."
"He's a legit wrestler, he has a wrestling background you can buy into that."
"The first step is to get a website, Google business profile, all of that low hanging fruit, get that set up. It shows that you have some legitimacy."
"This occupation violates the principles of international law and international legitimacy."
"If you could legitimize them somehow, I would give them some sort of power, like, 'Look, stop the killing, stop the murder.' Let's make this work."
"...nothing that I shared with you today is scammy or anything like that. I really wanted to share with you legitimate ways."
"It is dishonest to pretend the platform delegitimizes ideas presented on it."
"You must understand that these other gods, these means by which you're reaching the spiritual world, are illegitimate. They are still real."
"The emperor justified his authority not only through his edited version of the Roman past but also by the fact that he was appointed by God to protect his people."
"The more you can have these issues talked about, discussed, debated within a political context, I think it gives them greater legitimacy because, you know, there is a sense that we went through this process and we found a place where we could get to."
"This palette is actually kind of legit."
"Their stuff's legit, like, even this white chain top I'm wearing underneath, it was just, like, just because I know people, they want to do that, so, sorry, sorry. Okay, well, those are my bagels for my purchases and yeah, pretty soon we'll have closet tours for you guys."