
Positive Changes Quotes

There are 132 quotes

"Much of the positive changes that are possible with proper psilocybin therapeutic approaches, takes place after the session in which one feels all typical or typically associated effects of psilocybin like hallucinations and changes in thought patterns, et cetera."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"A lot of good changes are coming your way, a lot of good manifestations are coming your way."
"Listen to the guidance of your soul; there are some positive changes ahead."
"You are experiencing positive life changes and personal growth."
"I feel like once you have your child your life is just going to be on the up-and-up."
"I really feel like my life is falling into place recently."
"Something good is on the way to you, something that is going to be long-lasting."
"Sony is taking classics more seriously and that's good news all around."
"Adding dimensions to his character, which is always a good thing."
"A lot of good things happening here for you."
"The most positive expression... stepping into our power... spiritual awareness... multi-dimensional beings."
"The good thing about Ultimate is the improvements to the combat."
"You're definitely going to be high vibrational the month of July, feeling a lot of gratitude for things that are going to be taking place."
"Life-changing blessing is coming into your life."
"Big happy changes are coming into your life."
"Wow, this is turning into a really nice space."
"Take good care of you and make those positive changes."
"Once we break all-time high of 2.50 cents... this could go to 350 and even five dollars."
"From career advancements to deepening connections in love, the stars are aligning to bring positive changes and renewed energy."
"Embrace the forthcoming powerful positive changes in your life and let go of fear. Say yes to wholeheartedly affirm your readiness for these blessings."
"Success coming in, improvements in your life."
"Beautiful messages are coming in, and the wheel is turning in your favor."
"The good stuff coming to you is feeling free and not feeling stuck."
"Big happy changes are coming when it comes to career especially congratulations you got a career reading I love reading which is always great."
"New beginnings are coming, okay, fresh new beginnings."
"There is some good stuff happening, people, I'm telling you, there really is some good stuff happening."
"I think Blizzard's late in the day revamp to the spec was wonderfully done."
"Your destiny is secure... before this year is out, God is gonna uproot that tree."
"Yeah, awesome awesome, nothing wrong with seeing Tyr come to the last hands."
"Doors opening are always very positive portals of change, opportunities arriving in your life."
"Now that it feels like there's a purpose for some of these things, and I like that."
"Expect breakthroughs, big breakthroughs, showing up in your life."
"I think all of these changes are really, really good especially with that catchment mechanic with like kind of not allowing people to get too far behind."
"There's nothing added here that's terrible, not even close. In fact, most of the new additions are straight up improvements."
"There are some amazing blessings that are coming in for you."
"The positive energy is coming through and things will start to speed up a little bit more."
"The characters and story have been fleshed out in positive ways."
"This expansion is shaping up to be fantastic and the changes listed in this video are just some of the ways the game is changing for the better."
"Diablo 4 seems to be making big strides in a positive direction."
"Remember, there are also some really good changes that make us say, 'Oh, there's the Disney magic I paid so much money for.'"
"Great news to see that these changes are taking place."
"Fantastic things are happening for couples; it's the beginning of a huge progress."
"I just want to let him down easy and not have him flip out, be honest with him, because you're about to do things that are going to make things better."
"Christmas time is going to be a big deal for you guys a lot is unfolding major energies during christmas bless that's beautiful."
"New moons are all about new energy, new starts, new beginnings."
"Positive news coming in about home, living situations, somebody's health."
"And now she does and she's enjoying it and that's really what it's all about."
"Restoration is coming, new beginnings are coming, breakthroughs are coming, victory is coming."
"Something wonderful is happening around you."
"Blessings feeling as though things are turning around, things are moving in your favor, really releasing some old heavy energy, huge focus on connections and happiness and celebration."
"It's the smallest things that make the biggest difference."
"There's something really special that's trying to come into your life and it's going to be a big, beautiful blessing for you."
"The fact that the community is redirecting its energy towards Creative Assembly is just a pleasure to watch."
"Surprising and positive news: Jupiter Uranus in the house of children."
"Overall, very positive changes. Great job balancing."
"From March 22nd, 2020, the good and favorable changes will come."
"If you've been feeling overlooked or ignored, that is gonna change."
"You're getting some good news and a lot of positive changes in regards to your career and money."
"God is enhancing your life because surprises and favors will become the norm for you. You are going to enter a time of joy, love, and harmony."
"I think Bungie's got a really great framework right now to work with I think they've done a lot of good things in the recent years."
"It feels like they're trying to do some of the right things here."
"You are the real deal, upgrades are happening."
"The changes made to other characters work splendidly well."
"The changes they're making are interesting and well-designed."
"Positive shifts are coming, thank you for listening."
"Things are going on behind the scenes, you're being given hidden blessings here."
"All these for me were positive changes from the original game which made sense when the server was destined to be seasonal."
"It's those small things that drip feed so much more loveliness into your life."
"Throughout March, you will be attracting a lot of blessings and miracles."
"Month of March is bringing magic for you guys."
"There's just been so many good things added here."
"I think all of these are good changes, they make all of the cards feel better to play, competitive without feeling overpowered."
"It's divinely guided, synchronicities happening, positive shifts, embrace the new."
"Take the higher ground; you're rising up here for your success, you're blooming."
"So something very simple like this, you can see it makes a big difference already."
"These are the newest Pokémon games at the time of recording and they're very different but in a good way..."
"We are absolutely in love with these changes."
"You've got some really positive changes happening for you."
"Ask your angels, big happy changes in the near future."
"Your health will start to improve, you will feel more financially stable, your luck factor will improve."
"You're moving into a brand new cycle after Saturn goes direct, which is going to be very positive."
"Big happy changes and success. What more do you want? It's just a matter of you letting go and letting this person become attracted."
"Beautiful changes are coming, passion, love, ignite the fire."
"Things are about to increase in your life: fortune, abundance, stability, happiness, friendships."
"Pit's changes are in the correct direction to make him a better character."
"It's pretty damn cool they're finally starting to listen."
"They changed Smithers’ dynamic and are doing something with it. Thank you."
"There are a lot of shifts and changes but it's positive."
"Things are starting to move again in your life."
"Regardless of whether or not we personally enjoy FIFA 22 or not, I think that these make positive changes for the game."
"Like rain, miracles will fall into your life. Suddenly, you'll shift from being really irritated to being completely content."
"All of this was awesome man, the changes were great, the new figures were exciting, they were awesome."
"It's gonna be okay, making changes to make your life better."
"Things are feeling like they're falling into place."
"The top path upgrades on the boat were in fact Buffs."
"Unironically, Blizzard with huge W's. I'm really happy to see this and I hope that it continues."
"I think there's something new and better coming in for you."
"I absolutely love the directions Squad is going with these changes."
"I think they're all good changes. I think they will make the show a lot better."
"These are happy changes right here coming from the Sun card."
"It became a better show because of him." - Vince Gilligan
"Your cup runneth over with opportunities and immense positivity changes."
"Bad vibes clearing up; relationships evolving positively."
"Little things like that actually make such a huge difference."
"A lot of Transformations are going to take place for you."
"Within 10 days I've already felt it creating the building blocks of a happier mind."
"Someone new moving into your life, a blessing to help you rebuild."
"Prepare for big happy changes a year from now."
"Trust that big happy changes are on its way."
"Big happy changes coming into your life, look at this opportunities changes options divine timing."
"Someone honestly and openly responding to criticism however late it may have been was definitely nice to see and we appreciated it a lot."
"More peaceful people and energies are entering your life."
"You are learning how to raise your vibration in the best way possible. So, all these gems are being dropped on your doorstep."
"Don't cut things out of your life, replace them."
"There's about to be a domino effect where everything starts to feel like all the good things just start dropping in."
"Positive changes are on the way... Faith and trust... Achieve your goals."
"Menopause comes with challenges to mental and physical health but also some cool positive changes as well."
"Expect positive changes or they feel like they can't."
"I think we're making a lot of positive changes right now. I think people are really showing up and doing their part and that at least makes me happy."
"The positive cascade of changes in my life was profound."
"Big changes coming in for you that are really positive between you and your person."
"Angel number 505 means that life-altering positive changes are coming your way."
"Good year for campaigns, definitely one that a couple of things ended up getting delayed just a little bit here and there, but overall just a great set of changes."
"It's the little things that can make a really big difference in their overall life."
"I have started saying yes to more stuff."