
Psychedelic Experience Quotes

There are 101 quotes

"Quality of acute psychedelic experience predicts therapeutic efficacy of psilocybin for treatment-resistant depression."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The psychedelic experience doesn't just end when the psychedelic wears off; it kind of stays with you."
"The insights from a psychedelic experience turn people away from the precipice of death to the infinite possibility of the moment."
"Very, very often, what the psychedelic experience will show you is the mistakes and errors that you've made in your life, where you have chosen the dark side rather than the side of light."
"If you can manage where you are, setting is like where I am taking the psychedelic and who I'm with."
"If we could wake up one day and the idea of genre was gone... it would be like a psychedelic experience."
"Mindfulness seems to me like the discovery of fire... But five grams of mushrooms is like being hurled into the Sun."
"With mushrooms, I get real honest with myself. I can't trick myself into thinking something that's not real."
"I have had one psilocybin experience in my life, and I will say it was quite positive for me."
"I think ayahuasca requires us to confront the truth about ourselves."
"I would much rather be on my way out doing ayahuasca because if there was ever ever a mother of all drugs she's not even a drug the mother an ayahuasca is the medicine."
"LSD has truly helped aid me in facing not only demons but seeing what others might be totally obvious but to me remained hidden under a veil of arrogant ego and stupidity."
"Even with these psychedelic experiences, there's a huge sense of familiarity, tapping into a more soulful part of yourself."
"During what I find the most constructive psychedelic experiences, there's often a period where I think that I'm going to die."
"It's extremely uncomfortable to think that you're going to die, but that is the entire value of this experience."
"Strange's journey through the multiverse is a psychedelic acid trip."
"Mushrooms have the capacity to make you a better person."
"It was one of the most life-changing psychedelic trips I've ever had."
"Yo, my swirls! The shroom is giving off a potent beat."
"You're talking about the things that made you a more empathetic person honestly after the first time I did mushrooms I feel like I became a far more empathetic person."
"Visionary states of consciousness are good for the world... you become a kind of conduit or a translator for a transcendent realm."
"Bad trips are the best trips... it's a real feeling, like I professed love for a woman for the first time on some good Molly, and the next day it wasn't like when you're drunk... that feeling still resonates."
"I believe that with the advent of acid, we discovered a new way to think, and it has to do with piecing together new thoughts in your mind." - Ken Kesey
"What I like about psychedelics is that they make you look inward into yourself rather than it being an escape."
"I kind of feel like I'm tripping on like DMT or something like that."
"Taking LSD was a profound experience for me. LSD shows you that there's another side to the coin and you can't remember it when it wears off, but you know it. It washes over you and tells you that everything is connected."
"High dose or a mystical experience level dose has a number of additional effects that will not be found at lower doses."
"We always exist in different forms and these high doses of psilocybin you realize that everything is talking everything is communicating."
"The CD is almost entirely what I think my day would be like if I took magic mushrooms or something. Scared, confused, and maybe a little hungry but mainly dazed eyes wide and full on walking into walls. That was a trip in every sense of the word."
"I felt this warm rod about an inch and a half in diameter start growing up inside my central channel."
"I was gone 15 minutes, a thousand years of experience in 15 minutes."
"Dying is like dropping acid, don't do it unless you're in a good headspace."
"Best place to do psychedelics is just in a comfortable room, nobody around."
"Don't underestimate the depth of psychedelics after just a few trips."
"Tripping off the psychedelics, kind of like when I'm rapping, you took an acid tablet."
"The mushroom said to me once it said this is what it's like when a species prepares to depart for the stars."
"You can take one of these compounds and all of a sudden it just washes in and all of those lies that you've been believing and feeding yourself just become so apparent."
"Chris brooms in a VR set. That's what I'm saying. I'm like, that's just [__]. I gotta wait till I'm in a better head space, but I definitely want to do shrooms."
"When you take a moderate to high dose of psychedelics, your sense of awe and wonder at the world is greatly magnified."
"I feel like I'm doing like a light dose of LSD... stepping into another world."
"That place is so full and so complete... everyone should try a high dose of DMT once." - Willow
"Laughing on LSD is one of the most euphoric experiences I've ever had in my life."
"Ayahuasca felt like being alive in another realm."
"Psychedelic experiences... similar to revelations of God's law."
"Once you do DMT or ayahuasca, you go into that other dimension."
"The psychedelics opened my mind to whole new spaces of myself and the universe."
"You ever done acid with somebody that you're falling in love with? You'll let them tell you anything."
"The trip experience was so profound and real that it has affected me ever since."
"Terrence McKenna believed that during the experiment a Divine voice instructed him."
"If you take mushrooms you have like 4 hours of this thing only for you even if it's bad you can't say it's ignoring you."
"When you're tripping balls, it walks the fine line of exciting and terrifying, and I love that feeling."
"That's when the mushrooms started to really hit."
"The psychedelic experience is no shortcut. There's no instant mysticism, there's no instant psychoanalysis, there's no instant anything."
"I was flying over this sort of Amazonian forest and you know one of the things that you experience in psychedelics is what they call realer than real."
"They're going to have an ego death."
"As soon as I took shrooms for the first time um I think it was like 18. I don't think I was like that young um or maybe 19. and um immediately my brain immediately enjoyed it like immediately I was like this clicks love this drug."
"The visions, emotions, and effects on the body were quite similar between DMT experiences and prophetic states."
"I've done Ayahuasca so far as you're on your own mat and it's just you dealing with oftentimes incredibly uncomfortable situations."
"Even though Ayahuasca didn't necessarily take away the symptoms that I was having, it helped me understand why I was having them."
"The Psychedelic experience is a wonderful state of equilibrium, of self-satisfaction, of completion."
"The Psychedelic experience is like flipping a coin and getting it to land on its edge."
"When you do ayahuasca, it does not need to make sense. Time will be your explanation."
"It's the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow of the psychedelic experience."
"Do not take a high dose of acid unless you have a proper set and setting or it can turn into the worst nightmare of your entire life."
"From fear to courage: my Ayahuasca journey."
"I did mushrooms one time and I just sobbed looking at this tree because I couldn't believe it was giving me life."
"Five Meo DMT is nothing I'll ever come close to doing again and it is not to be taken lightly. Be safe."
"I've always believed in Oneness, I ate a quarter of mushrooms at like 15 years old."
"Hallucinogenics allow you to truly understand, not just see it, but understand it."
"They've been telling us the key to life. In order to level up, shrooms."
"I just really like the person he's become after doing mushrooms."
"In 1953, Huxley tripped on mescaline that Osmond brought to his home in the Hollywood Hills, under the doctor’s supervision."
"The mushroom trip showed me the stream of all creation and taught me love and forgiveness."
"So Salvia, it was sort of the same thing, it took a lot of tries but once I broke that barrier it was like unlocking that part of my brain."
"All of a sudden after mushrooms, I could see... it's not dependent on my behavior, it's not dependent on my belief system, it's not dependent on my belief system. No one has access to it more than I do."
"Everything around me is death. Everything around me is like, 'When you're in that state, if you're having a terrible trip, you're stuck in there.'"
"A bad trip is a good trip; sometimes people went through deep struggles and then had breakthroughs."
"Edibles send me to universes away from here. I'll be like Rick and Morty somewhere else."
"But all of the people that I talked to that had the mystical experience from psilocybin talked about how that sense of unity motivated them to get involved in the struggles of the day."
"Many of the people in charge of our institutions are familiar with psychedelic experience, are not as freaked out by it as people were in the 1960's."
"The more people who have positive psychedelic experiences, that may lead to the change in consciousness, which I think is the only thing that can turn things around for us."
"I never had a bad trip 'cause my brain is musical, it's always suitable for me. The mushrooms are beautiful."
"I once ate an edible and saw the galaxy. I asked the people around me to keep talking so I don't lose sight of the earth."
"Nothing could prepare me for how 10 dry grams hits."
"Participants attributed improvements in attitudes about life, mood, relationships, and spirituality to the high dose experience."
"I love how psychedelic it is, I love the fact that you're hearing people's screams as they're coming off of a roller coaster."
"An acid trip is a journey into one's own mind and can provide its users with deep and profound realizations."
"What is OmegaMart? OmegaMart is an interactive psychedelic art experience."
"The psychedelic experience can be joyous and ecstatic, and it can also be scary and challenging."
"Pet Sounds by The Beach Boys, the atmosphere it creates is just very psychedelic and alluring."
"Had some important psychedelic experience that then was part of their journey that showed them other ways of perceiving the world."