
Importance Quotes

There are 43561 quotes

"It seems vital that appropriate consideration is paid to the importance of promoting a certain experience as the quality of that experience may be the critical determinant of therapeutic success."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Movement is one of the more fascinating and important aspects of our nervous system."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Find motivation in small things first is really important."
"Consciousness is the most important thing. Suppose you give me a billion dollars and say that you will not be conscious... none of us will accept it. Consciousness is the central thing for us; without consciousness, we are not there."
"Love true love like living with love as your primary motivator is the most important thing."
"Therapy is extremely valuable. In fact, I consider doing regular therapy just as important as getting regular exercise."
"Imagination is more important than knowledge."
"The next trade is the most important trade in the world, not the last trade or the trade before that."
"Building lasting motivation is all about bringing to mind over and over what is most important to you, what matters to you the most."
"The most important thing is to keep the most important thing the most important thing."
"You're the most important thing in my life. You as my son, I love you so much."
"Mental health matters so much for our physical health."
"If you visualize or look at your action board last thing at night, then you are priming your brain to tag in order of importance the items that are on your board or that you visualized just before you go to sleep."
"It's important to keep your mind healthy, almost more important than your body." - Taya
"Being confident... just knowing their opinion does not matter. What matters is my opinion of myself."
"Nutrition is probably the most important thing you can be educated in."
"Your microbiome is one of the most important organs in your body."
"First impressions matter. You never get a second chance at a first impression."
"What would Earth be without our adorable animal friends? They're just as important to the planet as us humans."
"Figuring out your boundaries is an important thing to do."
"It's nice to be important, it's more important to be nice."
"The more we explore, the more likely we are to find something that is very important, maybe for ourselves, maybe for our species."
"The most important conversation I ever had with is with myself."
"Our ignorance about sleep is really quite profound."
"So how important is the hour a day of walking? I think it's very important."
"The only obligation that really matters, the most important thing, is family."
"Brain health is very important to self-actualization."
"Every single time I do this, I can't help but realize the importance of fatherhood. That that's the only thing that really actually matters."
"The most important conversation is the one you have with yourself."
"Being in the now is absolutely important because now is all there is. There is nothing else but now."
"As human beings, it's often easy to forget how important our social connections are to us."
"The most important part of life, in all of our lives, no matter what we're doing, is like the process."
"Empathy...that's the only quality to me that matters in a human being."
"Even those who look virtuous treat their things roughly, and even those who look wicked have things that are important to them."
"Your character and also your mindset are actually the most important things."
"The story you tell yourself about yourself is the single most important thing you're going to craft."
"Though building resiliency in yourself and in the different sectors of your life is always a good idea, in today's world it is absolutely critical."
"The term 'freedom,' the concept of freedom, is something that is very important to us."
"These three things are, they're the pillars."
"Leisure time is a critical part of wellbeing."
"The female perspective is just as important to waifu and Anime culture as a whole."
"Love truly is so central and should be treated with more respect."
"We're talking about the importance of black empowerment and black empowerment does not mean black exploitation."
"Humor is the most important thing that makes the world go around."
"We all have such an amazing purpose to provide to the earth and people around us, and we are equally all as important and special as each other."
"Your self-care practice is really important, something that you do daily."
"Having a purpose-driven life, I think, is a really important element."
"Honesty is gonna be very, very big in February."
"We've forgotten the importance and the advantage of having a family-run restaurant."
"Communication was the number one most important thing in a relationship."
"When it matters most is now. It's not later. It's not the Superbowl. It's not your Everest. It's not the pitch that you're gonna give to a VC firm. That's not the moment. The moment is now, and it's always now."
"Life is happening fast, and we're really busy as a human race. Figuring out how to be more present more often... the stakes could not be higher."
"Nothing is more important than consciousness."
"Each experience is just as important to the Creator. All of them are just as important."
"The questions important... it's worth spending the time to try to understand these important questions and form an opinion."
"There's nothing more important than being informed. There's nothing more important than making an informed decision."
"It was a real powerful moment for me to realize that day-to-day happiness is what matters."
"Consciousness is the most important thing in the entire universe."
"The bigger it is, the more important it is. That's why I'm focused on Ukraine because it's a war. People are getting killed. What's more important than that?"
"Self-discovery is the greatest discovery in history."
"The key to success in any construction is the foundation."
"History is important; it's sacred in a way. It's something that doesn't care about your ideological ends."
"The importance of self-love, love, and compassion cannot be overstated."
"Having principles that you believe in is way more important."
"You matter. You actually matter and wouldn't that be cool if that was the truth that you could actually affect the nature of reality if you actually started doing the right thing."
"The specifics of what you do might be less important than you think."
"Your love does have impact, it matters, and it's really valuable."
"It's really important to spread some positivity when you can."
"Having a clear head about everything, especially on stage, makes a mountain of difference."
"This subject is very important to me and so many others."
"Prioritizing my well-being matters. I matter."
"You guys are so valued and so loved and your existence is so important and so special."
"The journey is more important than the destination."
"Beauty will save the world. Why do you think beauty is so important?"
"Meditation is the most important tool we have as humans for ourselves on this planet."
"We really need to solve this problem; it's really important to the world."
"I think it's very [important], and again we see the results already."
"It's the information gained and the perspective learned that I think is important."
"Pondering on the Quran is extremely crucial."
"Morality builds and binds; it's utterly crucial to living in a complex social species."
"Physical contact is also important for social connection."
"Make time for self-care. Taking care of yourself is essential right now."
"Being creative is the most important thing in the world in engineering and science."
"This is the most important decision that you can make in your life, who you decide to spend your life with."
"A life is not important except for its impact on other lives."
"Getting wisdom is the most important thing you can get in life."
"It's often more important to like someone than love someone."
"You guys, you've always been the most important member of this team. Whether or not you ever realized it."
"That's it; this child is all that matters to me."
"Focus on this moment; it's the only moment that matters."
"It's very, very important to love where you live."
"Words are an incredible thing; without words, knowledge wouldn't go forward."
"Nobody cares as much about you as you care about you... It's all filtered and if you don't treat it as though it's filtered, you're going to end up very much overemphasizing everything that comes your way."
"If UI design is lacking in just one of these areas, it seriously degrades the quality of the design."
"The most important element I would say is the headline, the h1 element 'Pay your debts', and that's kind of just lost."
"One element which is very important is the 'Find out how', and this is a call to action because it's a link."
"The climate change argument, by the way, is the strongest one of all of them for me."
"If we're right about this, then it's probably the most important ethical issue of our time."
"Energy is so important because everything's energy."
"A lot of people underestimate the power of friendship."
"The types of problems you all are trying to solve are actually vital."
"Our internal dialogue, our internal narratives are extremely important."
"I think it's really important that we have now more representation, diversity in everything that we do."
"Representation is so important for the black community."
"Living your truth, King. We can't be ourselves, what else is really important?"
"Timing is absolutely essential in almost every area of life."
"Match-going fans are the lifeblood of the club."
"What that showed me is like ownership is everything moving forward."
"Who are you? This is an important question that, to be honest, isn't asked at all anymore."
"The single most important principle to me is decentralization."
"It is an industry moment for the toy industry, an important moment."
"This person sees you as like you're gonna be in my life forever."
"A good stable family is the most important thing for the individuals and for the wider society."
"Everybody loves a good brow no matter who you are, no matter what your face or skincare or makeup routine looks like, brows frame the face are very, very important."
"Communication is the most important part of a relationship."
"Relationships are one of the most important parts of life, and it's good to take this seriously."
"In the Quran and even the Bible, they mention parents being [important]."
"The most important thing is that you have a vision, that you have a goal."
"It's the quest itself rather than the consequences of the quest that were of fundamental importance."
"Just because something affects 51% or 50.1% of people doesn't mean it's any less important than a rare disease."
"Trust is a vital and critical component in every aspect of life. Without trust, almost everything would be compromised, if not outright destroyed."
"It's getting up in the morning and knowing that you've got something to do that's important."
"The most important part of a Jesus tattoo is the face."
"Nothing we do is so important that it is worth hurting someone."
"Color correction is perhaps the most crucial part of photo editing."
"I think broadly speaking, the things that I talk about are the importance of the establishments that are around us, the institutions that exist, why they're important, why they're worth protecting."
"Daniel Goleman... in the 90s coined emotional intelligence as the single most important trait or intelligence to have."
"This is a great time for all of our work, our inner work, to matter the most."
"Your imagination, agents, is one of the most important tools that you have."
"Good relationships are necessary or at least contribute immensely to happiness."
"Being in a long-term relationship, a marriage, and having children, that's two-thirds of your life...my family has been unbelievably important to me."
"Confidence is just the biggest thing in any language."
"Discipline is important. Discipline is freedom."
"All that matters, when it's said and done, is intent."
"Dame scoring is more important; you need someone who can keep the floor stretched."
"Being able to draw individual experience from that abstraction, I think, is really important."
"It really puts an exclamation point on just how important this is."
"Self-awareness ends up being the most important."
"It doesn't matter, all that matters is that it's a good thing to feel love."
"When you love something, you care about it. If you don't love yourself, you're not going to care about yourself."
"The heart is not the biggest muscle in the body but the most important."
"This is the most important election in the history of our country."
"What are these children going to be like because they are the next generation that matters in society?"
"Your response is timely and effective will truly be a matter of life and death."
"Don't underestimate the importance of body language."
"Try to focus on your mental health; it's as important as your physical health."
"It's the most important election in our history."
"I think that a person who could write the best current accounts of current economic history would be doing the most important task of a good economist."
"You have a light that can heal others, and this is so important."
"At the end of the day, we're just talkers, but talking is one of the most important things that anybody can do in the world, especially an influencer."
"If you lose freedom of expression, you lose your battle to fight for anything ever. That's how important it is."
"Disco Elysium is one of the best games of the year and certainly one of the most important."
"The most important salient factor in what we're talking about here is the values, the political values, the personal values, the morals, the virtues, the family structure, all these things that we hold dear."
"Presence, not charisma, is what truly matters in a world where many are just not present."
"Communication is key. There are so many relationships that could have been saved if only there was better communication."
"Quantum mechanics is the most powerful, most successful, most important theory in the whole of science."
"Conflict is how we get to the next level. It's important. We need it. It's an important part of our social evolution."
"The fact is that thirty percent of Millennials and generations Z say religion is important to them."
"Just make sure your credit score is good; that really does matter when it comes to debt."
"Electricity, when you have it, you don't notice it; when you're lacking it, it's a huge deal."
"Understanding that it's not the quantity of friends, it's the quality of a few relationships that actually matter."
"Graphic design is arguably one of the most important types of design nowadays."
"Human connection is... how important human interaction is, and how being lonely is detrimental to men and our society in general."
"The Dark Night of the soul...is critically important."
"Our relationship with AI might be just as important as the relative intelligence of the machine itself."
"AI safety is a really big deal, and we should have some regulatory agency that is overseeing AI safety."
"Blade Runner 2049 is one of the most important films made this Century because the movie asked some incredibly important questions about modern society."
"People realizing that their voice is valuable and important."
"The fast Fourier transform, or FFT, is without exaggeration one of the most important algorithms created in the last century."
"Research is an important, very important way of ameliorating the life of humans."
"It's a catastrophe not to have an explicit strategy for your life."
"When I was growing up, I couldn't afford to buy books... Reading became a very important part of my life."
"Hope doesn't come from nowhere; it comes because two people say this is important, we build something."
"Being the mum of a big family is the most important and lifelong job there is. I couldn't imagine my life any other way."
"Rocky Horror Picture Show is an example where representation is important."
"What cause could be more important than preserving the livability of the Earth and these natural ecosystems?"
"Knowing your anatomy is just so important, really ridiculously important if you're making a character."
"One message from this story is that the way information is presented is so important."
"The relationship with yourself is the most important relationship that you will ever have."
"Energy independence... is the most important thing."
"I'm telling you that genetics play such a huge component even more so than the PDs themselves."
"We need mathematics, we need mathematicians, but we can never tell which bit of mathematics will be important next."
"The more important something is, the more paralyzed we feel."
"The most important thing in life is balance."
"The importance of structure in your artistic learning cannot be overstated."
"The narrative is more important than the arithmetic."
"This is arguably the most important equation in all of physics."
"Most of the things that actually matter in life can't be measured, can't be pinned down, can't be explained, can't be rationalised."
"You know, I think being unpredictable, I think that is important."
"You're sharing are so important and relevant for the time we're in right now."
"Unconditional love is so important right now."
"Words do matter, and these issues are of vital importance."
"People tend to believe that feelings indicate something important, that they're accurate, and that we should act on feelings because our minds are giving us some sort of useful information."
"The idea of knowing that you're not forgotten is extremely important."
"A mother should be with their child, especially that first year. It is absolutely vital."
"Authenticity is what humans value more than anything else."
"The most important relationship that you have is the one you have with yourself."
"The actual analysis, as in the reasoning and the information you bring and how you model it and how you fit pieces together and then how you express it, is more important than the prediction."
"Emotional intelligence is really important to me."
"Communication is very, very important, guys. It might sound corny, but if you don't have communication, there's pretty much nothing in the relationship."