
Psilocybin Quotes

There are 66 quotes

"Psilocybin increases communication across the brain."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Quality of acute psychedelic experience predicts therapeutic efficacy of psilocybin for treatment-resistant depression."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The present trial showed that psilocybin...produced large, rapid, and sustained antidepressant effects."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"There was a very significant improvement in mood and affect and relief from depressive symptoms in anywhere from 50 to 70% of the people that were subjects in the study who received the psilocybin treatment."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"I think it's very likely we will see a shift in the legislature around psychedelics, and in particular, psilocybin in the not too distant future."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Appropriate dosages of psilocybin can alleviate major depression in more than 67% of people that take the drug."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Single dose psilocybin produces rapid anti-anxiety and antidepressant effects that were a very large magnitude."
"After one day of getting single dose psilocybin, 80% no longer met criteria for cancer depression."
"To the great surprise of many, psilocybin, a potent psychedelic, reduces brain activity."
"Psilocybin's main effect is to mimic serotonin. But it does it in a very specific way because it activates a subset of serotonin receptors in a very strong fashion leading to neuroplasticity."
"The conditions of a psilocybin journey, including whether or not it's done with eyes closed or eyes open, as well as whether or not music is played during that journey, will dictate whether or not somebody will feel better or worse in the days and weeks and years following that psilocybin journey."
"In fact, you may be surprised to learn that psilocybin basically is serotonin."
"Psilocybin... mainly works on the serotonin 5H2A receptor."
"Psilocybin is a psychedelic, meaning it modifies the psyche. And in doing so, it changes our level of consciousness."
"The most evidence for positive therapeutic outcomes in response to psilocybin...is for cancer-related depression, cancer-related anxiety, and treatment-resistant depression."
"If you give people magic mushrooms, psilocybin, and they have a mystical experience, they have about an 85 percent chance of smoking cessation sure of one treatment."
"One of the commonly reported effects of psilocybin use is a feeling of interconnectedness with all things and with all people."
"A mystical experience induced by psilocybin can produce a profound reduction in mortality related anxiety."
"Psilocybin induces neuroplasticity through the addition of novel connections in those pyramidal neurons of the frontal cortex."
"A single dose of 25 milligrams of psilocybin provided significant relief from treatment-resistant depression."
"The use of psilocybin... for expanding the brain's capabilities more generally."
"The truth is, the history of psilocybin goes back thousands of years."
"What psilocybin gives you that these drugs don't, it gives you a potential to heal, it gives you a moment to reflect, it gives you a change in the way you think and you interface with the world."
"Holy crud, in fact, this is a psilocybin-containing mushroom which, according to studies, is as effective as the leading antidepressant medication."
"It wasn't that long ago where magic mushrooms were widely considered by many to be just a fun or interesting thing to do on the weekends or by others as a kind of dangerous drug, but these days psilocybin mushrooms have caught the attention of the wider public and researchers."
"Psilocybin produced immediate, substantial, and sustained improvement in anxiety and depression."
"The risk of overdose and addiction to psilocybin is relatively low, particularly when compared to other substances, highlighting its potential for safe use under proper guidance."
"Psilocybin spurs persistent growth of new neural connections, which makes a person with severe depression more responsive to therapy."
"This is not a call for everyone to run out and do psilocybin. It is absolutely not that."
"I have had one psilocybin experience in my life, and I will say it was quite positive for me."
"Australia became the first country in the world to officially recognize psilocybin as a medicine."
"Psilocybin has been used for thousands of years by shamans and other religious figures."
"Psilocybin...does seem to offer lasting anxiolytic and antidepressant effects."
"Psilocybin is significantly more effective as an antidepressant and anxiolytic than placebo."
"You can stop smoking without any sort of supernatural innovation. No, not really. If you give people magic mushrooms, psilocybin, and they have a mystical experience, they have about an eighty-five percent chance of smoking cessation."
"Language, theater, altruism, metaphysics, poetry, dance, religion... evolved under the aegis of a near symbiosis with psilocybin mushrooms."
"Psilocybin offers a way of creating new neural Pathways neurogenesis."
"I think it psilocybin makes nicer people smarter people."
"I definitely do see the healing potential in psilocybin mushrooms."
"Psilocybin is known to increase neuroplasticity, which is the creation of new neurons in your brain."
"These compounds [ketamine and psilocybin] are poised to massively improve our treatment toolkit in the coming years in psychiatry."
"We need psilocybin now for societal benefit more so than we have ever needed it."
"So we really need to footnote all this work and make sure that the take-home message is, 'Great, everybody should take psilocybin mushrooms.'"
"Psilocybin can occasion mystical type experiences."
"Did you know that the active chemical in magic mushrooms psilocybin can rewire and make the human brain more flexible, translating into major therapeutic benefit in depression and other conditions?"
"Psilocybin is a so-called tryptamine alkaloid found in a variety of mushrooms, but most potently in the genus Psilocybe."
"Wrapping up on history before we go to chemistry, Hofmann also rapidly developed the first synthesis of psilocybin in 1959."
"Psilocybin reduces crime in society. Psilocybin is non-addictive."
"The preponderance of evidence is steering towards this narrative that psilocybin reduces crime."
"The intensity of the psilocybin experience has been likened to having 10 or 20 years of therapy in one head."
"Psilocybin won't cure cancer, it won't cure their terminal illness, but what we're hoping is that the treatment will help them face the end of life and want to come."
"What it does to psilocybin I think is it allows people to look at all the things that make them who they are in a very different way."
"...psilocybin kills zero people per year in the United States..."
"The psilocybin is now proving to help a lot of people with schizophrenia."
"Psilocybin shows promise as an antidepressant, significantly improving wellness in patients."
"Psilocybin produces enduring positive trait changes in attitudes, moods, and behavior."
"Psilocybin may ultimately prove crucial to the very survival of our species."
"Whispers have circulated about an underground network of athletes primarily ex-athletes using psilocybin, the compounded magic mushrooms, to treat traumatic brain injuries, anxiety, and depression."
"Pilot studies have suggested that when used in conjunction with CBT, psilocybin may be useful for smoking cessation and treating alcoholism."
"The TGA has reclassified psilocybin and MDMA as medications for very specific indications, providing they are prescribed in very controlled clinical settings."
"I think psilocybin should be looked upon as a nootropic vitamin."
"Psilocybin induces courage and kindness."
"I think we could see a medicalised model specifically for psilocybin."
"Psilocybin stimulates nerve growth and is the active ingredient in magic mushrooms."
"Psilocybin and MDMA were designated breakthrough therapies by the Food and Drug Administration."
"Psilocybin has been studied in both major depression and treatment-resistant depression."