
Role Models Quotes

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"We can become role models for ourselves; we can learn from what brings the good to how to raise up the things that about us in our lives that aren't there yet."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The best role models for women are not on social media and are not famous."
"Find that really robust, amazing person that you know and ask them what they do and try and mirror that."
"It's important to choose your role models carefully. Try to choose guys who are actually succeeding at something other than just giving advice."
"The best way to do that is to see in others, reminders. Use other people as reminders for the way that you should be living your life."
"Cruella is a character that young women, and women in general, can actually find empowering, which is achieved by giving her a strong, all-encompassing purpose: fashion."
"These stories we're talking about deal with women who are faithful to God and are a model for all of us for how God is faithful to us when we're faithful to him."
"What would make me a role model now? Starting when you're uncertain."
"Because of these women, girls and boys all over the world will have real-life examples that women are leaders."
"Your children should be looking up to you, not Batman or Superman."
"This is the first time there's a GOAT that you're like, 'Yo, I want my kid to be like this,' on and off the platform."
"We've got certain role models in the entertainment industry that are pushing this whole liberating lifestyle."
"If we want the future to be better, then we have to be better people, as parents, as a community, as family. We have to be the models that we want these kids to be because they're watching us, they're recording us, and they'll become us."
"If you want to raise a great kid, you have to be the example."
"I was extremely fortunate with my upbringing. My parents could not have been better role models."
"We just wanted to give him the best version of myself, the best version of Papa, and the best version of us together as a team so that he can grow up with really cool role models."
"Never take advice from anybody you wouldn't want to trade places with."
"My philosophy is you want to be the person that you needed most when you were young."
"The positive impact it has had on me growing up and the importance, the need for characters like this."
"Role models of love like Mahatma Gandhi and Christ... reached the highest levels of being able to embody love."
"I read articles about Mr. Rogers in order to be inspired to make decisions to become more like someone who he was naturally."
"Young people need... ideals and challenges, personal tasks, and, to begin with, in the first place, examples, personal examples."
"Fathers are very important, particularly for boys, because boys need something to reflect off of to figure out what am I supposed to be."
"We're really looking for characters we can look up to because it feels like we're lacking good role models nowadays, especially male role models."
"I would love to have met her, and she's obviously an inspirational woman to look up to. Very inspirational."
"If we only expect people to take an interest in the early years when they have children, we are not only too late for them; we are underestimating the huge role others can play."
"Real women who are smart, and pretty, and happy to be who they are, these are the women to look up to."
"We all need models... Look into the world, who are the men you aspire to be or who are the women that you look up to."
"If we inspire people with better role models, with better values, we can really start to make some positive changes."
"Chiaya models the protagonist after Yoi to thank him for dealing with her bullies."
"Thanks for being a veteran, thanks for serving, but more importantly, thank you for being an example of what veterans can do."
"You have to think of what Barbie allowed little girls to imagine in the first place."
"Part of my journey in my career and in learning about finances is to be able to show my daughter that she can do anything and to show her that she has control over her finances and over her destiny."
"Content creators have largely replaced big-name actors as role models."
"I am not a role model. I'm not paid to be a role model. I'm paid to wreak havoc on the basketball court. Parents should be role models. Just because I dunk a basketball doesn't mean I should raise your kids."
"Athletes are role models...a lot of these kids are raised listening to their favorite rappers, looking at their favorite entertainers."
"Think of someone who motivates you in your life or someone you look up to that has accomplished great things. What do they have that makes you attracted to them? They have drive, perspective, probably confidence, self-worth, authenticity."
"As someone who grew up without a father, Mike was the person I used as a model for what a man should be."
"Visibility and representation in certain fields can impact self-esteem and provide role models, but one shouldn't need to see someone of the same race do something before believing they can do it themselves."
"It's okay to be strong and brave and a soldier and a warrior and provide for your family."
"Models can be very good role models for teens."
"If we want our boys to grow up knowing that they should be kind, fair, smart, and respectful, we need to set them up for success by putting good examples of these traits in front of them in the shows that they're watching."
"Role models are great, but don't get wrapped up in trying to become exactly like them; have your own identity."
"Do you want your daughters to behave like this? Because they will. They're watching."
"We need healthy, fit role models in society."
"It's women like you that I look up to and who I teach my daughters to aspire to be."
"Truth and faith and love are free and they're real. There's no better role model."
"What's your role model? Who's your hero? ... It tells you what they think their own hero is."
"I hope that young people are able to look up to me especially my young black girls, and know that if I made it they definitely can make it too."
"We are living in an era where men have lost male role models."
"My role models were scientists, and especially physicists. People who try to figure out how the world works."
"My mom was really the healthiest reference for me as a kid, like the way my mom lived her life as a Christian."
"There are a lot of kids, especially in lower-income minority neighborhoods, who literally just haven't seen it work. There isn't somebody they know personally who testifies to this value of education."
"Everybody that you think of as great people... 39 of them attribute a lot of their success to mentors."
"We are all examples to everyone around us to in some capacity."
"A role model is an ideal that no one can live up to; an example is something or someone tangible that all of us can use to improve ourselves."
"We are all an example to someone around us in a very important capacity."
"A lot of my heroes have decided to hop on this bandwagon now."
"In today's culture, white people need better white role models."
"Boys are lost without a same-sex model... Boys need men to show them how to be men."
"The men who take their faith seriously are the sort of men I see like, you know, I'd like to be that guy; I'd like to be around that guy."
"Never ever underestimate what this means for each other within your community or further afield. You are all role models and pretty fantastic ones at that."
"We need to create better role models than megalomaniac billionaires and vapid celebrities."
"If you're only role models in media are gangsters, then we should be saying that's a bad thing."
"Every NBA team should have a Udonis Haslem or somebody like that, even if they're not contributing on the court."
"The most important thing I've done... 'I'm not a role model.'"
"You see someone you look up to; they didn't get there overnight. It likely took them years and years."
"I'm finally coming around to that and accepting that there are strong, plus-sized women like Ashley Graham and Lizzo that are so healthy."
"Superheroes exist to guide people into a better future, to give them an example of the standard to live by, to fight for things greater than yourself."
"Me being in this dressing room with, as I've said, amazing women that are inspiring generations, I hope at home."
"Elizabeth in Pride and Prejudice is an incredible and wonderful heroic character and role model for both girls and women."
"He represents what the best men should do with their strength."
"Inspiring girls, that's awesome. It's very humbling and at the same time equally cool. It's one of those things that makes you want to get back out there and work."
"My biggest role models are my parents, God bless them."
"Be careful who you look up to because you cannot pick and choose the parts of people that you look up to."
"There are a lot of kids that are struggling with certain issues and don't know what it is that they can do, they have nobody to look up to, they feel like it's wrong because people have told them that."
"Sometimes as a kid, you need somebody else to model what it's like to be a successful version of yourself, especially if the adults in your life aren't doing it."
"Despite this screenplay's typically narrow Hollywood view of Chinese traditions, Wendy Wu was still a role model for children all around the world who felt seen by getting to see a non-white Disney star put at the forefront of a film."
"Your parents are supposed to be the model for teaching you how to love yourself."
"The Pinnacle of Peak Performance of a man shouldn't be Andrew Tate, it should be Aragorn."
"Looking at the best examples around you to inspire you, not the worst examples around you to make you complacent or even worse, condescending and judgmental."
"Barbie taught me that I could grow up to do whatever I wanted with my life. I didn't have to just be someone's mom."
"It showed me how to be a man at a young age. You know what I mean? So with that, you know, I wouldn't be the person I am today."
"Remember your origins...think about what would All Might do. Like, sit back and ask myself, 'What would All Might do?'"
"Live in your own values and be a role model and example for other people."
"Thank you for inspiring us and being an example to all the young girls out there who will follow your lead and build on it."
"My mom and dad were so in love with each other... he showed me what a loving husband and father is."
"dream has a slew of powerful ants to look up to"
"My mom was my hero, she always told me that the best part of you is you, just be you and believe in your dreams."
"That's a role model for these players on the floor tonight."
"I'm about the, you know, strong women roll. I love it."
"Teaching this generation how to be more than just athletes and entertainers."
"Some of my greatest role models grew up really, really poor, some of them in the deep Jim Crow South."
"They set the standard that others failed to live and they still are the standard. They set the example for us to then follow."
"Her public service, her sense of duty, that is something that people can still latch onto in a world where it often seems that just being a celebrity is the most important thing."
"Any kind of role model can really have a huge impact and help them aware they take this next journey."
"You want your strong female characters to be role models, not just to young girls in your audience, but to anyone who reads your book, watches your film, plays your video game."
"There's a need for a positive masculine role model."
"Positive masculine Role Models have been almost entirely removed from society."
"I want them to shape history just as Rosa Parks did, Ida B. Wells did in 1883."
"Stop lionizing and making role models out of the absolute worst members of the black community."
"The play depicts the two gay dads as strong parents and role models."
"If representation is important to you, then be the role model for other people."
"We children don't usually do what you adults tell us to do. We do as you do. And since you don't give a damn about my future, then I won't either. So I'm school striking for the climate."
"My dad didn't tell me what to do, he showed me what to do."
"It's gotta be somebody with the influence that come around and lead by example."
"So if I could change myself, well, in terms of physicality, I know there are a lot of things to improve on, but I wouldn't want to change anything because I want young girls to feel beautiful in their own skin, no matter what they are given."
"Tony Stark didn't care and that was Peter to role model you know he his identity was revealed he didn't care he was exposed to do a thing."
"One of the biggest problems facing many black British communities is the lack of responsible male role models."
"I want young people, regardless of where they are in the world, to be able to look at me and be like, Oh, if she can do it, then I can do it too."
"I wanted to impact millions of people so I looked up to people like Tony Robbins and I studied what they were doing."
"We're not the heroes, we're the guide. You guys are the hero of your own story."
"If you want to help other people, you have to do it first. You have to model it. You have to be authentic."
"If you can see someone just above you that's done it, then it will give you the inspiration."
"He models what it's like to be a son, a chosen one who doesn't let it go to his head, and he models what it looks like to trust God's generosity."
"We need more Davids in our communities, not fewer."
"Our families have real value in society, and that is why you, the MLW viewer, deserves real true role models."
"Children emulate what they see around them. If you want to teach your children, you don't have to read a lot of books about how to do it. You just have to model what it is you'd like them to become."
"If you think of your heroes... if you stop for a moment and analyze why is it that I look up to that person... it's simply that you're recognizing gifts of God, attributes of Christ."
"Setting a good example, being there for them, instilling values - that's all you can really do as a parent."
"I want them to feel like if she did it, I can do it too."
"Major respect to the parents that raise this young man. We need more like it."
"Be the superhero to your kids and your wife, man."
"Representation is important... I know I have a responsibility this year."
"I want those girls to see me and feel like they have someone they can look up to."
"When a man gets on the path to become the man he wishes his father was, you ain't got to pound your chest and stomp and demand for a lot of stuff. The confidence that comes with getting work done, he'd be amazed."
"Don't live up to their expectations of what a role model is, just be the best person that you can be."
"Your daughters may also believe it's okay for a man to abuse them because they saw you, their role model, being abused and you stayed in that relationship."
"Pick better heroes, people. Pick better heroes."
"Leaders have to go above and beyond... They need to be better than all of us."
"He's what you want your son to grow up to be if he gets into MMA."
"First female co-captain ever. I mean, think about what that would mean to millions of girls."
"The best of you are those who are best to his families, and I am the best of my family."
"you gotta lead by example you you shouldn't have to have a thought prevention hour if you're leading by example and you're doing right by their mothers"
"Not everyone needs to be loud and boisterous to be a heroine or to save the day."
"The gloom stalker tells the other ranger subclasses just how it's done."
"Change the narrative from a younger age; investigate people who are doing amazing things."
"When you have men role models who are openly and vocally feminist... I think that's the men we need."
"I grew up with a father because of James Evans Sr."
"Having a strong male figure in an environment is a very beneficial thing."
"That's cool. He's such a good representation of how an impact you make on your community when you can practice humility in a very real way."
"I would way rather look up to a character like Aragorn who is a man even though I'm not, just because he actually displays a lot of virtue."
"You want your best player to be your hardest worker."
"They're not our models. They're a bunch of preening idiots."
"LeBron has given us the blueprint for what athletes coming up should be looking at."
"Find someone you admire and then try to reverse engineer how they got from point A to point B."
"People glorify the killer. They want to be the killer. They ain't doing nothing but showing other people, 'Okay cool, I'm gonna be that next bad guy.'"
"Teaching her daughters to have the same courage to love every part of themselves."
"I grew up with Heroes who are like, 'You have to be a good person, you have to help others.'"
"Masculinity isn't just about being a bloodthirsty warrior; it includes being a protector, provider, and part-time pickle jar opener."
"You've got to see other parents... because you can't be what you can't see."
"In anything, you shouldn't just stop with the copy. So, in raising three of my own now, I'm sitting here thinking, 'What do I want them to copy of me, and what do I want them to cast out?'"
"That feeling of looking up to somebody... like an actor's actor."
"Footballers have a powerful platform to be inspirations and leaders in society."
"He left us an exemplary record of how to do the damn thing."
"I think she's a great role model for a lot of young girls who are struggling in a world obsessed with diet and appearance."
"Noble Team is the perfect example of what a team should be like."
"Celebrities I liked, but my role models were tangible people that did something admirable."
"And he spoke very much around this idea of cultural architects, the leaders in the dressing room that set the tone, set the standard."
"I don't think we've had a lead character before that really inspired so many people, including young girls, that's just really wonderful."
"He was that dude growing up, that like, you know, everybody in the family just wanted to be. He was like the coolest dude I knew and he was like my idol."
"Don't look at me as this perfect hero who's not going to make mistakes and should be the voice for everybody or something like, 'No, you're the voice for you.'"
"Every single person that I've ever looked up to... they all have losses in their past."
"Sean Connery is my idol, I think because he's got that balance of charming and dangerous at the same time."
"Is that the face you want your child to admire look up to and replicate, or do we want our children to solve the problem of what's missing in our lives with a more positive, optimistic vision of who we are and what we can be?"
"You're a role model to men out there, truly."
"She's just so badass and awesome and epic she's such an inspiration to me"
"Some people are put on this Earth to teach us what not to do, what mistakes not to engage in, and what not to grow up and become."
"What makes a great player, a great leader, a great father, a great father or mother is they're consistent every day."
"We need to start showing your sons how to conduct themselves as men."
"Absolutely you should draw from the great men and women of history."
"I'd like to be someone they're proud of. I think just doing the things they would've wanted me to do and would've liked me to have done."
"Sometimes it's refreshing to know that even the people that you look up to the most have been through rough patches in their life."
"He's a dream for me as a manager as captain of the club because he's a symbol of it."
"We have to change the narrative. We have to show powerful black men."
"Boys need structure, purpose, and a positive male role model to prevent violent behavior."
"Be the pressure reliever, not the pressure builder."
"I'm for my people... and I want to leave a positive example for them."
"Kids who feel the same things that I did when I was younger get to look up to someone like Jojo Siwa and feel seen."
"My inspiration was Tupac, he stood for something."
"Just giving back to the youth and just like to the kids that saw you on the screen."
"Their father did fight for them and it's also important for younger men to see just how sticky things can get."
"He cared for those under his command, a superhuman warrior or not, and indeed to this day tries to imagine what his foster mother would do in a situation."
"I appreciate who you are and what you've meant to our community, to basketball, to young men, particularly young black men, everywhere."
"You don't have to become Bill Gates to be astonishingly successful."
"She was probably the biggest role model that anybody could ever have."
"You shouldn't be making fun of Keith, Zach, and Eugene. You should be following their example."
"Sally was a great female role model in a franchise designed to focus on boys."
"I wish more elected officials acted like members of the Supreme Court."
"I now have a boy, and that boy is going to be like his dad and like his uncles."
"To be a Chaplain is to live a life without cowardice or shame, your ferocity without limit, your wisdom unquestioned, and your faith unequal."
"We should look at families who have done amazing things instead of just focusing on 'black people are behind.'"
"The job of a president is to set an example."
"An idol is meant to be someone we can aspire to but also someone we relate to."
"It's our actions that our little girls will see when they start to think about who do they want to be when they grow up."
"They need to see role models out here, facts."
"He went from being one of the most prominent black people representing black people all across the world, a role model for black people, and that's not the case no more."
"Superheroes have been traditional role models for boys."
"Captain America is a fantastic role model for kids."
"Their story has been an inspiration to many people, which has hopefully encouraged others to act the same way."