
Positive Impact Quotes

There are 1791 quotes

"Creating is better than destroying, and ultimately, it's the generative drive that has to trump the other drives. When it does, we're happy, we're healthy, we make the world a better place."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Leaving them better than I found them...trying to leave as much positive karma in my wake as possible."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Prolonged exposure therapy, cognitive processing, or CPT, and cognitive behavioral therapy have been shown to have very strong positive impact, meaning reduce fears and traumas."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Sometimes that's all it takes, just a small message; it can have a huge positive impact on a person's world."
"Every day or so, like accessible awe, has proven to have a positive physiological impact on humans, on their emotions, or their behavior."
"It's being in the moment, being aware of how you make the immediate environment and the environment of others better, that's the thing that makes you feel alive."
"No matter how much I improved myself, only one person benefited. But if I could somehow influence other people in a positive way... then it made my life more meaningful."
"Nourish the world with your happiness and then watch it conspire helping you get what you truly seek."
"What advice would you give to a young person today... how to have a positive impact in the world, how to live a life they can be proud of?"
"He's just trying to make the world a little bit of better place."
"So much of what I want to do in my life is impact people in a positive way."
"Parasocial relationships are completely normal and can even have a positive impact on a person's well-being."
"Empowerment is making the other person feel stronger after they speak with you."
"A person who's turned on to their passion and purpose is going to make the world a better place."
"Your kindness is such a blessing to this world, your existence is such a blessing to this world."
"I think we have a really strong need for people who want to have a positive impact, and art is such an important medium for communicating ways that we can come together as human beings."
"A good co-parenting relationship can make a huge impact on children."
"When energy comes together and it's constructive, something comes out of it. You feel it, right? It's an elevation."
"Influencers can be a force for good and have in instances had a positive impact on their viewers."
"Reaching the summit means getting to a place that you maybe only dreamed of and having done something positive with the power that the summit has given you."
"This awesome power does not know how to reject you, or to tell you no."
"These experiences change it dramatically, change it for the better and clearly change the brain itself as well."
"Make at least one thing better every single place you go."
"If you were able to reveal the best of yourself to you in the world, you would be an overwhelming force for good."
"This person is going to create a lot of changes for you, big changes, but in a good way."
"You're saying something with confidence, with self-esteem, and you're being self-loving, and people react positively to that."
"AI won't just be used by nefarious actors; it'll be used by positive actors."
"Synthetic biology is 99.9% promise. It's amazing how positive the impact will be on our lives."
"It's no exaggeration to say that being lifted out of poverty is a transformative event which affects people's lives positively in all sorts of ways."
"I want to look back on what we've done with Critical Role and feel like we've made things a little better and made some opportunity for some really good people."
"Much of your work is now trying to bring people together in 3D... when people come into a community and meditate on peace, a city's crime rates go down, violence goes down, car crashes go down, economic growth goes up."
"It's impacting people's lives for the better."
"Give back. Be a giving man who gives back to the community, who helps people, who is somewhat like charitable, who wants to make a positive impact on the world."
"You're doing something right when you make people happy, which is like such a gift."
"Greatness is really about being able to impact people in a positive way."
"Examples of people who are self-actualized are people who have made a change in the world positively or those who influence those around them in a positive way to create good outcomes."
"When we share good news, we inject the healing pulse of hope into our families, our friends, our neighbors, our schools, our workplaces."
"Success and kind aren't mutually exclusive; in fact, in your case... it's additive to the outcome of success."
"The more people that understand this, the more people that could join the cause of laughing at it, which makes this world a better place."
"Try and leave people better than you found them."
"It is always the great strength and courage of men like him that make a real positive change in the world."
"One text message can really change somebody's day, somebody's life."
"We're building mission-critical safety systems that are going to have a huge positive impact on people's lives."
"The runes reforged change is just a completely positive change."
"It costs nothing to do a general act of kindness, guys. I mean, open a door for somebody, carry the groceries to the car, you know, anything like that. You never know how far something like that may go with someone because you just don't know what they're going through."
"Your facts not [__] approach is refreshing at the very least, more like soul healing."
"The fact of you making your own decisions and living in your own happiness will actually exchange that gift back onto others."
"Doing something that you're passionate about and something that makes you and other people around you happy, then you're doing it right."
"The effect of what you did is a net positive, no matter how you look at it."
"If you have an opportunity to make kids actually get their ass in a seat in a classroom, it seems like a relatively positive thing to me."
"Movies that make them feel good, movies that make them want to follow their dreams or be a positive influence."
"What I'm talking about is the tens of thousands of men who've been positively impacted by him telling them, 'Get your life together, you're depressed, you're in control of your own fate, get into the gym, get some exercise, run your own life, be able to be financially stable, be able to support yourself.'"
"It's exciting to be part of something that's a vehicle for good."
"What I know about adopting healthy breathing habits: you will only benefit."
"Telling me that I'm an enriching person to be around, that's like the nicest compliment."
"If what I've done can contribute to positive change, it will be worth it."
"Just bought a shirt and wanted to say that you truly evolved and use your platform for the better good. On you, it's nice to see."
"Empower people. As long as you're impacting someone's life positively, you're empowering them."
"Being army could be one of the best decisions of your life because on top of the great music, I feel like the values that BTS brings to each army is so positive environmentally, socially, and mentally."
"I think I've changed my commentary a lot...I want to make a difference, a positive difference in people's lives."
"You kind of encountered this person when they were in a really dark place... it was almost like you let the light into their life and it changed them."
"There is nothing more gratifying to my soul than being the reason for a child's smile."
"It's a nice moment actually, it makes you feel like people are having fun because I did this thing."
"It's such a nice feeling, like making people's day."
"You want to be a benevolent force in the world... a force of good."
"One of the things that like I think is we've been doing this for so long, and I get so much positive feedback of people meeting people on us or using us as a way to overcome depression or just getting through a dark time in their life."
"And you could be the game changer in somebody's life."
"That's why I'm determined that our operation here does some good. Wow, leave some part of the world in a better state than we found it."
"Social media has the ability to create communities, reassure you, and has so many things that just make it so incredible."
"I am so grateful that me sharing parts of my journey have also helped, encouraged, inspired, or reassured so many of you."
"An ending needs to be memorable, but like a good kind of memorable."
"When the social networks succeed, they have the power to lessen suffering."
"Exceptional individuals...who have done multiple things to increase the goodness and joy in the world deserve a measure of credit."
"We've only been able to affect people in a positive way because we are actually best friends."
"If there's anything that we could do that could have a positive impact on these kids, that's what we're here to do."
"Your positive essence was shown in numerous ways."
"Harlow has immeasurably improved my life. She has filled it with love and hope and compassion."
"There's nothing more gratifying to my soul than being the reason for a child's smile."
"Globalization has been a massive force of good in the global economy."
"I believe not only is it true, I also believe that it is the most practical and pragmatic way to add good to this world."
"It's really sad that he's not around anymore, but he's left us with so many good things."
"The minute we start breathing a sober breath, we start sending little ripples of success out there in the universe."
"I'm locked in on this idea of a freedom dividend in part because I think it's the most dramatically positive thing we could do that we could actually effectuate in real life that would improve people's lives."
"I just want to make world a little bit better. I don't care if the world remembers me, I don't care if I become a legend or I don't, but I just want to make sure that we are moving the world more and more towards the positive direction."
"If we can help somebody else out and be a blessing to them, that is a huge gift."
"I can thank him for that because it changed my life in a very positive way."
"As content creators, we have a responsibility to use the tools of the internet to make the world a better place."
"If you can make the world better for just your kids, that will have a huge impact on the world."
"Technology is at the end the force for good."
"Anything that brings mental health awareness to the platform and into the discussion, in my book, is doing a great job."
"The basic idea of the ending was that... his list started a chain reaction of people with lists... he's finally put more good into the world than bad."
"I appreciate your support as you help me make the world better video by video."
"You're disrupting the market in a very positive way."
"Creating meaningful and positive content to help others become their best selves."
"Everybody wants to have a positive impact. I think your purpose comes from your pain."
"I am a force for good, I am a force for courage, I am a force for safety, for fairness, for leadership. I am a force for the future, for compassion, for my community, and I am a force for all."
"Humanity working together is a force for good."
"Nancy was truly a people person, she left a positive impact on the people she met."
"Non-sexualized depictions of women, inclusion of people of color and queer people in games, is a net positive for gaming."
"And remember while we all might have different views, we should all be nice to each other and try to make the US a better place in a positive way."
"That's something that makes all the difference."
"You make things better, you make the community better."
"I'm so happy that this is a show the kids are watching, it's teaching them so many wonderful things."
"I have no doubt in my mind that Call of Duty Zombies mode has been an absolutely positive addition to the Call of Duty formula."
"Your videos helped me stay positive right after my breakup."
"Telling the truth ain't negative damn it, hopefully it's positive."
"Your spirit is so wonderful that you make some folks mad just by showing up."
"The president's leadership has made the difference here."
"Do something today to make somebody smile because you never know, it just might change the world."
"I'm so glad I inspired you to start up a YouTube channel. It feels so good, honestly, to know that my content has a positive impact."
"I've always believed that the kindness you put out into the world always will come back to you."
"Don't get stuck in your ways if they don't work, just enjoy what you do, try your hardest, and try to make the world a little bit of a better place."
"It's a great feeling to be able to build things that make the world a better place."
"Gabby Petito was a beautiful woman. Her infectious smile and love of life made people gravitate to her."
"Gabby's family does not want that light to dim. They want to make some good from this awful tragedy."
"Innovation solves problems and makes the world a better place."
"I've been given so much, I've been so blessed... I just want to be able to give back some of those feelings that I've had to others."
"A thousand people in this video just had their lives improved for the better."
"No matter how you spin it there's the immutable fact that 1 000 people just had their lives improved for the better."
"That personality of hers will go a long way with the Wright family."
"You did inspire them though, and I feel like they've found a lot of light because of you."
"I really hope you guys enjoyed. I hope it was informative and helped you out in some way, shape, or form."
"The goal of OpenAI is really just to take the set of actions that are most likely to improve the positive futures."
"I still enjoy it and I still think that there is a lot of impact a lot of positive impact here"
"They really see that you bring something incredibly good into their life."
"Clear, positive value to add to the world and its neighbors."
"I just hope whatever it is, that it's a net positive on the world and it impacts billions of people in a positive way that makes lasting change."
"Own your past, change your future. It's having a positive impact on everybody, everybody who reads it."
"My only motivation being on this earth is to make it a better place than it was when I stepped foot on it."
"The fact that at least one person saw this and learned something is so cool."
"Hopefully I shared something that could help somebody."
"We're supposed to be lifting them up, exactly."
"Good people like that volunteering their time to do something good for the world."
"This wise decision is going to change everything."
"A big part of my content is to make someone's day."
"The amount of good they could do just by opening that stuff up and also frankly it's an amazing advert."
"He knows everything he needs to know and feels everything he needs to feel when the day comes those two pull together he will be an Unstoppable Force for good."
"It's making the focus and the support for women's rights that cannot be a bad thing."
"If I can make you have a bit of a better bloody day then I'm down with that."
"I want to be a force of positive change in both industries."
"I said to Lynette, let's set the intention that this reaches the perfect people."
"If somebody is doing something that is useful to the rest of society, I think that's a good thing."
"Think about how you could use English to help someone... make someone's day a little bit better."
"This game made me see the potential for pure unconditional good when everything around us felt so dreadfully bad."
"Sometimes you just read a tweet about how a guy really liked your stream and it made his evening."
"There's not that many ways in which I can clearly and obviously make the world a happier, better place. That is one of them."
"Just a huge word of appreciation for you for being one of the good ones out there."
"Think of the people that we as a community influence hopefully for the better right collectively."
"I just feel that he's a breath of fresh air he's not bound by the chains of United's concerning future because he doesn't need to be here."
"You are a powerful creator, your work blesses everything you touch."
"The energy of 'I care about you' is a big part of the reason why he gets better responses from people."
"We want to tell our story and love and light and truth and we just want that part to be heard and we want everyone to tell their part because he came across many people throughout his journey and it was beautiful."
"It's creating more jobs, which helps the economy."
"You want to be part of the solution not part of the problem."
"Imagine making people happy just because you exist, that just by talking to someone you can make the best day of your life."
"A book about incredible people, a good culture."
"Even at this late date, we can do astounding good."
"I think more importantly it's like you know we're helping the community."
"What's the opposite of nefarious? All of his little plans are always like trying to help other people's lives, benevolent I guess."
"She is literally pouring into her community, pouring into her society."
"I'm interested in flipping this whole thing and in doing something truly good in the world."
"There's nothing more spiritually powerful than getting somebody's life back."
"True success lies not just in personal achievements but in the positive impact we leave on the lives of others."
"Let the starlight of your inner being shine here on earth where it shall make such a positive difference in the world."
"The sentence, I used to beat my girl and then you got in my head and made me see life, that feels better to me than extra zeros in my bank account."
"Put in the work, put in the grind, leave a positive impact on the world."
"Anything for you, Side. You're a forever shining light in an otherwise bleak world."
"Each time they did, they made an effort to build rather than destroy."
"She changes lives for the better, she's impacted it so much."
"You see that money is a beautiful thing. You see that you can do beautiful things with money."
"I'm just doing what makes me happy, and the fact that it's taken me on so many adventures and made so many people happy is the best part of my life."
"When you add value to someone's life, they're really eager to share your message to their friends and family."
"You're like an angel that's flown into their life."
"If it makes you happy and it makes people around you happy, that's probably what you should be doing."
"Your connection solidifies their knowing that they're here to make a positive difference."
"You know more Tolkien is a good thing in the world."
"It's the extra little things like this that make the big differences."
"Everyone says he had an infectious smile and a really sweet person."
"Acts of kindness, both small and large, from strangers, giving them finally a reason to smile."
"Every action would feed into a positive thing for the health of the land."
"People see your light and your and you bring a lot of happiness and joy so it's like people want to have you around."
"If more of us did as you have been doing, the world would be a different place."
"To put a smile on a kid's face is a pretty cool thing."
"Your kindness is a balm to all who encounter it."
"The support that you receive buries the bad stuff."
"Skateboarding kept me away from trouble as a youth."
"You positively affect people and they positively affect other people."
"It's those little things that a man does in his life that have a huge effect, a positive effect, on that young child or on that person."
"I think she's been able to make a positive impact."
"Success is about positive traction and movement, not just how it's received."
"It's blowing your heart open... it's worth it."
"There's something more important than politics: honesty, integrity, uplifting people rather than destroying them."
"You guys are the light at the end of the tunnel for a lot of people."
"We made a thing that was a force of good in the world."
"You're basically taking this thing that's been placed in your hands and then using it to make other people feel good or important."
"I've done nothing but good stuff for the sport."
"It's just a good thing to contribute positively to the world to the environment and all that good stuff."
"It's clear technology can be a positive force."
"Focus on what you can do for yourself now and make a better future for tomorrow, and hopefully those ripples will be positive ones."
"It's actions, positive, good-hearted actions that speak so much louder than words."