
Creativity Quotes

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"Creating is better than destroying, and ultimately, it's the generative drive that has to trump the other drives. When it does, we're happy, we're healthy, we make the world a better place."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Creativity resides in everybody, and that's because the neural circuits that underlie creativity have been somewhat defined."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Creativity is a way of interacting with the world or combining or recombining things in the world in a way that appears novel to us and to other people."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"For something to be creative, it actually has to reveal to us something fundamental about the world or about how we work."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Creativity is not just novel combinations. They are novel combinations of things that reveal something fundamental."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The library of options, the library of possible interactions with whatever it is that you're thinking about, increases exponentially when we are motionless."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Having ADHD is not a barrier to creativity and, in fact, may actually be an enhanced portal to creativity."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Let's talk about art instead. Enough about business."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"How do you feel about smartphones and the internet? It's both a giant gift for your creative process and an inhibitor."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"As artists, tapping into that instinct and the unconscious is where the great ideas are."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Every new thing that I've done, I've been told it's a terrible idea and it won't work."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Art is where we can do these crazy things and have fun."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"All the things that make life rich are essentially contained in the creative process."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"I try to make things-- all I've ever tried to make was something I like or something that I felt like was missing as a fan that I wanted, and nobody was making it."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"I do believe the universe is on the side of creativity." - Rick Rubin.
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"What we believe has power. If we believe we can make something great, the chances of us making something great are better than if we don't believe we can." - Rick Rubin.
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"It's really about an ability to pay attention." - Rick Rubin on the essence of creativity.
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Everything that I make or have made has always been based on something that I see or hear that allows me to see something that I didn't see before." - Rick Rubin sharing his creative inspiration.
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The belief part of it is a huge part of the conversation about everything." - Rick Rubin on the power of belief in creativity.
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"In deep work, I had this chapter called Embrace boredom... You should have some moments every day where you're free from distraction... and you want to."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"I'm a big believer in boredom is where all creative insight comes from."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The generative Drive is our desire to create, build, and contribute to the world in meaningful ways and appreciate the process to get there. It is the core feature of our mental health."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Assuming different identities during the same game of play or the same forms of play has been shown to be immensely powerful for allowing people to engage in more creative thinking and dynamic thinking."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"By now I think most people have heard about or experienced the benefits of meditation; improved focus, better sleep, reduced stress, more creativity and insight."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"I think ultimately the way to come up with new ideas or inspiration is to collect the raw materials of experience and then give ourselves these periods... to marinate and combine in whatever ways that are unique to you."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Creativity has two parts. It has a creative discovery mode where you're kind of shuffling things around in a very relaxed way, and then creativity also has an absolutely linear implementation mode."
"But where we tend to be more relaxed, and we tend to be almost in a kind of sleepy mode... that's when we tend to be better at novel configurations of existing elements, which is creativity."
"Teaching kids creativity means teaching them how to consume lots of data and then remix and do their own versions of it."
"We are all knocked off of our hamster wheels... it's forcing a creativity, it's forcing the brain to rethink things in a way that is actually, despite all the lousy stuff, really good for the brain."
"When you're creating, the parts of your brain that are normally active when they're clicking off time, are downregulated when you're in that creative flow state. Time doesn't seem to exist, self doesn't seem to exist. It's a very pleasurable state."
"Calm activities are the ones that tend to recharge our energy, so C for competence, A for autonomy, L for Liberty, and M for Mellow...those are the things that tend to feel creatively recharging."
"The overwhelming probability is that you will fail, but a small proportion of creative people succeed spectacularly."
"The first is creativity, like how original is the island. What did their brain come up with?"
"This is by far the most creative island I think I've ever seen."
"This is unreal, I have no words. This island, it's got a law, it's got more backstory than the game it's built on."
"Executing on creativity is as much a part of the process as the ideation is."
"The thing about creativity is that it involves a lot of risks."
"Productivity is actually more about being creative and thinking broader than it is about just like efficiently cranking out more and more widgets."
"It was just the right balance between management simulation and creativity that was just perfect for me."
"ENFPs...are creative powerhouses when they want to be."
"My kids don't learn computer programming; that's for computers. My kids [learn] creativity, painting, movement, human connection."
"Gamification, when applied correctly, can help us drive untold creativity, a new kind of creativity one that's pretty different from the creativity we thought of before."
Gabe Zimmerman
"Maybe they are geniuses. Maybe this is the new creativity. And if the power of gamification allows us to unleash their collective ability, we'll all win."
Gabe Zimmerman
"Explosion of creativity plus discipline equals success."
"Imagination is what sparks 'Don't Hug Me I'm Scared' in the first place and kept it going. It's not only okay to get creative, it's encouraged, even if you are scared."
"Creativity...is what differentiates us from every other species on the planet."
"The definition of being human is [to embrace] creativity. By ignoring this creativity, you're giving up on yourself."
"Creativity and love are the two most powerful forces available to us."
"Creativity isn't just about the arts; it's fundamental to inventing the life you're capable of living."
"Video games have an interesting relationship with creativity, don't they? On one hand, games are unique among all artistic mediums in being able to present us with interactive worlds filled with tools for creative self-expression."
"The key, I think, isn't trying to insulate creative and mechanical gameplay systems from each other... but instead to use the respective strengths of each style of gameplay to enhance and enrich the other."
"It's not about the reward, or even being celebrated as a master of your craft, but engaging in a natural human instinct to create, doing something that feels worthwhile for its own sake."
"AI in the creative industries enhances human creativity, and doesn't replace it."
"The creative process is also about how that process is received. Part of the beauty of the creative industries is the emotional connection between a human author and a human reader."
"The UK has the global gold standard for intellectual property and copyright, which allows a market for creativity and allows creative businesses to grow and thrive."
"We have to start seeing creativity as a fundamental human skill."
"Training creativity it's not about art; it's about success in any aspect of life."
"All of these creative achievements are nothing short of magic."
"Creative people are some of the most mocked and disdained people in society, but also some of the most respected and celebrated, all at the same time."
"There's nothing more life-affirming and courageous than the choice to create. It's the choice to make the world a little bit better, even if it's just for one person."
"Never forget that your work matters, even if it only matters to you."
"The Ace of Wands symbolizes this new beginning, a new idea that's sparking our interest that we're excited to go forward on and act on."
"The law of inspired action: 'I only write when inspiration strikes. Fortunately, it strikes at nine every morning.' - William Faulkner"
"I started The Surreal Mission without fashion school but with a blank t-shirt, a screen printed idea, and a dream."
"One month to turn each of these letters into a work of art."
Jess Carpenter
"A crazy idea popped in, and the fruit heads were born."
Jess Carpenter
"Pushing my creativity further with something as simple as letters."
Jess Carpenter
"The creativity is still there, so you're telling, say, Chat GPT to create me a very complex prompt for mid-journey to create this particular type of artwork. So, using one AI, it's benefit, and that's language to instruct another AI, whose benefit is to create images, to create a profound new form of art."
"Realizing that you would rather have life experiences and take a risk responsibly...leads to great creative discoveries."
"Let your kitchen become your canvas, where you paint with colors of fruits, veggies, roots, and leaves, each stroke contributing to the masterpiece of your well-being."
"Sleep is important for your brain because that's where you consolidate short to long-term memory, clean plaque out that could lead to dementia, and where your creativity in dreams happens."
"Laughing at oneself reminds us that perfection is impossible, but that really incredible feats of accomplishment or creativity come from having a lightness and a humor."
"Dopamine, when secreted in the brain, makes us pursue things, build things, create things, makes us want new things that we don't currently already have."
"The majority of people are actually sabotaging themselves, sabotaging their ability to come up with ideas that are going to help them in their lives, help their businesses succeed, help society, and essentially help move society forward."
"Everyone is creative. One of the first myths that I want to dispel is this idea that there's this segregation between people who are creative and who aren't creative."
"The actual definition of creativity is along the lines of producing a new idea which has value to someone."
"Generating an idea isn't enough to be creative. You actually need to execute on that idea."
"First there was nothing, and then there was something. Out of sheerest emptiness, creativity emerged."
"I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set it free."
"The gap between creativity and intelligence is vast."
"As a Virgo, you guys are some of the most creative people; you're the musicians, the painters, you are the people who have bomb creative expression."
"The more sleep you get, the more creative ideas you're going to get."
"Interactions with other people are going to teach you a lot about your creativity as well as spirituality and who it is you really are."
"I know I'm supposed to hate humans but there's something about them. They don't just survive, they discover, they create; just look at what they do with food!"
"You're talking like a human. Rats. All we do is take dad. I'm tired of taking. I want to make things. I want to add something to this world."
"I find immense energy, and all I want to do is write. I kind of tunnel into the process."
"Creativity is the process of having original ideas that have value."
"I'm not able to create my best work if I don't live. I'd rather go live, hang, eat, kick it with my partners... then I can go back and I could just reflect."
"Creativity is having the ability to apprehend what is and really learn and understand the true nature of the world without any prior beliefs or biases."
"If it's 'cause you have something that you're trying to express or that you're just in love with expression itself, with art itself, those are great reasons to start this journey."
"I'm not finished yet. Masterpieces take time."
"You work your way up, hustle, initiative, intelligence, go-getter, creativity."
"The human brain doesn't learn through consumption; it learns through creation and creativity."
"A magic system is only as interesting as the people using it."
"What is in us must out; we all have to follow our creative urges in the way that nature prepared for us, otherwise we can be hopelessly hemmed in by frustration."
"Creative insights that reflect on your life, introspection about memories, dreams, and hopes for the future, so there is still a very real role for the mind."
"The idea of a Fortnite and Lego love child had confused me, but now that I was playing the game, I had a good feeling about it."
"You got to be creative... I think that so much of creativity comes out of necessity."
"Creativity can help us organize our thoughts... into a narrative, into a story."
"It's what we sometimes call flow, that moment when you are creating and you're engaged."
"There's so much creativity in not having to be creative alone."
"One of the tried and true ways of being creative is to take different genres or things and combine them."
"Your greatest superpower as an artist is your enthusiasm for the craft and for music."
"I'm pretty sure I saw videos around that time of people splitting their own selves into different parts... and to me, I think when I was young, that was the epitome of irrespective of any kind of reach, like the value was found in how much does this wake up my soul."
"There's a time where it felt like we were all offering contributions of our creativity or self-expression to this platform and to this moment in time, that was the democratization of voice."
"This season, I'm not overthinking it. I'm just making things that make me happy."
"Creativity is kind of like a muscle, and the more you use it, the more creative you become."
"Creativity is not a function of some freakish genetic wiring that occurs in the brains of a few people. It is instead the function of awakening and exploiting the natural creative energy we all possess."
"This will make you ask a different set of questions before you begin your project. And asking a different set of questions is almost half of what it takes to be creative."
"The goal is to find a way to distill and incorporate that playful, exploratory, fluid spirit of the child into our disciplined, experienced, work."
"I think people have lost the art of joy and play."
"We look at creativity in much too narrow a way. We really need to open the aperture and look at creativity in a very different light."
"Most inventions in the world, most innovations come from putting things together that haven’t been there together before, often in really unusual and surprising ways."
"Creativity is something that's coming to you from somewhere else, and you are not the commander of but you are in a relationship with."
"It's a conversation that I consider to be the most interesting possible way that you can spend your life is to be in constant creative response and conversation with a mystery that I do not understand and don't know the source of."
"Human nature outside of rewards is to be curious, to figure out the world, to be creative and feel productive, to help the people around us."
"People who were less creative became super good because they worked so hard."
"Humans are at our very base level creative masterminds. We are designed to design creative endeavors for ourselves throughout our lives."
"Your world building doesn't even have to be like complicated. Perfect example: Owl House. To make a spell, you need to make a circle. Bigger the circle, bigger the spell. Super easy, consistent rule."
"Games like Minecraft are the epitome of intrinsic motivation."
"Your mind doesn't learn based on consumption; it learns through creation or co-creation."
"There's always going to be those creative people... Here's an exceptional person hidden among all these everyday people."
"Making YouTube videos takes a lot of time and effort."
"When I run, my mind clears of everything and I can focus on a lot of creative aspects of business...the run is where my mind is super clear."
"Making art is all about outputting; it's taking something within yourself and putting it out into the world so others can experience it."
"There is never any hurry on the creative plane; and there is no lack of opportunity."
"Inspiration will find you eventually, but it has to find you working."
"Creativity is in the non-linearities; it's about breaking the space-time rules in kind of interesting ways."
"By the time that most adults are 40, they have lost the neurological capacity for childlike abandon."
"Without risk, you have no creativity, no art. Without risks, you have remakes, you have Charlie's Angels, The Saint, Mission Impossible, The A-Team, coming soon Battle Star Galactica."
"What if being alone could be a source of strength, a catalyst for personal growth, a wellspring of creativity, and a path to inner peace?"
"Creatively, you're in a place where you can teach or speak, especially if you're looking to do motivational speaking or establish a brand or product."
"Creativity is magnified when you're able to access these states of relaxed mind."
"You have the power to turn nothing into something."
"Our society has a somewhat paradoxical relationship with creative works."
"Creativity may be the ultimate exercise in autonomy."
"All children are artists. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up."
"Thanks to the internet, it's never been a better time to be creative."
"Intelligence, creativity, and well-being are interconnected facets of the human experience."
"Creativity is not just about intelligence or a set of skills; it's about how we see the world and engage with it."
"We are wired to create, to explore, to transcend the ordinary."
"Creativity and intelligence are different yet interconnected pathways of human expression and exploration."
"You're just following your passions and creativity, and while you're doing that, you're not even realizing you're building this spiderweb of destiny."
"Our ability to come up with novel solutions to complex problems is hugely enhanced by a night of sleep."
"The winner is going to be the one who works the hardest, who makes the most beautiful videos."
"The Mac was the first computer that was designed for creativity, and it's become one of the world's most essential creative tools."
"People love the Mac and they use it to create all kinds of amazing things every day."
"We've always believed deeply in the power of creativity to change things, to push the human race forward."
"Be still, vision and create, nurture and manifest."
"Unleash your creativity and open your mind to positive energy."
"Big potential. Yeah, like if he continues developing that map and does the upstairs area and everything, that would be amazing."
"Dreaming provides at least two benefits: creativity and a form of emotional first aid."
"Dreaming is almost like informational alchemy, where you fuse things together that shouldn't normally go together but when they do, they cause marked advances in your thinking and productivity."
"Let me give you some ideas on what we can do and what we can expand. The more detailed, the better."
"You are a creator; you are here to co-create with the fundamental harmony of the universe."
"Creative workers focus on solving the problems that lead to the most results, regardless of the time they spent."
"Creativity is dependent on the expansion of your mind."
"The main difference between labor workers and creative workers is owning a business because business is about solving creative problems."
"It's cool to see a group of people take a basic concept that one of them came up with and modify it, improvising and working together to create a unified vision and story."
"Green values creativity, beauty, and art for art's sake."
"Surrender to creativity. Let your imagination soar, stay open to all creative ideas about how to pursue a dream or solve a problem."
"The majority of people right now are consumers... There's something so powerful about not just being a consumer, but moving into the role of being a creator."
"It really changes your life when you shift from being just a consumer to being a creator."
"Creativity and productivity are more likely in people who have a diverse network of connections that expose them to opposing ideas."
"There's a ton of science now on what [a nap] does for concentration, focus, learning, creativity."
"We're gonna try and do one we haven't done before. So I'm gonna go ahead and stop talking now, and we're gonna go play some Warhammer 40k. Let's go."
"Resilience is about what we do with that. Can we make art with those pieces?"
"Your thoughts are things, and they are creative in nature."
"You can't edit nothing. You have to put something down that you can edit and then make better."
"You are the creator; you create your reality."
"Master number 11 years are filled with inspiration and creativity, facing challenges to master new skills or talents."
"In life, you have the power and ability to respond and to create any kind of life that you choose."
"You can escape wage slavery by becoming ultra creative and hardworking with a powerful vision."
"Becoming a powerful creative genius... not only can you handle your finances but you get the thrill and satisfaction of offering something valuable to the world."
"Creativity is a deeply spiritual pursuit but most people never take it to that level."
"When you cut that shit out of your life, it leaves you with this very specific palette with which to paint."
"The biggest lie any creator will ever tell you is that everything was planned from the start. Nothing ever is."
"If you can take as many ingredients from over here and mash it up with many ingredients over there, bring them together, that's telling you to move in that direction because that's going to give you joy."
"Finding joy in your players' creativity, success, and victory is a big part of the learning curve of a Dungeon Master."
"Before every new record, I swear this is the one nobody's ever going to get. No one will possibly understand this one. No one will ever buy this one. But I've been proven wrong every time."
"There's something super fun and empowering about seeing your hard work turn into something really incredibly beautiful to look at or incredibly tasty to eat."
"One of the deepest joys you can get out of life is being creative because you are God, and God is creativity."
"You have to take conscious control and realize that you're in a sandbox; you can play around, you can be creative."
"Mind wandering is absolutely essential for creative insight."
"Resiliency is that gift and ability; it's the discipline to turn those pieces into a work of art."
"Comedy is just easier when you don't rule out making fun of everything."
"I started to make little ambient soundscapes and ideas, and they just became something I felt like I hadn't heard before, and that's cool."
"Keep going, dude. Like, I love that. You're a great example of how dope this generation is in creating what they want the version of next to be."
"When we think about cognition, we think about creative problem solving as a core aspect of where our general purpose intelligence comes in."
"By learning to reawaken your creativity, you will recapture the natural enthusiasm, energy, and wonder of youth."
"Every once in a while you read a book and you're a little bit angry because you're like, 'I wish I wrote this,' because it's that good and it's that smart."
"If your job is to entertain, you best stay childlike."
"Each of us is born as an infinitely creative being."
"The secret of immortality is infinite flexibility and creativity."
"Maths and science is just as much creativity and imagination as it is all the facts and boring equations."
"God damn, light bulbs were such a good idea that they became the symbol for good ideas."
"Survivors of narcissistic abuse often go on to do amazing things...they write amazing things, they create."
"It's not the materials that make the artist. It's rather the creativity that the artist has in their head that makes the artist."
"To make risk-free innovation is to stifle innovation. There is no such thing as risk-free innovation."
"Innovation is not about solo genius, it's about collective genius."