
Connectivity Quotes

There are 4246 quotes

"We know that people are happier if they live through altruism and gratitude and they're well connected with others."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"No man is an island, and we hope you'll make lots of connections and extend your hand to those in need."
"We are hyperconnected to the virtual world more than ever... However, socially, we are extremely disconnected."
"We are now living in an age of 24/7 connectivity. But who are we connecting with ourselves at all? Who's got time?"
"Gaming connections communities around the world and showcase heroes from all backgrounds."
"The world is changing, inspiration is everywhere. It has never been so easy to connect, share, and bring people together."
"The unintended price we're paying of this amazing level of connectedness is this fundamental decoupling from what's really important."
"Now more than ever, we need to stay connected, and thankfully we have tools that can help."
"We are all connected in some way, there's something that binds it all together."
"There isn't a single earbud out there that checks off every single one of these boxes and easily connects and interacts with the ecosystem that you're connected to."
"Facetime... now allows us to share a FaceTime call with someone that's on Windows or Android."
"We're connected in a sense that we often lose sight of."
"You're someone who wants everyone to feel connected and together."
"In fact, you are deeply connected to the people, both past and present, who experience various forms of violence and exploitation on behalf of your interests."
"I think there is a deep hunger for human connectivity, direct disintermediated human to human connectivity."
"I hope I brought a smile to your face at some point in your lives, whether it be on Pioneers Productions, gaming videos, Ember Ghost Squad, in person, or even just through simple social media messages."
"Energies are magnetic, bro. You know what I'm saying? It's like, I'm really tapped in with this universe."
"Inspiration is everywhere. It has never been so easy to connect, share, and bring people together. We're learning from others and finding the best in ourselves. Challenging our beliefs, sharing our vulnerability, overcoming our fears, transforming ourselves so we can transform the world."
"Despite her profile being constantly monitored, Janelle really did enjoy social media; it was her getaway, her actual freedom to connect with those outside of her house."
"Our mission is to connect everyone in the world."
"What use is the world if we're not connected?"
"We live in a world that is more connected than ever before."
"What started as a convenient way to connect with others is now a mass worldwide influence from news to entertainment, from information to relationships."
"The things that feel most isolating are the things that tend to connect us."
"The results, especially over time, can be profound in how they change the richness with which you experience your human life, your soul life, and your ability to connect more to Oneness."
"In the 21st century, in order to address the biggest opportunities and challenges that humanity has, we really need to be able to come together and have the world be more connected."
"That's what Windows should feel like. It should feel familiar. It should feel secure. It should feel open. Connected."
"In a world where everybody is connected...the notion that you can destroy someone by looking at them in a certain manner starts to take on a little bit more meaning."
"SpaceX has now achieved peak download speeds of 17 megabits per second directly between a satellite and an unmodified Samsung Android phone."
"The process of collaboration that's available now, because we're all connected, is unprecedented and has the capacity to solve all the problems we're dealing with."
"The internet is an intricate mesh that lets us share and connect without an emphasis on where we exist."
"When you really find a friend, a loved one, a partner that you connect with, it's easy."
"Feeling good, feeling necessary, and mostly, I think, feeling connected is undermined when you're just a piece of a piece of a piece."
"Happiness, joy, and human connectivity... transformational education shows you how to get there faster."
"At the end of the day, regardless of where we're from or where we're standing, we're still human all together."
"Our world has never been more connected or more complex."
"Social media has allowed people to connect in a way they never could before."
"With a cable to connect it to your charging point, it's like an umbilical cord, your baby car connected to the mother home."
"You've got private connectivity between AWS and your data center or office, you get a consistent network experience."
"This story highlights an incredible turn of events, a brilliant thinker, and the interconnectedness of two fields."
"You are connected to a force in the stream of consciousness that you are a part of its creation."
"Connect with each other over the internet and find ways to give that connection."
"I think there is something really miraculous about how connected we are now."
"If everyone could actually meet each other and be connected, we could solve anything."
"Humanity has an energetic social network that connects all of our minds together."
"Nietzsche said, 'He who has a why can endure anyhow.' So as you step back and look at this whole crazy experience we're going through, I want you to ask yourself the question: How can this experience make you a better human and a kinder person and more connected to the people around you?"
"I think the internet has done an amazing thing in connecting us and expanding our minds."
"The space between things may not be empty, but full and it connects all things."
"Community and gaming to me are linked. Video games can connect people across geographies, races, religions—it is just a connector of people."
"The world needs more people like you, and when you connect that heart, above, below, ground, centered, connected to Source...you already have everything you need."
"The more connected we become, the more disconnected we feel."
"When the social networks succeed, they have the power to lessen suffering."
"Really, the vision of connecting everyone around the world... is an incredible way to make friends."
"Globalization is the miracle that has enabled us to transship our bodies, minds, and ideas around the planet ever faster and ever cheaper."
"Think about the potential of...being able to share experiences with other folks...it's almost like we're together in person."
"I think that actually would be pretty dang cool, especially with how we're becoming so scattered and so many people are moving to different places because we can work virtually."
"If you could find a way for people to be able to just connect with their phones to satellites and just have free internet, that would make the lives of people, activists in Iran, a lot easier."
"Live streams have changed the way we share moments, witness events, and connect with each other across the globe."
"Everything we do has sprouted from the idea of creating pieces of media that people can use to either communicate something about themselves or to connect with someone else."
"On this show, we try to connect the dots along the path to awakening, trying to pull all of the disparate pieces together to try to find whatever this map will reveal."
"The greatest power is this little thing called a cell phone. This thing gives you access to the world."
"It's beautiful how the internet allows us to every day make a bigger impact than we could the day before."
"You know, even when I'm on vacation, I'm not really on vacation as long as I have a Wi-Fi signal."
"In the tapestry of life, we're all connected by threads of empathy."
"Bridges are some of the world's most impressive feats of engineering, they have the power to connect millions of people, transforming economies and politics alike."
"Life is much too short, the world is much too large for us not to take the opportunity to connect with one another."
"In order to see the big picture, we have to connect all the dots."
"We are a company that focuses on connecting people...we focus on building technology so people can interact with each other."
"Facebook was born in a specific time and place...but connecting people was always much bigger."
"I think gaming can connect people on a real level as much as it does in virtual reality."
"He might be on the other side of a computer somewhere around the world, but he is real."
"It's going to be like one giant social network in a way."
"Technology promises the comfort of connection without the demands of intimacy and it never keeps its promise."
"It's kind of cool that you can update it and download themes over Wi-Fi."
"In the silence of the stars, in the rhythm of the waves, in the whisper of the wind, we hear the ancient song of life calling us to remember who we are."
"Inside of this phone will now be a computer that can reach all over the world."
"The portable console would connect to a TV using a dock and the console used cartridges."
"If it did turn out we're all just part of a universal Consciousness, it might help us feel more connected to each other."
"Despite being more connected, we're also lonelier than ever."
"English is a bridge, not just between people but between hearts and minds."
"You guys know how to make the right connections with people, and you connect with people really easily."
"It's incredible to create to share, to connect to people, to understand worlds and lives and cultures and individuals and just stories."
"If I am the only person in the world who has a phone, it is not that valuable, because who do I call?"
"The amount of ways in which people can connect are allowing people to feel connected more deeply but also causing others to feel more disconnected."
"I mean why not if it's fun and it's an interesting way to connect?"
"I honestly think that there are going to be billions of devices on the net, more devices than there are people."
"I realized it in this moment because the generation one, yeah the Generation The Echo go like it would just Link UP perfectly."
"The universe is supporting you. Network, meet, socialize. Eventually, everything connects."
"Facebook's mission is to give people the power to share."
"5G technology: providing Internet connections 40 times faster than 4G LTE."
"Starlink is a potential game-changing system."
"It'll take like 20-30 minutes to get a connection like that but it'll work."
"San Diego community activists are proposing that city planners and designers breathe new life into the city by connecting neighborhoods."
"The perfect sleepover game whether they're at your house or not."
"Humans are very social; we need to be connected."
"By far as connectivity is that there's nothing that's more important today for modern military forces."
"This virus has shown how connected we are. We're fighting an invisible enemy, and no one is safe frankly until we're all safe."
"Thousands of people from all around the world that did not know each other... were saying something very, very similar."
"So today we want to bring a few of the things we've been working on across google that we hope will bring a little joy entertainment and connection into people's lives"
"It's incredibly easy to set up and use, simply fire up the app and connect with just one click."
"The real power in them is how they're gonna connect us in the future."
"Staying connected with our friends and family is the number one thing that I've enjoyed."
"We've gone from having to pick up a telephone to speak to a broker to put an order in to...you can sit in your underpants at home...and you've got all this fantastic connectivity and information at your fingertips."
"The promise of the internet finally fulfilled. That's My Hope anyway."
"Stay connected to people who love you and who you love."
"I think everything that has happened in this series is connected to Mount Greylock."
"with speeds up to 40 gigabits per second to unleash the power of your processor delivering the fastest and most versatile connection"
"When people have connection they feel compassion they see the earth they feel the earth they feel the other life forms including the human beings and they become part of a fabric of we instead of I."
"Having that real connection makes the online experience more enjoyable for everyone."
"You cannot just mass you know just throw enough mud against the wall to see if something sticks you've got to find that singular connective spot with someone that knows someone that knows someone inside."
"Suppose you had access to the information of every other brain on this planet—no more secrets. Are we all connected? The answer is yes."
"Forming meaningful relationships online is possible."
"There's no greater gift than knowing that you're connected to everything that exists out there."
"Some people come along and know how to connect with people."
"The same intelligence that flows through you is the same intelligence that flows through me."
"An 8-inch touchscreen center dash display incorporating navigation, voice control, Bluetooth, and Apple CarPlay or Android Auto smartphone mirroring...so much for all the standard spec of this car."
"Death, a breakup echoes mortality itself. I mean we are now blessed enough to live in an age where we are hyper-connected to everyone."
"I adore how it Bridges the gap between the two games... making it possible to play either of them first."
"The sad irony of social media is that while it sells the promise of connecting us, it's damaging our ability to make real-life connections."
"Somehow in this age of ultra-connectivity, I also feel separated."
"It's so smart, connecting the hub to the map like this is insane."
"I saw the miles of copper wires and Fiber Optic Cables between me and other people as a kind of Shield one that empowered me to be less isolated than my trauma and fear would have otherwise allowed."
"Jim calls won't just be a picture, we'll be able to actually embrace each other."
"It's been a great connector and over a billion people have it already."
"Mind wandering: crucial for making connections."
"Airbnb is using the Translation API to connect people using the app in different languages."
"It's the coolest thing, something as corny as TikTok has connected so many people."
"My interest as a journalist is to connect these stories to contemporary issues in our society."
"Consider purchasing a USBC to lightning cable to be able to charge your iPhone from your iPad pro."
"The smartphone opens up entertainment, video games, social media, communication, web conferencing, all these different avenues."
"More immersive, more personal, and more connected than ever before."
"Life imitates art, especially in times of isolation and connection."
"So now we have connected up Humpback Island to the main island."
"Breaking one of these cables can cause the Internet of a whole continent to go away in a flash time."
"Peering is the technique where Google establishes a direct connection with an ISP to provide faster access to its servers."
"It's so crazy to me that there are so many of us all over the world just hanging out together right now."
"It really helps all the maps feel connected to one another in a small way."
"Nothing is by coincidence. For me to pop up in your feed, for us to connect, I know my frequency."
"Connected through the fourth dimension to the eighth dimension."
"Feel love towards everything that exists in the universe."
"Gaming has this unique ability to bring people together... it's so great."
"We shouldn't brush it aside as just another South American country falling into crisis, but stay connected and stay organized with the people on the ground trying to mitigate the current disaster."
"We are united by a belief in the potential of digital technologies to promote connectivity, democracy, peace, the rule of law, sustainable development, and the enjoyment of human rights and fundamental freedoms."
"Your power is going to be in how you connect... between two different groups, between two different ideas."
"Social media's power: connecting and making us feel bad."
"We have better wireless transfer functions, whether you're doing it through FTP, Bluetooth, or Wi-Fi. We can now do bulk transfers of photos and videos much easier."
"Your greatest version trusts itself, listens to itself because it is your heart, it is your soul, it's a knowing, it's all connected."
"May your Wi-Fi be strong, may your family be well, hug your family, your partners, your people, your kiddos."
"We've lost touch with ourselves as beings... Spirituality just means kindness and connectivity."
"The internet is so great though, never lose that."
"How I now understand that when you're on instagram you're not somewhere else you're still in that same room you know I also value connection a lot more."
"Pepper: designed to connect, help, and form genuine relationships."
"Now you can connect up different separate areas of your park via your park tours."
"There is a through line between what we saw on January 6th and the ways that racist memes and racist posts like what we saw but from the LAPD are connected."
"The landscape visibly changes as you travel and everything is interconnected in a way that feels like a living dynamic world, even in the ancient N64 games."
"Please stay at home, stay healthy, stay safe, and stay connected to others."
"Apple Watch SE has everything you need to stay connected, be more active, and keep an eye on your health."
"It's really important that we stay connected on this."
"Whether we are together or apart, music is a language that shrinks the distances in between us and gives voice to the experiences we share as Canadians."
"Everything is now connected, everything is working."
"Imagine being in a world where we are connected into this weird collective consciousness."
"Peace to everybody who be knowing I'm the sense, peace to everybody showing up on a Wednesday, peace to everybody who be shining like the H beam, peace to everybody tapping in to the live stream."
"You're not alone. If you lean into the universe for support and guidance, it comes through."
"You are looking at two and three-quarter billion people in the world that we potentially have some direct connection with."
"The shrine quickly becomes this nexus... providing a natural start and end point to play sessions."
"A hub world is a way to connect different levels and areas... a lens that focuses and changes how we perceive it."
"Firelink shrine is a microcosm of Dark Souls... a place to learn, a place to understand, a place to connect."
"I went straight to Twitter because somebody else was like 'did y'all just feel that?'"
"It may have already been known in some ways but the fact that Goddess statues can sense each other and their condition fascinated me."
"You become inspired, your mind can create when it's linked into that."
"Supersonic flight holds immense promise for airlines where it offers a new way to connect the world."
"Their success if we're connected and we're good people and I can work to help them and truly be proud of them then who knows what that'll bring in the future."
"Access to the internet has now become a critical service for all of us."
"This ability to connect us all is amazing and provides us with the ability to communicate, share information, and stories with almost anyone instantly."
"Games connected us in a way that wouldn't have been possible a decade ago."
"The result will be increased connections between people."
"Wi-Fi 6 is the answer to most of our wireless problems."
"Wi-Fi 6 is addressing our needs of the future."
"Wi-Fi 6 is like a virtual circuit or a virtual tunnel."
"Wi-Fi 6 gives you your own little special HOV lane."
"Wi-Fi 6 brings back the 2.4 gigahertz spectrum."
"Wi-Fi 6 will instantly improve your wireless."
"Being against linking countries and part of a country together is something that it's just really really hard to be against."
"The synapse of those two things touching... how cool is that?"
"The world is more connected than it ever has been and it's only growing from here."
"Enjoy the opportunities that come with being connected on your terms, right?"
"Everything's connected - from your forehead to your overall well-being."
"ExpressVPN is available on all your devices."
"So people can find us on Discord... we have 1200 members in the community."
"Nobody can deny that these ancient civilizations connected all the nations together."
"The Internet--it contains so much helpful information; it connects us to each other; it allows more people to have a voice in public conversations."
"You have this Bluetooth setting where you can connect to your different earphones or device."
"Before we put a connector on the tip of the ethernet cable we need to understand what's inside the ethernet cable."
"Australia Post is more than just a letter delivery or a parcel delivery. It's about a sense of community."
"It's amazing how Oda ties this back in even though Marco can fly."
"Ladies and gentlemen, we've come full circle: Battle Royale connected to the Save the World universe."
"Connection to ordinary people and to the surface world that makes it very special when he bridges these two worlds."
"Communicate and connect not just communicate."
"It's not enough that you just want to change your feelings, you want to change your feelings within the context of connection."
"So if you're looking to add a solid Bluetooth connection with great range and versatility to your Switch, the Genki adapter is one of the best options on the market."