
Life Quotes

There are 99752 quotes

"Gratitude for being in life or having the capability of going back and planting seeds in that garden is the alliance between agency and gratitude."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Regardless of the circumstances in your life, we all make choices every single day, and the choices that you make determine where you land."
"Every man is born as many men and dies as a single one."
"Life takes over, things happen, and attraction wins out a lot of the time."
"Our blood serves as a life-giving river, constantly in motion, nourishing every cell, every organ, and every limb."
"Life is going to be boring unless you do something to shake things up responsibly."
"Seeds of possibility waiting for the right conditions to come, and if the conditions come, life will follow."
"Consciousness isn't just a human idea; it's much wider. It may be spread across all of biology."
"The key factor in life is motivation, desire, the energy that you bring to it."
"Greatness is understanding that the point of life is to live."
"It's not about the destination; it's about the journey."
"Your life is a reflection of the choices that you make."
"There's nothing wrong with making stupid mistakes; it's something we all do throughout our entire lives."
"Humans are at our very base level creative masterminds. We are designed to design creative endeavors for ourselves throughout our lives."
"You can enjoy the small blessings that God gives us that really make up life."
"Every moment of relief along the way is a miracle. The more we add up those moments of relief, the more we live a miraculous life."
"When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive - to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love."
"What would our lives be like without emotions? They would be empty of values."
"Play in life, and we've lost that, or we think we don't have that."
"The unfulfilled potential is the story of most people's lives."
"The universe is friendly and is for you. Life is for you."
"The heartbeat is the physical cause that keeps us alive, and it's impossible to count all your heartbeats."
"Life is always going to have ups and downs, so there's no need to feel like you're failing at it whenever you find yourself in one of the down paths."
"Psychologists have shown us that 95 percent of our life is subconscious; it's on autopilot."
"Everything can disappear in a split second. Don't ever think that what you have is there to stay."
"Life is short. That's urgent. So you better get it right because you don't have that many opportunities."
"The most important thing in life is actually other people."
"The only thing you really have in your life is your time."
"Everything compounds, and everything leads to the next thing. Everything snowballs."
"The real juice of life is emotional fitness."
"It is unflinchingly and unapologetically human."
"No god is a god of suffering. He is a god of life, laughter, and rebirth."
"Risk comes into play and there is a risk with everything."
"All of life could transform us just like music does, if we would treat it as music, if we would change our perception of it."
"The most important part of life, in all of our lives, no matter what we're doing, is like the process."
"The beauty of life is in the present moment, the unfolding of the journey."
"Life is a test on your morality, and you will be judged based on your behaviors."
"The odds against you ever being born are absolutely insane."
"Care for yourself, care for your partner, care for life, care for the planet, and it cures."
"All our perceptions are grounded fundamentally in this imperative to stay alive."
"Arthur believes he is part of a larger story. 'I used to think my life was a tragedy, but now I realize it's a comedy.'"
"I get to choose how I experience every moment of my life."
"The glory of God is a human being fully alive."
"In order to live fully, you have to confront life fully."
"It's the adventure of your life that justifies the catastrophe of your life."
"Challenges are what make life interesting; overcoming them is what makes life meaningful."
"Life has a 100% mortality rate, and that's not for other people."
"Life is constantly teaching us; we just simply need to pay attention."
"Stop listening to people, believe in yourself, and go to the gym; it actually does change your mental state."
"The journey is really all that we have at the end of the day."
"It's been beautiful, to be quite honest with you."
"Sexuality is what creates life at its very core essence; sexuality is a root creative and manifestation force."
"If you fear nothing but the Lord, then everything else is just literally a game. Life is a game."
"We're all helping each other through this on this wild ride called life."
"Every moment of our life is a privilege and a blessing."
"You don't know what you need in your life until you figure out who you are."
"To quote Jeff Goldblum in Jurassic Park, 'Life will find a way.'"
"I realized that life was a privilege and that I had a whole new lease on life."
"Mondays are restarting your life. You can have a completely new life on a Monday."
"You have to work hard to get by in this world, and it's an important facet of being a human being."
"The foundation upon which our life is built and sustained."
"Life not only needs protection, it needs nourishment."
"Perseverance now starts its scientific work from the dusty surface of Mars including answering that age-old question, are we alone?"
"Life before death, strength before weakness, journey before destination."
"The most precious moments in life happen when you least expect them."
"Through the knowledge of Him... God has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness."
"Your breath is your spirit. What happens when you die? You stop breathing."
"It's much more tantalizing to imagine that even now, the irrefutable answer to whether life once flourished on Mars might lie in a little transparent hash safely nestled inside Perseverance's casing."
"You can't enjoy the beauty in life without suffering through the pain first."
"For the first time, we are looking for signs of life on another planet."
"This mission... is also part of our bigger exploration plans, which involve really understanding Mars and the evolution of Mars and whether there's life, ancient life."
"You're going to be fulfilled on many, many aspects of life."
"You're going to feel all of a sudden like wow this is what freedom feels like, this is what it feels like to be alive."
"Mindfulness can be a big insight; it can give you so much insight into your life."
"Treasure this day and have a lot of fun. Drink a lot of cake. No, eat a lot of cake."
"When we love, our lives are changed forever."
"The good death only comes after a good life."
"Life has its challenges, but every day is a gift."
"You being born is an absolute miracle; it's time we start taking advantage of the time that we have on this Earth."
"Consciousness is there in every one of our experiences. After all, what is life, if not experiences?"
"I've realized that there is no life without death; the two go hand-in-hand with one another. It's a proven fact of nature."
"I believe in reincarnation in the purely the sense of I think life restarts in some way after this life in some way, shape, or form."
"All we ever really have is just this moment."
"Life consists of really only two things: life consists of a bunch of stuff that is designed with infinite intelligence to put you to sleep and it consists of a bunch of other stuff which are clues and breadcrumbs that you left behind for yourself to help you to reawaken."
"We should learn to get along with each other, because we are all the life we are ever going to see."
"There are around 10^22 stars in the universe, and life came into existence here once and only once."
"Life on planet Earth comes in many shapes and sizes."
"All life is the same energy of consciousness expressing in different ways."
"The last few weeks have been incredible in a way that I didn't anticipate."
"Life is what happens when you're busy making other plans."
"Ordinary life is fraught with problems, it's fraught with difficulties."
"The same rules of evolution apply, whatever the solvent is."
"Living your life to the fullest means giving it your all and sucking every last ounce of beauty and joy out of life that was there for you."
"Nothing is certain in life except death and taxes."
"Finding balance is the key to a harmonious life."
"The world itself does not owe you a single damn thing."
"Life is a constant up and down of hitting rock bottom and rising to the top, then hitting rock bottom."
"I'm a miracle baby; I wasn't supposed to be here."
"This is the way of matter, this is the way of life, we're all embedded in this microverse of interconnectivity."
"Consciousness is the feeling of life itself."
"Life requires work. Life is work. It is impossible to live without work."
"Your life is merely reflections of your thoughts and perspective."
"It feels like heaven on earth since meeting you. I feel so alive."
"Have a bigger perspective of what's going on in your own life."
"Life is about people and life is about relationships."
"Be like the woods: calm, soothing, mysterious, but full of life. It's the key to life, to wander about and be so entranced by everything that's going on around you."
"God wants the purpose He created you for to actually be seen in this life."
"The fight for life and liberty is raging. I've never seen anything like it, frankly."
"Soon you will have forgotten all things, and soon all things will have forgotten you."
"We're not here for very long and it behooves us to behave and to understand the world in the most fruitful way for human fulfillment and happiness."
"You were born to conquer, to play a magnificent part in life's great game."
"Remember, it's all about the journey, not the destination."
"To be at one with life is to be at one with the present moment, because it's the only place where life can be found."
"The fullness of life is not about having many things, it's about feeling the intensity of being alive."
"Life ultimately is the greatest spiritual teacher."
"We live in the realm of infinite possibilities."
"I've waited my entire life for a chance to be free. In this world, there's nothing tying me down."
"These are bookmarks to our life, aren't they?"
"For whoso findeth me findeth life, and shall obtain favour of the Lord."
"Ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God."
"Your entire life unfolds in the present moment; that's all you ever have."
"The most paradoxical perhaps thing that you'll discover in life is this thing here."
"Life is the best show ever if you're willing to watch."
"The very structure and nature of life is uncertainty, and as a human being, we have a component of us that's always trying to find certainty in uncertainty."
"The importance of not losing the human element in our lives, despite the optimization driven by data."
"There's going to be something that's bringing you to life, something that's inspiring for you."
"Where there is life, there is hope." - Stephen Hawking
"Life is a fleeting journey, and none of us are promised tomorrow."
"Many people think the universe has a big sign on it that says do not touch. I disagree. I think the universe has a big sign on it that says go forth and spread life."
"Earth's gift to the universe is the gift of life."
"It's literally worth spending years of your life finding your passion."
"Financial minimalism is all about enjoying the most out of life in a way that matters the most to you."
"Life is a mystery. As soon as you master it, you step into a new mystery."
"To have lived a long time and learn nothing is a disgrace."
"Existentially, for you as you sit here, what is your experience of life? How profound is it? How pleasant is it? How wonderful is it? This is all that determines this destiny 100%."
"The best thing that promotes satisfaction in life is meaningful human relationships."
"I've never been happier in my whole entire life."
"We need to think about our purpose in life. We don't want the day we are resurrected to be the first day we actually think about why we were here."
"You're not meant to just wake up, go to work, come home and like chill and watch TV because you're bored from work, and then go to sleep and repeat the process."
"Life finds a way, science will help us get there."
"Allah knows every newborn in the earth and in yourselves... and everything that dies."
"Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but when the desire is fulfilled, it is a tree of life."
"Safe is over. You need to dance like you're never gonna dance again."
"Life is precious, and it should be protected and guarded in all respects."
"Don't be afraid ever because this is just a ride."
"Closure is a made up thing by Steven Spielberg to sell movie tickets. Like true love and the Munich Olympics doesn’t exist in the real world. The only thing to do now is just to keep living forward."
"Life has been expensive for you, and you have continued to pay the price... but courage is going to require, in order for you to finally cash out on the investment of life that you have continued to pay, you are going to have to activate your courage."
"The soul, also known as the vital force, is a living entity that animates the body."
"All symptoms of life are from the soul; the body is the vehicle."
"To be fully alive is to wake up each day and live that day full of possibility."
"For with you is the fountain of life; in your light do we see light."
"The cyclical nature of life and death and how clinging on to what once was is futile because everything eventually fades."
"You only regret the chances you didn't take."
"Our life is basically made... you make or break your life on the basis of your choices."
"You are meant to have very positive circumstances in your life."
"It's time to let loose, let yourself enjoy the experience of Life."
"Nothing is ever set in stone, and you always do have free will."
"Literally anything can happen at literally any moment to literally any person."
"The Miracle of Life is a gift that everyone deserves because every life is precious."
"I have a friend that is 56, military vet, and is now a karaoke DJ... I've never seen him frown or in a bad mood."
"Time is a precious commodity that every one of us takes for granted."
"Let's just love, whether you're on this planet for another week or another 60 years."
"Passion is going to return to your life in aspects of career, in aspects of romance."
"Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're going to get."
"You never know; life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're going to get."
"Can't say Naofumi's life is short on adventure."
"Timing is absolutely essential in almost every area of life."
"I open to the flow of abundance in all areas of my life."
"You don't have to spiral down the mountain; just hike it down and take in all the beauty that life has to offer."
"Laughing and crying, that's all you actually get."
"Life becomes very boring if you don't take risks."
"If you can live your life without an audience, you should do it."
"Nobody was born to stay with you; everybody was born to leave you."
"The future is a good place to get interested in because you're going to be spending the rest of your life there."
"Time is measured in minutes, but life is measured in moments."
"Your greatest fear is not that you will fall. Your greatest fear is that you will live a full life and never fly."
"You are living and you know when you live in purpose, that is the fuel to keep going."
"All life breathes together; we are one living organism."
"We are players in infinite games every day of our lives, whether we know it or not."
"Duty is one of the most important things we have for our will to live, our motivation."
"The Lord God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being."
"Life is an adventure, and I'm here to embrace it."
"You cannot tell if a man is happy until you see how he dies."
"Maybe if you lived enough, you could let go of life when it was time."
"Every world has its end. I know that's kind of sad, but that's why we gotta live life to the fullest in the time we have."
"Why don't I invite you for lunch? We can talk about our life, then maybe I can make you my wife."
"I want to do things that when the last breath is approaching, I will still be able to smile and answer the question, 'What is one amazing thing you've done?' by simply saying the word 'lived.'"
"Plans are totally pointless, but planning is indispensable."
"Every day you wake up is a blessing, and you should never take that blessing for granted."
"Don't plan your funeral before your body dies."
"Over billions of years on a unique sphere, chance has painted a thin covering of life...suddenly, we humans...now wield the paintbrush."
"Guard your heart, for out of it flow the issues of life."
"Life is suffering. What do you do about that? Accept it, bear the weight of it, play the drama out."
"Whenever you do anything, there's a risk of you dying, and you have to do these things anyway; it's just life."
"Life comes with risk; it's not some sort of risk-free endeavor."
"Regrets aren't a bug; they're a feature of life."
"The energy of love, of life, of all creation. The spark of light in the womb that combusts evolves into a nation."
"You choose life and good and blessings by being that which you choose."
"Life is the letter C between the letters B and D. B is birth, D is death, life, C, is choice."
"Animation has all the possibilities of life, without any of its limitations."