
Technology Quotes

There are 168453 quotes

"We worship technology as our new religion. What we really should worship is the human brain, which is the greatest creation in the known universe."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"We don't currently have systems that share moments together. Like even just you and your fridge, just all those times you went late at night and ate thing you shouldn't have eaten, that was a secret moment you have with your refrigerator."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"I think you're going to be very attached to the refrigerator. You're going to go through some hell with that refrigerator."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The phone and perhaps social media as well are in some ways an extension of our brain."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"It really is almost like a piece of neural machinery of sorts."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"This is going to end up becoming one of the most important technologies that humanity will ever invent."
Demis Hassabis
"All the AI that we do at DeepMind involves learning algorithms... They're not pre-programmed or handcrafted in any way."
Demis Hassabis
"It's a revolution akin to the personal computer and the smartphone."
"We're not here to promote robots or specific technologies, but rather to provoke a discussion on the ethical implications of technology in society."
"Artificial intelligence is anything that allows computers to perform tasks that previously required human intelligence."
"The only ones the machines will truly liberate are the rich, whose relationship with these technologies that save money and boost profits is painfully similar to their relationship with human workers themselves."
"Our education system is appalling...with the computer technology we have now, every child should be an expert word and letter recognizer."
"We clearly need something like a digital Bill of Rights, absolutely, and as soon as possible."
"The coolest definition of technology I've ever heard is technology is hope for a better future."
"For the machines to become amazing teenagers in 10 years' time, we need to become amazing parents today."
"Our technological abilities have allowed us to modulate the environments about us so that we can keep a homeostatic state, which has factored out the variations that we evolved with and created essentially a weaker physiology."
"If quantum search algorithms exist and are efficiently implementable on a large-scale quantum computer, it could potentially render many current encryption schemes vulnerable."
"With a few taps on a magic rectangle, we can access pure distilled pleasure, completely separated from its original purpose: survival and reproduction."
"There are now signs that at least some in the industry are adopting new technology to ensure accurate labeling."
"We have the technology to control how fast we age."
"We are becoming cyborgs. Like, our brains are fundamentally changed. Everyone who grew up with electronics, we are fundamentally different from previous [generations]... I think we have evolved into Homo Techno."
"It's gonna sound pretty weird, but achieve a sort of symbiosis with artificial intelligence."
"With Neuralink, we're trying to solve real, significant problems."
"Ultimately, if and when the technology for spinal cord, nerve, or muscle stimulation gets far enough, ultimately it could be used to restore that individual's control of their own body."
"The integration of technology and personalized health data has the potential to transform our approach to wellness and disease prevention."
"Technology inherently isn't good or bad... it's how it's used."
"Smartphones are addictive, the Internet is addictive, and everything that's on there is addictive."
"This is not only super invasive but also unbelievably dangerous."
"With technology too, you're also fighting the programming. How do you stay detached enough that you can still think for yourself?"
"We need some way to find the truth...we're in a world that is the technology is so quick to ramp up whatever will most engage us."
"We're talking about intelligence; you have to understand what the human brain, the brain, does, and then we can decide which parts of we want to recreate in some system."
"We want to understand what intelligence is and then we can build intelligent machines of all different scales, all different capabilities."
"We're actually very close now to what our brain can do with these large language models."
"We actually know how to create perfect privacy in your phone."
"The Mac was the first computer that was designed for creativity, and it's become one of the world's most essential creative tools."
"People love the Mac and they use it to create all kinds of amazing things every day."
"The Mac continues to be rated the number one in customer satisfaction -- by far."
"This doesn't just change the way we think about iPad, it changes the way we think about computers."
"We live in the most advanced era in human history."
"If those things are conscious, you just created the biggest genocide in the history of the human species."
"It's the last invention we'll ever make because if it's doing what we want, then all the things that we think are hard will seem like child's play to something that is that level of intelligent."
"It's this utopia that we could be in if we could pull it off."
"The other scenario is that it's the last invention we'll ever face then 'cause extinct species don't invent things."
"The future is actually here; it's just unevenly distributed."
"What struck me and really puzzled me was that I realized that we humans have the ultimate technology in our heads, a brain that is so sophisticated."
"Self-driving cars can take these techniques and integrate them in a meaningful, profound way into our daily lives in a way that transforms society."
"That would be very scary for the United States if [Russia or China] had this technology. Whoever has this technology first, game over, they win total global domination."
"Technology gives us new ways to connect, but also presents new challenges."
"When we look back on this era, one thing it will be remembered for is how step changes in everything remote and the acceleration of digital transformation led to so many lasting innovations in business and technology."
"A few years ago it was okay for someone to send you a 25-page document. You actually had to read it to understand it. But with automated summarization, our machine learning models can now instantly summarize the main points from a long document."
"AI-driven automation is the future of advertising."
"It will take a while for self-driving cars to roll out at scale."
"Expert-designed algorithms are crucial because you want to be safe in the environment."
"All of our science right now has made us wizards; we're eventually going to get the source code of the game."
"It is a holy artifact, the Garden of Eden Creation Kit. The disks promise it will make our lands green and our village prosperous. It will save us. More, I do not know."
"Use technology as a bridge to human interaction; don't let it be a barrier to the very relationships that you need to survive."
"This partnership has the potential to bring about a new era of interactive and virtual reality content, transforming the screen in front of you into an immersive experience that rivals the world outside your window."
"It's a testament to how visionary leaders, armed with technological prowess and bold ideas, can redefine what's possible."
"The internet is arguably one of, if not the most life-changing innovation in the history of humanity."
"Companies like Facebook, Airbnb, and Netflix all rely on thousands and thousands of lines of open source code."
"The coronavirus crisis has turbocharged all of them. They are in prime time, and that is why they're taking off at a much faster rate than even we expected."
"This is the 21st century, a century with the iPhone, the internet, where information moves instantaneously."
"The Galaxy S20 is built for a new generation of users, for a new decade."
"The way to get something changed in the world today is with technology."
"99% of people in the world are good and the way you can improve the world is with technology."
"We believe that the five innovation platforms are going to lead to exponential growth trends the likes of which we have never seen before."
"We are so technologically powerful that we cannot possibly survive in the primitive ethical condition that still obtains."
"We know the curvy contours of our iPhone more than we know the curvy contours of our partner."
"F1 popularity has exploded in recent years, making it one of the biggest engineering-driven sports in the world, combining insane talent with bleeding-edge technology to race at speeds in excess of 300 km/h."
"To be a fun video, it's also going to be Story Time with Uncle Floss because all of these phones have a unique story."
"If you got the Galaxy... you are the Supreme boss."
"Wouldn't it be nice if companies paid us in cryptocurrency when they use our data, and if we control who has access to it instead of our digital overlords?"
"Trust is quite expensive. Blockchain is the first time that we saw some technology that can eliminate the cost or reduce the cost of trust dramatically."
"Email was perhaps the Internet's first killer app."
"Nvidia is just on a killer track of beating triple beating."
"The crypto networks are proving their worth as a neutral technology platform."
"Android wins again because of one word and one word only: innovation."
"It's the first VR headset that I've bought that I really do think I'll still be using six months from now."
"The launch of Chat GPT is equivalent to the iPhone moment in 07 where everyone just says okay, this is it."
"Everything is ones and zeros, okay? Literally, the whole way the world works right now is computerized."
"It's not taking down the Internet; it's taking down everything... you need every day."
"We think autonomous taxi networks are going to be pretty much natural monopolies."
"Robo-taxi networks are going to be natural monopolies wherever they exist."
"Our goal is to provide the right tech to enable people to do whatever creative crazy ideas they may have that we would never dream up."
"What we've done at ARK is we are pure play innovation."
"The greatest technological challenge of our time is the fight to protect our planet from the effects of global heating."
"Lockheed Martin reportedly said that they were working towards putting a laser on a tactical fighter within the next 5 years."
"Automobile Lamborghini has a keen interest in testing their carbon fiber material on the International Space Station because it may set the foundation for 3D printed technologies further down the road."
"From the start of the electronic age, entertainment has been a key focus for innovation."
"Intel calls drone light shows an intersection between art, science, and technology."
"Everything has a balance, and the moment we put too much technology into something, advancing too much, shit gets out of whack."
"War has changed... technology has brought itself in, altering the battlefield dynamics significantly."
"If you've got an operator that's really in tuned and he's switched on and he knows exactly what he's doing, you can take that jammer and be very accurate with it."
"If Sony could launch a Steam Deck competitor, that would be a pretty compelling product."
"I always talk about infinite possibility... one day actually we might even be able to download human consciousness."
"Nvidia is the key differentiator these days in the PC marketplace."
"One of the most mind-blowing things about CLAD is this long context and near-perfect recall."
"We're at a very interesting juncture in the world from a technology standpoint."
"Nothing wants to change this perception of tech to bring optimism back so tech can stand for progress again, excitement, a better future."
"We are getting an initial look at just how powerful the cameras on board the rover are."
"The Perseverance rover has 19 cameras on board, ready to explore."
"We're talking about 25 cameras on this mission. Just unbelievable, image-rich."
"Our selfie stick, if you will, is 150 million miles long."
"It provides us with a way to visualize as if we were on Mars... and be able to visualize that."
"With all these 14 color bands... we can make some color images that allow us to go a little bit beyond human vision."
"Imaging this with the camera allows the camera actually to measure the illumination... and we can then convert the image of Mars to what we call a reflectance calibrated image."
"The beautiful thing about rail gun is its ability to deal with armored enemies."
"Perseverance is the most sophisticated mission we have ever sent to the Red Planet's surface."
"We've done the impossible: glass that folds."
"In Flex Mode, you get a new kind of smartphone experience."
"If you can combine novelty in synthetic biology with a novelty in robotics, with a novelty in material science, with a novelty in computational design, you are bound to create something novel."
"This booster will actually launch a real mission."
"If you are looking for a productivity monitor that can provide unmatched color accuracy for your professional work, then the ViewSonic VP 2771 is the right choice for you."
"I realized for that job...every aspect of this job will be massively improved, and productivity will go up by 10x with these goggles."
"OpenAI is still ahead of the open source models."
"OpenAI has done a really good job creating a platform for developers to create custom GPTs."
"Speed matters because in the absence of having very snappy responses, you could have the best model in the world, but if it takes 10, 20, 30 seconds to basically initiate and get back data from a fetch request, it's an impossible thing to do."
"This is the most tech-savvy and entrepreneurial generation that I've ever seen." - Robert Rosencrantz
"We will see Mars like never before with new photos and videos."
"The dynamic duo in 2024 is basically AI, Nvidia, and Microsoft. Over half of all of the growth in the top 500 companies came from these two alone."
"The problem with big tech companies is that they censor what you see and track what you do online."
"This is the first commencement speech written entirely by ChatGPT."
"Jezero Crater is basically an ancient lakebed and one of the most promising places to look for evidence of ancient microbial life."
"Having this new technology really allows Perseverance to land in much more challenging terrain than Curiosity or any previous Mars mission could."
"A recent software update gave Ingenuity the ability to choose safe landing spots on its own."
"This is the largest window, a contiguous piece of glass basically flown in space to date."
"Losing your cell phone is like missing limb syndrome."
"The exponential age is this combination of technologies that are all reaching adoption phase at the same time."
"I think it's a problem if you wake up and check your phone before you say good morning to somebody."
"The first base order principle of every AI product should be that it is accurate and correct."
"Suffice to say, the Dreamcast was ahead of its time."
"The singularity is the moment predicted by futurists when machines become conscious and more capable than humanity."
"The great person of our era will be remembered as Satoshi. We will date human civilization to before and after Satoshi."
"Ham radio is definitely a great way to bridge the gap between...the stopgap of communication beyond just relying on cell phone towers."
"People in movies: 'We must destroy them, they are only machines.' People in real life: 'This is my new Rover, I will name him Opie and we will be best friends forever.'"
"The helicopter is just amazing technology, amazing ingenuity."
"Hypersonic missiles are designed to cruise within the Earth's atmosphere, giving their targets minimal time to detect and intercept them."
"This is what AI is going to do with everything. Whatever it is you think you're doing, it already knows you're doing it."
"A machine is just electrons moving down pathways. It's not going to have emotions."
"Thanks for staring and just remind yourself that, in this world of so many gadgets, sometimes you don't need anything but to stare at your friends."
"But now, I see something totally different, a much more optimistic future of what this kind of tech can do for people like you and me."
"My dream for this device isn't an infinite computer monitor; it's more connection with the people that I love."
"Technology has connected us and yet studies show that people feel more isolated than ever. Can new technology help make that better?"
"The harmonic balance of technology and nature represented the idea of this beautiful technological utopia that we could one day be living in."
"We know that the Russian systems, from their most basic systems to their most sophisticated systems, are critically dependent on Western microelectronics."
"Facial recognition websites have also been used to identify suspected war criminals."
"The technology impacts you. It could fundamentally change the nature of privacy in public space."
"When communication revolutions join with new energy regimes, and new modes of transportation, it changes the way we manage power and move economic life."
"Compute is gonna be the currency of the future... the most precious commodity in the world."
"Compute is going to be the most precious commodity in the world."
"We have medieval institutions, a primitive psychology, and godlike technology."
"80 hours on a single charge? I'm not even sure you can physically use a Wii U for 80 hours."
"The only byproduct of the entire combustion process is water vapor... this technically means that it has near zero emissions."
"Phil microwaved his laptop and created a pocket dimension in which everything inside Phil's laptop on our YouTube channels, including our YouTube audience, manifested into reality."
"Broadband access on a national basis for everybody is the best way to help somebody move into the next economic tier of their life."
"As the lunar economy opens up... you're going to see demand for these kind of sensors complimenting a suite of sensors that you use to guarantee safe landing."
"Imagine if Stephen Hawking could communicate faster than a speed typist or auctioneer. That is the goal."
"Imagine if you had a device that would run your house or even a small pack that would run your car, never having to be plugged into the grid."
"Technologies...mean that we have about a hundred years where we haven't needed to destroy the biosphere or had half the world in poverty."
"Within about 20 years of the disclosure of these sciences, we would have no poverty in the world and no pollution. The world would be restored to a pristine state."
"Every single home and business and your car will have its own electromagnetic power plant."
"Humanity is going to get on this path where we're going to be sustainable, peaceful, all these technologies will help heal the planet, poverty and disease will be forgotten, and we'll become interstellar."
"We have physical interaction with others... missed is probably smell. So you can talk with your grandparents over zoom but that's not the same as visiting them and seeing them and smelling them."
"K5 is a robot that will patrol the Time Square subway station in the overnight hours, equipped with multiple cameras and two-way communication intended to deter crime."
"The tech needs to adapt to us, not the other way around, for safety."
"No matter what your thoughts are about generative AI, love it or hate it, the genie is out of the bottle."
"Technology has always displaced people from jobs...but this feels like a unique situation where art, movies, TV is something that to this point always has this intangible passion and soul put into it."
"This is going to be the technology that comes out of this, is going to be truly, truly stunning."
"Over the course of a week, going from like 0 to 100 or maybe 10 to 90, taking into account that there were products that existed before last week."
"We will develop technologies, that allow us, to systematically, go beyond our interface, and perhaps enter different interfaces and play in different interfaces."
"They basically just ground up the entire Internet into a slurry."
"The Phantom's are here, Angie, with a new XP."
"If someone were able to permanently knock out all internet and cable in this country... just think about the levels that that would affect us."
"Advantages can compound. Having better aircraft is an advantage. Having better-trained pilots is an advantage. Having better sensors and network is an advantage."
"The US government has approved the world's first flying car."
"The hollow box is designed like a phone booth but displays a full-sized holographic rendering of the person you're talking to."
"Technology has never been the fix to the problems we create with the technology. The problem is political, it's social."
"As the internet gets better and technology advances, we become more socially inept."
"It's not normal for human beings to have so much access to devices and technology... you need to go outside and see things that were here that are meant for you to see like trees and dogs and leaves and grass."
"The only available, affordable, rapidly scalable and sustainable technologies that we have at our fingertips right now are wind, solar, and battery energy storage."
"Data is the new oil; it's more valuable than gold."
"Blockchain is the technology that secures financial transactions and it secures data and it makes it nearly impossible to hack or cheat this data."
"Could you imagine how people are going to become so dependent on this?"
"The Greeks and Romans actually developed huge mega catapults to hurl massive weights to knock down battlements."
"Who would have thought technology could bring us this close to feeling like we're in another world?"
"I have the world's information at my fingertips right now."
"I know technology is the way of the future, but as a parent, the most important thing to do is to be present with your child."
"I think eventually, technology will be the new drugs."
"Data is being used smartly, and technology works wonders, all it actually comes down to is what's your intent behind using technology."
"The technology affords us the possibility to engage in an intense dialogue at the edge of what we know."
"In the house, I'll use it without a case, but when I'm going out... I got a nice selection right here."
"Texting is our main mode of communication in this day and age, and unfortunately, a lot can get lost in translation."
"Your brain is you. I don't think there is uploading your brain."
"SpaceX's journey is a testament to the rapid advancement of technology and human intellect."
"Large language models... no one expected that to happen like 5 years ago."
"The simple ability to change a game after it has been released has made the meaning of the word 'finished' become utterly meaningless."
"The opportunities provided by technology are threefold: strengthening the protection of civilians, supporting the performance of missions, and contributing to the protection of the protectors, the blue helmets."
"Consider this: the Wi-Fi signals permeating our environment are invisible forces we've come to rely upon."
"The simulator learns intricate rendering, intuitive physics, long-horizon reasoning, and semantic grounding, all by some denoising and gradient maths."
"I'm really a superhero out here, without the AI yet. So watch when I get the AI, it's over. Stay woke."