
Humility Quotes

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"A sense of humility... I'm part of this bigger ecosystem. If we feel that humility, then we approach the world through the lens of gratitude."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"This idea that we're not as important as we think, which, of course, could be a wonderfully useful way to go through life."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Stay humble, stay open, keep doing the work."
"To put your ego in check and say, 'Oh, that person might understand something that I don't,' is crucial."
"Being able to admit when you're wrong about something and to say, 'I actually don't know, let me find out,' is a sign of strong leadership."
"Gratitude in achievements and success keeps us humble and grounded, reminding us that every good and perfect gift comes from above."
"I think that people want a leader that is relatable, not somebody that props themselves up on a pedestal but a real person."
"How can we be much more diplomatic by entering the space, looking around with great humility, understanding we know so very little about the space, and going with an open mind wanting to learn?"
"The antidote to narcissism is humility, and humility means we're not perfect, we have flaws."
"It is impossible for a human being to be arrogant if they are grateful."
"The more good deeds we do, the more humble we should become."
"Reverence leads to humility, leads to gratitude."
"Humility is kind of like the skill of being able to see your weaknesses...It's so important that you have this humility mindset."
"Self-reflection, introspection, and a lot of humility will go a long way for every human, journalist or not."
"The number one sign of humility is being able to laugh at yourself."
"The more successful people become, the more humble they become because they realize how much they don't know."
"Humility is the skill of defying your ego and believing that there's so much more for you to learn."
"My definition of greatness is humility, self-awareness, compassion, and empathy."
"Having a kid is really helpful for humility definitely because kids don't care."
"Humility is like the skill of knowing that there is more to learn, that you aren't there just yet, that there's someone who's in front of you and you could learn from them."
"The more you learn, the more you realize you don't know."
"The most successful people are not the most egotistical; they're humble."
"I'm not better than you or anyone else; I'm just another normal person."
"Losing a sense of self-importance ends up being the key to truly moral behavior."
"I really expected you guys to come in here maybe with a little bit of humility, maybe with a little bit of an apology to me."
"All I know is that I don't know. The more I research, the more things I learn, the more I realize just how little we know."
"True understanding comes from acknowledging how little we actually understand."
"I think it's okay to always keep our eyes open and say, 'I could be wrong.' I think that's the most honest way of living."
"My main thing is just always remain grounded, always remain grateful."
"You don't stay humble by trying to be humble; you become humbled constantly, right, by trying to do stuff that's out of your league."
"When you work for your money, you feel humble because you know the grind."
"Prayer is the highest sign of humility; prayer is proof of your recognition that you are inadequate without the support and the help of heaven."
"Being able to say, 'I don't know,' is okay. We're all that way. You've got to take each thing that happens and investigate."
"Be grateful servants of the merciful, people who walk on the earth with humility, people that walk on the Earth with peace."
"Great leaders are confident but humble; that's the balance of the dichotomy of leadership."
"Humility. I think it's really important to know what you don't know and listen to people who do know what you don't know."
"I'm not even cool. I'm just one of those girls that can do a lot of things."
"Admit it quickly and emphatically when you are wrong."
"Oh yeah, playing with humility and determination."
"Humility combined with a bit of wisdom from life experience but combined with an extraordinary amount of energy."
"We attribute our good qualities... to ourselves, not to God."
"Let us ask the Lord, 'Lord help us to find out which are the different varieties of pride which are affecting us. We are ready to be humble.'"
"Instead, you ought to say, 'If the Lord wishes, we will live and do this or do that.'"
"Are you humble? Are you obedient? Then your influence is sustainable."
"The only thing [Socrates] knows is that he knows nothing."
"We have nothing, we have no righteousness of our own... we cling violently to Christ."
"I am guided by my gratitude to this country. I don't covet the office of the President."
"The more I learn, the more I learn how little I know."
"By humility and the fear of the Lord are riches, and honour, and life."
"A man's pride shall bring him low: but honour shall uphold the humble in spirit."
"I say most of it [my content] is also garbage because that's definitely true."
"The more God blessed, the more humble you should be."
"To remain humble before the vastness of God's universe, for in our pursuit of knowledge, it becomes ever clearer that we are but a small part of His grand design."
"I wish that everyone, if even for one moment, could feel that awe and humility and hope."
"The smartest people I know are the most humble."
"You either walk off the field and say, 'Hey, I don't want to do this anymore' and you give up on going after your audacious goals, or you gain really humility."
"As an entrepreneur, I had to bet against the consensus and be right, and so to gain that humility was the thing."
"It's important to stay hungry, but it's more important to stay humble within that hunger."
"There's nuance to the culture that I will never get unless I stay humble and listen."
"You can never credit yourself; you have to give all the credit and all praise to God Himself."
"I'm not above reproach; let me know if I miss step."
"Those that are proud will be humbled, and those that are humble will be exalted."
"Thomas Jefferson is one of my heroes because he never took credit for writing the Declaration of Independence."
"You can get anything done as long as you're willing to not take credit."
"Kylie is teaching her growing daughter how to stay humble."
"It's surreal to be here, and I'm absolutely humbled."
"I'm an ordinary person with an extraordinary job."
"Talk no more so exceeding proudly; let not arrogancy come out of your mouth; for the Lord is a God of knowledge, and by him actions are weighed."
"You must be willing to choose principles of truth, which is learning how to be honest, responsible, and humble."
"Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring."
"This universe wasn't created with me in mind, and everything I am learning is teaching me that so explicitly."
"We agree there's a lot we don't know, and there always will be."
"We should just do it humbly, realizing that we're going to get it wrong, and try to correct afterwards."
"It's better to just stay away from that and admit your own faults."
"He lays out all these amazing, deep, high-calling issues: love, self-sacrifice, giving, being merciful, and being humble."
"Being humble allows you to see beyond yourself and understand others' perspectives."
"I don't know is a fair and reasonable answer. It is also the truth."
"Our posturings, our imagined self-importance, the delusion that we have some privileged position in the universe, are challenged by this point of pale light."
"If a man is firmly convinced that God alone is the doer and he himself is nothing, then he will never take a false step."
"I don't like showing off. It's not who I am."
"Here's my two cents on this, I think kids should go work for people for free, and keep it humble, for the first three years."
"Be prepared for 'I don't know,' because sometimes that's the right answer."
"If you can live more humble, you can hold your breath longer."
"You're never as good as they say you are and you're never as bad as they say you are."
"You should always respect a man's accomplishments, but you should never forget he's just a man."
"Experience genuine gratitude... it helps us lose the sense that we're the most important person in the world."
"For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, but the one who humbles himself will be exalted."
"Help us to fight to live in purity, keep us Lord from a self-righteous and arrogant spirit."
"I'm not ready for them. I'm only a trainee Jedi."
"Seek Aid in this journey of yours with patience and prayer, and verily it is heavy except for those who have humility."
"I describe myself as a poor man with lots of money."
"This has added a lot of perspective... My popularity isn't that popular on the internet, and it has taken eight years to even get someone to watch my stuff... I know how quickly it can be torn away."
"When you cannot say, 'Hey man, I'm wrong about something,' you will never be able to learn."
"If you do not show humility to your children, they will not learn humility."
"You cannot force somebody to have humility without exhibiting it yourself."
"You can't be a curious person and not be a humble person because if you're curious about something, by definition, it means you don't know the answer."
"The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit: a broken and a contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise."
"You must understand, humility is in the story you tell yourself about yourself."
"The arrogance...is really destructive. So the flip side of that, the productive thing, is humility."
"All of us will be forgotten in the end. Remember where you came from. Remember who you're doing this for."
"One of the demonstrations of humility is that we respond when God speaks."
"They see you as someone very powerful, very humble about it, and that's what they love."
"Don't let success get to your head, and never let failures get to your heart."
"Humility is the soil from which faith germinates, sprouts, and grows the fruit of the Holy Spirit in the power of the Holy Spirit."
"Holiness is two things: Do what's right and walk humbly with God."
"Obedience and humility. That's the whole key to the spiritual life."
"Humility is the key that unlocks the door to your potential."
"Humility is the faucet that favor flows from."
"Humility is the hinge upon which the heavens open up in your life."
"Lower your voice. You don't have to overpower anybody else's voice. When you really have purpose in life, anybody who wants to benefit from your purpose will come to you."
"Strive ever to humble thy heart in word and deed, and rejoice in the good of others as if it were thine own."
"Each sincere act of humility increases our future glory and is intensely pleasing to God."
"Remember, humility is not thinking less of yourself; it's thinking of yourself less."
"Imagine what you could get done in this world if nobody cares who gets the credit for it."
"Humility is nothing more than honesty... the humble person will actually tell the truth."
"The humble person is not merely honest; the humble person is also grateful."
"Humility is not thinking less of yourself, it is thinking of yourself less."
"Conduct your affairs with humility, and you'll be loved more than a giver of gifts."
"The humble person is someone who has the ability to pay attention."
"Well done to Anthony Joshua, very humble in victory."
"Humility is probably my favorite quality in the world. I find it the most endearing thing in the world when I meet someone who has it, especially someone who's very accomplished."
"Don't think you're the center of the world... Every nation or religion contributed something, but most things, if you had to live your life based only on the inventions and creations of people from your nation, you would have a very miserable life."
"If you could get everyone in the world to practice one thing for 30 days, what would it be? Humility."
"True glory is given to those who do not seek it."
"I think it's a virtue that if you find a position you think is more compelling, to say, 'You know what, I was wrong, I was naive, I missed it, I'm changing.'"
"Reflecting on his life and work, Isaac Newton said, 'I seem to have been only like a boy playing on the seashore...whilst the great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me.'"
"If I can wake up and say every morning like, 'Lord, you know, Lord Jesus Christ, son of the living God, have mercy on me, a sinner,' that I've sinned. If that's not a daily practice, then I'm going to become pretty brutal to people that offend me. But if it is a daily practice, my heart softens and I can become much more generous to those who have offended me."
"Humility is not thinking less of yourself; it's just thinking of yourself less."
"We are not containers of glory; we're colanders of grace."
"God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble."
"The greatest lesson on humility is in John 13."
"Everyone with any sense who isn't narcissistic feels imposter syndrome."
"Humility is not so much a grace or virtue along with others, but it is the root of all, because it alone takes the right attitude before God and allows Him, as God, to do all."
"The chief mark of counterfeit holiness is its lack of humility."
"The highest holiness is the deepest humility."
"The humility of Jesus is our salvation; Jesus himself is our humility."
"Humility is having a student mindset; it's understanding that you don't really know that much."
"Jesus came to bring humility back to earth, to make us partakers of it, and by it to save us."
"O Jesus, meek and humble of heart, make my heart like yours."
"Consecrated to Mary, we can follow in her footsteps, leading us to Jesus through her humility."
"Humility is the essential virtue that provides the soil for all other graces and virtues to grow."
"When we are proud, we're weak; when we're humble, we let Christ operate through us."
"You have to work on humility; it's a grace it has to come, and you have to ask our lady for it."
"Keep me humble, and then help me to keep the course."
"The wealthiest people I've met are the happiest, most humble, and kindest people."
"They never say 'I did it.' It's 'my team,' 'it's you know,' they're very, very, very, very... It's one thing I learned from them."
"Humility isn't thinking less of yourself; it's thinking of yourself less."
"I treat the cleaner with the same respect that I'll treat the CEO... that cleaner was my mum."
"Megan was so kind-hearted she never had anything bad to say about anyone, always smiling and encouraging, wise beyond her years."
"Megan was the type of person who had it all, yet was always humble."
"Success is ensured for you guys; don't let your pride get in the way."
"If my people which are called by my name shall humble themselves and pray."
"Why should I suppose that I am able to plumb the mysteries of the universe? It's amazing how far we've got. It's absolutely incredible how clever we are at working out the mysteries of the universe with the aid of lots of very sophisticated machines and by people building on the shoulders of others over centuries."
"I began to realize that perhaps the Buddha was right, and we should be humble enough in knowing that none of us know the truth, and we should listen to each other rather than fighting with each other."
"Jesus came as a humble, lowly servant to other human beings."
"Anytime you feel like criticizing somebody else, just try walking a mile in the shoes they've walked in. It gives you a kind of humility because it is a long and challenging process."
"Humility is not thinking less of yourself; it's thinking of yourself less."
"You're gonna get humbled, and you need to be humble. As a leader, especially, you step up into a leadership position, do you know everything? No, you don't know everything."
"General life advice for young adults: You're not as smart as you think you are."
"Through a lot of failures, you're going to learn a lot and you're going to hopefully be humbled."
"I had a weird ego around humility where I would not acknowledge the things that I was actually good at because I thought it made me egotistical."
"The best leaders never think that they're the final; that the buck stops with them. They always believe that they're in service to something bigger than themselves."
"I'm not afraid to ask for help. I'm not afraid to say that I don't know it all. I'm not afraid."
"The most important thing is... you got to check your ego at the door and you got to be humble around other warriors."
"We're going to be humble and kind and we'll just go do the work."
"You can use it to build yourself up, you can exalt yourself, or you can be humbled."
"If you're serving someone else, that is an act of humility; that's humbleness."
"Everyone loves to think that they're exempt from life happening to them, but you're not. Life can happen to anyone at any time."
"It was easy to think that being constantly aware of my faults and weaknesses was humility; it's not."
"We need to pray, as the Bible says, 'If my people who are called by my name would humble themselves and pray, seek my face, turn from their own wicked ways, then God would hear us and heal us.'"
"I am because, by the way, I love people that have that combo: a lot of self-confidence, a lot of humility."
"The smartest person is ignorant of 99.99% of knowledge."
"This was an incredibly humbling experience. I went so deep that I started to feel kind of stupid about the whole exercise."
"It's okay to not know things because the fact is, we don't know everything, and we're never gonna know everything."
"The man who is too big to do little things is too little to ever do big things."
"We need to be scientifically humble and recognize that we've just started research into this field of Consciousness."
"We're just a tiny speck in the grand cosmic scale."
"Nature is always more clever than any of us."
"And sometimes it's more clever than all of us combined."
"You have to have humility, but you also have to have a bit of courage."
"Nobody gets there alone. Anybody who thinks that they got there alone is delusional."
"Be humble in your confidence yet courageous in your character."
"Listen, it's not about me though, it's not about me."
"Your ability to really be humble...is going to be huge to your success."
"Never live in such a bubble, never have such a big ego that you don't take advice and don't welcome feedback."
"I've never really told anybody this... I was super materialistic, but then I got humbled."
"I used to be super materialistic, but not anymore. The reason why is I got humbled."
"I know how humbling it is not to have anything."
"There are thousands of people way smarter than me who don't have all of the answers, and that means I cannot possibly have all of the answers either."
"Asking for help is okay. Putting your pride aside to allow support in will be rewarding."
"What's been humbling for me is the opportunity I've been given."
"If you're going to do what you can to tell the truth, then do it with humility and care."
"If we open our souls instead of hardening our hearts, if we show a little tolerance and humility."
"There's no shame in saying, 'I don't know what I'm doing, and I need your help.'"
"If you are lucky enough to have this system work for you, what you should do is not assume you're the rule but assume, until proven otherwise, you're the exception."
"Recognize just how hard it is to find the truth, so we have to all tone down our certainty."
"Whoever exalts himself shall be abased, and he that humbles himself shall be exalted."
"God wants greatness to come out of us, but it takes humility."
"This has been a crazy good tournament for him. He's such a lovely guy in real life as well. Humble doesn't even begin to describe this guy."
"His enormous Mana was indistinguishable... he told her his Mana was at level 2, and this made her apologize before running away in haste."