
Human Brain Quotes

There are 160 quotes

"We worship technology as our new religion. What we really should worship is the human brain, which is the greatest creation in the known universe."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The human brain contains 100 billion neurons; that's as many cells as there are stars across the Milky Way."
"A lot of our biggest discoveries have been made on very unusual single individuals who turn out to have a lesson that's pretty broad, for example, for the organization of the human brain."
"What makes the human brain so remarkable is that we can orient our thinking to past, present, or future and we can also think about the past and present, the present and the future."
"I think the biggest miracle of the universe is that our brains are the most complex objects in the universe."
"In this world, we seem so divided, and everyone [is divided by] ethnicity, class, etc. The actual truth is our brains are essentially wired in the same way."
"We are all born with a brain that has 86 billion neurons."
"The human brain is the most complex of any animal’s on earth, with 86 billion neurons."
"The most significant factor in shaping the development of the human brain is the quality of adult-child relationships."
"We've discovered more about the human brain in the past 20 years than the previous 2,000 years combined."
"Your brain, my dear brothers and sisters, is 2.5 million gigabytes of memory."
"The human brain is incredible; how is this not enough for you?"
"The brain is obviously the most sophisticated computer in the universe up to now."
"The human brain is the most powerful thing on earth for good or for bad... when you realize that stories have the power to change how our mind works, to make it more resilient, more creative, to do all these things, you realize that when you couple the power of stories with the human brain, you throw open the doors to anything."
"The human brain is an amazing computer... but it has one critical flaw: the memory is fallible."
"The most complicated, most finely optimized thing that we know of in the entire universe... that's probably the human brain."
"It was our ability to cook that really created like a quantum leap in the evolution of the human brain because we're now able to extract more nutrients and calories from our food."
"The fact that these strange gloppy things inside our head can figure out the mathematics to understand the property of a particle to one part in a billion is an astonishing fact."
"The human brain is by far the most sophisticated phenomenon that we have been able to observe to date in our universe."
"Human beings are smart, and we have a big brain. We have a very sophisticated conceptual apparatus working out how that actually works and that it works effectively and successfully."
"It's an astonishing fact that these strange, gloppy things inside of our head can figure out the mathematics to understand the property of a particle to one part in a billion."
"It's crazy how fast the human brain can process information."
"If these equations are things that come out of this gloppy gray three pounds structure sitting inside this thing that sits upon our shoulders, how wondrous."
"Encoded in the large highly evolved sensory motor portions of the human brain is billions of years of experience about the nature of the world and how to survive in it."
"It's astonishing what the human brain can do given the much more limited tasks which it was required to do when it was being naturally selected."
"In man, there is a three-pound brain which, as far as we know, is the most complex and orderly arrangement of matter in the universe."
"These 24 papers represent the first ever whole human brain Atlas focusing on individual cell types and molecular interaction with the rest of the cells."
"This also be in the first collaboration trying to focus on differences between human and non-human brains with the emphasis being molecular interaction, not just the structure."
"The human brain, as far as we know, is the most complex thing in the universe."
"The human brain consists of around 86 billion neurons, it beats the most sophisticated computer in perception, efficiency, and speed, using as little energy as a small 20 watt light bulb."
"The human brain doesn't remember more than seven digits in its short-term memory. That's why phone numbers are seven digits. What, mine's 10. Well, I mean, area code removed."
"The brain is arguably the most complex structure in the known universe."
"We're going to learn a lot about how the human brain works by looking at how neural networks work."
"The human brain: the most complex, advanced, and many would say beautiful thing in nature."
"We have been formatted with brains to come up with solutions, not just to persist."
"The human brain is the most complex structure in the whole entire universe human brain human brain."
"The brain...we're never going to be able to replace with any machine."
"How crazy it is that brains can do this so effortlessly?"
"You did it! You really have an extraordinary machine inside your head. It's called a brain."
"We have no idea how your brain can make your body do exactly what you want in only tenths of a second."
"The human brain does have this almost unlimitedly open-ended capacity in its software."
"The human brain was not trained to do this. We grew up over evolutionary time scales to solve certain problems, and logical reasoning wasn't always among those problems."
"Our brains are us, we're fascinating, we're always going to be learning about ourselves."
"One of the big things that we still don't understand yet is the human brain."
"Scientists accidentally captured our most complex organ as it shut down, showing an astonishing snapshot into death."
"The brain an amazing thing and at birth its contains about a hundred billion neurons."
"How amazing is the female brain? It's really amazing."
"The human brain has a single reward network that gets switched on whenever we feel paid a compliment, whenever we have sex, whenever we take cocaine, and whenever we have power and great success."
"Your brain has an estimated 2.5 million GB of storage capacity."
"Tell a story. The human brain is hardwired to respond to stories."
"Imagine what the human brain is capable of if you actually put your mind to something."
"The ultimate creative capacity of the human brain may be for all practical purposes infinite."
"In humans, the orbital frontal cortex becomes active during regret."
"It reminds us to remember that the human brain has a lot of resilience built in."
"Humans have so much more cognitive power than animals despite the fact that the organization of the human brain is very similar to the brains of other primates."
"The human brain can be quite funny sometimes."
"The human brain is the last and greatest scientific frontier."
"Will machines surpass our brain power by 2029?"
"Dr. Ken Miller says we are thousands of years away from understanding the human brain."
"That's exactly how the human brain works, creativity isn't the birth of something that's never been thought of it's the creative combination of two things that no one's ever thought of before."
"Suicidality is actually programmed into the human brain."
"The human brain is like the most amazing DVR ever. It literally records everything from the moment we're born till the moment we die."
"That supercomputer that's located right up between your ears is so much better than any artificial intelligence."
"If all of the knowledge surrounding the human brain is like a mile-long strip, we would only have covered the first few inches of it."
"The world of mathematics is the world that's out there, but again, that mathematics was invented by the human brain."
"There's something special about the structure of the human brain."
"The human brain, there's no argument about it. So let's get communicating as soon as we can."
"It seems that our brains, our human brains with all of our complex circuits, are uniquely designed to put the pieces of the puzzle together and to solve mysteries."
"The human brain... every one of us is in constant conversation with this most complex object in the universe."
"Society is evolving at such a rapid rate, no matter how advanced we get with technology, the human brain that interacts with all this technology is the same one that was in caveman tribes tens of thousands of years ago."
"The human brain is so interesting, and I love psychology."
"I think the human brain is the most agile of known living forms. Do you know of any better?"
"There's nothing like the human brain, patience, and an overall control of your emotions."
"There is only one mechanism competent to handle those controls, that is the human brain."
"There are more connections in your brain than there are stars in our galaxy."
"The work that we've been doing addresses the human conceptual system, which is the system in the brain that represents our knowledge about the world."
"Given the right inputs, our brains can do some pretty amazing things."
"The brain is a remarkable organ; it occupies only 2% of the total weight of the body yet consumes 15% of the blood flow and 20% of the oxygen consumption."
"The human brain is the most complex three pounds of matter in the entire universe."
"The human brain can process one quintillion operations per second."
"The human brain is wired to think that objects can communicate, and they do."
"The human brain is the least understood organ in the human body."
"The question dividing the visionaries is on the reach of neural networks: to what extent can we replicate the human brain?"
"Humans are highly visual creatures; like our visual cortex is one of the biggest parts of our brain."
"The human brain and human beings are basically not really designed or organized to live in this modern world."
"The average person can recognize anywhere from 10 to 30,000 visual object categories."
"The only hardware we rely on is the strongest piece of technology in the world: the human brain."
"We're pattern recognizing machines."
"The human brain's an amazing thing."
"Staying plastic to adapt to the ever-changing cognitive niche is what the human brain can do and, in fact, is built to do."
"The human brain can be studied today in ways that it simply could not be studied 10 years ago."
"The nature of how the human brain works, there's an emotional component to belief and to disagreement and to persuasion."
"We have a large brain larger than any other animal... and what is the ability that this large brain gives us that makes us so spectacularly different? It allows us to imagine."
"The most complex object known in the universe is the human brain."
"You have the most amazing, complex miracle in the human universe: you've got a human brain."
"Our brains... they seem to be much more capable of analyzing their world."
"The human brain is the most complex object known to exist in the universe."
"A human brain is the most efficient and durable computer known to man."
"Our brains have had millions of years to evolve, adapt, and thrive in it."
"The human brain is a remarkable achievement in evolution."
"The human brain, three pounds, 75% water, is the pinnacle."
"I'm just fascinated by how human brains work."
"Mankind's greatest achievements are possible only because of the human brain."
"Brains are extremely unimpressive. They look like overcooked pasta, they really do."
"Computers and brains are two different things."
"The brain is an amazing instrument and is the greatest tool we'll ever own in our lives."
"The human brain has in it the capacity to reach another dimension of consciousness which is not accessible to the normal human beings."
"We humans use a world model as a simulator for our brain."
"The human brain is potentially the most complex machine that has ever been born into the universe."
"Human brains are a thing that exists in the universe and as a result of their structure, you get things like fashion and jewelry and painting collection."
"The human brain can't comprehend millions of people."
"The human brain works very differently from any computer that I know."
"We also have a social brain; we are the most social species of all."
"This wonderful brain... it's what makes it possible for me to be here with you today."
"The human brain has within it the ability to decode nature in this thoroughly deep manner that is typified by theoretical physics."
"If we double this every year, it'll take until 2029 until we have artificial neural networks that have the same power than the human brain."
"How could it be possible that the human brain, being as complex and unique in itself, produce such similar experiences in individual people?"
"That brain that evolved while we were hunter-gatherers is today capable of doing physics and mathematics."
"The human brain is the most compact computing unit in the universe."
"We will never understand emotions and human brains and minds unless we take an evolutionary approach."
"Our amazing ability to do content addressable memory is quite a remarkable thing that we take for granted."
"The human brain is so powerful that compared to a computer it is far more superior."
"Human brains are usually pretty good at learning to move and communicate without much help, but reading is different because it's such a new skill for our species."
"Our human brains are quite unique in our ability to think of ideas."
"Human brains are phenomenal in that we can time travel and we can make up a million metaverses that never happened."
"The human brain is just this amazing machine, but it's also got kind of quirky stuff too."
"We'll have the computation to simulate the human brain very soon."
"In the entire universe, there is nothing as complex as the human brain."
"Contrary to popular opinion, the most advanced machine in the world isn't the drinking bird, it's actually the human brain."
"The human brain is the most advanced portable supercomputer out there."
"The amount of processing power that the human brain can perform is why we can walk, talk, run, and jump, dance, and sing with grace."
"The same brain that gives you serial killers also gives you geniuses that change the modern world."
"Isaac Asimov wrote: 'In man, there's a three-pound brain, which, as far as we know, is the most complex and orderly arrangement of matter in the universe.'"
"We're all relying on the three pounds of goop between our eyeballs."
"What is it about human brains that allowed language to evolve in a way that did not happen in other primates?"
"Our brains are much more complex than the most complex computers in the world today."
"This mass only weighs three pounds and yet it has the capacity to conceive of a universe a billion light-years across."
"It's using technology and embedding it in the human brain to compete with AI."
"The human brain evolved millions of years ago... and in one generation you're not going to change the human brain because of technology."
"The full capabilities of the human brain go far beyond the task of everyday living."
"It's impossible to overestimate the importance of stuff the human brain does subconsciously."
"The human brain is even more extensively folded than the chimpanzee brain."
"Certain things happen in the human brain that you don't see in other species."