
Career Success Quotes

There are 583 quotes

"Opening yourself up to other people is a key to not just a romantic relationship but to career success, to mental energy, to creativity."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"When you match passion with ability, that's when you get the best outcomes for your career."
"The more that you allow yourself to be vulnerable and authentic to the world, the more you're going to get career success."
"If you work hard and you stick to it and you understand that perception is going to be part of that game plan, I can guarantee you, the big names who are shooting right now...worked very hard in industries to gain that level of perception."
"It's been a blessing just to watch you do your thing. Congrats on such an amazing career."
"You guys are heading into great career success where you will experience stability."
"All actions you take in your career will lead to success."
"IQ matters, of course, but Daniel Goleman has based his career on the argument that IQ is only a part of what makes people succeed in their work and personal lives and not necessarily the most important part either."
"Swift's inaugural album marked the commencement of her meteoric rise to chart-topping glory."
"Very few people get to make a living doing what they are gifted at, but it can be done."
"I got my CCNA and went almost straight into a networking job and thought, man, this is great."
"Staying disciplined to all of those factors in my trading is what has created the profitable trading career I have right now."
"If you're good at sales, you will thrive; if you're not, you will starve."
"Harrison pushed boundaries, enjoying a successful solo career."
"If you really have passion for it, you're going to do it well, and those are the jobs that tend to lead you to bigger and better things."
"Successful men usually have someone keeping the home fires burning, but this is just the truth of our world."
"Don't quit before the finish line... you're about to achieve career success and goals."
"If you're thinking about being in the public eye or being in the spotlight for work, the stars are aligning for your success. I feel like things are just going to work out in unexpected ways, and the universe has quite a surprise for you in terms of abundance."
"Success is going to find you in your career, especially if you're looking for career success."
"Find something that makes you tick; if it is a pure expression of who you are as a person in a job, then you're probably gonna be successful at it."
"I'm proud that I've been able to guide myself into the position that I'm at right now."
"You need to be in general just a good worker...if you have the grit and the ambition I think you might do well at any position."
"Firstborns are likelier to be CEOs, they are likelier to be senators, they are likelier to be astronauts and they are likelier to be earn more than other kids are."
"Staying hungry, staying on the top, reaching the top is much easier than it is to stay there."
"He's had a brilliant career so far, winning trophies at almost every club he's played for." - Ole Gunnar Solskjaer
"If you're so in tune with what you do and you're passionate about it, you attract that energy."
"His career didn't die, it just achieved its purpose: wealth. And like, that's not a bad thing."
"Our biggest wins have always come with more experience. The more time you're in the industry, the more you're going to be able to identify a great opportunity."
"You have to have a network to be successful."
"In order to be super successful in any industry, you kind of have to have a business mind."
"The ultimate form of leverage is to become so undisputably good that people call you."
"Your hard work is paying off; improvements in finances are coming."
"Michael Jordan has built the most successful and lucrative career that the world has ever seen from a former athlete."
"I actually did make a lot of money... but it wasn't about making money. It's about... doing what you love, furthering the human species."
"Build your personal brand and your network so that you're in those deals ahead of time, positioning yourself for success."
"But as far as how Leon is doing now, it is said that Leon is doing very well. Honey said he's doing better than everybody actually, because Leon went on to be a very successful producer."
"With a wrestling career which saw him selling out arenas around America and selling truckloads of merchandise, it's safe to say that Terry Belaya, the man behind the legend, has reaped the rewards of his success."
"It's amazing to see what Usman did with his career."
"I hope she can go the Mary Kate and Ashley route and annihilate in her chosen field."
"Shout out to Kane, hope he smashes it at Bayern Club. He's way too good not to have silverware in his career."
"It's customary that a star in a movie that has performed so well at the box office would have gotten other roles and worked quite a bit afterwards."
"Megan is smart. Nobody does what she did without a fair share of intelligence."
"Life was great, six-figure salary in my 20s in San Francisco, come on, that's a great life, right?"
"There's a reason we know Winona's name because she's awesome and she turned whatever weirdness people thought she had into a prolific film and TV career."
"Hard work pays off, so if you're motivated by it, and you can, you can definitely still get there today."
"Jupiter brings luck to your career, ambitions, and entrepreneurial ventures."
"This will probably go down as one of the best genre transitions for a rapper in history."
"Achieve career success; everything will fall into place."
"Consistency is one thing if you don't have, you don't achieve... you risk that you're not going to be picked."
"Paolo Maldini's career is built on being a great leader."
"There is no correlation between a specific school or degree from that school and success."
"Actors who can play characters believably are typically people who are on screen making a good living."
"Most people don't have networks and so working and developing your network getting into networks where you see opportunity is a good chunk of how people succeed."
"Big tour coming yeah big tour big big ten figures maybe 10 figures I'm not gonna count some Pockets my bro I'm not gonna count your pocket so 13 figures but it's a lot of figures it's a lot of figures big tour okay not you opening you headline."
"He's Teflon he can do no wrong and that's I mean you can't buy a career in a reputation like that."
"Mars in the 10th house... could find that you come out on top in any work in career space and now you're receiving some great gains."
"Something's going on here where you are killing it in the career."
"I think part of my success is I've stayed in my lane and my lane is lifting people's spirits."
"The dream of every woman to be as successful as an average white man."
"Sir Alex fitted their model from Aberdeen, had been very successful at Aberdeen, fitted their model."
"He proved that his persona translated to scripted comedy."
"None of us stopped at a few hits and said all right, that's enough... some of us didn't do it, but my God, we had a hell of a career."
"He got an interview, got the job, and developed into one of my best technical analysts."
"You will also become the CEO of a very successful financial empire."
"Expect finally getting that promotion, that engagement, marriage that maybe you've been wanting."
"Expect a lot of career recognition, success with this Jupiter Pluto conjunction."
"If women can get to the top that means it's possible for them to get to the top."
"Specialization is key. Niche down, become the expert, and watch your results soar."
"Dorothy's tenacity and dedication to her goals broke through barriers."
"I think the ideal position to be is to be on top of the charts and filling up arenas, which is the hardest thing to do."
"It's not easy, but if you're passionate and determined, you can earn it."
"Respectful and appreciative interaction with fans can go a long way in building a positive public image and a successful career."
"I loved my wife, loved my children, I loved my work, I had just heard that a book of mine had been optioned for a movie."
"The better you are, the luckier you are. You get that moment you've prepared for."
"There's really nothing I can complain about. He's making 50 million bucks over four years probably. Set for life."
"Facts and Longevity and continuity not only equal success in the ring but also outside."
"If you show that you really want to do it and that you're really capable, people will not stand in your way."
"Your work ethic will get you farther than the people that show up and do nothing and don't care."
"What matters at the end of the day is talent."
"Creative self-expression is really vital when it comes to your career success."
"He started sweeping floors and retired as a multi-millionaire."
"Success due to talent and being a good person to work with."
"Frank Lampard has been an elite level Chelsea manager... Frank Lampard first season to this moment has been a huge success."
"I took no risk and I've had a high reward potential which I've been able to realize."
"I've managed to make a career out of being the dumbest person in a conversation 640 times, and it seems to have worked okay for me."
"Harry's a good songwriter he's a great performer he's a great singer he always knows how to put on a show he was born to do it and he does it very very well."
"Being guided by the mind has made Miranda into a driven, successful professional."
"He's successfully transitioned into a bonafide world-renowned superstar."
"I've won almost every award that the TV journalism business has to offer."
"Networking is key; failure to network will destroy your ability to succeed."
"Primeape has been one of the Gen 1 Pokémon with the best careers."
"You just work so hard to get to a place, and then it pays off in such a way."
"This world has changed. I don't have a college degree and I'm making more than my mom made in a year in 60 minutes."
"Freelancing was actually really great for me, it led me to have a great successful life being an entrepreneur."
"Suzanne Valadon forged a successful career in a man's world."
"This person truly has like their job figured out, they have their life kind of figured out, they know the trajectory they're going in, they're probably already quite successful, they probably already bring in quite a bit of money as well."
"It's a marathon, and I was sprinting the entire time."
"I just wanna, I remember my first goal when I moved to Los Angeles, all I wanted to do is make videos in the day and do spots at night and then tour on the weekend and I'm literally living right that right now."
"Your true career, your true abundance, is going to happen when you merge the heart and the head."
"It's not Lonely at the Top if you help somebody else get there."
"If you literally are grinding and you're obsessed and you're just every day studying and learning you surround yourself with smart people and you just work like hell to be honest for 10 years like there's probably a good chance you'll make it."
"I am now the greatest real estate broker in the history of the world!"
"I had been busting my ass working trying to maximize the abilities that that I may have and I got the call and I was there talent hard work and luck I was at that intersection I put it down."
"Get to the top 10% of your field, you can retire a millionaire."
"You seem to be scoring a major win career-wise around the 27th of February."
"The big career win that you are scoring at the end of the month is having a regenerating effect upon your financial life."
"YouTube creators drastically underestimate the luck factor that leads to their success. Luck plays a huge role, hot take for sure."
"Expect success, material abundance, prosperity, prominence, dominance, or authority positions in your career."
"Eubank still a champion Eubank defended his WBO super middleweight title five more times which in total was 14 successful defenses."
"Dreams do come true at URL fam, I'm from nowhere and like we're making a career out of this now, so thank URL thank you caffeine, that's real [__] I appreciate that."
"Everything is going in your favor, especially with your career, your work, your finances."
"Your job is to find something you're good at and then spend the thousands of hours and apply the grit and the perseverance and the sacrifice and the willingness to break through hard things to become great at it."
"Your difference is going to pay you, promote you, elevate you."
"I can say I got lucky, you know what I mean like I'm not gonna sit down here and be like oh my God like I worked my ass off and this is why I'm here no I got lucky."
"You have to know how to market, you have to do everything together."
"The digital world has no barriers. Networking is the pillar of my success."
"He was just another kid working retail fashion to get through school, and in a matter of years without any formal training, he became one of the most influential designers in the entire fashion industry."
"If you keep giving the machine what it wants, you will get jobs I guess, you will be successful in media and everything else."
"There's no denying that after years of hard work, Taylor has made a permanent place for herself in pop culture."
"Last year was the best year in my career. I always knew that if I really put my mind to it, I could achieve great things."
"Nick was recently rewarded with his show Wild 'N Out."
"The longevity in their careers and the ability to elevate each other to the next level has been nothing short of extraordinary."
"Beauty doesn't just count on Instagram attractiveness improves an individual's chances of securing a job offer getting a promotion earning more votes in an election and living a happier life"
"The full moon illuminates the house of gains, triggering rewards for your efforts in career and reputation."
"My mother said luck had an awful lot to do with it."
"More than once in my career, have I seen idiots, absolute idiots making a killing in their careers in international cities like London, Dubai, Singapore, Hong Kong just because they can speak English very well."
"There's plenty of people who aren't nationally syndicated radio personalities but they've been working in their market for 25, 30 years and they've had a steady paycheck for 25, 30 years. That's successful to me."
"This is from a 70 something year old who's made billions and billions who's made a career out of spotting people like this."
"Money is just a side effect when you're excellent at what you do."
"Exceptional time for financial rewards, recognition, and promotions."
"Monaco's journey: rewriting careers and rewriting history."
"If you follow your passion, you'll work harder, and you get paid. If you work hard at it, you'll be good at it, and if you're good at it, you'll make money out of it somehow."
"Interview prep is essential for translating skills into success in interview settings."
"Lean into what you truly care about, what makes your heart come alive, and then go forward with great power and success in that career money story."
"Nicola Vlasic. Now, the guy's come from Russia, done really well there."
"It's not hard to get to the top, it's hard to stay at the top."
"My career is of course in self-confidence and how ownership leads to opulence."
"He's just one of the best managers in the history of the sport."
"He's milked more from his career than Neymar has."
"I blessed more [] than any [] ever blessed in this music business."
"Nothing can take the place of patient plotting, industry, ideas expressed in action, zeal, will power, faith, and energy translated into work."
"They've built an amazing career doing things their way without having to make any kind of compromises in the name of marketability."
"Moxley had already become the top guy in AEW."
"Finding the right fit and being in a good situation where you vibe with everything around you is often what determines success for a manager."
"It hurt really badly, and around that time my work was taken off in a huge way."
"If she was not an attractive woman, she would have no career as a singer."
"There isn't for me Southampton they had a good five six years they had the unbelievable Cyber Poach tuna."
"There's no substitute for art style and talent; hard work pays off."
"Some of you guys will be successful in some type of career path and be acknowledged as the source of truth or expert of some industry."
"She's done a pretty great job of figuring out... and getting successful again."
"Passion is what's going to drive you. If you really love what you do, the rest of this stuff is going to follow."
"He proved you wrong, he won 12 League titles, he won four Champions Leagues, he won seven Ballon d'Ors, and he won the World Cup as well."
"It's not always about Talent; Talent alone will not take you to the top. Talent needs mentality."
"Never Say Never: the mantra that propelled Bieber to success."
"Software developers set for life, part of the FIRE movement."
"Following this habit will make you indispensable... it will place you in a position to write your own ticket."
"No one can do better than earn a mere living unless and until he begins going the extra mile."
"Some of you want to be a high-time baller, but work for it! It's not going to happen overnight."
"Gary Turner is an example of a guy who was born into a very specific condition and rather than let people feel sorry for him he turned it into a career."
"This business is filled with luck being at the right place at the right time..."
"Life is showing us right now: you don't need a college degree to be successful."
"Good for her, she's worked a long time... She thanked her kids and her husband and everybody in her life."
"A college education is the key to the American dream."
"The only example I could think of off the top of my head is Lil Nas X because he turned the Old Town Road meme into an actually fruitful career."
"High iq isn't the only component many people with lower iq but better personalities excel more in their career."
"...proved that he had it in him to be a top guy wherever he went..."
"Stephanie McMahon will forever be one of the very best."
"If you're doing that, then your recognition moment will happen."
"You deserve this, you've got like three promotions this week."
"It's not to brag but if I didn't say 'yes I can' to everything, you would never have got what we wanted."
"Trust me when you're killing it in your career money and life purpose you're gonna be having way more fun than the people who are just seeking short-term dopamine spikes."
"He kept true to what he wanted to do and he achieved it."
"She is going to be a seminal powerhouse in this industry for a long long time and I think it's incredible what she just accomplished."
"If you work hard enough and if you're good enough, it's going to happen, one way or another, right?"
"I found my dream job without a college degree."
"Work ethic can get you further than anything because skills you can learn."
"I'm truly blessed to be where I'm at in my life, where I'm at in my career."
"But what people are mostly caught up upon is this, the biggest myth of everything in the music industry which is if you get in front of more eyeballs and more people see you then you're going to have this amazing successful career."
"Janet Jackson is an artist that always had a massive career because she had what you call a machine behind her."
"I've worked 60-70 hours a week for decades until I made it in my 40s—no freebies, just hard work."
"So many janitors become CEOs... they just start at the bottom and they grind."
"In 2015 to 2018 I would say my career exploded, I was doing crazy unheard of things that way surpassed my vision board."
"This has been my life, I've bought a house from the money I've made from working on this show and I've built a career."
"You're very talented. Your focus and skills will take you exactly where you want to go."
"You are going to hit the peak of your career by yourself, but your fame and your mega success will come in a partnership with another."
"For every Leo, it's a lucky career and money break..."
"Luck opportunities through work and career... Something good is happening through work and reputation spaces for you."
"If you can win a title, make some good money, and come out with your health intact buddy, that's the trifecta right? That's it, you beat the game. If you can do that, you did, you won."
"Most freelancers I know are making well into six figures."
"Even Zendaya, who was already top-notch... they're gonna be so just famous and even more cherished."
"People who end up on the top are the ones who are experts at never ever ever getting in trouble."
"Sometimes it's nice to have a story like this outside of a game."
"Do you see a man skillful in his work? He will stand before Kings."
"Everything that he's done outside of music has even surpassed his musical career."
"If you're good at what you do, there will always be a demand for you."
"Suddenly you are now not only an instigator but you get rewarded for it, you get paid to be a mover and a shaker."
"Gaga has proven herself as a singer, a songwriter, a musician, a performer, an artist, and even a fashion icon."
"He's already a Hall of Famer after just three years as a starter."
"Red pill ain't got nothing to do with your level of Education your level of Career Success or your level of financial success has nothing to do with that nothing zero man." - Professor Allen Roger Curry
"Ellen found inspiration from her idols Woody Allen and Steve Martin."