
Intelligence Quotes

There are 21742 quotes

"Intelligence is the ability to look inside of yourself and see your own biases."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Sleep's the way to get smarter, provided you're also doing the learning part."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Music actually boosts IQ points across the board more than some of these other activities."
"We know that [reinforcement learning] is enough for intelligence because this is the way that all mammals, including humans, learn."
Demis Hassabis
"In order to find the Theory of Everything, it might turn out that we have to solve intelligence first."
Demis Hassabis
"Neuroplasticity...it's not just random, it is intelligently plastic."
Don Vaughn
"The best predictor for success in a complex enterprise is intelligence."
"It's not how smart you are, it's how are you smart."
"The gap between creativity and intelligence is vast."
"Intelligence is really strange because, as a society, our understanding of intelligence is all wrong."
"All of us are intelligent and have infinite potential to learn from our environments."
"This is a better definition I think; it's more accurate, it's more precise, and it's what we do as humans. We are intelligent; we have infinite potential to learn from our environments."
"If you were praised for your intelligence, you did worse on the second test. If you were praised for your hard work, you did better."
"The harder I work, the smarter I get. But I have to do the hard work to get there."
"Intelligence is about function...consciousness is not about function, consciousness is about being. It's in some sense much more fundamental."
"Intelligence, no matter exactly how you define it, sort of an adaptation to new environments, being able to learn and quickly understand...that's all about function. Consciousness is not about function; consciousness is about being."
"When you exercise daily, you actually get smarter."
"Science will continue to progress because we are not little three-pound brains; we are the infinite intelligence."
"Our mission statement was, 'Step one, solve intelligence. Step two, use it to solve everything else.'"
"Consciousness and intelligence are double dissociable."
"We're talking about intelligence; you have to understand what the human brain, the brain, does, and then we can decide which parts of we want to recreate in some system."
"We want to understand what intelligence is and then we can build intelligent machines of all different scales, all different capabilities."
"If you can sit down with a person and talk to them, a person is smart and people in groups are really stupid."
"Intelligence, creativity, and well-being are interconnected facets of the human experience."
"Creativity and intelligence are different yet interconnected pathways of human expression and exploration."
"My wonderful and extremely intelligent actualized friends who all have clean rooms."
"A growth mindset is that you believe that your talent and intelligence are not fixed traits."
"When AI is smart enough, climate change would reverse... because basically climate the climate challenge we have is a problem of intelligence."
"More intelligence would enable us to do things better in a way that would reverse climate change."
"Cognitive empathy is when you feel for a person and have an intelligent response that helps them to help themselves."
"In reading non-verbal communication, it's a different form of intelligence. It's not algorithms, it's not formulaic; it's human, it's emotional, it's empathetic."
"His mind is amazing; he's a preeminent conversational cognitive scientist in, I think, the world."
"When we think about cognition, we think about creative problem solving as a core aspect of where our general purpose intelligence comes in."
"The Unified Field is as we'll see, not separate from ourselves. I'd like to argue that it is indistinguishable, that it is indeed our innermost self."
"Albert Einstein says I'm not that smart. I'm not smarter than other people. I just stick to things longer."
"Why waste my time looking smart when I could be getting smarter?"
"Cruella is charismatic, she's fearless, she's got an eye for the extravagant; underneath that zany exterior, she's actually really intelligent."
"Nature has kind of wisdom that exists beyond intelligence or above intelligence."
"Every intelligence point increases your mana by 13 and your mana regen by 0.04."
"Ingenuity was a quality that represented that intelligence and creativity best."
"The only real test of intelligence is if you get what you want out of life."
"You were born with natural intelligence and confidence."
"Because what happens is that, when we understand how something works, its intelligence seems to vanish."
"You have an unquenchable thirst for knowledge and studying, wanting to be really smart, wanting to know a lot of things."
"Your brain's involved in everything you do - how you think, how you feel, how you act, how you get along with other people. Your brain is the organ of intelligence, character, and every single decision you make."
"My goal for everybody is watching and listening to this is that they're smarter than they think; it's just we weren't taught how to do these things."
"Intelligence is essentially the efficiency with which you turn experience into generalizable knowledge."
"Is a goose actually intelligent enough to perform the level of complex thought that we see demonstrated throughout Untitled Goose Game?"
"The most successful, intelligent people I've ever met have an unbelievable ability to quit things that make no objective sense."
"The smartest people I know are the most humble."
"The Battle of Midway was an intelligence failure for Japan; they did not know their naval codes had been compromised."
"We know at present there is no naturalistic explanation that produces information, not natural selection, not self-organizational processes, not pure chance, but we do know of a cause which is capable of producing information, and that is intelligence."
"Leaving aside his insane power, strength, durability, speed, and his godly hacks, Jin Wu's arsenal of abilities would have been useless without his insane big brain and intelligence."
"I see the hand of divine intelligence all about me in the flower, the tree, the brook, the meadow. I know that the intelligence that created all these things is in me and around me, and that I can call upon it for my slightest need."
"When we do a lot of self-reflection and self-healing, we'll actually become more intelligent, more perceptive."
"Adult humor is supposed to be clever; it's supposed to require a little bit of brainpower, a little bit of thinking to understand the joke."
"Education can enhance [intelligence], but doesn't guarantee it."
"We like to think of ourselves as being pretty bright, being pretty smart cookies here on GG Live."
"The dedicated person of average intelligence is capable of much more than the lazy or erratic genius."
"Your natural gift and talent is your intelligence."
"He's so good, he's so intelligent, he's my kind of player."
"Developing introspection, life's most important skill, is the number one technique for increasing your intelligence, wisdom, and for escaping all the mechanisms of self-deception and delusion."
"A successful, intelligent society will necessarily have a certain amount of immigration. The question, of course, is how much."
"What does a human do? This is what it means to be human. You use your intelligence."
"You got to think big, be smart, make your brain your finest body part."
"The assumption was that black people are genetically inferior to white people and are too dumb to get married."
"Unless the politicians become smarter than the people to whom the governance is applied, then there's no way you will progress faster."
"Any fool can make a fortune; it takes a man of brains to hold on to it."
"Intelligence is knowing that a tomato is a fruit; wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad."
"Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently."
"No amount of collective intelligence would make up for human ignorance and indifference to life."
"Real strength isn't just about power; it's about understanding and intelligence."
"Intelligent decision-making sometimes requires that you forget what you've lost."
"One of the painful things about our time is that those who feel certainty are stupid, and those with any imagination and understanding are filled with doubt and indecision."
"I want to make sure that we're first and best on cyber issues, on AI, on ultimately quantum... all roads lead to China."
"For high-quality decision making, sound intelligence must never be contaminated by personal bias or political predisposition."
"Intelligence gathers potential into bodies and then puts purpose or recognizes purpose, engages with purpose, meaning, spirit, breath."
"The description in Genesis is a description of how the world exists, not in a scientific way but in a way which takes into account that intelligence is necessary."
"Brilliant minds, even mediocre minds, operate better under stimulus."
"American people are smarter than this; however, we must remain vigilant to recognize their propaganda for what it is."
"We make smart tools to take the load off our brain, so that we can be stupid and still be sort of smart."
"What makes every one of your brains... maybe you can't beat the world's best at Go, but any one of you can get behind the wheel of a car."
"Intelligence is about many other things. Intelligence is about a lot more. In particular, it's about modeling the world."
"Date intelligently, date with your head, not your emotions."
"Everyone is a genius, but if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing it's stupid."
"The things that predict success in the workplace are intelligence and conscientiousness."
"I'm a genius. I've literally taken an IQ test."
"The more hardship that we go through, the smarter and more intelligent we tend to become."
"Most agree that it's best to think of intelligence not of a concrete thing so much as a concept, the ability to learn from experience, solve problems, and use knowledge to adapt to new experiences."
"In the end, it's best to think of intelligence as something about which we've still got a lot to learn."
"The world is always desperately short of people who can think and speak."
"If you outwork everybody, if you try to be a little smarter than everybody, if you try to be a better salesperson than everybody, if you try to be better prepared than everybody, you got your best chance."
"Dull minds are never either intuitive or mathematical. - Blaise Pascal"
"Information helps to win wars, and also to win peace."
"Intelligence is inseparable from learning... every intelligent entity that we know about arrives at its intelligence through learning."
"I appreciate the conversation; you're thankfully more intelligent than most people I talk to."
"The traits that predict success in the workplace are intelligence and conscientiousness."
"You are gifted. You are very intelligent and talented."
"It's kind of surprising that this one learning mechanism accounts for most of our intelligence."
"I'm convinced that the intelligent organization clever people as they are, they're going to calibrate their response in a way which will be most effective for them."
"Their niche is awesome in the reef; they're very personable, they're extremely intelligent."
"People think he's dumb because he's the class clown, but that cannot be farther from the truth. He's super intelligent."
"IQ is about know-how. EQ is about know you. And I'm going to add something else: knowing people."
"No one would have believed that in the first years of the 21st century, this world was being watched keenly and closely by intelligences greater than man's."
"EQ, not IQ. The world is not run by people with the highest IQ."
"When you put the smartest people in the world in finance, you can't hold back their imagination and their creativity."
"I love that awkwardness... it's like, well, Bill, we're tuning in because he's our smartest friend."
"Nature is always more clever than any of us."
"If intelligent people think they're immune to indoctrination, then they are especially vulnerable to it."
"Intelligence is how you process information."
"This person is very smart; they don't necessarily have to be well-educated but... they love to learn."
"What makes us human is our intelligence, consciousness, and morals."
"AI much smarter than humans could come to regard us as pets, tending to our needs out of affection or curiosity but not really letting us grow."
"They are their own history; they are fundamentally different types of intelligence."
"Writing is a protracted form of thinking, and the advantage to writing as thinking is that writing makes you smarter than you are without the paper and pencil or without the computer."
"Intelligence is very powerful. It is the most powerful force that we are aware of."
"I would say at first attractiveness because that's what makes you inquire about the intelligence but afterwards, I would say the intelligence outweighs the attractiveness."
"At its core, AI is about building machines that can think and act intelligently."
"We don't have a word for 500,000 IQ; it doesn't mean anything to us. We have no concept of what this will be like."
"The biggest mistake that I see artificial intelligence researchers making is assuming that they're intelligent."
"Congratulations, you are smarter than a fifth grader!"
"The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function." - F. Scott Fitzgerald
"Creative intelligence, I figure, is one of the most important skills today."
"She was not only their older sister but just a really great human. She was kind, she was beautiful but she was also very down-to-Earth and very smart."
"Adam was more intelligent than the creators and the first ruler."
"IQ is not an objective measure of innate general intelligence."
"Measuring cranial volume to make racial claims about intelligence was total pseudoscience."
"Intelligence itself is also not a unified genetic trait that we can even discuss as a single phenomenon."
"Human beings should be judged on qualities other than their IQ."
"I did something beyond smart. Some would even say genius."
"She's a very unusual person because she's very clear thinking, she's very intelligent, well-educated, logical, and fearless."
"You can greatly improve an individual or a group's intelligence through education."
"The racial IQ difference between black and white people has been collapsing massively with time."
"The smarter the people you have, the more qualified the people you have, the stronger checks and balances you need."
"We have a robot that can make educated guesses about what should happen next based on what it sees."
"Travel makes you smarter, if not smarter, you're more open-minded."
"The payoff is we go to all this effort to write down equations and think about them and solve them, and the equations are smarter than we are."
"It's that he's a smart enough person not to use it when it would not work for him."
"You have to be smart with your moves too. You've got to be intelligent."
"America is one of the few countries where it's actually better to be born smart than it is to be born rich."
"The only two skills you actually need to have to win long term are, one, the ability to not quit, and two, the ability to be intelligent enough to not make the same mistake twice."
"The fate of intelligence in this corner of the universe may depend upon us right now creating this bridge to this next evolution of being human."
"One way to save our brainpower is just to ignore stuff and simplify things...but a better way to do it is to become more intelligent."
"Your intuition and your intelligence will guide you through the situation."
"It's not what you have between your legs; it's what you've got between your [expletive] ears that matters."
"This sphere is an unlimited field of consciousness, this field is self-aware, sentient, alive, intelligent, unlimited, all-loving, and creative."
"You can actually increase intelligence... experience changes the brain."
"SATs don't define your intelligence... It's not the only way to measure your intelligence."
"There is only one intelligence, one mind in all creation, and everyone is a part of it."
"Even moderate deficiency results in a loss of at least 10 to 15 IQ points."
"I survived because I was a smarter person than my assailant."
"Asking for help is a sign of strength and it's just smart."
"Prehistoric people were just as smart as us."
"Every single generation, humans get stronger, more self-aware, more intelligent."
"Psychology's found really two traits that seem to make you better off in almost every sphere they've been studied in. And one is intelligence and one is self-control."
"We're not putting forward this intelligence to start a war, we are putting forward this intelligence to stop a war."
"He was also a wordsmith who would play on words and tell you about the origin of words."
"If you have someone around you can really trust, you have two brains instead of one."
"Whatever principle of intelligence we attain unto in this life, it will rise with us in the resurrection."
"Survival is deeply intelligent. Stop thinking of survival as a dumb mechanical process."
"Gratitude is always going to open the door to higher intelligence, to infinite intelligence."
"One detective said that she may have had the mental capacity of a fourth grader, but she was a master level manipulator."
"She was very intelligent from a very early age, yards ahead of all of her classmates so much so that she even skipped the fifth grade."
"In high school, she was known as very graceful, very classy, very intelligent still, but also just very graceful, very classy."
"A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky, dangerous animals, and you know it."
"We are not a very intelligent species if we are spending two trillion dollars on military budgets every year worldwide instead of exploring space."
"No amount of evidence will ever persuade an idiot."
"I'm not even discounting the possibility that there are invisible entities out there in the universe far smarter than ourselves."
"If you want a good idea of that, it's somehow the smartest people...actually have some of the most backward thinking."
"The most precious commodity in the universe is consciousness and intelligence."
"The problem with the world is that the intelligent people are full of doubts, while the stupid ones are full of confidence."
"You are very intelligent, very spiritually aware, and very powerful."
"I'm here to inspire you and to know that you are just as intelligent as me. I'm not better than you."
"You might not have super strength, but you do have a brain, and you can be smart."
"The feeling that someone else is more intelligent than we are is almost always intolerable."
"If you're smart, you should be able to figure out how to be happy; otherwise, you're not that smart."
"A wise man, an intelligent man, would like to have an intelligent partner."
"We've got to get back to this place where being intelligent is a good thing and a cool thing."
"We are in the prime of our lives, smarter than we've ever been, understanding ourselves more than we ever have."
"I am very intimidated by the smart audience, so I'm looking forward to your questions and we have hopefully an evening of fun and learning."
"If both teams play really well, it should be favored in it, but Jake does some 200 IQ movement here."
"The average IQ for a woman and the average IQ for a man is identical."
"Why is my intelligence so low? Because of your age, man, you're like, you're forgetting. You've got dementia, remember?"
"We've got to manage them [relationships] intelligently because if there's anything we need to be intelligent about, it's about our relationships."
"Intelligence means that you succeed. Talent should be the fuel to get you to the top."
"Religion forces nice people to do unkind things and also makes intelligent people say stupid things."
"It is a question of cubic capacity," said he; "a man with so large a brain must have something in it."
"The idea being here that this gives us a nice balance between natural intelligence and artificial intelligence."
"The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination." - Albert Einstein
"Kindness requires genius...to be effectively kind is hard."
"We have to be smarter. We have to break the cycle, and that's all in love."
"Design a system that's thoughtful and intelligent."
"To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head."
"If you can change your mind after receiving more information, you are a genius and a great person. But so many people can't do that."
"Intelligence is evenly distributed, but mindset is not."
"Intelligence, surveillance, target acquisition and reconnaissance continues to be king, because with modern weapon systems if you can see a target, you can probably hit it."
"Artificial intelligence is all about taking our computers and trying to make them intelligent somehow, trying to get them to be able to act in a way that's somewhat rational, somewhat human."
"You have to think the game also; you have to be just as smart to play this game."
"Intelligence and persistence together make a winning recipe."
"I love to introduce the right people to the right people, assemble the smartest people I can think of or reach out to."