
Peace Quotes

There are 43506 quotes

"There's an incredible peace that comes from knowing that one is in the correct place both professionally and interpersonally."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Serotonin is the molecule of peace. It is the molecule of contentness. It is the molecule of having enough, at least for the time being."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"It's not a passive endeavor during which you feel all those things. But that makes sense. Peace doesn't mean nothingness."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"It's really important for you to do self-reflection on what's okay for you, what lets you sleep at night and what doesn't."
"The gravity of the battle means nothing to those at peace."
"The Lord bless thee and keep thee; make His face shine upon thee and be gracious unto thee and give thee peace."
"The answer to war is not more war. It's peace, and peace isn't delivered by the barrel of a gun; it's delivered by diplomacy, by dialogue."
"The internet has given people an opportunity to build up their own platforms with their own voices and allow us to actually communicate in ways that could end war."
"You have to struggle. The bigger the struggle, the bigger the peace."
"The more you let go, the more freedom you have, the more peaceful you are."
"Come from a space of peace, and you'll find that you can deal with anything."
"Everybody basically wants the same things: we want happiness, we want love, we want to live peacefully with each other."
"Loving-kindness... helps us to develop inner happiness and peace."
"Mind management doesn't mean that it's going to be one big rosy scene... it is actually the ability to be okay and at peace with having moments of depression."
"You could be out running the world, but if you come home and your home is hell, you're not going to have peace."
"If we all showed more gratitude in our daily lives, our lives would become a lot more peaceful, more happy, and more joyful rather than being stressful and chaotic."
"Let us use this sad event to reaffirm that we must never fight hate with hate."
"I didn't understand why we had to fight. There was no reason for us to fight each other."
"As AI gets smarter and smarter, it'll discover what very many intelligent and mindful meditative monks have over history that once you really take stock of reality, there's just silence and peace."
"When you lose a sense of mission for the purpose of man, for what can be done when there is peace on Earth and how we can flourish, then you're just left with buying more stuff, and that is degrading."
"Living off the grid isn't about escaping society but finding peace within it."
"The point is don't kill people because of what they identify as. That's it. We're trying to end violence."
"Peace means nothing missing, nothing broken, nothing lacking. It means complete and total wholeness."
"May the peace of God that passes all understanding guard your heart and your mind in Christ Jesus."
"You have to connect with the idea that if you remain where you are, you will never be happy and you will never be at peace."
"May everyone be happy, may everyone be free of disease, may auspiciousness be seen everywhere, may suffering belong to no one. Peace."
"The real richness of life... is the depth of the joy, the peace, and the gratitude that I feel now on the other side of the darkness."
"Honestly, when people are nice and there's no beef, I love it."
"I hope you guys are having family and love or whatever makes you happy and brings you peace this weekend."
"The path to peace and happiness is a matter of feeling fully integrated."
"The answer to war is not more war; it's peace."
"Peace isn't delivered by the barrel of a gun; it's delivered by diplomacy, by dialogue."
"If we have a good media environment, then we'll also have a peaceful environment."
"Lead us from the unreal to the real, lead us from darkness unto light, lead us from death to immortality. Om peace, peace, peace."
"Learning is from a place of unconditional love and acceptance and peace."
"The rainbow is a representation of a calm after a storm and it's a representation of blessings."
"Peace and prosperity go together; when there is peace, there is more prosperity."
"Nothing real can be threatened, nothing unreal exists, and herein lies the peace of God."
"Forgiveness is the bridge from suffering to peace."
"Protecting your peace as an individual should be your priority."
"For me, part of the spiritual search...is I need tools to help me cope with my anxiety and help me find peace and serenity."
"I hate war, and anybody who doesn't hate war shouldn't have power, in my opinion."
"I always believe in making your own decisions but making it with peace and through and in prayer."
"Peace is not just the absence of war. It is the absence of internal conflict, and thus, the absence of external conflict."
"The natural state of mind when we're not worried...is one of contentment and peace."
"The agenda for any sensible person should be peace."
"On the other side of fear is peace, but you must be willing to face the pain, the insecurity, the sadness, to get on the other side which is peace and 'I am enough.'"
"Finding peace in yourself and just be like, 'You know what? I'm gonna do it. I'm moving forward.'"
"I choose peace. Life does not want you to suffer."
"Who lead us from the unreal to the real, lead us from darkness unto light, lead us from death to immortality. Om peace, peace, peace."
"This is my secret, I don't mind what happens."
"The annual rate of war has fallen from about 22 per 100,000 per year in the early '50s to 1.2 today."
"Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem and for this beautiful, beautiful glorious land."
"It was nice to have a year with my dad in a relatively peaceful environment."
"Your mind can relax. As I chanted, we meditate to let go, not to attain, to be peaceful, to be kind."
"If you're meditating, making peace, being kind, being gentle, you're making good meditation karma."
"There was something that I always knew...that accessing peace was completely possible."
"The saying, which is 'Si vis pacem, para bellum', which is 'if you want peace, prepare for war'."
"Silence and stillness are not something to fear but gateways to deeper understanding and peace."
"You have no enemies; it's such a powerful philosophy."
"We believe that peace can be achieved. We are prepared to take political risks. We are prepared to give and take. We are committed to establishing a peace process."
"When we're mindful, deeply in touch with the present moment, our understanding of what is going on deepens, and we begin to be filled with acceptance, joy, peace, and love."
"Be grateful servants of the merciful, people who walk on the earth with humility, people that walk on the Earth with peace."
"Oh, lead us from the unreal to the real, lead us from darkness unto light, lead us from death to immortality. Om peace, peace, peace."
"I pray to the Lord to bless all of us with insight, with purity of mind, with strength of mind, with peace of mind."
"It's better if kids go to school. It's better if we don't go to war. It's better if we have a clean environment."
"I pray to the Lord to deliver us from all suffering all over the world, may this light of knowledge dawn in us, and we can see our real nature as we truly are. Oh peace, peace, peace."
"All the schools of Indian philosophy were more or less interested in consciousness and self. The focus was how do you overcome suffering... how to attain lasting, profound peace and joy."
"Lead us from the unreal to the real, from darkness unto light, from death to immortality. Om peace, peace, peace."
"Rather than choosing violence and war, perhaps we need to consider cooperation and altruism, no matter how difficult it might be to do, or how strange our neighbours might be to us."
"Divine inspiration raises man even higher into the realms of transcendental peace, beauty, and joy."
"Europe has for the most part enjoyed basically their most peaceful prior decades in all of European history as a result of being under the NATO umbrella."
"The recognition of our true nature is unshakable peace."
"Open and free dialogue is the foundation for a free society. It is also the foundation that peace can be built upon."
"An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind."
"Once you're present and you experience things as they are, it's quite peaceful, it's quite effortless."
"You are immortal, you are the one reality of this universe, you are perfectly at peace."
"I don't like seeing the loss of innocent life in any conflict."
"The ultimate peace descends upon you, and you intuitively know that you are free forever, and it's all right."
"Leaders from the unreal to the real, leaders from darkness unto light, leaders from death to immortality. Om peace, peace, peace."
"War didn't exist; there was such an abundance of resources that anyone could have whatever they wanted."
"A change in Russia's government could bring peace."
"It's nice, just the three of us now. It's much more peaceful."
"With his mystical powers, peace comes into the village."
"The wisdom from above is first of all pure, then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere."
"Protecting my soul in the valley of silence."
"If everyone in the world achieved this state of clear and was free from their reactive mind, there would be no war, no poverty, no greed, no interpersonal conflict. None of that. It would be peace on Earth."
"Peace has cost you your strength. Victory has defeated you."
"An entire and perfect union will be the solid foundation of lasting peace; it will secure your religion, liberty, and property; remove the animosities amongst yourselves, and the jealousies and differences betwixt our two kingdoms."
"His Majesty the Emperor, mindful of the fact that the present war daily brings greater evil and sacrifice upon the peoples of all the belligerent powers, desires from his heart that it may be quickly terminated."
"We fall in love at first insight, not at first sight. Love feels like peace."
"The only safe and sure way to destroy your enemy is to make him your friend." - Mark Twain
"What an irony that the promotion of peace and security is selling killing machines to other countries."
"Stop trying to control their reaction; you'll have peace."
"Everything happens effortlessly by synchronicity, and then we experience a higher degree of peace."
"Once this state of peace has been experienced, our intention automatically becomes to make the state of peace permanent."
"I'm not going to fight. I don't have anything to prove."
"We are making the galaxy a peaceful, happy place of cooperation and love."
"We are fanatic pacifists. We will bring peace, prosperity, and happiness to the galaxy."
"We bring peace, prosperity, and really pretty ships."
"Most people will say that there's much more peace, much more ease, much more comfort inside their body physiologically when they are open-hearted, kind, and generous."
"When do you feel more like yourself and more at ease inside yourself?...when I'm open-hearted and loving."
"The Antichrist will perform acts others cannot do, offer solutions others cannot provide, and bring peace where others have failed."
"I hope to bring peace to the land. Justice and a belief that, despite our struggles, we can find a way to alleviate suffering."
"Harmony between the nations, harmony between the genders, harmony between the races."
"Everything will come, I resist nothing, nor do I stick to anything, nor do I pursue anything. I enjoy it all as it comes and goes in deep serenity and peace."
"That is infinite, this is infinite; from that infinite, this infinite has come. Here itself, if you recognize that infinity, infinity alone remains. Om peace, peace, peace."
"This violence is hideous; it has gone on now for a century. A just settlement has to be achieved; it will be endorsed by all sides."
"I really do think that an agreement could be reached. It's really the opposite of a doomer take."
"Better is a dry morsel, and quietness therewith, than a house full of sacrifices with strife."
"It is an honor for a man to cease from strife, but every fool will be meddling."
"Your mind become more peaceful, more pliable, love, compassion, wisdom manifests here and there without effort."
"The main thing is that Assad and Sadat are ready for peace, and it is only proper to hold on to this opportunity."
"Pivot back to doing things out of love and getting back to peace, contentment, and especially delight."
"I swear I will not dishonor my soul with hatred, but offer myself humbly as a guardian of nature, as a healer of misery, as a messenger of wonder, as an architect of peace."
"Acceptance is laying back at the very beginning, stopping the cycle."
"Real success is where I can be at peace in the midst of chaos and that's got nothing to do with my bank account."
"We need a better version. You know, the funny thing is, God, there's some quote by someone... it's something about how much would be solved if we were at peace with ourselves."
"We can never obtain peace in the outer world until we make peace with ourselves." - Dalai Lama
"Jesus says, 'Your faith has saved thee. Go in peace.'"
"No drama here, no beef, just vibes and nuance."
"If your beliefs are not greeting you peace in the midst of chaos in the world, then it is certainly time to question them."
"Peace I leave with you, my peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid."
"Great peace have those who love your law, and nothing shall cause them to stumble."
"The peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Jesus Christ."
"Loving myself unconditionally means accepting what is. In loving myself, I help create a world where it is safe for us to love each other."
"Self-esteem work is feeling at peace with who we are on the inside, the things that make you deeply and uniquely yourself."
"The cycle of death, hatred, and trauma must be brought to an end."
"Let us dream that our children will grow up to be artists, musicians, writers, scientists, doctors, and engineers instead of fighting each other in wars."
"Follow your strengths. Follow what you know you are, and that knowing is compassionate, full of love and peace."
"Be at peace with whatever it is that you need to walk away from."
"Focus on the things that we can, thus giving us agency and giving us a sense of peace and perspective about the truly uncontrollable."
"Only in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest."
"Paul Kagame's governance and security approach his policies have played a pivotal role in reconstructing the country and preventing a resurgence of violence."
"Live this day, live this moment, fight for it, breathe, have peace, and go through it."
"We have tried so desperately to find peace, to find understanding, but we have found nothing but hate."
"Nature's peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees."
"Jesus promises us that if we are weary and heavy laden, He will make us lay down by still waters and give us peace unto our souls."
"It's funny because the way the paintings are done, it shows war and then it shows children being better than the war and then a world of peace."
"The birds live simple lives. They strive for peace and prosperity."
"Our priority now is a complete, comprehensive, permanent ceasefire."
"May Allah accept all of them in Jannah and give their families, as a result of that sabr, peace."
"Detached from the situation... peace is everywhere within me and this situation."
"Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth."
"What is meditation? Is it a way to relax, is it a technique to promote health, vitality, and longevity, or is it a path to inner peace and enlightenment? It is all these things actually, and more."
"It might sound radical, colleagues, but the answer to war is not more war. It's peace."
"The Lancaster House Agreement in 1979 marked the true shift toward peace, leading to a ceasefire and a temporary reversion to British rule, symbolizing the end of Rhodesia and the birth of Zimbabwe."
"You deserve every bit of peace, love, and blessing abundance opportunity happiness that is coming towards you."
"Your dreams are going to be coming true soon, especially when it comes to a romantic partner. This person is going to bring you nothing but peace."
"Embracing the beauty of stillness and inner peace."
"The joy that I have as a believer and a Christian comes from God. It's knowing that I am at peace with Him, I'm justified before Him, He walks with me, His spirit is upon me."
"Only God gives us peace that surpasses all understanding... Circumstances are always going to be there. Some things may not ever get better, and that's why I think it's so important to be heavenly minded."
"The Bible says that only true peace can come from the Lord. Circumstances are always going to be there. Some things may not ever get better."
"War is the rule, and peace is the exception."
"Thank you, Linkis, for restoring peace and bringing us back home."
"All your children will be taught by the Lord, and great will be their peace."
"Ireland remains committed to the realization of the two-state solution endorsed by the Security Council: a safe and secure Israel and an independent, democratic, contiguous, viable, and sovereign Palestinian State living side by side in peace within secure and recognized borders."
"Monsters have returned to the surface. Peace and prosperity stretched over each piece of land. This is a perfect ending, a perfect ending."
"Unconditional love and tranquility in your life...surrender all notions of evil forever."
"Through prayer and meditation, I create a ripple effect of peace in the world."
"We can only hope that any future border changes are the cause of the will of the people and without any bloodshed."
"Being a dad was, and is still today, something I wanted. If we weren't going to be together, there was no need for us to beef."
"It's very important that your beliefs are bringing you peace, especially in a time of chaos."
"Confusion brings more confusion; peace begets more peace."
"Perfect peace to the soul as we rest in the realization of our unity with all that there is, was, or ever will be."
"Peace which transcends all human confusion comes, and he realizes that indeed he is honored of the Father."
"I am limitless, forever at peace, a radiant eternal soul, never born, an innocent, joyous, holy son of God, Divine love, pure presence, right at home with all creation."
"A trust in self and life leads to the unexplainable peace of oneness."
"Peace on Earth can prevail if we can individually follow our own paths in life with no resistance to the unfoldment of the Tao, which will surely soften our hearts."
"The ocean doesn't need to push away its waves or grab on to its waves; the ocean has no problem with its waves. Similarly, the mind doesn't need to have any problem with its thoughts and emotions if it learns just to accept."
"I pray that one day the violence in Memphis can end and people on both sides can put down their guns before more people lose their lives."
"We are the most destructive people on this planet at the same time we're the most peaceful."
"A Palestinian baby has the same value as an Israeli baby."
"No more sorrow, no more tears, no more death, no more weakness, no more devil."
"It's peace and peace isn't delivered by the barrel of a gun. It's delivered by diplomacy, by dialogue."
"From the unreal to the real, from darkness unto light, from death to immortality, Om peace, peace, peace."
"If you do these things, you will experience God's peace, which is far more wonderful than the human mind can understand."
"Obey God and be at peace with him; this is the way to happiness."
"That when goods and services don't cross borders, soldiers will."
"Victory is not always about winning the battle but about finding peace in the war."
"Expedient forward progress is very effective but has nothing to do with peace, contentment, or doing good."
"The risk of major conflict is real and needs to be prevented at all costs."
"Restore joy in our hearts, restore peace in our minds."
"Notice when you are subtly avoiding a truth... feel it, say ah that's the trick, and then you're going to make the counterintuitive move to face the truth head-on."
"The work of righteousness will be peace, and the effect of righteousness, quietness and assurance forever." - Isaiah 32:17.
"Bettering yourself and protecting your peace is not always easy."
"First, I want to give glory to Jesus Christ. I want to invite the Holy Spirit to come into this room and fill this room with peace." - Ryan Garcia
"For the first time in his life, he felt genuine peace and freedom."
"The beauty of this is that I set myself to be at peace before success came."
"I just want to be happy, peaceful, and be surrounded by good people and people who love me."
"From the bottom of my heart: President Putin, stop your troops from attacking Ukraine."
"We are defending the system that has kept peace and been important for international security."
"And no, actually, seems like the peace conference is working properly. I was worried."
"You'll perform a lot of good deeds; you'll be extravagant, can be devoted to peace, but you will be acquiring a name and fame."
"Being wealthy gives me joy, happiness, and peace of mind."
"Breathing is the number one way to give your mind a reset and to get you back into a balanced, peaceful state."
"I haven't tried to stab a single person while eating a meal with them. I live in a golden age of humanity."
"The pie is growing...there is some sense that we are we have something in common then things get much calmer."
"No one had to die in this war because it never had to start."
"Democracy is the only way for there to be peace."