
Relationships Quotes

There are 104120 quotes

"Opening yourself up to other people is a key to not just a romantic relationship but to career success, to mental energy, to creativity."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Lying in a relationship would only be doing a disservice to yourself."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"What I learned from that process is that it's really important to get, like, sun in the morning, to have health, to have good relationships."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"We also discuss some of the strategies that humans can use to make healthy mate selection choices, and for those that are already in committed relationships to ensure healthy progression of those committed relationships."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"People have adaptations to want to hold on to their mates."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"People can take themselves back from these relationships."
"Having a reliable partner is one of the most important factors for longevity."
"Only healthy to understand each other and like who you are as individuals."
"We all look for certain types of qualities that we want in one person."
"Is this somebody with whom I can collaborate, cooperate, form a friendship, form a romance? Or is it somebody who's so morally different from me that I can't imagine relating to them?"
"There's going to be some sort of huge change, a volcanic eruption change, that pushes you into becoming closer with your mother or pushes you into fulfilling your destiny."
"Little did I know our lives would intertwine within only weeks of knowing each other."
"If you want to be real in a relationship, you need to find out what is the primary emotion."
"The number one quality people were looking for in a mate was kindness."
"Relationships are the most wealth you can ever have. If you got good relationships, you'll never go without anything."
"I chose wisely on my husband, you know what I mean, and have two beautiful, wonderful boys, and the people who are in my life right now, I value and treasure so greatly, so much so, I just enjoy that, enjoy them, enjoy moments, and I'm grateful for every single one."
"I love my family and we're all close. I'm so grateful because I know not everyone has that experience in their life."
"In a relationship, everyone prefers to admire their partner. So, find some avenue to do that."
"You can be friends with your children when they are children or when they are adults, but you cannot be both."
"Gratitude opens the door to people and to other opportunities."
"Your boyfriend should not be your only friend."
"If you can learn to master the transitions between these systems, you can see an outsized effect on performance and relationships in your life."
"Paying attention to people that you love... that's not really love, is it, if you're half paying attention?"
"If you find the right person, it doesn't feel like effort."
"If you're in toxic relationships, just end them."
"This is a time where you're really wanting to spread more love, share more love with the people you're around."
"The business of love is quite complex, isn't it?"
"Perspective taking is, I think, really crucial in this."
"My father, who was married for 68 years, told me the secret to a successful marriage... 'You just have to understand the math of marriage... women are correct on average 90% of the time, and men are correct not so much.'"
"You must so impress others that they will feel that in associating with you they will get increase for themselves."
"You can learn a lot about somebody by how they treat your boundaries."
"We are the sum of the people we are closest to."
"If somebody recently did you dirty, they left your life, they ghosted you, or they did all of the above, consider yourself lucky because that's divine intervention."
"You don't just find the perfect relationship; you find a really good partner, and then both of you work together on making a really good relationship."
"We should help people learn how to do relationships better."
"It's not about doing nice things for them, it's avoiding the bad things."
"Find people that lift you up, that cheer you on."
"It's got to be a combination of those two things, where like, you don't just find the perfect relationship; you build it."
"Sheer will will get you through a relationship, but there are some people with whom it's going to be easier."
"This person is a karmic partner. There's a very strong pull and intensity that draws you in. They are catalyst for your spiritual growth. Be aware of the triggers and patterns coming up for you to clear. This is a stepping stone to prepare you for true love."
"Spend as much time as possible with the people that you care about."
"Relationships...seem to be a major source of happiness."
"The quality of relationships that you're going to make will actually help you towards those other goals even faster."
"The most important decision that you're going to make in your entire life is who you're spending the rest of your life with."
"You don't find the one person; you find a person who you line up with in this way, and then they become the one when you say 'I do.'"
"In the process or through the process of fulfilling your purpose, sometimes we come into union with people who are suitable for the purpose that God has put us in the earth for."
"Never settle for less in a relationship, your career, your friendships, and your personal growth journey."
"The greatest gift we can give to other people is to accept their help."
"The way to connect with others is to simply open yourself up to being connected with them, and then shut the fuck up and listen better."
"I have been thinking for a while about how much fun we have been having. This fun, I never want this to end."
"I want women working with men. I want women understanding you're better off with a straight-up hard-working average everyday man."
"What really makes life worth living at all is our relationships, our connections."
"We're gonna rediscover...it's the depth and quality of your local relationships that define your actual sense of meaning and purpose in life."
"Life is not about things; life is about people, it's about relationships, it's about deep human bonds."
"And remember, you'll both be dead before long. How can you quarrel, knowing that you'll both be dead before long?"
"In a real relationship, if you want an actual loving secure relationship, it comes honestly from just being 100% genuine and authentic and real to who you are."
"The most important thing in life is actually other people."
"Men and women are better together than they are apart."
"We are compliments; we're innate natural evolved compliments to one another."
"Every one of us wants at a point in time a long-term committed wonderful connected relationship and at other times wants the parties and the fun."
"Forgiving others and moving on from what happened in the past is essential for building strong relationships."
"What we found is high performers have extraordinarily positive emotions and positive relationships, so it's a complete myth that the top 5%, 10%, 15% somehow are lonely or more divorced than other people. It's just not true. They care about relationships."
"The person who has the highest level of success and happiness is the person that has the relationships squared away."
"Success is your kids wanting to be with you when you're an adult...it won't be like the size of the inheritance that you leave them, it will be, you know, are you still in each other's lives."
"We have to dispense with this idea that 'the one' exists. Someone becomes 'the one' by what we build with them. Any commitment long term requires true effort."
"Someone becomes the one by what we build with them."
"I'm suspicious of anyone who says when it's right it's easy."
"It takes effort. I don't want to ever settle for a relationship where you say, 'Well, I'll sacrifice that because I have all of this other stuff.'"
"I didn't understand how any man who has an ounce of Integrity or moral fiber in him could look at a woman and say that to her with a straight face."
"Resilience is developed when we have family, friends, and close people around us to help us in difficult situations."
"It's the grandiosity, sense of entitlement, and exploitative nature of people with antisocial personality disorder that often leads to them treating others, particularly their romantic partners, as their property."
"In a healthy relationship, you're going to have disagreements, you're going to make mistakes, and it is so healing."
"Tell people you love them if you really do. That's a wonderful antidote to falsehood."
"Strong, supportive relationships are one of the most significant predictors of life satisfaction and emotional well-being."
"The best predictor we see in the data of whether people are happy or not is whether they're satisfied or happy with their relationships."
"I wish I hadn't spent so much time at work, and I wish I had spent more time with the people I care about."
"The people who had the warmest connections with other people and who made that a priority in their lives, they were happiest as they went through their lives but also they stayed healthiest and they lived longer."
"The people who are the happiest and the healthiest and the most fulfilled are the people who make it a practice, an ongoing practice to attend to their relationships."
"Why do you need me? I'm just a frog and you're this beautiful queen."
"Surely we're meant to be together, surely they're my soulmate."
"Communication is key to any relationship. I dare you to prove me wrong."
"Surround yourself with people that bring out the calmness, not the madness."
"If we could keep people from getting into these relationships in the first place...prevention in this case is the best cure."
"By the time they're coming and telling you this, it's been going on for a while."
"All narcissistic relationships in adulthood are transactional."
"Relationships are far more about enlightenment than they are about entertainment."
"I'd rather live my life having really beautiful relationships with people than live my life pretending like I'm too good for that."
"I think the real sad thing is that it is your belief that you're not attractive enough for them that is actually becoming the self-fulfilling prophecy of the current romantic state that you're in."
"I feel like if I'm not good enough for myself, there's no way I want to bring that to someone else."
"Being a good person to you means they are a good person to you. Being a good person to everyone means that they are a good person."
"Relationships stop working because people stop talking."
"Love cannot be found in law, it can only be found in a person with another person in a relationship."
"Hard times can destabilize relationships, but actually, they can also bring people closer together."
"Finding someone who accepts you without wearing any masks was the kind of connection that I wanted."
"I think feeling some emotions for the people that's important around you, whether that be positive or negative, is an important part of being a good person."
"The least amount of sexual partners have the most stable and healthy marriages."
"An empath will absolutely throw all of themselves into this relationship; they will lose themselves in this relationship."
"Money comes from relationships, so the more relationships you have, the more money you will likely make. And with more money, you can afford better health, which in turn, can bring you even more relationships."
"You become the average of the five people you spend the most time with."
"If you chose to focus on anything other than relationship and family, that's your choice."
"Love is not enough...authentic love, where you accept the other person for who they are, support them, and not trying to fix or control them, is enough."
"The couple was really beloved by everybody for their kind and caring nature towards everybody that they knew."
"The attention he showed me was very different than anything I'd ever experienced."
"Although we might think that sex is a kind of frivolous recreational pursuit, it actually isn't. It's super important for our psychological well-being, for our relationship well-being."
"I never knew that I could be in a relationship where I could actually have a bond and a best friend in someone, outside of just being an accessory."
"First time someone shows you who they really are, believe them."
"Every relationship, to stay healthy, has to have a ratio of five positive interactions for every negative interaction."
"Somebody else cannot love you until you love yourself."
"All my friends ain't my teammates and all my teammates ain't my friends. We got to learn to work together."
"Women want to feel safe, want to feel taken care of."
"That's the reason why so many co-stars get into relationships, because they actually fall in love."
"Use technology as a bridge to human interaction; don't let it be a barrier to the very relationships that you need to survive."
"No man is an island; it's so important to establish and maintain meaningful relationships for our overall well-being."
"What matters is your health, what matters are your relationships, what matters is your happiness."
"True relationships are built on appreciation and gratitude for one another."
"Staking your life and your happiness on the idea that this person who has never changed will one day change is just about the worst bet that you can make."
"Women would rather share the king than marry the jester."
"Women are the single greatest thing and the best thing about life. The male-female sexual relationship and interaction is the most beautiful thing about life."
"It doesn't have to be an all or nothing thing. We can agree with people on some things, we can like people and disagree with them on some of their beliefs."
"If you look at what are the most important things that would predict whether a relationship is going to last, emotional generosity is really important."
"So that the two-ness brings them into one and the Oneness dances as two, and that that's a kind of a vibrating relationship between the one and the two so that people are both separate and yet they are not separate."
"After this, I'm never gonna make any of my relationships public again."
"If someone tells you to go on birth control and they don't want to wear a condom, they're not worth it."
"I think it's better for her that you're not in the relationship. She deserves better."
"You need to learn to be the person that your woman's going to want when wolves are at the door."
"The way to never get a woman is to chase a woman; the way to get a woman is to chase everything else, and women show up."
"Women need to have higher expectations from your men, period, which is not something that feminism has taught. Feminism has let men off the hook."
"To the extent that we have relationships that reflect our wholeness, that in itself is healing."
"You can only be intimate to the degree you can be vulnerable."
"Venus is also about how we relate to an environment, how we relate with people, how we sort of create energetic connections."
"Believe that you can win in relationships no matter where you are. There is a brighter future for you."
"You're going to be the average of the five people you spend the most time with."
"We all know you around someone negative, it can impact you."
"If you make a mistake and you've hurt someone, say sorry and be honest."
"You need to stop the energy that's half-ass. You did not come down here to be half-ass, I'm sorry to say, Capricorn. You do not come down here to have half-assed relationships either, period."
"Two broken people don't make a whole relationship."
"We know the curvy contours of our iPhone more than we know the curvy contours of our partner."
"Maybe this is where our story starts, maybe it was written in the stars."
"Insight is the bridge that connects you to other people. When you have insight into other people, we call it empathy."
"Intimacy is the relationship of vulnerability you have and how you react to people...the amount of vulnerability that you are willing to express in regards to the people that you are in relationship with."
"If you pour into someone, you should always be maintaining yourself. I've never dealt with a partner who has poured something into me and felt like they were losing themselves because it was mutual."
"Nobody's entitled to make you happy; if something is breaking your heart, walk away."
"Keep on talking to me, you keep on telling me your dreams."
"The person you spend the rest of your life with will have the largest impact on who you become, what you achieve, and how happy you are."
"There's a 71% correlation between your subjective well-being and the strength of your relationship with your significant other."
"You trade novelty for loyalty...exploration for trust...the chase for a journey together."
"At the end of the day, I think we all need someone who believes in us as much or more than we believe in ourselves."
"A relationship is an experience or state of being connected or joined or linked so that you have a sense of soundness in life that supports and advances your well-being, your wholeness, your stability, your security."
"The relationship is a figure eight; it's what I do that makes you do something that then makes you react to me a certain way."
"Humor is an essential salve and balm in my relationship."
"Relationships are the backbone of society. When we allow that to be as dysfunctional as it is right now, that's the reason why we have all these problems. If we fix that, man, this world becomes a hundred times better place, too, easily."
"Healing is important because it's the number one thing holding people back from having healthier relationships."
"If you don't heal, you're going to keep hurting yourself and the person you're in a relationship with."
"We can't have an amazing relationship, at least long-term, without connection."
"You can't connect with someone if they're connecting with the fake you. That's a false connection."
"If a true connection ever existed in that relationship, then it can be fixed."
"We want everything. We want a partner to be an entire community: my best friend, my trusted confidant, my passionate lover, my intellectual equal, my co-parent."
"Relationships help you to become who you are."
"Calibrating expectations is probably one of the most important things for successful relationships."
"Unspoken expectations are relationship killers."
"The quality of our relationships ultimately will determine the quality of our lives."
"The quality of our lives is determined by the quality of our relationships."
"Whenever I hear couples, they always say 'I gave him or I gave her everything,' and I always say 'everything except what they needed.'"
"Optimism and a kind of future-oriented utopian vision is much more effective and positive on the ground."
"If you love someone, set them free. If they love you, they'll come back."
"The problem with our society is that we don't have these conversations about relationships, we don't have conversations about emotions."
"When I see people wandering and becoming children again, that's amazing."
"Trust is the backbone of business, and if trust is lost, everything is lost."
"Life is short, you got to appreciate the people in your life."
"The quality of your relationships determines the quality of your life."
"I'm not here to take your value; I'm here to add value to you."
"I think you can find love multiple times in your life."
"Think about the people you surround yourself with and the version of you that they bring out."
"Falling in love is not a choice... Staying in love is a choice."
"Finding someone with a compatible sexuality greatly increases your chance of finding someone who is more compatible with you in your broader life."
"There's some self-sacrifice in relationships."
"Monogamy works for a lot of people, so it's all about what works for you."
"What we feel in relationships is that we matter. That is the essential reason for connecting to people."
"Contempt is the killer of them all. In the contempt, there is a real degradation of the other."
"We want one partner today to give us everything that a whole village used to provide."
"The biggest turn on is confidence. When do you find yourself most drawn to your partner? Every description has to do with when they're in their element."
"What makes thriving relationships is not only feelings; it's a mix of feelings, actions, beliefs, touches, physicality. It's a more all-encompassing thing."
"A happy and thriving relationship can look very different across different cultures."
"Criticism will only lead to unhappiness. Love and accept each other as you are, and your relationship will magically transform."
"The relationship comes first, no matter what."
"You have to say '[] those ads, [] those brands,' like your relationship comes first, no matter what."
"You can love a person wholly, without having to love all of them."
"Loneliness is not about proximity... it's how you feel about your relationships."
"We forget the truth, the vulnerability is the basis of friendships and indeed relationships."
"There is such thing as right person, wrong time."
"Making sure our values are aligned...whether that be spiritual, financial values, whatever those things are, let's make sure we're on the same page about it."
"I wish I could have hung out with the old version of you at some point."
"Trust engages the reader in a quest for the truth while confronting the deceptions that often live at the hearts of relationships."
"Codependency is an individual disorder that is expressed in relationships. You can't be codependent unless you are connected to another person."
"The simple remedy is to meditate and get more and more emotional resources so that you can be in with your relationships."
"If Jupiter is in the eleventh or twelfth from Venus, then it is easy to marry or to have a relationship."
"The more time we spend getting to know who we are, what we like, and then the people around us, it improves our relationships in the immediate."
"Givers have to put limits on takers because takers never put limits on what they'll take."
"It's okay to be selfless, especially with the right people."
"It's hard to find someone who makes you not feel so lonely."