
Openness Quotes

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"Opening yourself up to other people is a key to not just a romantic relationship but to career success, to mental energy, to creativity."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"What I was hoping to do with that conversation is to not restrict people but to open you up and say you have a lot of options."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Openness to experience fragments into intellect and openness proper...Intellect is the personality instantiation of IQ, roughly speaking."
"Everyone's shining, their eyes are so clear, and their hearts are open. It's a beautiful process."
"When you open up with being vulnerable, it shows a certain amount of strength."
"The feeling of gratitude opens me to new positive experiences."
"It allows your brain to start learning and accepting and being open in a new way."
"A question opens the mind; a statement closes the mind."
"All of us are capable of growth and positive change if we are willing to stay open and curious throughout our lives."
"My litmus test for how insane somebody is: What would it take to convince you otherwise? For any belief that I have, if something I said was completely wrong and somebody showed me a way that I was wrong, I would change my mind very quickly because I'm not crazy."
"You're really open to learning around this time."
"Thank you is two words that can open up the universe."
"Your best bet is like arms open and welcoming, even though you know that invites in catastrophe now and then."
"The most open body language someone could have literally looks like they're going in for a big hug because that's so warm and welcoming."
"Let go of expectations. A person you're meant to connect with or be with may be different than who you've been holding on to or who you were expecting. Keep an open mind, detach from outcomes and expectations."
"Maybe there's something that'll you know dramatically shake my subjective interpretation of myself in the future, but I'd rather be more open to it than more closed off to it."
"Vulnerability is where we share, where we reveal, where we let people in and let more of us be seen."
"Instead of feeling guilt and shame about that, your soul is asking you to be more open to receiving this because there's so many beautiful gifts that the world wants to give you."
"If more people were just more open to it...not so quick to judge, not so quick to anger."
"Grace is something that comes to us when we somehow find ourselves completely available."
"You have to approach every conversation...without an agenda going into it."
"I think it's okay to always keep our eyes open and say, 'I could be wrong.' I think that's the most honest way of living."
"Your advice is that things are going to start moving forward, but your mind needs to be open to new possibilities."
"Approach a new opportunity with childlike eagerness. Welcome all opportunities with childlike excitement."
"It's safe for you to love. Open your heart to give and receive the highest energy of all."
"Don't stay stuck on that person that hurt you. Keep your eyes open because someone else could come along."
"I open my mind to the love, wisdom, and guidance of the universe and I will learn to trust again."
"You really have to have an open communication with whoever you're in a relationship with."
"The universe is really wanting you to be open and optimistic and hopeful."
"One of the most important things whether you're looking in the Christian literature or the Buddhist literature or Jewish literature or Hindi literature, it doesn't matter. All of the meditative traditions within those classical schools of thought are saying the most important thing is that you become less focused on yourself, caring only about yourself, less selfish as it were and more open to the needs of others."
"To be spiritual is to live in that state of openness to what is." - Eckhart Tolle
"I see you guys living in your authentic truth and being able to be very open and honest."
"New ideas, different perspectives come to you as well. Stay open to them."
"There's real believers on both sides. I want to have this discussion, this debate openly and honestly, but also graciously and kind."
"If you don't listen eagerly to the little stuff when they're little, they won't tell you the big stuff when they're big."
"It's easier to just let yourself out of your shell and just talk, get lost in the moment, have fun."
"The whole point of it is by saying yes to things, he opened up his entire world to all of this new possibility."
"Dare to dream big, and be open to the universe’s plan for you."
"You have to open up your heart so then your world view changes, and then as a result, your life does too."
"Living out our culture code of being HOT: Humble, Open, and Transparent."
"Trust yourself, continue to heal yourself, so that you can stay open to what is meant for you."
"The universe will share with you so much more than you imagined possible as you open your heart and let go of self-imposed limitations, doubts, or fears."
"If you release things, new things can come into your life."
"Doesn't it feel just great to let it out and not keep any secrets?"
"Trying to have more friends who we disagree with and just invite them into our spaces."
"The universe is waiting to bring you this powerful goodness, and you have to say yes, I'm open to it."
"Be conscious of what you do and how you do it and be open to having new experiences."
"Being open to receive is a way to gain empowerment, strength, and all manner of assistance."
"People really want to be open. Everybody wants to tell their story, and everybody has a story."
"Do not limit the universe. There are beautiful connections that will serve different purposes and they are meant to be explored."
"The goal of this event is to create a space to engage honestly with others in open dialogue surrounding divisive ideas."
"Let go of control issues. There's something better that you would not have been able to imagine."
"This is about taking it slow and just knowing that you want to be able to open up, you want to be able to be more authentic, be more you."
"Being really authentic about the way that you feel, not shutting down the way that you feel."
"It's time to really open up, it's time to get out there, time to express what you're really feeling on the inside."
"Letting go of the fears, being open, putting in effort, and a lot of rewarding things coming your way."
"I haven't really had the chance to enjoy much of it, although I've heard great things and I really do respect the art. Some of it looks truly beautiful."
"Opening the door of your heart to yourself no matter who you ever be."
"It's not a joke. You have the right stuff here for you. Open up to us."
"I am open and receptive to all of the abundance life offers me."
"I'm willing to sit down with almost anybody that I've had problems with."
"When you have brutal honesty, nobody can hurt you because you have nothing to hide."
"I open to the flow of abundance in all areas of my life."
"The more we were able to keep our hearts open to ourselves, the more we have available to give to others."
"I love what Emmanuel Acho has done with his 'Conversations with a Black Man.' It's like these kind of uncomfortable conversations. How can we just put these things out there and be open-minded to it, not be so judgmental or critical?"
"Girls can have wives, and boys can have husbands if they want."
"Seeking truth is a path... there's a lot of times where you're a little bit on the wrong side, you're a little bit on the right side, and you have to be willing to go both ways in order to get to the ultimate truth."
"When we have those moments where we say, 'I'd like to see things differently,' that's actually a prayer."
"Feminine is the receptivity, it is the womb, it's being open, it is intuitive."
"Change comes when you're willing to be changed."
"Just be open because you might need somebody to be open and let you in one day when you need help or support."
"Vulnerability means being open to the possibility of being let down or being built up by a connection."
"Embrace love, accept the connection for what it is, and embrace new opportunities."
"We should be allowed to talk to each other about anything we're unhappy with and not be offended. We have to be willing to listen to constructive criticism on both ends."
"Some of you are not gonna like what I have to say, and that's okay. I don't need you to like what I have to say; I need you to listen."
"Dear brothers and sisters, if you are to show Allah subhana wa ta'ala today or tomorrow, 'Ya Allah, for you I will swallow the bitterness,' the gates of the heavens will open up to you."
"Your father who is in the secret place will reward you openly."
"I am open and receptive to the healing power of divine love."
"I try to let the world tell me no before I tell myself no."
"We should be open, at the very least, not even just open but should actively seek out things that don't confirm our pre-existing worldviews."
"One of the biggest things I've learned from Vegas Mat is don't be afraid to make friends and meet people. You never know what's going to happen."
"People should be open to working on themselves."
"All the right things start to find you because you're now open and able to be seen."
"Maybe we should just focus on the very specific ideas that we do or don't like because it's entirely possible we'll end up agreeing about some of them."
"I'm Michelle Jub, and I'm not here to tell you what to think. I'd much rather hear what you have to say."
"You both have to want it, you both have to...open up, essentially."
"There's a level of protection here with the black tourmaline, but you're trying to remain open to positive things in general."
"Reflect on a time when you experienced love, turning on your heart light to be open and shine brightly, ready to receive abundance."
"My view now is that I can't rule out an extraterrestrial explanation for some UFO sightings."
"It is safe for you to love. Open your heart to give and receive the highest energy of all."
"The most amazing thing is that people will surprise you with how much they open up once you engage them with genuine conversational skills."
"Stop trying so hard to control everything, and all the doors will open for you."
"Be open to new possibilities in all areas of life."
"She has a real opportunity here because there are millions of people... who could be inspired and comforted by her courage and openness."
"It's okay to be open about your mental health and your struggles, but it's not okay to misinform people about a mental illness."
"Always be open to making new friends; they might just change your life."
"From the beginning of Android, we believed that an open OS would enable a whole ecosystem and bring smartphones to everyone."
"They're very open; you won't have to guess any of that."
"What is needed is a more loving, more open, more caring view rather than just these constant attempts at character assassination."
"We want our beliefs to be true in some basic sense, and therefore we want to be open to new evidence and better arguments perpetually."
"Enter every situation aware of its context, open to hear the truths of others, and open to letting the process of changing the world change you."
"Open up and allow yourself to receive help from those around you."
"It's important to have a discussion about these movies, not a final verdict on them."
"It's so important as a human being not to get stuck in a certain type of way or path and allowing yourself to be open to other ideas and really challenging yourself on your beliefs because that's how we grow as human beings."
"We must remain open and oppose exclusion... openness is the sure way to human prosperity and advancement."
"Reiki changes your life for the better if you're open to the energy and allow it to envelop your body, mind, and spirit."
"Changing your perspective makes your mind more flexible, makes you open to new things, and makes you able to understand things."
"All the best things in life happen when you say yes and when you get out of your comfort zone."
"We believe that all the best things in life happen when you say yes."
"I am open and receptive to all the good and abundance in the universe."
"What is the point in having a platform if you have to hide things?"
"I'm not going to foolishly stick to my ways of thinking anymore. For my own sake."
"One of the next major changes is you are starting to open up much more. I see you letting down your guard, letting down your armor, and being able to feel a bit more comfortable in your own skin."
"I was a skeptic, but then I had some experiences that changed everything."
"It is a weakness as a man to be unable to...deal with your feelings in an open and honest manner."
"Life is full of surprises if you are ready to receive."
"Ideas are meant to be shared, not to be hoarded."
"Assume that the person you're listening to knows something you don't."
"Be open to new relationships and experiences."
"If you can come to a person and just be the best version of yourself... and that means not giving in to anxieties and texting too much... it also means being open, being vulnerable, being able to put yourself out there."
"Lean into your triggers... be willing to be wrong."
"I release all resistance to prosperity, and it comes to me naturally."
"You're only as sick as the secrets you keep."
"Whenever we want to invite something new into our life, we really need to make room for it."
"Keep channels of communication open. Always disclose your feelings."
"Open yourself up, man. I know everything because I don't know nothing, right? Teach me. I’m willing to learn."
"Relax, man, relax. Stop fighting, stop chasing. Consider the impossible."
"Open your heart, heal your past, and live with purpose."
"Take control while being vulnerable. Ask for what you want but be open to receiving."
"People really like what I do... I think part of what people like is the idea that you can be open to other people without being a spineless hack."
"There's love and there's family everywhere you look; you just have to keep your eyes open for that."
"If they're open to that, then there's cause for optimism."
"Are you ready to receive? Will you accept what's coming through? Hopefully, you will because it looks good here."
"Shining a light on things is the thing, talk to people about it, talk to people you love."
"Embrace other ideas and cultures, not assume or force people to take on what's already there."
"I am certain about being ignorant to many things in the world but open to learn and listen."
"I hope all Americans... to be more willing to explore alternatives to the systems they live in."
"Can you separate truth from fantasy? To do so, you must break through the web of your experience and open your mind to things beyond belief."
"There is no hiding away from it; we have to talk openly. If we don't, our kids will not get the answers they want."
"Sometimes there is doubt, but after that doubt, there will be more light, more awakening yet to come. This we can undertake together if we're willing to be forgiving and engage with one another in polite open conversations."
"Assume the person you are listening to might know something you don't."
"China does not want to close itself off to the rest of the world...China is still very much interested in international trade."
"If someone is an atheist or someone's a skeptic and they ask you as a Christian, 'Hey, why do you believe what you believe?' That's awesome. Tell them what you believe."
"I'm a very much a 'let a thousand flowers bloom' type of guy."
"I am ready and I'm willing to receive love and abundance in the highest forms."
"This really is a conversation that is healthy to have as long as we have it in a healthy way."
"I believe that there should be no closed doors when it comes to knowledge."
"Everything should be open to fair criticism, in my opinion."
"Don't be afraid to ask people how they're doing, and if somebody says they're really depressed, don't be afraid to ask them directly about that."
"Within vulnerability is a certain amount of strength, because I've shown you where I'm most vulnerable."
"We need to begin to open up pathways of understanding instead of being closed up."
"Being in a therapy room doesn't mean therapy will take place. For that to happen, the client has to be open to change."
"Are you ready to receive a miracle? I hope so."
"Listen with an open mind and converse with respect."
"I am ready to receive the miracles awaiting me."
"I'm always happy to talk to you, Ariel. You know this."
"Being open can give you more peace than potentially being on one path would."
"What requires courage is to be open and vulnerable, no matter what the outcome."
"People are not as rigid as we think they are, and while there are some who will never change their mind, I don't know how to tell which ones they are."
"The future is always open; everything that happens tomorrow depends on decisions that we make today."
"When I let all that go and I was like, 'I'm an anime nerd, a Sci-Fi loving, film-going motherfucker,' that completely changed how open I was."
"I think some detractors have some points, and I try and hear what their points are."
"It's all about transparency, and that's what it really ought to be about when it comes to plastic surgery or anything else."
"I think it's all about transparency and that's what it really ought to be about when it comes to plastic surgery or anything else."
"We're going to have fun, we can talk about anything."
"God's ready to do it if people are ready to receive."
"Forgiveness is something that frees you from that person's restraints, it frees you and your heart to be open to someone more deserving as well."
"Self-reflect and keep improving... be open to correction, be open to self-improvement."
"We are privileged to be part of a community that values debate, and that is open to new information and competing ideas."
"Are you willing to help me carry the stone? Open your heart; I'm coming home."
"The universe can only come in if there's space to receive."
"I gave her credit because she encouraged dialogue and that sort of brought my wall down."
"You're only as sick as your secrets, and the more secrets I let out and the more I talk about my anxieties and my fears and my feeling weird, it just lessens that."
"You need to be open and honest and have fun and really be friends."
"Too often, people feel afraid to admit that they are struggling with their mental health."
"Normalizing changing your mind is something that when you're presented with new information, you should be really comfortable doing."
"Being open about your emotions isn't just something motivational Instagram post made up, it is good for you."
"God creates a space for you to be honest and open."
"Allow room for the unexpected, and allow yourself to be pleasantly surprised."
"Inquiry honest inquiry is generated when you are willing to discover that your conclusions are dead wrong."
"I am even more eager to learn from other people. That's how I roll."
"Be receptive to what it is that they have to offer."
"You are open to opportunities when you are giving love so freely to yourself."
"You got to try things; different cultures have different flavor profiles than we're used to, but you still got to try it."
"I'm wrong about something, tell me and I'll change what I say."
"You can ask me about anything you want. Anything you want. Sky's the limit. I'll answer anything you ask me."
"Let's get one thing right, you asked me here, and I'm here to help, so let me in."
"It's good for society and for the health of our discourse that there are controversial topics discussed and that those things are discussed and challenged openly."
"I'm very open to hearing every side. I think that's a good quality to have."
"Open your heart to accept and receive more love."
"If I am wrong about something, I want to know."
"Open up to that opportunity and say, 'Okay, let's talk, let's see what's going on.' Be open."
"Remember to take what resonates and leave what does not fit, and also remember that timing is fluid."
"We've always been a country that reaches out, that turns its face to the world."
"The Universe right now is talking about letting down your walls, letting down your boundaries, and just starting to allow for this good outcome to come."
"In a world of rapidly accelerating change, the most open system wins because you get the signals first, you respond fastest, and you attract the most high IQ risk-takers because they want to work in open systems."
"Anxiety, ADHD, and mental health...should feel super comfy being talked about."
"Open yourself up to opportunities, make yourself a little bit more approachable."
"Well, I guess I could look at all this stuff."
"I'm approaching it with an open mind, with compassion, with as little ego as possible, and yes, with love."