
Creation Quotes

There are 24206 quotes

"There's something beyond the transactional aspects... it's generative, it's about creating something better than they could create on their own."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"What I cannot build, I do not truly understand."
Richard Feynman
"The universe will correspond to whatever it is that you desire and want to create in your life."
"I choose to be thankful for all that I am creating."
"You have the power to create meaning in your life rather than passively look for it."
"Focus on what you want to create in your life... Take that little spark of hope, that little spark of life."
"Don't look for happiness, create it. Happiness is not something you look for, happiness is something you create."
"When you commit to being a creator and not just a consumer, to develop new skills... those help you in other areas of life."
"There is a piece of the Creator inside you, and you do have the power to create miracles in your life."
"The power of science fiction literature is that it inspires us to create the world as we can imagine."
"It doesn't matter at all what you create, but what matters is how you live, the principles by which you live."
"Words have tones and vibrations have everything to do with the creation of worlds."
"The greatest thing God created was the woman."
"A community I want to be a part of, in a world I want to create."
"The complications, sophistication of the universe... this can never be out of nothing. This has to be some sort of a creator."
"Believe in yourself, believe in your dreams, believe in what you're trying to create."
"People need to feel the charge of possibility, the charge of optimism, and the charge of new creation."
"Love is the ultimate truth at the heart of creation."
"Love this incredible moment-to-moment life we get to live and commit to creating love through your focus."
"Love is not something you are waiting to donk you on the head; love is something you get to create from inside."
"Your destiny is forged in the workshop of your imagination."
"The fact that you can generate worlds... makes you think like how easy it's to create universes."
"Maybe our role on this planet is not to worship God, but to create Him."
"Humans are different in that we are storytellers... with stories we created money, we created empires, we created Wall Street, we created technology."
"Words seem to come out of luminosity. They appear on the paper in paper and ink, they come out of a radiance."
"Genesis 1 teaches us about women and their relationship to creation... Women, like men, are made in the image of God."
"Trust that you can create whatever it is that you want."
"The material Universe which we experience actually comes from a bit."
"Nothing is added to create this Temple, so this Temple was created by removing material."
"I believe anytime you're creating something with tools that you have, it can be incredibly beautiful."
"I've created him, the most handsome being in the universe. I'm of course talking about Handsome Squidward."
"The cosmos wasn't perfect, it was the creation or emanation of an ultimately good beneficent being, and it was created specifically with human beings' flourishing in mind."
"You want to live the happiest life and you want to be able to serve God because He created everything that we have."
"The Atheist position, the non-theist position, is the least arrogant of all positions because I don't think I am a special creation."
"If you're so concerned about somebody having free will that to me says you're really really insecure with your ability to create what you want."
"The Divine Feminine endlessly creates over and over again, flowing in cycles just like the moon."
"The ancient one who has lived many lives through countless eons since time began, you are the deathless one who creates worlds and strides the universe."
"I've been happier making content now than I ever have in the past."
"If the entire ocean of the Earth was turned into ink to write the words of your lord... the entire ocean would dry out and become depleted before your Lord's words would run out."
"Allah knows what every female womb carries and by how much the wombs fall short or do exceed."
"Every single thing is before his sight in a fixed precise measure."
"The creation of the heavens and the skies is even greater than the creation of the human being."
"He stretcheth out the north over the empty place, and hangeth the earth upon nothing."
"For he hath given me certain knowledge of the things that are, namely to know how the world was made, and the operation of the elements."
"For you formed my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb."
"In the beginning, there was nothing, then suddenly the Big Bang happened and created our universe."
"The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands."
"I will give thanks to you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, my soul knows that very well."
"For You formed my innermost being; You knit me together in my mother's womb. I will give thanks to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made."
"The heavens declare the glory of God; the expanse shows His handiwork."
"We live in a Spiritual universe governed through thought, or the word which first becomes law; this law creates what we call matter."
"It would be very difficult to explain why the universe should have begun in just this way, except as an act of God who intended to create beings like us."
"Astronomers now find they painted themselves into a corner because they have proven by their own methods that the world began abruptly in an act of creation."
"All things were made by God according to number, measure, and weight."
"Manifestation is about the ability to create; by create, we mean being, doing, and/or having something different from your current reality."
"The art has to be made before you can enjoy it."
"Let there be light, and so the universe sprang into being, worlds filled with endless potential were scattered into the beyond."
"I am successful in creating prosperity in my life."
"I hope you enjoy whatever I choose to do next. I'm still working on it, so please be patient."
"All your dreams can come true if you have the power to create your reality however you want it to be."
"A lot of your videos have meant a lot to me, and I just hope you keep creating, even though you get so much undue harassment."
"He said, 'I made you, sayeth God, for my glory.'"
"The command zone is an imagined thing... what constitutes what it is, it's something we created from nothing."
"The Lord God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being."
"All of creation follows a very simple pattern: you think it, you speak it, you act it, and if you have integrity, it happens."
"You are enough like you are, and that's why God created you."
"The makeup collaboration was really truly the part where I was like, holy [__], I want to create makeup."
"By his hand, the universe turned, and by his word, all things trembled."
"The energy of love, of life, of all creation. The spark of light in the womb that combusts evolves into a nation."
"All things were made by Him; and without Him was not anything made that was made." - John 1:3
"The very fact that the creation is in such harmony is an indication there is one all-powerful god."
"Everything in the whole world, from the hat on your head to the boots on your feet, was first a thought, a mental picture."
"Sound is a major force in the act of creation and manifestation."
"If you make stuff that you care about, there will be people that will care about it too."
"In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth."
"On day two, He was thrilled with the results of day two. He declared it very good."
"The creator of the heavens and earth had the ability to be merciful before creation was there."
"Continuous creation is everywhere in the infinite universe."
"Creation speaks of a God that is all-powerful, all-intelligent, a God of infinite design, a God of careful planning, a God of purpose."
"If you encounter potential with truth, the cosmos you create is actually good."
"Believe and your belief will create the fact."
"Imagination and faith are the secrets of creation."
"Man is made in God's image. That is the single most important sentence ever written."
"It's hard stuff to do that creates something really great."
"Infinite love, how great it is. God made the world to enlarge Heaven. He desired a larger family of created intelligence."
"The work of creation is an integral part of God’s plan for His children."
"The divine gift of creation does not come without duties and responsibilities."
"Nothing happens when I speak, but when God speaks, worlds come into existence."
"You are a Creator and you are in heaven when you use your creation. You will manifest Heaven every day in your life and enjoy the beauty of a living experience on this wonderful planet."
"Our rule is still over creation, but now it is focused on exposing and undoing the works of the devil."
"Allah does not create us because He needs us; He creates us because He loves us."
"Really focus more on the positivity of life rather than on the lack or the negative because you can create so much and you can build so much."
"We were born into heaven to create and to enjoy life."
"Why is it that he created the vastness of the universe... and he is hyper-focused on what you do with the stuff between your legs when you're in your bedroom?"
"The greatest miracle in the Bible is not Noah's Ark, Jonah and the Whale, or even the resurrection. The greatest miracle in the Bible is the first verse: 'In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.'"
"Human beings are meaning-creating creatures and thus meaning in the universe springs into existence with the creation of sentient human beings."
"The single most important verse in the Bible is that God created human beings in His image."
"If you're a true artist, at some point, you will have to reconcile these mandates versus the true art, and I think the true art and the love for that creation will win out in the end."
"The earth is the Lord's, and the fullness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein."
"Regions of the universe where gas clouds become so cold that atoms come together and make molecules, and molecules come together and make dust... this dust ultimately makes planets and life."
"In the beginning, God was the spirit of all that was to be, but He had not yet moved upon the waters."
"Be positive about what you want to create; avoid gossip and avoid anyone in your life that's negative."
"Allah responded with a very simple yet profound answer: 'Verily, I know that which you do not know.' This signifies that every creation has a special type of purpose."
"God created us with the moral sense...we have the capacity to understand the universe, we have the capacity to intuit moral laws from looking at the universe around us."
"You are different. You were created on purpose, with a purpose."
"For since the creation of the world, God's invisible qualities – his eternal power and divine nature – have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made."
"Earth is actually heaven. It's where we come to create and fulfill desires and dreams and imagination."
"My ambition in my 20s was very driven by a need to prove something. Now, I want to achieve things just because it's fun to create things in the world."
"For the ancient Egyptians, [the act of creation] was the most sacred part of their cycle of death and rebirth."
"For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well."
"When you come together with your match or your equal, two halves make a whole. That's the formula of creation."
"Psalm 139:13-16: 'For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother's womb.'"
"You are formed in the likeness of your creator. In creation, what did God do? He spoke."
"Everything in the world that has been created that's meaningful, big, ambitious, beautiful started with a vision, an image in someone's mind."
"My intention for this fall is to be able to create stories and experiences within Yes Theory that give people that sense of unity and belonging."
"If you can have the courage to decide and claim what you want, you can create it for yourself."
"Bitcoin was created by someone who goes by the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto."
"If you set your barometer for success on how much did I enjoy making this thing, then you're already succeeding."
"To create something different...intention is everything."
"The best way to make things better is by making better things."
"It's a really good feeling when I finally hear something I've written materialize."
"Consciousness is creating our life experiences... We are creators. That's quantum physics."
"The Wizard represents the first aspect of creation, the awareness of the various aspects of the self and the creative motion put forward into living out a dream."
"We know that the way to improve the world is to work, is to create, is to build."
"As you do not know the way the Spirit comes to the bones in the womb of a woman with child, so you do not know the work of God who makes everything."
"Anything you create or build that only benefits you, it's not big enough."
"You cannot destroy a connection you cannot create; it is Spirit, it is there."
"It's nice hearing someone's feedback on something you created."
"Once you make a show, it's not your show anymore. It becomes whatever the audience perceives it to be."
"The heavens are telling the glory of God, and the firmament proclaims his handiwork."
"The human being walks upright, which makes our eyes look up. Raise your eyes to heaven... and you see who created this."
"He who created the night and the day, the sun and the moon, all heavenly bodies in orbit are swimming."
"We're gonna have to reckon with the creator of all for what we did here."
"It's with our thoughts we create the world that we live in."
"You are elohim, meaning you have this power of creation within you."
"It's impossible to create something that somebody will not take the wrong way. Trust me, I've tried. It can't be done, regardless of how mundane the topic."
"Everything that happens in the universe begins with intention."
"The great projects of living creation are not the products of chance and error; they show us a creating intelligence."
"In the beginning, said Douglas Adams, the universe was created, and this made many people very angry and is widely regarded as a bad move."
"The very first paragraph of the Scripture that informs the three Abrahamic traditions tells us, the Divine Spirit breathed over the waters of chaos and brought forth a new creation."
"The Lord Jesus Christ is the true creator of the heavens and the earth."
"The true creator speaks to us through nature."
"Your guardian angel has been waiting for you since the beginning of creation."
"The most basic law of physics states nothing can be created from nothing."
"The volcanoes of Iceland are not only agents of destruction but also of creation."
"I felt that I had come out of a history of living in a place of reaction and I'd moved into a place of creation."
"The best empirical evidence that exists suggests that there's no evidence that a god created anything or that a god was required to create anything."
"For thou alone dost exist and we are a work of thy hands as thou hast declared."
"Know in this moment that you are powerful, you are the star, you are capable of creation, recreation, birthing, rebirthing."
"Awesome God, I praise and glorify your name; father, the Earth is Yours and everything in it."
"I didn't just conceive a child but I raised the child and now I'm setting the child free in the world."
"God created man in His own image... we were created to bear the image of His nature, of His ways, how He thinks, how He moves."
"Every single one of us, we are creators. We need to create things, we need to create beautiful things."
"The greatest miracle of all is that of creation and the new creation of what you can do in each of our hearts."
"Tremendous energy is harnessed in the sexual act between a man and a woman. It is in this coitus that humanity has the god-given capacity to create."
"I have hope for the world...and for a lot of things that humans create, including technology."
"The first thing that the Bible wants to tell us about God is that He's the creator."
"The gift you have as a woman to create life is the most badass, punk rock incredible thing you could do."
"You're going to reach this new level of reality where you realize that you can create anything you want right now."
"In the beginning, there was only darkness, an endless expanse of emptiness that stretched beyond the infinite. And then, suddenly, there was everything."
"This message calls all people to recognize God as the creator of the universe and the one who deserves our worship and obedience."
"Trust me, if you find it even a tenth as enjoyable to watch as I did to make, then I'm sure you'll really enjoy it."
"The only real rule in art is to make beautiful things."
"The human person is God's greatest creation, and we're starting to lose the identity of what it means to be human."
"The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament showeth His handiwork."
"Then God said, 'Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.'"
"People can feel if you really mean what you create... they're resonating with that emotion you're channeling into what you're creating."
"You created the honeymoon. You lived that honeymoon."
"God is light, the Son is light; all things through Him, by Him, and for Him."
"In the beginning, there was nothing, and God said, 'Let there be light,' and there was still nothing, but now you could see it."
"Your habitual thinking and imagery mold, fashion, and create your destiny."
"Men depend on women to respect and honor what they're creating because men are creators at that deep level through action."
"Life arising is not just an odds game, but an intentional act by a creative god."
"The power to move forward and create is literally at his fingertips; he's a god, but he's too focused on what could have been to focus on what could be."
"Preserving something that's valuable is much easier than going out there and creating something that's valuable."
"The creator of Heaven and Earth... the vastness of the cosmos, the infinite nature of the heavens."
"Nüwa, the mother and creator of mankind, the great goddess of order."
"Just like a giant 3D printer or something. Obviously welding, not 3D printing, but yeah, just like, make it, launch it."
"In the beginning, there was nothing: the universe was formless, void, and in chaotic darkness."
"From the union of yin and yang, a primordial being was formed."
"The science does not say that every living thing was created from water."
"In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth... God began the beginning."
"God weighed every drop of that water in the palm of his hands."
"To know, love, and worship God is the ultimate purpose we are created for."
"A new universe has been created, and the cosmic landscape must reflect this new universe."
"A lot of what we are here to do is create good things in the world."
"The future is not something we enter. The future is something we create."
"We are God's masterpiece. He created us anew in Christ Jesus so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago."
"Science is unable to tell us what or who caused the universe to begin, but some believe it clearly points to a Creator."
"You don't value something you inherit; you value something you have a stake in creating, in building, or knowing something about."
"I am Dr. Frankenstein... I have created a monster."
"In your mother's womb, you were formed in water in darkness by the power of light."
"Because God is a heavenly father, not a heavenly engineer, because He chose to create us as persons with free will, He respects our free will."
"Be that actually, become the energy of whatever you're wanting to create."
"Taking as a whole, that's really what the creation of intelligent beings is: understand the world and act."
"The power of creation lies in the now moment."
"The merciful love of the Lord fills the earth; by the word of the Lord the heavens were made. Alleluia. Psalm 33 verses 5 and 6."
"The magician is a conscious creator, and you are being called to embody this archetype right now."
"If you woke up in a desert and you saw this device, you will never say this just came from nowhere."
"This pile is talking about you still can create this; you still can get the perfect outcome for yourself."