
Intermittent Fasting Quotes

There are 242 quotes

"Intermittent fasting... is not just about when you eat, but also about allowing your body to enter a fasted state."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Intermittent fasting, which I helped to popularize in 2014 with the Bulletproof diet, that is a big thing; it works."
"Intermittent fasting itself will stimulate the release of norepinephrine and slightly increase the amount of dopamine because it puts you in kind of anticipation of a goal."
"Intermittent fasting or time-restricted eating is not totally focused on what we eat but when we eat."
"Intermittent fasting will have very clear, measurable, highly significant benefits for overweight people."
"By intermittent fasting, we're not putting any more sugar in a low-carbohydrate diet. And guess what, it works."
"Extended periods of time-restricted feeding seem to allow the system to shift toward burning more fat or rather using a higher percentage of fat when in a caloric deficit."
"When you eat is as important as what you eat."
"Almost everybody is employing some form of intermittent fasting or time-restricted feeding."
"Selecting a slightly shorter eating window than is comfortable for you."
"Short feeding windows... do produce a number of positive health effects."
"The feeding window early in the day would actually be very beneficial."
"Some people do not do well on intermittent fasting either in terms of mood or hormone health."
"Intermittent fasting can help lower blood pressure, reduce body fat, and decrease weight."
"Intermittent fasting is the most popular diet in the world... the most effective diet that's ever been promoted on the planet."
"Intermittent fasting has been shown to enhance weight loss without having to really tightly regulate and count for calories."
"Intermittent fasting, aka time-restricted feeding, involves eating at certain periods of each 24-hour cycle, or maybe even not eating for entire days, in some cases."
"Somewhere around 10:00 AM or around noon, and then allowing a feeding window that goes until six or maybe 8:00 PM."
"Intermittent fasting does lots of good things... First of all, you keep your blood glucose levels very low normal, which is good. Remember, cancer loves sugar."
"The main point of intermittent fasting is you're trying to reduce your insulin so you're getting into the sort of fat burning."
"Intermittent fasting is... one of the most powerful things we can do to increase longevity."
"By intermittent fasting, you're changing the environment inside of you biologically which gives you more energy which allows you to change the environment inside of you from your software perspective, from your thoughts and your feelings, and to sort out hunger versus anger versus fear."
"Intermittent fasting is not a diet, it is a meal timing pattern."
"When you take up regular intermittent fasting... you will have a quantum jump in the amount of energy available to you for your brain."
"By and large, the standout benefit [of intermittent fasting] is body composition."
"Intermittent fasting creates balance across metabolic hormones like insulin, leptin, and ghrelin, aiding in weight loss and health."
"Anti-aging is so important in today's world, and intermittent fasting is powerful for it."
"Intermittent fasting improves immune function, offering benefits for autoimmune diseases and overall health."
"Intermittent fasting isn't just about losing weight; it's about tuning up your body and achieving sustainable energy."
"Intermittent fasting is a big buzzword in health today... It's another way to describe time-restricted eating, trying to limit the amount of time that you eat your meals to about eight hours or so in the day."
"That's what intermittent fasting does to you. People didn't believe me at first."
"Intermittent fasting... is a must. And what's really cool about doing intermittent fasting is... your mood automatically increases."
"Intermittent fasting can reverse so many issues because it is much more natural to eat fewer meals."
"Intermittent fasting is a tool, it is not something where you just are gonna fast for the rest of your life. You periodically fast to obtain a metabolic benefit."
"Intermittent fasting is a tremendous maintenance diet. It gives you the flexibility so you can still enjoy your life."
"Intermittent fasting, you eat whatever you want, but to get the best result and to turn that body into a fat-burning machine, you want to make sure that you're taking full advantage of the sacrifices that you made during that fasting cycle."
"Intermittent fasting has definitely been like a lifestyle... it's really flexible, and you really choose how you want to adapt it to your lifestyle."
"If you're looking to start intermittent fasting, I would recommend starting slowly and gradually by reducing the portions of your meal size."
"Physical endurance, physical strength, prowess, and cognitive function, so focus, thinking, and memory improve with intermittent fasting."
"Without drugs, without costly medication or intervention, you just stop eating for a period of time and, according to the research, these things get better."
"Intermittent fasting can reduce oxidative damage and inflammation in the body. This should have benefits against aging and development of numerous diseases."
"The benefits of intermittent fasting are not simply the result of reduced free radical production or weight loss but instead it's adaptive cellular responses."
"Intermittent fasting isn't simply because we're trying to reduce calories... what we're really doing is we're really tapping into our body's unique hormonal mechanisms."
"Intermittent fasting isn't necessarily a diet but it is actually a lifestyle that you can live for the long-term."
"Intermittent fasting... it's a lifestyle, it's not something that rules my life."
"Intermittent fasting is...very beneficial for fat loss, for health, for decreasing inflammation, for improving cognitive function, and for longevity."
"One of the coolest things...about intermittent fasting is it's kind of a gateway experience...to ketosis."
"I lost 29 pounds that I have lost in one year from intermittent fasting."
"I feel so good, I have energy, I'm not bloated, I'm sleeping really well, I have clarity of mind."
"Type-2 diabetes...when you use intermittent fasting, you can actually reverse the disease."
"Intermittent fasting regularly will do, and remember, it doesn't have to be a super long one. 14 hours can start, 16 hours is good."
"Intermittent fasting is actually really good for adrenal fatigue because you can reset some of those cortisol values."
"I don't eat breakfast most days because I practice intermittent fasting, which works for me and helps me stay focused."
"If you want to use up body fat, then give yourself a break from eating. You've got to take a break from eating in order so that you can use some of that body fat."
"The point is that do the best you can right now with what you have, and do intermittent fasting, which means you'll be spending less money on food, so you can afford a little more money to invest in the quality of food that you eat."
"If you intermittently fast, you can still build muscle."
"I've seen really powerful and significant changes in people who are doing intermittent fasting and more extended fasting perhaps as much or more than just about any other intervention."
"Consistency is important... being more consistent about when you eat and when you stop feeding or starting your fasting window every single day is most important."
"You go from six o'clock the night before to noon the next day, you just intermittent fasted for 18 hours and all you missed was one meal."
"Compressing the eating window had all of these benefits including weight loss."
"With intermittent fasting, studies are actually showing that you shouldn't be experiencing more hunger. In fact, most people experience decreased hunger levels when they use intermittent fasting."
"It's very important that you don't snack and you go periods of time without meals."
"Intermittent fasting corrects insulin resistance."
"Intermittent fasting can help to improve insulin resistance quite a bit."
"I just do sincerely believe that intermittent fasting is going to outlive keto in terms of adherence and in terms of just people's interest."
"Intermittent fasting can be a useful tool for adherence; you can reduce hunger and people find it's just a way for them to eat that's more convenient."
"Intermittent fasting is always going to be able to be applied perpendicular with whatever other diet people are doing."
"Intermittent fasting is just uh, it's a great tool from a convenience standpoint."
"The ketogenic way of eating brings to the forefront time-restricted eating and intermittent fasting more than any other diet has ever done."
"Keto and intermittent fasting is the ultimate health building, health creating program."
"The benefits of intermittent fasting are huge, you can greatly reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease."
"All the people who seem to know what they're talking about when it comes to the body and life and health are singing the praises of intermittent fasting."
"I would never do this long-term. I do think that intermittent fasting is a very healthy practice for most people."
"You're saving a lot of time it's flexible that is if it's Christmas time and you want to celebrate you don't have to fast and you can do more the next week if you want to lose weight."
"Intermittent fasting is simply a style of dieting that concerns itself most with when instead of what you eat."
"Intermittent fasting can also help in a major way with balancing out those hormones that cause cravings."
"Intermittent fasting is one of those atomic habits for me that has completely changed my life."
"If you want to lose body fat, you actually need to extend the period of time that you're not eating... It will be healthier for us."
"Intermittent fasting can enhance the benefits of ketosis."
"Not everyone's going to have success on intermittent fasting, because a lot of people-- some people like to have breakfast and they're going to miss that."
"My brain works so much better when I do intermittent fasting. I had no idea before how much this frequent eating was destroying my brain and keeping me in a brain fog."
"Narrow your eating window down to about eight hours a day...you're probably going to derive most of the benefits from that."
"Even just intermittent fasting or time-restricted feeding can have a sweeping impact on people's health."
"Intermittent fasting: not just a gimmick, but a pathway to longevity and health."
"Intermittent fasting: associated with inhibition of aging, cancer, and more."
"Intermittent fasting can help reduce insulin levels, increase growth hormones, and increase the release of the fat-burning hormone norepinephrine."
"Intermittent fasting: It's like whoa, this is amazing."
"Intermittent fasting helps with weight loss, anti-aging, preventing cancer, reducing inflammation, and all kinds of other health benefits."
"I've become a huge fan of intermittent fasting where I have 14 to 16 hours since my last meal. Awesome!"
"Intermittent fasting can aid in weight loss and energy regulation."
"Just lower your carbohydrate intake to 20 or less total grams of carbs a day and then try to fast 16 hours a day."
"A lot of people... initially did not like intermittent fasting."
"Big picture intermittent fasting for losing some body fat is going to potentially help you build more muscle in the long run."
"Intermittent fasting is a lifestyle change, not a diet."
"Increasing the amount of fasting periods. And it doesn't mean that you do like forty days and forty nights, right? It means that, you know, maybe you cut out a few of the snacks."
"The premise of intermittent fasting the way I use it is simply to give you more dietary freedom."
"Intermittent fasting is super simple yet powerful."
"I just start my fast at 9:00 and then only eat for like seven to eight hours after 9:00. My body is like they're used to these cycles because I've been doing it for so long."
"Fasting seems to be the trick and the word fasting, not extreme fasting, just skipping a meal, like 16 hours without eating."
"Intermittent fasting, limiting your eating windows."
"OMAD works great for most people, at least for a time."
"Intermittent fasting linked to a 91% increase in risk of death from heart disease."
"Intermittent fasting transformed my look, healing my body from the inside out."
"The greatness of carnivore is that you get to intermittent fasting, and if you stop eating for 10-12 hours, your insulin comes down, inflammation comes down, and your repair system starts to take off."
"You can have as many meals as you want as long as they fall within the 8-hour window."
"Skip breakfast and continue through your day until you are truly hungry."
"Intermittent fasting... repairs cells through autophagy boosts brain health and mental Clarity and lowers insulin levels."
"Intermittent fasting is proving to be the thing that is saving so many women's lives."
"Just short stints of intermittent fasting could have powerful effects."
"Intermittent fasting... extending that fasting period from bed and you're getting a 16-hour fasting."
"Intermittent fasting is how your ancestors evolved to eat."
"We can achieve this calorie reduction that's associated with longevity and vitality through intermittent fasting."
"Intermittent fasting isn't just this one thing... it's this one thing and then there's a bunch of different ways to do it."
"Intermittent fasting is an eating pattern that switches between periods of fasting and periods of eating."
"Healthy fats will accentuate intermittent fasting by inducing the production of ketone bodies."
"Intermittent fasting... doesn't really matter too much how much you eat, you can eat until you are satisfied."
"Restricted eating can reduce inflammation, having long periods of the day when you don't eat."
"Low carb intermittent fasting probably has more benefits than chronic ketosis."
"I'm certainly a believer in thoughtfully chosen intermittent fasting."
"Intermittent fasting works because it gives your liver a chance to offload what it's already stored."
"Give your gut a break... if you can eat within a 10-hour window or if you can't do that a 12-hour window at least you give your microbes a rest overnight."
"Intermittent fasting helps us develop a more fortified immune system. Part of the reboot at the stem cell level is to make new immune cells."
"Absolutely! You can exercise. In fact, if you're doing intermittent fasting to lose weight, to maintain muscle mass, on any kind of caloric restriction, exercise is critically important."
"Intermittent fasting just makes me feel so much more amazing in the day."
"It's called intermittent fasting."
"This isn't about deprivation. This is about eating well during a short window of time."
"If they came up with an intermittent fasting pill, that would be like the ultimate nootropic."
"There are some benefits of intermittent fasting health benefits that go beyond what can be accounted for by reduction in calorie intake."
"Intermittent fasting corrects emotional eating, not nutritional eating. When we say we're hungry it has very little to do with our nutrition, it is primarily an emotional event."
"So now if you understand the problem, you can say well how am I going to change this? Well it's simple: increase the amount of time that you're not eating, and that's all intermittent fasting is."
"Intermittent fasting is a lifestyle strategy and it is based on the principles of our circadian rhythm."
"An alternative to following the eighty percent rule on a daily basis is to fast for one or two days each week."
"We were interested in the broader question: does time restricted eating, which is a form of daily intermittent fasting where you effectively extend the fasting duration so you can your fasting for a longer period each day, can that actually help people lose weight?"
"To my knowledge, that's the first study on intermittent fasting to report improvements in mood."
"Early time-restricted eating was better than both the control condition and midday time-restricted eating for weight loss, insulin sensitivity, diversity of bacteria in your gut, and lowering inflammation."
"Most forms of intermittent fasting have a timing rule, so then it just becomes, for most people, do I want to try this or do I not?"
"Time restricted eating is almost like preparing for your retirement savings it starts the day you start working from that day you start savings."
"Innermittent fasting is changing my life. Cheers!"
"I still would say like any form of intermittent fasting probably isn't optimal but for the average person can you get plenty strong plenty big and still do intermittent fasting at least the 16 8 I would say absolutely"
"The beauty of intermittent fasting... you can do them ad libitum... most people will tend to incur a caloric deficit."
"If you really want to take advantage of intermittent fasting and the associated benefits that come with it, you're interested in this autophagy to have it as optimized as possible."
"There's newer research that shows eating in the morning and stopping earlier is a healthy IF pattern. Absolutely."
"Human beings are actually designed for it, if you look at the BBC food and drink website they'll talk about intermittent fasting and how it It's associated with positive Health outcomes."
"Intermittent fasting can have so many awesome benefits. It can help decrease inflammation, which, having hypothyroidism, is something I deal with a lot."
"Intermittent fasting, when you're eating a keto diet, is actually part of the way it works."
"There are a lot of benefits to not only weight loss but also for your body in general for intermittent fasting."
"Intermittent fasting also called time-restricted feeding is simply seen as a time period between when you don't eat and when you do eat."
"Some scientists believe that regular use of intermittent fasting will give you about 95% of the health benefits of calorie restriction without the starvation involved."
"You can engage in intermittent fasting for fairly long periods of time and not lose muscle."
"Intermittent fasting is not an overly restrictive way to live because we're fasting, we're feasting, we're repeating, we're nourishing our bodies well."
"It's just really freeing to be able to eat a meal and then I don't have to eat again for like 16 hours."
"The confusion caused by labels like 'intermittent fasting' does tremendous damage."
"Intermittent fasting is something where you can eat less food for a couple of days each week that's safer and I think it's perfectly fine."
"I've been doing intermittent fasting for... I've added in just to get my life in order, to get my house in order. Because my... I love food. It's like one of my favorite things in life."
"i've also started intermittent fasting and it has been changing my life but [ __ ] the first three days was mother tucking hell i hated everyone i hated everything and it was really hard."
"I have been intermittent fasting. Intermittent fasting has changed my life. I never felt hungry before because every time I had an ounce of hunger I would eat. I would not allow my body to feel hunger, I would just eat. I would fill that void with food every single time."
"There has been some promising evidence on intermittent fasting."
"You know, the one thing about intermittent fasting is this goes against sometimes the recommendation to eat breakfast. If you tend to be a breakfast eater, sometimes we say do your eating from 12 to 8."
"I did try it and at the time I was doing much more of a daily intermittent fasting thing."
"So many people joining Zoe are actually intermittent fasters of some kind, and so comparing people who've been doing it for a couple of years with people who never do it, I think will be an interesting thing that will come out."
"The benefits of intermittent fasting are so strong that I think it's great to once a quarter go for maybe two days without food."
"I thoroughly enjoy my eating window every single day which means I don't stress about the fast."
"Intermittent fasting: my meals are celebratory in nature."
"Intermittent fasting is a really powerful tool. It's one of the best tools that we have, I think for longevity and weight loss, but it is only a tool."
"Cynthia is, in my opinion, a world renowned expert on intermittent fasting specifically for women."
"Intermittent fasting takes money away from them because people are getting healthier."
"Drug companies are now developing drugs to mimic the effects of intermittent fasting."
"There's been so many studies that intermittent fasting has helped boost brain power helped boost immune Health colon Health Digestive Health everything."
"I lost about 40 pounds in that five months... I did a lot of intermittent fasting and stuff like that."
"Autophagy's what you're looking for. And the way you get that is by intermittent fasting."
"I did the 16:8, did the 24-hour, the warrior diet, and gradually progressed to the OMAD diet which is one meal a day."
"You don't have to defend intermittent fasting to people who might be naysayers about it."
"We don't call them cheat days. You can't cheat on intermittent fasting."
"A low carb diet plus intermittent fasting had a profound effect improving not only the symptoms that asthma suffers have but also their objective measurements."
"Practicing time-restricted eating, also called intermittent fasting, means your body has a longer period where it's using stored fats for fuel."
"I just want you to eat until you are comfortably stuffed at every meal and then do not eat again until you are truly hungry. Rinse and repeat."
"Intermittent fasting is the most powerful strategy that you can use to reverse insulin resistance."
"At the end of the two months, the animals that were on the intermittent fasting eating pattern had better endurance when we tested their maximum, how far and how long can they run on the treadmill."
"I could definitely say that [intermittent fasting] is helping because for that chunk of time, those 16 hours, I'm not allowed to eat. It helps me not think about food."
"Instead of eating every six to eight hours they're eating around eight to twelve hours apart and it is a glory."
"I thought I would start this video because today is the start of my seven-day intermittent fasting try it out."
"I also feel like intermittent fasting is there how many mainstream even my parents are talking about it you know I feel like when your parents start talking about something you're just like like that is mainstream everyone knows about it done."
"I am firmly convinced that once I started intermittent fasting I started to look better."
"Remember, use common sense: intermittent fasting is not a Magic Bullet."
"...if people do want to intermittent fast I'd suggest they skip dinner not breakfast."
"Intermittent fasting is a great way if you feel out of shape to jumpstart your body."
"Intermittent fasting going 16 hours...is good for attention and focus."
"Intermittent fasting benefits: changing cells, hormones, and genes."
"Intermittent fasting is important. The definition of biohacking is the art and science of changing the environment around you and inside of you so that you have full control of your own biology."
"The 5:2 diet is best for people who kind of want to lose a bit of weight."
"Intermittent fasting sounds restrictive and the opposite is true. It's actually incredibly liberating because we feel so well."
"I enjoy the foods that I love in my eating window."
"You really need to be making sure that when you go to break your fast you're getting enough of the right types of foods during your eating window."
"You're going to eat three or four small meals a day in an eight-hour feeding window, and then you'll have a 16-hour fasting window."
"I'm intermittent fasting, by the way, for everybody who calls me fat on the internet. Thank you."
"Intermittent fasting is based on the important principle which is circadian rhythm."
"Intermittent fasting... it's the feeling of empowerment one gains over food as the body gets adapted to fasting."
"And there you have it, guys, this is exactly what I eat in a week of intermittent fasting."
"Intermittent fasting... it's a less painful way of revving up the same metabolic processes of caloric restriction."
"I'm going to start with the intermittent fasting, I think it's better, I feel better physically when I do that."