
Weight Loss Quotes

There are 3944 quotes

"An eight-hour time-restricted feeding produces mild caloric restriction and weight loss without calorie counting, and clinically it reduced blood pressure."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Simply moving a lot, being a fidgeter, bouncing your knee, standing up and pacing several times or many times throughout the day led to considerable amounts of fat loss and weight loss."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"If you're trying to lose weight, exercise is almost meaningless. Yes, it's important, but diet is going to get you the majority of the way there."
"I'm really proud that I've lost 200 pounds in the last five years and kept it off."
"It's really a three-in-one formula that can help boost energy, hit your weight loss goals, and provide clear thinking like nothing else can."
"Getting a person to lose weight might also get them to stop drinking, now they've gotten rid of multiple risk factors for heart disease."
"Intermittent fasting will have very clear, measurable, highly significant benefits for overweight people."
"Distributing [protein] across all the meals, if it's for weight loss and appetite, that's great, but it's not an mTOR effect."
"I've lost... I was 245 pounds last year about this time; this year, and now I weigh 185."
"Mindfully considering the emotional component of eating is the way to lose weight."
"There is a way to lose weight in a way that shows love to your body and shows compassion to your body."
"Losing weight is definitely about health...and when we do it, we become stronger people because it is difficult."
"What's really important, I think, for a lot of women these days is not just to focus on the weight loss but to focus on finding a healthy way for them to achieve their goals in that they're not going to be starving all the time, they're not going to be obsessing about food all the time."
"It's crazy that you see the pros and cons that come with your weight loss and stuff like that. I feel like, personally for me, it's been a lot of pros. Obviously, like I'm healthier, I can move better."
"How crazy is it that only two percent of people will ever return to a normal BMI from being obese?"
"It's okay to lose weight in your own time. The right person will find you regardless."
"Self-love has to be intertwined with a weight loss journey and just a general health journey as well."
"Losing weight in itself is literally calories in, calories out."
"The point of the challenge is not for you to actually lose the weight; it's for you to understand it's a lifelong process, not six weeks."
"Tracking glucose... is one of those powerful things that you can do for weight loss."
"Losing weight is not easy; it requires time and consistency."
"Imagine losing 20 pounds and eating more at the end of it. That's what can happen with the proper application of resistance training."
"Intermittent fasting has been shown to enhance weight loss without having to really tightly regulate and count for calories."
"Don't put too much pressure on yourself. Just be better, and you'll slowly lose weight."
"If you reduce your caloric intake, you will lose weight, but your body will compensate by slowing down your metabolism."
"80% of weight loss is diet, and 20% is exercise."
"I was 360 pounds, my waistline was 46 inches; now I'm 220 pounds and still losing. My waistline is 37 inches."
"Weight loss should not be the main goal; health should be. It just so happens that when you're healthy, you'll start balancing out to a normal weight."
"I've lost 140 pounds so far, nearly 100 of that from keto alone."
"Stress could be why you're having trouble losing weight; it can wreak havoc on our blood sugar."
"I'm officially exactly 30 lb down. That took me like 5 months."
"Healthy weight loss guidelines generally recommend losing between one to two pounds per week max."
"Exercise isn't really the most effective tool in our toolbox for weight loss."
"You've still got to put yourself in a calorie deficit or exercise to lose that weight."
"You will actually lose weight by eating avocados."
"A 36-hour fast... over a 30-day period, not only did they lose more weight than people who just did like one meal a day, but they actually lost the weight in belly fat."
"When I tried fasting, I started seeing changes: people began to lose weight, people's blood pressures came down, diabetes got reversed."
"Losing almost 70 pounds in three months and then within roughly eight or nine months becoming clear of the pre-diabetic condition is very encouraging."
"Be realistic about your weight loss expectations. Understand that weight loss is not linear."
"I have lost more than 30 pounds in a span of around six months, now moving on to a fat loss stage to put on muscle and change my body composition."
"I lost 120 pounds and I've kept it off for coming up to four years now...I lost weight naturally without any surgery, supplements, or weight loss drugs."
"Intermittent fasting creates balance across metabolic hormones like insulin, leptin, and ghrelin, aiding in weight loss and health."
"Weight loss is really 80% diet and 20% exercising."
"What we quickly saw was that, okay, yes, people were losing weight but more importantly, their diabetes was going away."
"Six weeks later, after making that decision, I lost 28 pounds and the pain I'd been experiencing every day for two and a half years was gone."
"I lost 95 pounds in less than eight months, not by dieting, but by changing my lifestyle dramatically."
"By sleeping more, individuals lost 55 percent more body fat."
"There's never been any long-term study showing that calorie counting is an effective way to lose weight and maintain weight loss."
"If you generate a caloric deficit, fat loss will occur, cardio or not."
"I never tell patients to lose weight. I teach them how their body works, and the weight loss is automatic."
"I lost five pounds, which wasn't a lot, but I went down three pant sizes...I suddenly had abs."
"I lost 25 pounds. That's what happens when you starve yourself for 23 hours a day."
"I lost about two or three inches on my waist as well, and I could definitely say that this was a successful cut so far."
"All diets work when they're strictly adhered to."
"Before you can go on to a successful weight loss journey, you have to find your inner motivation."
"Your metabolism naturally slows down when you're restricting your calories for weight loss. There's nothing inherently wrong with it; it's just how the body works."
"Losing weight does not mean going on a diet. It's about making permanent and manageable changes to your food intake."
"It's not about how much you cut, but how you cut. A dramatic reduction can harm your metabolism, whereas a gradual decrease and strategic exercise can support it."
"Finally, a long-term realistic and sustainable approach to your weight loss."
"With the loss of 15% of body weight, nearly 90% of those who've had type 2 diabetes for less than four years can achieve remission."
"How much actual fat you'll lose will depend on your personal energy expenditure, but as a general rule, you can expect to lose somewhere between a half and a whole pound per day."
"The challenge that I see over and over again with weight loss is that it's often presented to us in these very extreme All or Nothing type of approaches, and so we unknowingly and eagerly set up these very unrealistic goals for ourselves which inevitably lead us to failure."
"If you want to learn about weight loss from a guy who used to play in the NFL who's extremely overweight but the trainer because he's been in the gym his whole life, he might know some things."
"I lost 8 lbs in two days, man. It's like crazy what's going on here."
"Natural weight loss is possible. You don't have to go through surgery."
"Following OMAD or AKA eating one meal a day can be beneficial for multiple reasons, number one if you want to lose weight, it can be a helpful way to keep your insulin levels down."
"Limiting our carbohydrates when we are in an intermittent fast is a great way to just kind of tap into those fat stores quickly and create a fat-burning machine out of our bodies."
"I've lost 40.2 pounds in six months. I can't believe it. I haven't been this small in nine years."
"I have never felt better. I have lost 30 pounds and am almost back to my weight at 21."
"Since then, I have lost 60 pounds. I'm floored with the simplicity of fasting."
"I lost 29 pounds that I have lost in one year from intermittent fasting."
"Finding something that you can consistently do that has a low cost of entry for you... that is what's going to set us up for a long-term healthy approach to weight loss."
"Fat loss simplified: If I was going to break it down into something really easy to understand, I'd say, mate, you need to move a bit more, you need to eat a bit less."
"Eat for nutrition, never eat for weight loss, and never make any change in the way you eat that you're not willing to make permanent."
"Most of us don't need to cut out gluten or fat or carbs to lose weight."
"We must control hunger and be satiated in a way of eating if we are going to lose weight sustainably."
"The ketogenic diets lead to weight loss and also improvements in metabolic syndrome in people affected by obesity."
"Don't just focus on losing weight; it's really about body composition."
"Most people think about weight loss from the perspective of what they can see with their eyes, and you know, influenced by vanity, which I think is important; people need to feel good."
"For every 10 pounds that someone loses, eight and a half of those are lost through the breath."
"In about ten days, we get almost everybody off of blood pressure pills, diabetic medications, heart medications, and they've lost a considerable amount of more weight."
"When people switch from foods that are so concentrated in calories to those that are bulky and diluting calories, dieting weight loss is effortless."
"When you exercise, you burn calories...and for those of us who are overweight, we lose excess weight easily."
"I took control and underwent gastric bypass surgery. I went from 307 lb to at the lowest 142 lb."
"Eat more fat loss promoting foods like raw vegetables, cooked greens, and non-starchy vegetables."
"Ultimately, when you do any sort of diet, if you're trying to lose weight, you're going to have to figure out some sort of reduction in food or some sort of addition of extra activity."
"After five months no more medication, 100 pounds down, felt the best I've ever felt in my life."
"Losing weight can significantly lower your systolic blood pressure."
"If you're overweight or obese... weight loss is uniformly effective at lowering high blood pressure."
"Implementing mini cut cycles, alternating between a deficit and maintenance calories, prevents metabolic slowdown and maintains the effectiveness of your deficit."
"Would you rather spend months losing fat the right way and be able to keep it off, or crash diet and gain all the weight back, repeating the cycle year after year?"
"Aesthetics is the least important benefit to come out of a weight loss journey."
"Two cups of water before each meal, 44% faster weight loss."
"The single most effective weight loss intervention like that ever published in the peer-reviewed medical literature, a whole food, plant-based diet."
"The current program makes you healthier...the side effect is some weight loss, some better insulin sensitivity, and some better energy."
"You're telling me that you lost 65 pounds, or your cholesterol dropped by 50 points, and now you're not using any diabetes medications anymore? Are you kidding me? That's real."
"I want to live longer. That's almost everyone's reason for wanting to lose weight."
"Only about 5% of people who lose weight with diet and exercise are able to maintain that weight loss."
"If you're trying to lose weight, you're really going to do yourself a big favor if you get enough sleep."
"If you can lose 15% of your body weight, almost all of your health complications from obesity can improve."
"With a 5% weight loss, you can reduce your risk of developing Diabetes by 50%."
"Obesity is complicated; there are strategies for dealing with it that can lead to significant and sustained weight loss."
"The new weight loss app offers a personalized health plan from an online health coach as well as 24/7 support and motivation from the coach."
"The steps Jesse took to lose 350 pounds are an almost textbook example of how anyone can change anything in their lives."
"This wasn't just about losing weight; it was about regaining a life."
"If you want to lose weight, then you've got to eat fewer calories than you burn off."
"Glamorizing weight loss surgery on shows like this does nothing to illustrate the uphill battle that people living with obesity face."
"Don't worry, trust the process. If you can get over that initial hump, eventually, you're not just losing weight; you're visually gaining weight. You look bigger because every pound you lose from that point onwards makes you look more defined."
"Dieting doesn't necessarily make you lose weight...if it does last, you're really just not a fun person to be around."
"You have to detach your emotions from the scale not let this cause you to be super excited and not let this cause you to get pissed off and say it's not working. It's just all part of the process."
"It wasn't until I read this book that I had revelation after revelation after revelation and I was able to lose all of my 80 pounds and keep them off."
"The reason I'm always like, 'That's not enough,' is because yes, you will certainly lose weight on that, of course, but the goal shouldn't be just losing weight; it should be losing weight and keeping it off."
"Weight loss will happen, but that isn't the goal. The goal is to lose weight and keep it off for the rest of your life."
"The hardest thing that I've ever done in my life was losing weight, full stop, easily the hardest thing."
"We should be able to acknowledge that yeah, losing weight is a very virtuous thing that's going to really improve your quality of life."
"It's the lightest I have ever weighed in easily the last 5 to 6 years. Get in!"
"Losing weight is one of those things that's going to take a long period of time and it's going to be delayed gratification."
"If you find someone who lost weight quickly, it's not sustainable and it's definitely not healthy."
"The goal of my plans are to lose weight, keep it off for the rest of your life while being healthy."
"Diets just don't work for weight loss in the long term."
"If you want to lose weight, you should start from a place of like, I love myself and I am in charge of myself."
"I hope that if you are trying to lose weight or get into better shape, I hope that you find the answers that you're looking for."
"Daily activity is actually more important than exercise for weight loss."
"It is not only possible to lose the weight and keep it off, there's a proven path."
"You're actually burning fat and eating less because your body is accessing its fat store, which is what you're trying to do when you're trying to lose fat weight off your body."
"The thing about exercise is that it's extremely good for you, but the weight loss benefits are marginal."
"If you want to use up body fat, then give yourself a break from eating. You've got to take a break from eating in order so that you can use some of that body fat."
"We need to really think differently about weight loss."
"If you eat whole foods, you can eat as much of them as you want because your metabolism will speed up and your hormones will change, and you lose weight as long as you eat whole foods."
"Every insecure bone in my body is telling me not to post this, but eight stone down and still going."
"The way to lose weight is that it [expletive] sucks. It's the hardest thing you'll ever have to do in your life. You're just gonna have to buck up and just suffer through it."
"I am finally fitting back into some old jeans that I had, which is super exciting for me."
"I managed to lose 50 kilograms of weight. Previously, I weighed 120 kilograms at a height of 160. That is twice my weight. These were the worst days of my life, but I managed to surpass myself."
"I stopped putting all of my effort on exercise... weight loss is like 95% nutrition focused."
"Florence is a walking city. I lost 15 pounds in Florence, and all I did was eat pasta and pizza."
"The nutritional profile as well as the dietary fiber content found in hemp seeds can be good for those wanting to lose excess body weight."
"Over the last two months, I've lost 18 pounds. I'm excited."
"It's a master class in not only weight loss but also truly health and longevity."
"100% of people, every single person, over six months lost weight. There wasn't one person left behind which means everybody can do it."
"The goal of weight loss is not to fit into a skinnier casket." - Dr. Michael Greger
"I was thinking, dear God, don't let anybody down... you will appear ungrateful if you don't lose more weight."
"A recent survey showed about half of all Americans are looking to lose weight."
"Respect to him for losing weight you know that's good that's good all around."
"I lost like 50 pounds in six months, it was ridiculous."
"Losing that much weight was quite the shock to me, a conceptual shock."
"The first thing that you're gonna have to do to lose the weight and actually keep it off is approach your goal with the right mental disposition."
"On average this 6-week program has my clients losing either 20 pounds or 5% body fat in only 42 days."
"All NAFLD patients should be counseled on weight loss by both primary care and hepatology."
"Losing weight was the most positive thing I've ever done for my body."
"I lost 55 percent more body fat simply by getting more sleep."
"I was 540 pounds and was 5'6 but now I'm 260 pounds and 5 foot 10. Not a big difference in height but the weight is noticeable."
"The average weight loss in a semaglutide trial is about 15% of body weight."
"I made a bunch of changes and within 30 days I had lost 35 pounds."
"Weight loss and improving insulin sensitivity would very much go hand in hand."
"Lower carbohydrate lifestyle changes are documented to be the most effective method improving weight loss and diabetes control."
"There's only one way to lose weight: calories in, calories out. Nothing else matters."
"Adherence is the issue; if someone adheres to a caloric deficit, they will lose weight."
"You can lose weight. It won't be easy, but you can do it. It is possible. I know from experience that there is a correlation between diet, lifestyle, and weight."
"The relative rates of fat storage and fat burning determine the net fat loss."
"Low carbohydrate diets led to more weight loss than low-fat diets."
"You're not going to lose the weight overnight... It's going to take time, it's going to take consistency."
"I'm definitely losing weight, working very hard."
"Slow weight loss tends to preserve muscle better."
"I genuinely want you to be successful in your weight loss I want you to be successful on managing your mental health."
"The number one tip that we have to get out of the way right off the bat is that if you're overweight or carrying excess body fat, you should put yourself into a calorie deficit first to get rid of that excess fat."
"Substituting sugary drinks with artificially sweetened alternatives like diet sodas ends up lowering your calorie intake and assists with weight loss."
"A refeed is a structured dieting tool to assist in weight loss success."
"I would encourage you not to do that because the weight loss is as good or better with a healthy low-fat plant-based diet."
"Use garlic to lose belly fat, it suppresses appetite and sends full signals to your brain, it prevents fat from accumulating in your body."
"Pounds are gonna fly and fat is outta here, mister!"
"At the end of camp Xander had lost 18 pounds, which is a lot in just a few weeks for a little kid."
"I think um I mean just from me to you like I'm super proud of you too I mean that's hard to lose weight like that and to keep it off especially like hurting your shoulder and coming back like is that was a big win for me dude prettying impressive."
"Protein is just like all around like win win win win eating more protein is usually a really good thing and helpful for weight loss."
"You don't necessarily have to work out at all to lose weight."
"I weighed 300 pounds. I said I'm going to lose weight and it's the most important thing in my life."
"Just losing weight at that rate is... dramatically reducing your risk of cancer."
"It's helped a lot of people lose weight, it's helped with performance in the gym, performance in the bedroom."
"Caloric deficit can be beneficial for humans."
"No one's denying you can lose weight on any kind of diet."
"It's going to help you achieve a weight loss goal and heal inflammation."
"I've lost 100 pounds, I try all sorts of crazy stuff."
"The absolute weight loss was 15.3 kilograms which is almost 34 pounds."
"The ultimate fat loss drug? 33-pound average weight loss was found."
"It's been referred to as the celebrity weight loss drug."
"A well-formulated ketogenic diet when compared to a standard calorie restricted low fat diet has a greater effect on weight loss."
"When I first started my weight loss journey I didn't really think that it was possible but something inside me just held on for like two weeks..."
"It's not just like, 'Oh, you know, you lower your appetite a bit, you lose weight.' Like, it actually makes people who have no willpower have enough willpower to lose like 50 to 60 pounds."
"Sleep is [ __ ] huge. If you're dieting and you're not sleeping, you're not losing weight."
"Oil and fat and salt prevent people from successfully getting their body fat low enough."
"There's no magic pill for weight loss, you burn more than you bring in, you'll lose weight."
"Everybody knows like you and I know and so does everybody else that if you lose weight your type 2 diabetes will get better."
"Sustained weight loss is gained through sustained action."
"Lose 75 pounds, yep, in four months. And by the way, it should be ten dollars minimum that you have to donate towards it."
"Vegans achieve greater weight loss than any other trial without limiting energy intake."
"Started out at 260 and well over, now I'm down to 30 pounds off."
"There's always a reason why you can't lose weight. Sleep is one of the biggest things."
"He went from being 400 pounds to 190 pounds. He lost close to 200 pounds on this Subway diet."
"Berberine plays a significant role in weight loss. A meta-analysis of 12 different studies on berberine's effect with weight loss showed significant decreases in body weight, body mass index, waist circumference, and C-reactive protein."
"Stalling is a natural phase of fat burning, fat loss."
"A well-crafted ketogenic diet is proving to be just as effective as other means of losing weight."