
Purpose Quotes

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"When you find that sense of purpose when you find what I call your life's task, everything has a direction, everything has a purpose."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"I have learned in my adult life to anchor my identity to why I do the things I do rather than what I do."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Work towards a goal. Having a sense of purpose is great advice."
"I still felt really empty in that way. And yeah, I think man's search for purpose is a natural thing."
"We all wanna believe that we were here for something more and something better."
"This is making me better, there's purpose in this, I just have to make it to the next day, and then one more day, and one more day."
"Understanding why you're doing what you're doing is absolutely critical."
"We have to set bigger goals and continue to progress through life because we have to have a purpose, we have to have a drive."
"My work is a manifestation of my greatest good."
"Whatever you do, find meaning and purpose, and like fall in love with what you've chosen to pursue."
"Purpose... it changes your life; it gives you a reason to wake up, it gives you a reason to go to bed to rest."
"Aligning what you're great at, your excellence, with what you love doing, what engages you, with your ethical sense, what matters to you, you have what he calls good work."
"Happiness is about connection, purpose, respect."
"Live each day based on clearly defined values, purpose, and goals."
"The purpose of your life is to serve in a way that brings great joy to yourself and others."
"Sometimes people just need to have a purpose in life and feel valued."
"I believe that God always puts us in rooms that we're not qualified for so that He can show up."
"Humans weren't built for fame... we weren't built to be famous; we were built to reflect His glory."
"We really don't know how God is using us. It's just beautiful."
"How can I serve greatly?... High performers are always connected to purpose, they're always connected to the meaning of life and the meaning of why they're doing what they're doing."
"He who has a why to live can bear almost any how."
"Markets are very good at figuring out how to do things; they are not good at all about figuring out what we should do."
"It's actually starting to get better just recently because I'm working on a project with some friends and it gives me a sense of purpose."
"What you actually do doesn't matter as much as the purpose behind doing it."
"What sets your soul on fire? Follow that, be that."
"If you've got a strong sense of purpose and you know what you're committed to creating in life, and your life is not about yourself but it's about serving others, it's very hard to be depressed."
"One of the best things that you can do is to have a self-transcending purpose."
"Your passion is for you, your purpose is for others. Your passion makes you happy, but when you use your passion to make a difference in someone else's life, that's a service. That's a purpose."
"Passion often is linked with purpose... Once you find your passion, you find your purpose."
"In the process or through the process of fulfilling your purpose, sometimes we come into union with people who are suitable for the purpose that God has put us in the earth for."
"Fulfillment is not going to come from a relationship... Fulfillment comes when you live out your purpose for being."
"A hammer can kill somebody or build a house."
"What gives us a sense of meaning and purpose in our lives is an attempt to create something that will outlive us when we die."
"If you have no meaning and purpose in your life, what's the point of being here?"
"Our purpose should be to try and create as much happiness in the world as we can and as little misery."
"Your work is not about your work. Rather, your work is nothing more than the greatest vehicle for your personal evolution."
"Happiness cannot be a purpose; happiness is an outcome of multiple purposes."
"Success must be a byproduct of purpose. If you're making great money, you have an awesome relationship, you are fit, but you feel like you are not living your call and your purpose, shouldn't you start developing what that purpose is?"
"Clarity of purpose gives you direction... It simultaneously serves as your starting point, as your direction, as well as your destination."
"Everything that's been given to me is not for my own personal gain, rather it's so that I can give back tenfold."
"I wake up every single morning with a very clear sense of purpose."
"Your purpose is your soul's reason for being on this Earth. It is the core desire that you have."
"Start with purpose, start with your why, start with your core desire."
"A ship is safe in harbor, but that's not what ships were built for."
"We seek a meaning that's deep enough to sustain us through tragedy."
"Life requires virtue... following whatever it is in your life that manifests itself to you as meaningful and right."
"We are here for a reason. Your purpose... is to be happy."
"To live your purpose... finding that, that's true greatness."
"One of my favorite definitions of Dharma is eternal purpose or Eternal Duty. It means something that you're naturally inclined to do, something you have proclivities and propensities for."
"Your passion makes you happy, and when you use your passion in the service of others, that's a purpose because it makes them happy."
"What do I actually care about and why do I care about it and how do I reflect on what I believe to be both true and meaningful?"
"That's what brings us happiness, settling down with our purpose."
"True North is that you need to figure out what in your life is worth fighting for."
"Let that manifest the outcome you will get. Do not make your 'why' because I want to make extra money. Make your life purposeful and intentional."
"Is there something about working that gives us a sense of satisfaction, of purpose in life, no matter how small, and that ultimately makes us happier and healthier?"
"As AI becomes really, really smart, it might discover that there's a grand purpose to the universe that we were not aware of."
"What advice would you give to a young person today... how to have a positive impact in the world, how to live a life they can be proud of?"
"It's about the foundation of what will be left behind and what you're building towards. It's bigger than me."
"If you don't have a purpose or a reason for why you do what you do, you're never going to have a reason to want to get out of bed every single morning and crush your day."
"Find out what makes you happy and live your life every single day doing it."
"The purpose of life is to become the best version of yourself."
"The purpose of business is to serve the needs of society."
"The real win and the real redemption is when we can make meaning out of our life and find meaning and purpose in ways that are meaningful to us."
"Boxing saved me and pulled me out of a very, very dark place. It gave me purpose."
"We shouldn't construe work as simply a result of sin or a punishment for sin; work is the exercise of your powers."
"Creativity is such a big part of why we're here. We are creative beings."
"The point of life is simply to figure out who you are."
"All the 20 years of suffering has a meaning if it allows me to help somebody else not end up down that road."
"Every single thing served a purpose. Every mistake, every challenge, every obstacle."
"I fully believe that God put this in my heart for a reason."
"Everything is finding a way to live for others."
"What gives our lives purpose is not to wake up every morning to learn meditation so that we can be present for ourselves, though that is valuable. What gives our lives purpose is to do these things for another."
"We need to ask ourselves what would we do and love every day even if we were failing."
"They say the greatest creation is the human's mind and it must be used for a good purpose."
"People want to feel part of something bigger and meaningful."
"I've got to do something while I'm here to try and help as much as I can."
"Finding your purpose isn't enough. You have to help other people find theirs."
"Humans need a purpose; we don't do well when we're just existing."
"Having something some goal... humans need a purpose."
"You were sent here with a mission to change the world or to change people around you in a big way."
"Providing value for people, isn't that what we kind of want to do societally?"
"Happiness and a sense of purpose in life are intertwined and depend on each other."
"Understanding meaning, purpose, and value is central to how you live your life."
"If you have a 'why,' you can survive almost any 'how.'"
"Our life purpose always involves our passions, our hobbies, and our natural talents."
"I had been asking myself what do I need to do to get rich and it left me really unhappy. So I changed the question and I started asking what would I do and love every day even if I were failing."
"It's not always about money, it becomes more about purpose and impact."
"If you can do something that excites you, it's not just about the money; you're doing something because you love it."
"Your one purpose is to make sure that heaven touches the hazardous."
"I'm not going to remove myself from my purpose before my time is up because I have a mother and father that care about me, I have family that cares about me, I have a community that cares about me."
"We all have such an amazing purpose to provide to the earth and people around us, and we are equally all as important and special as each other."
"Having a purpose-driven life, I think, is a really important element."
"His mother said that this dog saved his life... it set him on a better path and gave him a purpose he so desperately needed."
"A person who's turned on to their passion and purpose is going to make the world a better place."
"When we're born, all of us are gifted with our own unique set of natural strengths and abilities, and these strengths and abilities aid us in our life purpose."
"Live your purpose. Otherwise, you're a discount version of yourself."
"If it isn't your purpose, you're gonna give up on it."
"Your purpose can't afford for you to be lazy."
"Me winning this fight is for the higher benevolent good of the universe."
"The purpose is your loved ones, your family, your community, the people you hang out with, the stuff you like to do... That gives people like happiness and structure."
"Look to the Lord for direction, find the dream He has for your life, and go forward with it."
"You are alive by design, and the moment that you understand that design, your future awaits you."
"The more that I have learned, the more I've recognized it's become part of my purpose in life."
"Always ask yourself: What is this in service of? Is this actually serving me?"
"The ultimate purpose is a very serious, very profound purpose for all of these methods, and that is spiritual awakening, realization of our true nature, freedom from suffering."
"All things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose."
"If your mission and your purpose are kind of like aimless, and you just do it because you've been told to do it, you'll lose momentum."
"You've got some important work that you need to do in this life."
"Success starts when you are able to answer the following three questions: Who am I? Why am I here? Where am I going?"
"The universe's purpose is to manifest the highest ideals."
"Choosing to face this moment with stubborn optimism can fill our lives with meaning and purpose."
"Figure out what you love, figure out what the world needs, hopefully find an intersection between what the world needs and what you love because you get paid for that, and then focus on that."
"Your purpose is to live fully, to love fully, to be all that you are, to do the things that bring you joy, and to do the things you love."
"Feeling in this moment the knowing that you are a conduit of divine light and divine love here on earth."
"Committing to communities of character seems to help people find a sense of purpose and direction."
"Being an accident doesn't mean you can't have a purpose. Coming into existence by chance doesn't mean you can't have a purpose."
"There's very little point in driving a hundred miles per hour if you find yourself driving in the wrong direction."
"A dream is deposited inside of you; God does that."
"Ikigai shows it's the Japanese Philosophy for creating your purpose and a way of movement in your life."
"Your ikigai is the key to creating your purpose and building it up."
"Everything has a purpose around us. Just look at yourself. I challenge people often when I talk to them, look around you, find something that doesn't have a purpose."
"NATO served a very clear purpose, and I think it can continue to serve a purpose."
"Your job is what they pay you to do; your work is what you were born to do."
"When you start that reflective self-inquiry, ask yourself: Who am I? What do I want? What is my purpose? What am I grateful for?"
"I think these are symptoms of a deeper hunger for purpose and meaning in our country."
"I'm running as a member of my generation to say that we can fill that void with the things that actually give us real purpose."
"Character matters because it enables you to effectively fulfill your purpose and potential."
"I expected to be here. I didn't know it was going to take this long, but I knew I had a purpose."
"The evolution of consciousness is inevitable because that's the entire purpose of the universe."
"You are not a mistake, and you have to know you're not a mistake because your heavenly father planted you with Divine Purpose and with an intention in mind."
"After surviving everything you have survived, the very fact that you are still here means that somebody who is bigger than you has a plan for your life."
"Once you know your purpose, nobody can manipulate you."
"Purposeless processes gradually create purpose." - Daniel Dennett
"Being a father...it just gives me more why. My why. Why I do what I do."
"We are not just leaders in our companies and organizations, but we are leaders with a kingdom assignment."
"For everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven."
"Followers go find purpose in your own life and stop wasting your precious time with mine."
"Thank you so much for giving me time out of your day, trusting me, trusting us, and our incredible community here to help you in your search for greatness, for growth, for purpose, for passion."
"You have a purpose just as much as anybody else on this planet does."
"I am following the path I love, I am fully aligned to my soul purpose."
"It's our philosophy that gives us our sense of life, and what emerges out of that is a thing called purpose."
"You come to church not to learn how to get rich, you come to church to learn how to get right."
"The purpose of the church is not to entertain, not to be a social club, but to prepare souls for the day they stand before God."
"We are here in this life so that we give and we serve."
"You are realizing deeper about what your purpose is and who you are."
"We so need to be His and to do everything we do for Him."
"It's okay for people to create their own purpose, to come up with their own ideas for things."
"When you live your life with a mission, you're on a mission to do something; you're living life with purpose, with intent."
"Sometimes I ask myself what it is that I should be doing with my life and what I always hear in return is to tell the truth, to be the truth."
"Don't forget that, or else I'll be really disappointed in you. All of you were put on this earth for a reason, and all of you deserve a really nice life and deserve to keep living."
"We're hungry to be part of something bigger than ourselves."
"God wants the purpose He created you for to actually be seen in this life."
"I never prayed to be famous; I prayed to be effective."
"If the human intellect, if the human mind, if human reason isn't really for anything, it doesn't have the attainment of truth as its final cause or goal."
"What does work for people is having a very big 'why.'"
"We're no longer living to just receive a blessing, but to be one."
"True contentment, true happiness, and true purpose is in worshiping one God alone."
"The work you've committed your life to... is going to save many, many, many people's lives."
"What's the point of being here if you're not having fun?"
"Whenever we see chaos, we also see an awakening of purpose."
"Life is about walking with Jesus, not just wanting to work for Him but not lose sight of what it means to walk with Him."
"We manufacture our own meaning, we manufacture our own purpose."
"Music education isn't just about creating incredible musicians; it's about creating incredible humans."
"Life unfolds in chapters like a book, and each chapter presents a purpose that the next chapter leads into."
"Making better decisions comes much easier when you have a purpose and process to frame your attention into and make decisions in alignment with."
"The whole purpose of family is to support each other in the lows and the highs."
"True authenticity can be found in the pursuit of something greater than yourself."
"The entire purpose of the book of Luke is so that you and I will become friends of God."
"Your goals should not be random; they should be designed to give you meaning and purpose."
"People write about it in the comments all the time because their lives begin to order, and they find new purpose in life. Find something to strive for."
"Money is not for the purpose of flaunting, to show off to other people; it is not meant to fill any deficiencies or voids in your life. Instead, money is for the sole purpose of giving you two things: freedom and options."
"You don't need another person necessarily to fulfill your purpose on this earth."
"Set me on fire, Lord, with your purpose, with your power, with your plan."
"Your purpose on earth is to figure out how to align your life so that you feel more energized and excited by it."
"Your purpose is to figure out how to come out of that shell and live heart forward."
"My life should be consumed with doing good for others because that's what my heart loves most."
"It is my belief that we have a true identity, a sense of identity that is so harmonious with our being and our purpose in life."
"God is strategic. He has a plan for everything."
"We need to think about our purpose in life. We don't want the day we are resurrected to be the first day we actually think about why we were here."
"You're not meant to just wake up, go to work, come home and like chill and watch TV because you're bored from work, and then go to sleep and repeat the process."
"If I were religious, I'd have to say God put you on this Earth to do good."
"I think I've come pretty close to knowing why I'm here on Earth since my daughter was born. I think you have to be hopeful about life when you have a child. You owe it to them."
"The purpose is always there. The purpose never leaves us because the very purpose is you."
"Stay strong, focus on your purpose, and follow your truth."
"If you need more motivation, if you're looking for more inspiration and drive, come up with a really strong why."
"Realizing that you are a powerful, amazing being that has great purpose."
"If you haven't found something that you're willing to die for, then you haven't found the purpose to live."
"Everyone has a reason to be alive; everyone has a purpose on this Earth."
"Focus on fulfilling your soul's purpose, your soul's mission."
"The pathway to becoming happier is finding your purpose, your mission, your calling."
"Happiness is short-lived; fulfillment is long-lasting and enduring."
"The purpose of philosophy is not the cutting down of forests but the irrigation of deserts."
"The entire purpose of the arts is to remind people of the complexity of the human experience."
"Remember your why. Why you started and you just keep going."
"You have a calling, but it's time to own it."
"See yourself as part of the process, something bigger."
"Everyone needs something higher to believe in."
"What is my purpose? What is my true purpose? These are the questions that lead us forward."
"If you protect your purpose, your purpose protects you."
"We know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love him and are called to live his purpose for us."