
Health Management Quotes

There are 510 quotes

"Time-restricted eating for the prevention and management of metabolic diseases."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Ultimately, if we start in close with our nervous system and start thinking about adding one practice, some morning light viewing, dimming the lights in the evening...realizing that you have control over your response system and your nervous system, I think that's a start."
"Patients want to feel a sense of agency over their health and their life."
"Medications should be seen as temporary...like if you have a headache, you take an ibuprofen to relieve the symptoms but you don't go on ibuprofen chronically."
"You have to be the CEO of your health. You have to be the CEO of your family's health."
"The goal of managing blood glucose is not just to maintain a certain level but to ensure steady fuel delivery to the body's cells."
"The more you can control these factors, the more that you're going to be able to control your ability to not just burn fat but control your metabolism, your quality of life, and your level of health."
"The reality is Alzheimer's disease should be a rare illness because if everyone simply checked ahead of time and got on the appropriate program, we would not see such a high incidence of Alzheimer's disease."
"Health systems are really interesting in particular because they force players into a cool risk/reward dynamic."
"The offseason or non-active fat loss phase is still just as important as the active fat loss phase because the key to long-term maintainable fat loss and improved body composition is keeping a healthy metabolic rate."
"You're noticing Sora's health is depleting very quickly, that's because you're standing on literal fire right now."
"Blood pressure is so important that if you're doing everything you can, you're optimizing everything, it might be worth talking to your doctor about getting on medication."
"Be the CEO of your health and approach your doctor like a consultant."
"My hope for her is that she does whatever she wants to do that makes her happy and that stays in the bounds of keeping her healthy."
"The trust in public health is an invaluable resource, and it's been squandered."
"Huskar movement speed from 290 to 295. Inner fire shard no longer reduces healing by fifty percent. Shard now heals Huskar for fifty percent of the damage dealt to heroes and twenty ten percent of the damage dealt to creeps."
"As long as the ticks from the damage of a time are giving you red health faster than you can swing your weapon and heal it back up, you have a hundred percent uptime."
"It's incredible, no cost, just knowledge and courage."
"I've learned how to handle pretty well my health stuff over the lengths of prep."
"The more honest you can be with yourself about how much you eat, then you're going to be able to deal with it."
"So, as you pointed out, some of these patients, people recovered... that's not a condition that just clears up, that will be a chronic condition that you're living with the rest of your life."
"Diabetes can be reversed, and you can prevent these more serious symptoms."
"By planning and prepping your lunch in advance it's really just going to set you up for success..."
"Luckily, he doesn't have a lot of health, so just put on some armor and keep hitting him until he dies."
"When you know the origin of the virus, you may know... how to handle it much better."
"I can't function at my optimum when I don't have enough sleep."
"It's important to know what your safe health points are against a lot of different classes."
"The secret is taking full responsibility for your health."
"This and the aspirin they say I have to take for at least a year so this and the aspirin they say I have to take for at least a year."
"The amount of nutrients you need simply cannot be consumed in an efficient manner for your disease to be reversed."
"It's good to keep your allies full HP like that though, especially a carry like PL."
"That's right, learn how to take charge of your own personal health."
"If you're sick, you do what's necessary to get better."
"Once you get a handle on the illness, we have to establish some meaningful definition of emergency."
"Understanding your insulin profile is essential to understanding your health."
"Insulin resistance is a form of carbohydrate intolerance. So that's a no-brainer."
"Frank has the highest HP and was the first brawler to have over 10,000 Health he was also the first to have a charge attack the game lead Frank kind of looks like Frank in the best ways possible of course love you Frank."
"You have more power over your health than you've probably ever been told."
"You use the magic word. I was just about to reply with mitigation. Yes, there is intractable kind of Diabetes Type two that you can mitigate greatly."
"Leftovers - the definitive competitive item, it gives even Pokemon that don’t have recovery moves a way to stay healthy throughout a game."
"So what would this strategy be with metformin how would it be rolled out like what is the utilization would it be for people who like I've heard that you are taking it but like how do you determine if someone is right for taking it."
"It would be wise to acknowledge minimum effective dose, be responsible."
"I needed something that was fitting the needs of my eating disorder."
"My family has the same mindset as me and we kind of just agreed that if we get it we get it we're gonna handle it as a family and just get over it because that's what family does."
"With more magnesium, I'm regulating my sodium and potassium status."
"Celery juice can help take control over your life."
"Joining the Feels monthly membership makes your self-care easy. You'll save money on every order and you can pause or cancel at any time."
"You can micromanage your body or live your damn life, but you can't do both. I said what I said."
"Take charge of your health so that you don't have to live in fear."
"If you're doing it to regulate your hormones and get your periods a bit more manageable then certainly trying carnivore and seeing what you're like now when your hormones are working properly is a very good thing to do."
"It's more important to be 70% all year... than 100% for one moment and the rest of the year 20% and destroyed."
"Taking a handful of pills for the rest of your life is not a very elegant solution."
"You do not have to have poor health as you age."
"If you have IBD or know someone that does and they are not using essential oils, you're missing a powerful tool to transform your health."
"For many people, lifestyle modifications alone may not be enough to substantially reduce one's risk."
"I've started with the recipes and the recommended fiber supplements and in no more than six months my creatinine went from 3.71 to 2.2."
"Let's flatten the time it takes to refill your health bar or refill your Mana bar, I believe that is useful."
"Every little helps, 350 and a head healing but actually that's quite nice."
"PCOS is manageable and it's not the end of the world."
"Cases are mild, better managed, almost like the seasonal flu."
"CDC is very much involved in everything we've done. The director of CDC said that protests against Al Mars are not helpful."
"If she feels strong enough to drink in moderation and cannabis is helping her, I'm obviously a huge supporter of it."
"A protein goal is one gram of protein per pound of ideal body weight."
"The points aren't completely meaningless in this game, and neither is how much health you have."
"By day two I had four skill points. I spent them all on increasing my health."
"I officially mastered it. I don't think we lost any HP there."
"This is not like we can't fault people for this right they want to they want to first of all adhere to what you're asking them to do but the ability to do that is not always a hundred percent right."
"Who needs to be intervened upon and in the earlier is clearly better."
"And the other reason that it's not a hundred percent is people still I mean we have great adherence right."
"Ownership of your health, ownership of your wellness, ownership of managing the money that you have."
"Patients to have sort of ownership and autonomy over their health."
"Blood pressure is really a very treatable condition."
"It's all about the floppers, there's no more chug splashes, it's med kits and it's floppers, that's it."
"Perform the TEG scans to catch it before it's too late."
"Eating when you're not hungry isn't that much fun. I'm a food addict but I'm in recovery. I'm working hard every day to develop a healthier relationship with food."
"Managing that oxidative stress not only through what is going into your body but also what is in your body."
"Houston, we have a problem here. One of the most troubling things in this whole endeavor here, and it's not just because of the COVID, it's just a lack of transparency and accountability."
"You might need more testosterone than the next guy to achieve the same functions."
"He said, 'I'm super tired of these 600 damage combos, let me get the most health in the game.'"
"Managing autoimmunity is the art of doing less."
"The lower the enemy's health, the more executes you want."
"You can't outwork your mouth; a clean diet supports both physical and mental health."
"You control body fat percentage with fasting time - that's the most important part."
"Leveling applies to your health bar too, the more enemies you kill, the larger your maximum HP gets."
"Your child is gaining protection, you have to have more peanut to cause a reaction."
"She has tons of health and I gave up too quickly"
"You want to have enough health where you're not getting one shot, but you're still able to one-shot the opponents."
"A mega basic but effective movement technique is to heal peak."
"Siri can more easily work in other supported apps as well."
"If we go into health and then under browse, we have a new option for medications."
"Exercise and diet can help with ADHD symptoms."
"If you're self-diagnosing for the right reasons, I don't care. I think that you should do that."
"Managing triggers was essential, recognizing my trigger foods and situations allowed me to regulate my exposure accordingly."
"These are very serious conditions and can be completely managed. You can live a normal life with them."
"He's so low, he's on less than half health still."
"I'm literally just sitting back, you know, taking care of my body, doing the best I can on my end."
"If you can live without it, it's safe to take."
"For solo content, you want to be at least above 20,000 health at all times if not higher."
"Follow the numbers and you follow the math you will watch that infection rate."
"You can't fix health without fixing the decisions that we're making every day."
"Health is the most challenging resource to generate, making strategic decisions crucial."
"This card is life steal, you buff this card, you hit the opponent's stuff, and then you go up to full health."
"Mental health is not your fault, but it is your responsibility."
"I think that we should be taking our own personal responsibility for our own health and not expecting other people to fix the problems for us."
"Yes, you can trust it, but you know that it's not a perfect thing and it should not be the only thing that you rely on."
"Core breaker preparation mode: gradually decreases own unique gauge, restores Ally Health, shortens Ally substitution count, reduces enemies' Dragon Balls."
"A single dose, not two dosages, which makes a phenomenal logistical difference."
"Your body is expensive. If you don't take care of it, it's going to be expensive."
"The more they can maintain their health, the less anxious they are about any negative health experiences they're having."
"Don't forget to heal after every fight in the menu because Zack has got to take care of himself, he's the most beautiful child in the world."
"If you have these unalterable or unchangeable risk factors, that doesn't mean you should just give up and say oh well I'm gonna have osteoporosis nothing I could do about it that means you need to pay careful attention and take notes."
"Take it for the full three months...give yourself some time to take it and it will work its magic."
"We want to maximize health spans so that you can have a vital, productive, enjoyable life."
"You can just dump 12 life into this and just taking somebody out of the game."
"Avoid eating high-calorie dense foods as much as possible."
"Physical therapy is dipping your toe in the water, seeing how it feels, and always changing things up."
"For the first time in forever, we're doing well on HP."
"Stay on top of your health, make sure you are getting proper biomarkers assessed during pre-cycle, mid-cycle, post-cycle."
"You destroy a billion cells a day. This process is called oxidation. If you handle oxidation correctly, you live long; this is called harmony."
"I've been testing out a new ability, Zone KO Elite."
"This is a big one: antibiotics. If you're going to attempt this new survival beta mode, I strongly recommend that you start out with your intelligence at least at six."
"When losing twenty percent of your max HP to a single hit, gain a shield equal to five percent of your max HP and deal 30 piercing damage."
"They were tracking their blood tests, their PSA showed that their cancer wasn't progressing."
"Stop googling it's just there's too much information out there and well sure yeah you can for sure try to figure out your health issues by yourself but at the same time it's very good to see naturopath and try to get your issues done naturally."
"Our response to this disease has actually been worse than the disease itself."
"If you're playing as a 500, your goal is to die first so you come back with full health."
"Functional medicine is about modifying your lifestyle."
"You need to go talk to your doctor, go out there and take care of your body."
"Versatile inventory becomes a valuable source to replenish your health."
"I always said like my best results came at 1250. That's what I would do a week of test."
"Diet is huge because you are an organic machine."
"We can influence [the gut] easier than genetics or environments to address diseases."
"If we can just get people to look at the future self like the longer term outcomes like you said like weight loss management like keeping it off and like that's going to be so much of a better long long-term outcome for everyone."
"Just because you don't feel something working doesn't mean it's not actually working."
"I was on medication for it for a while but it ended up making me so so so sick so it really just kind of scared me and kind of made me put my PCOS on the back burner because it was just really unbearable for a while."
"Medication can provide us with so much relief."
"Playing good TFT matters more than everything."
"You don't have to rush things if you're high Health."
"Change your perception, fire your doctor, find out what reason you're taking the prescriptions for and get your body healthy."
"This could be really good for stalling, for keeping your hero healthy, and in certain control decks maybe. Like, it prevents a lot."
"Learning to maintain a lifestyle where you don't have to worry about being overweight."
"The longer you let it go, the worse health outcomes you're going to have."
"Let your immune system be just focused on what's floating around that bloodstream and keep the fats out."
"In loud gameplay, managing your health and armor is key to staying alive."
"Hooray, man! That one auto attack killed her at like 30 percent health."
"It's a disease that we need to manage for immunocompromised people and older people that still face some threat."
"I know it makes a pain in the ass, but I think it's better than her going sicko mode."
"Learning how to control the inflammation and your headspace is a big one."
"When I see this physique I do not think huge amounts of suffering I think like a reasonable adherence to a calorie deficit getting your 10 000 steps in hitting the [__] weights."
"Intermittent fasting is definitely not for everybody... if it works for you, perfect. If it doesn't, I mean it's good enough if you just simply manage your macros."
"Take control back over your health and get out of the degenerative cycle."
"Be aggressive in the beginning so that you don't have to go to the later stages."
"We're seeing evidence that this can actually be contained and controlled."
"You have to be transparent, most importantly with the person in the mirror."
"It's not about willpower, it's simply thinking smarter."
"Stay on top of your health. Get regular check-ups."
"In order to keep the level of damage in this person's body down to the level that would naturally exist in a 30 or 40-year-old, all we need to do is progressively improve how comprehensive the damage repair therapy arsenal that we have is."
"I think you're gonna be way more survivable now with your double health."
"At this point, you just brace yourself for it. You just up your blood sugars, you know, make sure you've got a sports drink or something on hand."
"Your health is your responsibility end of story."
"Medicine does not apply automatically...treat any problems your pals have."
"Health regen becomes a really convenient way for you to stay in the fight."
"Success minded people defeat the tendency to complain about their health."
"Life is good when my hp is high enough to heal through damage."
"So does that mean that disease expression and suppression is up to you? Pretty much."
"Had we been doing that all along on a more frequent basis we may have been able to catch this infection really early on."
"The biggest thing that you can do to cause electrolyte imbalance is yes over salting or eating way too many electrolytes or not eating enough salt not eating enough electrolytes but also over hydrating."
"He may as well have just been healing us because all of the extra turns made us heal to the point that we almost had green health by the time he went down."
"I've got so little health... but thankfully I do have Super Saiyan God."
"I couldn't take any more damage... it's just a matter of time."
"By applying these principles of creating health, we can really modify these diseases in real ways."
"Stay home and hopefully it's mild and you get better."
"My ability to come back and perform now is a testament to taking that time and treating an injury with the proper protocol."
"The right food keeps them under control. Genes don't get expressed."
"Keeping your agents healthy and in the field is critical as agent abilities synergize with each other in different ways."
"The rest is purely a case of entitlement fueled by a need for attention and an unwillingness to take personal responsibility for your body and for your health."
"It's such an empowering journey to know whatever you're going through physically that there is a way to address that."
"The body has an innate ability to heal itself as long as you act like a detective."
"You can do it yourself without spending a single penny on doctors, drugs, or devices."
"Our next priority is to build an infirmary and eventually make the cure."
"I ended up with a flu and an autoimmune condition... I stopped working that much, started working 'quote unquote' smarter... and of course the autoimmune thing went away."
"If you have not recovered at least 70% of your previous function, it's time for VIP."
"Once you balance your glucose levels, so many things fall into place."
"I definitely recommend leaving start workout reminders."
"That's a good flat eight, it just gives you like 40 health, I mean it's not the best relic on earth but there's definitely worse relics."
"You still need to take the time to consume and allow the body to process the food."
"Literally, by yourself, 1500 extra health. Okay? And what is Caitlyn's normal health at level 16? 1800."
"Complacency is probably one of our most dangerous aspects to our management of the virus."
"Improving kidney function is like driving with one foot on the brake and the other on the accelerator."
"This really teaches new players the value of health."
"Chakra provides healing in Tifa's magic build, ensuring her survival in hard mode battles."
"TRT helps with recovery, fixing my mental state improves everything."
"The Health Loop is really a collection of eight factors that give rise to your health."
"In-game you are probably by now have noticed that there are two health bars: the blue one is your shields and the green one is your actual health."
"These are local hormones that regulate inflammation, swelling, fever, clotting, and the immune system."
"Remembering and physically writing down every single thing you eat every single day doesn't seem to just run in the background on its own."
"It wasn't until upping my medication... I started to realize."
"Instead of investing in a single diet, a portfolio of behaviors, small tweaks over big changes."
"You should be taking approaches to maintain... health for the entirety of exposure."
"If you're looking great and you're being super strict and religious about your diet but you're looking good, your blood markers are on point, then great."