
Collaboration Quotes

There are 39247 quotes

"There's something beyond the transactional aspects... it's generative, it's about creating something better than they could create on their own."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"We can go fast if we go alone but if we really want to go far, we go together."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Together, we can solve the mental health crisis. Together, we can push to bring this science back into the mainstream. Mental health is a human right."
"Is this somebody with whom I can collaborate, cooperate, form a friendship, form a romance? Or is it somebody who's so morally different from me that I can't imagine relating to them?"
"There's so much creativity in not having to be creative alone."
"The dream that we dream together is reality."
"The point is for all of us to work together to get to the truth, not be biased, not fight against each other."
"It's cool to see a group of people take a basic concept that one of them came up with and modify it, improvising and working together to create a unified vision and story."
"If you want to go fast, go alone. But if you want to go far, go together."
"It's amazing what can be accomplished when people come together."
"When you see a cell in the body that actualizes and becomes all that it can be, it doesn't just sit there. It is guided through a natural intelligence to collaborate with other cells so that together they serve the healthy function of the organ and the organism of which they're part."
"It's up to all of us to evolve how advertising works on the internet because only together can we protect people's safety, give advertisers new ways to grow their businesses, and reward publishers and creators, leading to a healthy and thriving internet."
"People support what they create. If people are involved in the ideation of a vision, they're involved in creating ideas, brainstorming, figuring out what is it we are about, what do we stand for, where are we going, a great leader enlists that from other people."
"I value that you see this differently than me, and hopefully, you value that I see this differently than you, and let's use that friction to navigate a more intelligent path forward."
"All my friends ain't my teammates and all my teammates ain't my friends. We got to learn to work together."
"Innovation is not about solo genius, it's about collective genius."
"Innovation is a journey. It's a type of collaborative problem solving, usually among people who have different expertise and different points of view."
"Things got messy last time, but there's something bigger than both of us at work. We should team up like The Avengers."
"Love is not about being loved; it's about building and creating together."
"This was very helpful, but then we realized that being in the middle of the circle would be a fantastic place to be for anyone who is trying to create something, not just a Blue Man."
"The beauty comes when you kind of bring those skills together."
"We can't achieve our goals without a great team."
"Bethesda and Xbox teaming up... it fits just right and I think they'll produce their best content."
"The science that comes back from it... is going to be made freely available."
"When cat D6 and D7 bulldozers collaborate, it's not just about clearing vegetation; they transform dense forest areas into usable land for everyone."
"Everybody puts their power together to make something great."
"NASA works. When we put our arms together, and our hands together, and our brains together, we can succeed."
"It's not you versus me, it's both of us against it."
"Hundreds of people have to come together and build the spacecraft. We have to put them together and make sure they work... Children will read about this in their science books."
"A trip to Mars is such a huge undertaking that the entire world would have to cooperate."
"An individual alone is like a finger. It's the group that's human."
"When we work together, we can overcome challenges."
"Together we're counting down to Mars. Go Perseverance."
"This is what you call teamwork. Teamwork makes the dream work."
"What about if three players agreed to throw in their inspiration, they can overrule the dungeon master...and then change the course of the narrative?"
"It is a very narrative-forward game that emphasizes the collaboration between player and GM."
"It's great. I just really love collaboration in general."
"Living a life where we're impacting people in our own way, working with others, and enjoying the journey along the way."
"The Internet of Things platform is designed to be distributed, not centralized. It works best when it's collaborative, open and transparent, rather than closed and proprietary."
"I've seen what this community can overcome when we come together. I've seen what we can do."
"We are truly better off when we work together."
"We're a team. Teamwork makes the dream work."
"What we do is, you become a member, you join the Discord server, you start talking to people... bang, you've invented something new."
"Honestly, the best collaboration I've done so far."
"It's not that I can't go on and do something else... It's just not as beautiful as what we've been able to do together."
"I want to see people coming to the table in good faith, not trying to dunk on each other, to explore ideas for how to actually get things done."
"We're doing this together, and that's what's so special."
"The combination of Rick Baker's amazing work and David Naughton's acting were a perfect match."
"It is bravery, it is heart, it is spirit, it is togetherness, it is teamwork, because that is what makes the dream work."
"Let us avoid useless arguments and focus on finding the best solutions for the problems we are coping with. We learn from good ideas and also learn from mistakes that we and other people make."
"I'm proud of it, but I'm more proud of the people that were involved in it because we've all got a story."
"It's really about finding dudes that are willing to sacrifice some of what they know they can do to fit the team."
"Peacekeeping is first and foremost a partnership."
"The evidence of extraterrestrial civilizations... points to a cosmic community teeming with life and ripe with opportunities for collaboration and mutual learning."
"If everybody plays their little parts and can fit it like a nice puzzle, it turns out to be a nice mosaic."
"If we want to reconnect the social fabric, we have to rebuild relationships. The most effective way to build relationships is to collaborate with somebody else and solve a problem."
"Let's build the future together. Let's remember who we are: We are the United States of America, and there is nothing, nothing beyond our capacity when we act together."
"The exploration of the moon is a shared effort woven together by a desire for the greater good."
"Don't compete, don't play the competition game, play the collaboration game and just be you and bring out that natural fun."
"What makes it truly special is the community—a community built on openness, shared expertise, and collective progress."
"Whenever we've had a challenge, there's another partner that's always ready to step up and help wherever they can."
"We're more powerful as one than we are separated."
"I think Pajaro Dunes represented a turning point for many of us individually; we all had questions about evolutionary theory, but when we came together, each person brought something of their own to the table, and suddenly we all had a glimpse of a new way of looking at life."
"The humans work alongside the robots in what Amazon Robotics Chief Technologist calls a symphony of humans and machines working together."
"It turns out Lanky Box is actually way better together than we ever are alone."
"We both love Stormi and want what's best for her. We stay connected and coordinated."
"Teamwork is all about finding the strengths and weaknesses within a team."
"I feel we are one step closer to solving this cold case with Tessa and Nick's help."
"It's not always easy to get everyone working together as a team, but when we do, the results can be truly staggering."
"It's going to take all of us. I mean, we're going to have to do this together."
"It's almost like teamwork and a collaborative effort instead of like a power struggle."
"We together built something that was undeniable at that time and I still feel like kind of has a lasting effect on the space."
"Emotions ran very high for both of us, and it's a shame because there were a lot of good things we did together."
"We collectively come up with a picture of reality that might transcend what any of us individually could think up on our own."
"It doesn't matter what book we're reading as long as we're on the same page."
"The fact that a thousand collaborators were quiet is a really strong indication that this is a really close-knit team."
"We conducted together and we have some real disagreements but...we find what we have in common."
"The Pata Air Max One is going to go down as one of the best Air Max collaborations of all time."
"The collaboration of the year goes to the Air Jordan 1 unions."
"This isn't something that is oppositional even in a way; it's about unity."
"We live in a world where there is suffering and inconvenience. We are collaborative, imaginative, and inventive by nature."
"Successful relationships are acts of co-creation."
"Collaboration is the key to a successful relationship."
"I'm planning to do a collaboration government in the U.S. That would be quite nice."
"We need to listen to each other, to figure out a way to move forward."
"Moving from frictions between closed organizations to collaboration and synergies between them creates something greater than any of the parts before."
"The end result of this new institutional technology is a much greater capacity for inter-organizational collaboration."
"Imagine what you could get done in this world if nobody cares who gets the credit for it."
"It's not about how much I can shoulder or how much I can give, but it's how much I can get the other people to realize that we need to give together."
"Together with other teachers, it was very hands-on, and it was very much like a web of concepts."
"My art is my Stargate, my life protection, and my companion. All of my art is also a collaborative gate; they will mean nothing without good and aware eyes."
"This, in my opinion, is the best Travis Scott collaboration of 2021."
"One of the best ways to prove your adaptability is to finish what someone else started."
"Microsoft Teams is one of the most powerful ones for collaboration, bringing all your colleagues into one place."
"Collaboration will be more seamless than ever before."
"Microsoft Teams is Microsoft's newest collaboration platform that will allow us all to seamlessly collaborate, co-author in documents, and have our colleagues all in one place."
"Ask for their advice, and you get a partner."
"Every single collab I've ever done meant something to me, and I absolutely loved it."
"I feel so fortunate to work with just an incredible group of scientists in my lab that range from undergraduate students through graduate students, post-docs, clinical fellows, we really have an amazing team that embraces our collaborative nature, our kindness and respect, and our desire to make a big impact on human health."
"At this time, five talents band together and leave all at once."
"Without God, we can't, and without us, God won't."
"Self-reliance does not mean that you must be able to do all things on your own. To be truly self-reliant, you must learn how to work with others and turn to the Lord for his help and strength."
"Do not leave this space. Let's come together, share knowledge, and endure."
"The real power of AI human collaboration is where it's individuals working with AI, not being displaced by them."
"I'm more focused on how do we work together to alleviate that suffering."
"When you create with a clear vision, other creators and people respect that and want to collaborate."
"The story of the Good Samaritan is a story about increasing the size of the circle of collaboration."
"Jason won the lottery by meeting David because he's a performer by nature. This was his chance to let someone else be the brains and mainly focus on being funny."
"Two people who are communicating are generally saner than one person who is only thinking by themselves."
"A project is a series of tasks that need to be completed to reach a desired outcome, requiring collaboration and careful planning."
"It's an honor to share this platform and to kind of merge our families, our communities together, and I look forward to so much more of that, inshallah."
"It's just a process of discussion, right? We talk about it and we figure things out together."
"If you gave Opie Sam and Vulcan a set of Legos, they would build an entirely new universe."
"We got to come together as a team and just have more chemistry."
"Trust that the right projects will come. It's about communication and both parties valuing each other's worth."
"We are also joining together Bunker 2.0 in the same building as Logic, and we're going to be customizing some of the world's greatest cars."
"We are taking very specific detailed measures and we are working with business leaders, with unions, with the provinces, and with our American partners."
"We are continuing to talk about next steps, looking at best practices from around the world."
"We're working very closely with the president and outside business leaders to develop a plan."
"It's by working together that we'll get through this."
"America is the story of black people fighting for their freedom and white people fighting alongside them to fulfill constitutional and Declaration of Independence ideals."
"Our administration will support education massively and work harmoniously with states and local governments."
"America is all about the best idea wins; it's not about egos. It's all about productive collaboration."
"And not only do they carry it back, when they're carrying it back, they're laughing and gossiping and talking with each other."
"The way that a collective works is by all of us being present; the energy is stronger."
"This is a moment for our industry to come together, creating technology that enriches lives, that creates value, that supports and accelerates positive business and societal benefits should be our collective goal."
"Create a collective consciousness and collective networks of observers to determine reality."
"What makes this event so amazing is what came next: the emission of light across the entire electromagnetic spectrum...an unprecedented demonstration of what mankind can achieve if we put our minds to it and collaborate."
"No single video or video series has required as much effort, and I want it said at the very beginning that I am extremely grateful to the numerous content creators that have lent their stories to this video."
"Do your best to view conflict as collaboration and be genuinely curious about the other person's perspective."
"In 2002, he partnered with Houston legend Paul Wall, and the rest was history."
"Borrow from other people liberally and don't get caught in associating it has to be done my way."
"Imagine doing something as cool as mapping a map with your 14-year-old daughter."
"It's the best co-parenting you can it's very like out of a fairy tale."
"Nobody changes the world by themselves; no one doesn't change it at all."
"Building AI responsibly must be a collective effort involving researchers, social scientists, industry experts, governments, and everyday people, as well as creators and publishers."
"It's kind of nice to have co-workers, like, you know, I operate really well in an environment with people who are doing the same thing."
"Hope doesn't come from nowhere; it comes because two people say this is important, we build something."
"You and I, together we write this story. Past hurdles, no more, push boundaries every day, Imma make it my way."
"There's an absolutely massive international scientific effort now to try and find countermeasures."
"We can be Kangel, the biggest dream in the world if we work together, right?"
"If we can get young leaders like you to begin to work together, if we can provide you more tools, more resources, more attention, mentoring, maybe a little bit of inspiration, above all if we can get you to work in concert and teach and learn from each other, then you will change the world."
"We have a tangible goal to meet with Mr Beast given to us by Mr Beast. That's crazy."
"Melinda has incredible strengths that help the foundation be better."
"Great work done by many hands is better than just philanthropy by one individual."
"So we worked together and we came up with these results, this whole structure...It was very nice geometry."
"Belonging to me is easy now... it's not a geographic location, it's this collaboration of everyone around you."
"Identity is just this collaboration of everyone around you and that's where I found my belonging."
"Without a team, you don't do anything. There's never one person that is responsible for a thing; it's always everyone."
"We can only fix this world together. We can't do it divided."
"Teaching is about sharing knowledge and growing together."
"If we don't work together, we're not gonna get anywhere."
"Everything is awesome when you're part of a team."
"We're gonna have to combine our powers if we want any chance of defeating whatever this realistic boss is."
"It was like very organic collaboration... it was just super fun."
"When you make progress towards a valued goal, we inhabit a shared narrative and make progress towards our mutual stated goal."
"Everybody in an enterprise is equal...We decide together what we're going to produce, what technology we're going to use, where we're going to produce."
"The only way that we're ever going to achieve anything is through unity and working together in collaboration."
"These shapes are what we make them. They're the building blocks of our creativity, the foundation of our art, the reason we come together."
"This world is ours for the making, and we're gonna make something amazing together."
"Professional life is an intricate web of shared interests, goals, and needs that are always interacting."
"We're making it amazing as a community; that's what makes it amazing."
"This dialogue has been like a jazz trio, because we're just bouncing off and riffing off different voices and listening very closely."
"When we work together as a team, that makes us the most powerful force on the planet."
"We can do amazing things together, bro. But more importantly, we can be here for each other."
"15 seconds. Go Crew 8, good luck everybody, go SpaceX, go NASA, go R Cosmos, here we go."
"The NASA Community is just a really warm but steely-eyed family that does amazing things."
"I'm super excited to be here. I'm so grateful and thankful for everyone who got us to this point."
"The wisdom is in the coming together of the different points of view."
"Magic happens when people pass power back and forth."
"We might not have got something, one thing we did get, bro, was top 200. We accomplished that together."
"Human genius truly comes from collaboration."
"I think relationships are a beautiful thing. I think that the synergy, men and women are a beautiful thing if they are correctly collaborated."
"We are supposed to be able to compromise. We're supposed to be able to come together, get together to solve issues."
"It's our natural instinct to try and want to be a genius, but we should fight that and actually try to collaborate as much as we can, early, often."
"You don't want to start involving people too early or too late."
"Collaboration is not just working together; it's learning from each other's successes and failures."
"There's always a third win-win solution that works for everybody."
"We can work together to ensure that scientists have the resources they need to conduct research and federal agencies have the resources they need to support and evaluate these efforts."
"Partnership is one of the most important things. If you say you have 100 energy and if she or he has 100 energy, if it's multiplied it becomes 10,000."
"Once you engage students in the process of learning, in the process of collaboration, in the process of learning from each other, not necessarily from me, you can't get the classroom back."
"The world can achieve net-zero CO₂ emissions to meet the goal of Paris if industry, government, and society work together to make the right choices now."
"The best leaders are those who want the advice of associates."
"The presidency is too big for one person, so you need someone who can take on real things and drive them."
"I hope we can get there, and I think that among most of those points, [the other speaker] is going to be an ally of mine."
"Bernie Sanders was very, very good at working with House Republicans even... getting their votes on amendments."
"We're in this world together because we're here to help each other in any way that we can."
"I'm excited about the cross-pollination and I wanted to say thank you so much for sharing your knowledge."
"The biggest problem facing us right now is that we have a really hard time working with each other."
"I think that there is some sense of fulfillment to be found by working together alongside other people at the things you're really good at."
"We can create the world we deserve when we work together."
"If you have someone around you can really trust, you have two brains instead of one."
"Let's work together. Teamwork Makes the Dream Work."
"It turns out it's a lot less lonely when you're working with someone."
"Thank you so much. I know you're busy. Thank you for taking the time out to do this with us."
"Yeah, stay together. You always did better that way."
"Why is there always beefing? Why does everyone want to create a beef? I came up with the Missy Elliott era, where they had songs like Ladies' Night, where you had all the greats get on there and they put great music."
"This was only made possible through the contributions of thousands of people around the world."
"When you stop looking at what do I want and it becomes more of what are we building together, that's when it gets really exciting."
"If I have seen further than others, it is because I stood on the shoulders of giants."