
Abundance Quotes

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"Gifts given to others with no expectation of return are gifts of abundance."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"My appreciation opens my life to abundant experiences."
"Grateful now, and that opens me up to more things to be grateful for."
"The moment you start feeling abundant, you're generating wealth."
"If you give, you will receive. Your gift will return to you in full measure, pressed down, shaken together to make room for more, and running over."
"If you're grateful for what you have, you'll be given more to be grateful for."
"Gratitude and positivity are great ways to attract abundance."
"I focus on abundance and am rewarded with wealth and happiness."
"I manage money wisely and attract more abundance."
"In an easy and relaxed manner, in a healthy and positive way, I am now building total financial success and abundance for the highest good of all concerned."
"I am grateful. The more grateful I am, the more abundance I attract."
"When we look and say, 'I'm grateful for what I do have,' we create more of what we want."
"It's time to start realizing that you can create abundance and you don't have to break your back in the process."
"When you get out of the competitive mind you will understand that you never need to act hastily. No one else is going to beat you to the thing you want to do; there is enough for all."
"To attract more love, abundance, and joy into your life, allow yourself to live more fully in the present moment."
"How do we finally transition into abundance? It has everything to do with our mind and what we believe."
"You are about to enter a fruitful season; you are going to reap what you sow."
"You need to be able to write an unlimited amount of things that you're grateful for."
"You are working with a universe of infinite possibilities and infinite resources."
"Maintaining a consciousness of abundance attracts universal gifts."
"You don't have to change who you are... It's about what are you doing that is useful and effective to having the most abundance internally and abundance externally."
"Scarcity equals low vibrational thinking. Abundance mindset is you believe you already have everything that you need."
"This relationship will be very abundant and loved."
"Abundance is a kind of liberation. The more efficient your economy, the more it can produce, the more the average person has access to."
"Be fruitful; there are spiritual laws that govern wealth and abundance."
"We live in a very abundant world. The laws of money and flow are eternal and natural."
"With your abundance, you can create love and compassion, using your wealth to help others strengthen themselves."
"The abundance you seek already exists within you."
"Your love is going to be directly proportional to your level of understanding and appreciation of the abundance that the universe inherently is."
"The more love I allow to flow out from me, the more there is within me and the more I receive."
"You deserve abundance and you don't have to be so hard on yourself."
"There's a lot of abundance in general in relationship and in work."
"Joy, opportunity, and abundance are on the way to you."
"This connection is going to bring you so much healing and abundance; it's going to be an equal exchange."
"Your energies are just going to blend really well together to create this new energy of abundance, of deeper meaning, deeper love."
"You're going to feel so good it's like that high tide is coming in and with that high tide, it is bringing all the gifts from in the sea all the treasure is just washing up on shore for you guys."
"Every single one of us is drowning in abundance."
"Gratitude opens the door to abundance consciousness."
"War didn't exist; there was such an abundance of resources that anyone could have whatever they wanted."
"The key to abundance is accept who you are, and like about yourself more, and eventually, hopefully, if you love yourself more, that grows your money container."
"This is bringing you to abundance. You might fear losing certain things in your life by being authentic, but actually, this is going to bring you more abundance than you ever had."
"Pentacles represent the material realm and physical aspects of life. And to have nine of pentacles is to feel really abundant in this physical world on the material plane."
"The freedom that you're going to be feeling is going to begin attracting more abundance to you."
"Stop thinking poverty if you wish to attract plenty."
"A desire in the heart for anything is God's sure promise sent beforehand to indicate that it is yours already in the limitless realm of supply."
"Claim your abundance; you are so worthy of what you dream about."
"The universe will share with you so much more than you imagined possible as you open your heart and let go of self-imposed limitations, doubts, or fears."
"I had to literally drop everything and have this glimpse of another reality, another state of being, another paradigm not based on scarcity but based on abundance."
"You create an abundant life with them, enriching their life and joy of experience."
"Your plants, all of who you are, is going to begin blossoming and becoming abundant."
"Once you understand that the energy that you have is to be given away, you realize it's pretty abundant."
"You have so much abundance... you are doing your soul's journey's work, you are fulfilling it."
"You will soon be thriving with an overflow of abundance and blessings."
"Lessons introduction: There is an infinite abundance in this universe."
"Things have gotten better with respect to certain parameters. We live in a time of great material abundance, perfect ease, a good deal of domestic tranquility."
"The person you're becoming is leading you to emotional fulfillment, happiness, and monetary abundance."
"The only acceptable number of safety pins is more and more and more."
"Once you get over that lesson of letting go of something that's not right for you and taking that risk, you are going to receive the comfortability and abundance that you desire."
"You are a vibrational match for a lot of blessed abundance in your life."
"When you really make friends with wealth, you will always have a surplus of it."
"It is your right to be rich. You are here to lead the abundant life and be happy, radiant, and free."
"The only place we can cure our lack and limitation is in our own mind."
"God's eternal supply is always available if you trust and tap into it."
"Every day in every way, I am becoming more abundant."
"I am grateful for the wealth and abundance in my life."
"Charitable giving and supporting others can bring profound fulfillment and is an essential aspect of abundance."
"Abundance is a place where money takes on a different role for you."
"I constantly attract opportunities that create more money."
"Money is my servant, and I am the master of my wealth."
"The more I give, the more I receive, and the more I receive, the more I give."
"Money is unlimited and my Prosperity is unlimited."
"I am a money magnet. Abundance is naturally drawn to me."
"I am open and receptive to all of the abundance life offers me."
"I am creating my life intentionally by focusing on my abundance."
"I am experiencing a powerful abundant shift in my thinking."
"Money flows freely and abundantly into my life."
"I open to the flow of abundance in all areas of my life."
"The Universe wants me to have great abundance."
"I am deserving of abundance, no matter what."
"I am successful in every way. Money is flowing to me."
"Abundance phase is where you've built a level of wealth that allows you to spend your time focusing and diving into what gives you purpose and fulfillment."
"The feeling of gratitude says you've received something, so the more you can have that feeling, the more you'll begin to receive."
"You are moving closer to abundance than you realize."
"Open your arms to abundance; you are open to receive."
"There's something abundant coming to you with this Empress here, and it came from your strength."
"You are dealing with a spiritual power that has the ability to deliver your money or whatever you want from any number of channels."
"The Wheel of Fortune is all about abundance coming your way."
"Nine of Pentacles is about feeling really abundant, a lot of self-love."
"Ten of Pentacles is about abundance in all forms of life, happiness in all areas of your life."
"When you do it God's way, he will open up the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing that you do not have room enough to receive."
"You are worthy of the abundance you are worthy of the new job, the new car, the new house whatever it is; it's coming to you, it's already yours."
"Worrying about money only resists it. You are learning more about abundance. There's enough to go around."
"We could... create what's called a post-scarcity society where not only the nine billion people coming but twice that amount can have a higher standard of living than 99% of the world has ever known."
"A sense of wholeness will replace the sense of lack, and a sense of abundance and freedom will replace the sense of manipulation and needing something."
"Everything we've ever held a value on Earth, metals, minerals, energy, real estate are near-infinite quantities in space."
"What exponential technologies are is the force that takes whatever was scarce and makes it abundant."
"Source wants you to have a good and abundant life."
"You can close one door of security, emotional, psychological, material, but will open a new source of abundance for you."
"Prosperity: As I celebrate and support the financial success of others, I open my life to even more good."
"Infinite riches are all around you if you will open up your mental eyes and behold the treasure house of infinity within you."
"There is a gold mine within you from which you can extract everything you need to live life gloriously, joyously, and abundantly."
"You should surround yourself with beauty and luxury. Why be satisfied with just enough to go around when you can enjoy the riches of your subconscious mind?"
"The abundance, the prosperity, whatever you are working towards, it's coming. Point Blank period."
"Everything you want is already here. What you have to do is subtract it."
"Your money is gonna grow, Sagittarius, really grow over the course of 2020... it's like a steady increase to your abundance."
"Japan has so many amazing things that you can film or stream, and it's just a NeverEnding mountain of content."
"Harmony in the world within results in optimism and affluence; affluence within results in affluence without."
"I am always manifesting abundance and prosperity into my life."
"After the storm clears, you will be steered in a new direction, a time of renewed health, joy, and abundance."
"I will open the windows of heaven and pour you out such blessing you ain't gonna have enough room to receive it."
"This wonderful universe is rich and friendly to everyone; it wishes all mankind to be prosperous, well, and happy."
"The more you give, the more gets given back to you, pressed down, shaken together, and running over."
"The liberal soul shall be made fat, which means having overflow, abundance, more than what is needed."
"Those who use well what they are given, even more will be given."
"People want abundance, but they don't really want abundance; they want freedom."
"It is the spoken word of abundance that brings abundance to you most quickly."
"There's enough money on this planet for everybody."
"I welcome the prosperity that continually flows into my life."
"The truth is, we were all intended to live the life abundant."
"This life is about abundance. Your soul's purpose in this life is to align with the truth of who you are."
"I am love, I am light, and I am ready for all of the abundance that 2020 wants to bring to me."
"Your ability to communicate is extremely charismatic and is leading to your abundance."
"I am open and receptive to all the wealth life offers."
"I live a life abundant in wealth and happiness."
"The world is abundant with joy, love, and peace."
"Reflect on a time when you experienced love, turning on your heart light to be open and shine brightly, ready to receive abundance."
"Feel fully deserving to receive, releasing your ego's plan and opening to being a vehicle for abundance."
"You don't really create wealth; you generate wealth. You generate abundance."
"You are ready to experience abundance. Don't look back at previous roadblocks or difficulties. Leap into an exciting new world of possibilities."
"What you didn't know while you were building for God is that God was building for you abundantly."
"AI could bring an age of abundance for everyone - if it's aligned."
"Do not think in terms of abundance; think in terms of a fulfillment of life."
"Look through the eyes of love and beauty, and love, beauty, and the riches of the infinite will come back to you."
"You do not need to know how or when; you need to trust, and the moment that you just fall into the vibration of trusting and knowing that that money and abundance is already yours, that is when it will come in."
"Sovereignty is a state of abundance. A sovereign soul is always taken care of by the universe."
"More people would be better. We live in a world of potential abundance."
"It's hard to believe what I have free on my phone today at that abundance, that technology isn't now just in our phones, it's moving to every part of society."
"You deserve to live in a place of fulfillment and happiness and abundance."
"Enough food to feed a hundred people, but nobody's joining her for dinner."
"It will be a world of abundance. The only scarcity that will exist in the future is that which we decide to create ourselves as humans."
"The world is full of abundance... There is nothing that I cannot be, there is nothing that I cannot have."
"We set our intentions to seek first the kingdom of God and all of your righteousness and all of these things will be added to us."
"You could have a world of continual abundance and reliability... or you could wander down this demented pseudomoral route and break everything while making the planet worse."
"Live true to yourself, live spiritually, give the first place in your thought to the Eternal from which things come, and then all things will come to you at need."
"The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly."
"You are capable of creating great things and attracting a lot of abundance into your life. You have a lot of personal power."
"Prosperity is flowing towards you, so be open to receiving it."
"The world collectively produces enough food to feed all of humanity. In fact, the world produces more than enough food."
"You were meant to be very abundant and prosperous. Obstacles are being removed, spiritual supporting connections are increasing."
"Abundance: When your heart's intention is to serve humanity, doors of abundance naturally open."
"Unlimited cake is cool, but we should probably have like unlimited other food as well."
"The world's farmers have produced enough food in each of the last 10 years for 10 billion people."
"I am open and receptive to all the good and abundance in the universe."
"People have one of two attitudes towards life: they either believe that opportunities and happiness are abundant, or they believe in scarcity."
"Large sums of money come to me easily and quickly in increasing quantities from multiple sources on a continuous basis in the best interest of all that I get to keep."
"It's time to chase joy, happiness, health, prosperity—all that jazz."
"True abundance is about recognizing with grace and humility what has already been sent your way."
"Sometimes life stings, but remember, the abundant universe will provide."
"This abundance in your real nature, the Atman, is the goal of all yogas."
"Money is a tool for building abundance not just in your life but even in much bigger ways in the world."
"You have to have a little bit more trust in the universe and that's really what moving into abundance is."
"I create my living, I claim my life, I claim the abundance that surrounds me, I step in and I'm the maker of my life."
"I am wealthy, I create an abundance all around me, I invite it into my life, I am wealthy, I am rich."
"The more you could be grateful for the things that you have, the more you're going to keep getting."
"The abundance in communities is where you'll find support and opportunities for growth."
"The universal mind knows no big or little, rich or poor, great or insignificant. It gives of itself according to need, and it creates according to desire."
"Listen carefully, open your mind to receive these principles as the seeds of wealth that grow to produce a life experience that is full and rich."
"I am a magnet to money, prosperity, and abundance."
"Success, abundance, and prosperity are my natural state."
"I celebrate life, love, and abundance every day."
"God is able to make grace abound to you so that in every way exceedingly you will see an abundance for more than you need."
"The happier you are, the more abundance you manifest in your life."
"The universe is abundant, and there is no shortage of resources or opportunities for those who seek them."
"Gratitude is an incredibly powerful tool for attracting abundance and success into your life."
"With clear intent, I co-create my life with the support of the universe. Within and without, I experience more joy, more abundance, and more ease. With universal love surrounding me, life becomes a miracle I always knew it could be."
"I am already fulfilled, my cup runneth over."
"Jupiter... it's just a time of abundance in general where it feels like our whole life is expanding."
"If you focus on the feeling of being so abundant and successful, you are going to grow that in your experience."
"Do you believe with all your being that you can have a joyful and abundant life?"
"All you can possibly need or desire is already yours. Call your desires into being by imagining and feeling your wish fulfilled."
"The world's a banquet, and most poor sons of [___] are starving."
"This is a time of good fortune and abundance; be willing to receive all of the good things in your life."
"You're going to realize that there's enough wealth in the world for everybody."
"Whatever it is that you're working on... it's going to put you and your future self in a position of power and a position of abundance."
"Over the next seven days, there's going to be some sort of positivity coming to you and your abundance."
"What's for you is for you and at the end of the day I think it's enough to go around that everybody can be successful."
"Gratitude helps create more abundance and magnetize so you know, a daily gratitude list, especially if you're feeling disconnected, is a great thing to do for a while."
"Believe you are worthy of abundance, believe you are worthy of receiving goodness."
"Gratitude helps create more abundance and magnetize."
"This relationship is like very abundant and very like fertile with romance."
"The internet is abundance; we can all have a platform."
"Her life was just so fully loved and fully lived and absolutely abundant with meaning."
"Whoever will call on the name of the Lord will be saved."
"I am ready and I'm willing to receive love and abundance in the highest forms."
"Your soulmate is going to bring so much abundance into your life."
"With Jupiter, this means making a lot of money doing your life purpose and your destiny."
"You couldn't really ask for more, full of stability and abundance."
"It's not a pie. It's like a candle. When you light your candle with somebody else's candle...you've still got yours."
"There's enough in the tropics to feed all humanity. Nature is lavish, extravagant, bountiful."
"It's almost like you're calling your abundance in; anything is possible."