
Accountability Quotes

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"Accountability is necessary... Closed systems without accountability are just rolling the dice; they breed oppression."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Being able to admit when you're wrong about something and to say, 'I actually don't know, let me find out,' is a sign of strong leadership."
"When people own their mistakes and they say, 'Hey, I'm not going to do that,' and they make it right, they should be given some grace."
"Being kind to yourself does not mean not being accountable."
"I am responsible for 100% of the things that happen in my life."
"An apology should be a complete acknowledgment of what happened, express genuine remorse, and make amends without excuses."
"With great power comes great responsibility."
"Something, whether it be a thought, a belief, the actions you took consistently got you in a place of pain or challenge... We've got to change that action moving forward."
"Everything has happened for a reason in your life. You are not a victim. You have the power to change it."
"You're taking accountability for your success because you know that if you sit there and do nothing, nothing's going to happen."
"Don't give anybody an excuse for doing wrong. When you're wrong, sit in it, acknowledge the fact that you're wrong."
"Making habit trackers putting them up on your wall is a fantastic way to hold yourself accountable."
"Personal development is personal. It's personal. I'm taking it personal because now it's on me. It's on me. It's personal development. I got to hold this [__] accountable."
"He didn't make any excuses. He owned the fact that he hadn't been playing well."
"Your behavior is ultimately all that matters."
"People who are willing to change, to get better, to acknowledge those things, to acknowledge fault, that is such a rare thing today."
"It's easy to be the victim, it's easy to say, make excuses for yourself and say, well, I didn't want to do this, I wasn't feeling this, or this thing happened, or the circumstance happened, but you cannot negotiate your dreams and your goals."
"The difference between responsibility and blame is that blame determines who's at fault... responsibility determines who's committed to the current reality and the future reality."
"I knew that there was accountability back on me that I was expected to go be my best and ultimately that led to a lot of Team success."
"We sugarcoat a lot, but the truth is, it's not okay to keep making excuses for not making a change."
"It's a matter of just taking initiative and accountability of your life."
"God answers to no man, but all men must answer to God."
"If I could preach one message: y'all take accountability for yourselves."
"You killed a million people in Iraq. It's incredible that you have the brass neck to be sitting here now urging another Iraq war."
"Great leadership is the ability to recognize a mistake and rectify it."
"Let us not seek to fix the blame for the past; let us accept our own responsibility for the future."
"No politician, not me, not Boris, no one should make a promise unless they absolutely know they can deliver it." - Jeremy Hunt
"When we spot something we don't understand or can't identify in our airspace, it's the job of those we entrust with our national security to investigate and to report back."
"We completely screwed up with how we originally talked about this."
"I've made a severe and continuous lapse in my judgment and I don't expect to be forgiven. I'm simply here to apologize."
"For my fans who are defending my actions, please don't. They do not deserve to be defended."
"We cannot accept that the office of the presidency places its former occupants above the law for all time."
"Extreme ownership means you're not gonna make any excuses, you're not gonna blame anyone else. You're gonna take ownership of whatever happens."
"We will either have achieved them or not, no tricks, no ambiguity. Rather delivering for you or we're not."
"Leaders do not find excuses; they find a way."
"The reason that the CIA is so damaging is that what it does is secret and completely unaccountable."
"We all want to be part of a community. Make sure that you're holding others accountable for their actions, because it may just protect the people we care about most."
"Moving forward, I want to stop sub-tweeting others... and if I don't, kick my ass and hold me accountable."
"You make sure that when you leave this earth, God won't be able to say to you, 'I gave you this in life... What did you do with it?'"
"We're listening to the American people, we're taking action to hold Biden accountable."
"Mental health is real, people go through stuff, but let's stop using that as a crutch."
"Imagine a world without corruption, where each citizen is held accountable for their actions."
"And no official of my Administration, whether his rank is high or low, civilian or military, should interpret my words here tonight as an excuse to censor the news, to stifle dissent, to cover up our mistakes, or to withhold from the press and the public the facts they deserve to know."
"You've told us what you're against. How about put forth the legislation that you would like to see passed? Let us see your bill."
"I apologize to you, my behavior was unacceptable, and I'm here whenever you're ready to talk."
"Timothy won, and he won because we know what you did to him, and it's not hidden. We know who you are."
"If you can't do the time, don't do the crime."
"The biggest takeaway from this experience is he took responsibility, and that's not easy."
"If you don't face the truth, you can't do anything about it."
"When law enforcement officers break the law, they should be held accountable."
"Qualified immunity is a court-invented doctrine that allows law enforcement officers and other government actors to avoid accountability."
"Taking responsibility for your actions goes a long way."
"If they stood up and said, 'We screwed up,' I would forgive them in a heartbeat."
"The atmosphere and accountability of your group are crucial in raid leading."
"It's just the nature of the space and so with the space comes the responsibility and the accountability."
"A failure to admit fault leads to more faults."
"I don't always get it right, but I always take responsibility when I get it wrong."
"The issue that we're solving for is not a knowledge gap. The issue is an accountability gap."
"It's easy to point fingers at others, but when you point a finger at someone, there are three pointing back at you."
"Don't let your mouth write a check that your [behind] can't cash."
"A man doesn't harm his loved ones, a man owns his actions and decisions."
"God is tired of the lies; he's sick of the nonsense. Exposure is here."
"Now that you're here, you are now accountable and responsible for your part in this."
"Parents who practice apologizing and modeling accountability for when you make mistakes... that's a much more useful method of parenting."
"I learned that things happened here that never should have happened. I take that very seriously, and I want to say I am so sorry to the people who were affected."
"This case is not just about accountability at The Ballot Box but when it comes to justice."
"What happened to Alexei Navalny is unforgivable, and someone must pay for that."
"We're refusing to recognize that he was a man of a system, that this system caused this to happen."
"The assignment is when you [ __ ] up, you fix it. The assignment is you know when you create harm, you make an amend, and you repair that harm."
"It's not my fault that I'm here, but it's absolutely my responsibility to do something about it."
"But the thing is, you can't run as an outsider twice. This guy had four years in the most powerful position in America, arguably the most powerful position in the world, and he didn't drain the swamp; he made the swamp deeper."
"Taking accountability and responsibility is important for parents so kids will know okay this isn't right. This is a mistake. So that when they are making the same mistakes, they don't leave their house thinking that this is just a way of being, but that these are things that we are growing."
"We are all accountable to God and ultimately, we will be judged of Him according to our deeds and the desires of our hearts."
"Stop ruining the goddamn game and start taking some goddamn accountability."
"I believe in transparency. I made a mistake. It was stupid."
"I can admit I made a mistake. I just wish like the process of making a mistake, having people tell you, realizing it, and then owning up to it and doing better was a little bit easier."
"After taking a look, I definitely believe that art is immoral and degenerate. However, the saving grace is that Vivy herself apologized. She took accountability, apologized, and hasn't drawn anything similar to this since."
"The most powerful weapon we have right now to protect ourselves isn't a firearm; it's a camera and it's accountability."
"I need him to explain it. You can't just gloss over that and say with one line, 'Oh, it's legal.' Nah, bruh."
"People [mess] up. Some mistakes you truly can't come back from and you have to face consequences."
"Make no mistake, there will be a trial and when that trial ends, Senators will have to decide if they believe Donald John Trump incited the insurrection against the United States."
"Accountability exists in a dynamic sense, constantly negotiating the contradictory and conflicting elements of our communal and political life."
"We're going to approach this number one acknowledging our mistake."
"I think accountability is absolutely essential in this game."
"You can control how you feel; you are accountable for your emotions."
"We count on people too much to get us through... if you can build that total accountability in oneself, it's not about being selfish, it's about creating a better you."
"The second you start taking on 100% accountability is the second you start getting happy."
"The more you walk away from accountability, the weaker you become."
"It's easy to speak when you have no skin in the game."
"The beauty of Iron Man, you make mistakes and you have to live with them."
"There is no purgatory for war criminals; they go straight to hell, Ambassador."
"There's going to be no accountability, no anything for these lives ruined."
"I have so much work to do on myself to become a better person, and I intend on showing you that with action, education, and time."
"I will gladly receive all the criticism after I reveal everything."
"More training, accountability, and we need to have higher standards when we're hiring people."
"Take responsibility for yourself, for your actions, and keep yourself accountable."
"With celebrities, if you see celebrities get into this kind of [__], the studios just stop working with them, and the studios step away for a period of time."
"The nature of the job is you got to make decisions that you know will be unpopular but you think are right and you take your hits."
"Accept complete responsibility for yourself and for everything that you are and ever will be."
"We're here today, as always, to peacefully exercise our First Amendment right to film in public and publicly accessible areas to promote transparency and accountability within our government."
"We demand accountability. We, the People, demand accountability not only from the security guard but from law enforcement who arrived as well."
"If the country's ever going to heal from this anti-democratic spasm, we need to explore accountability beyond just the legal kind."
"I'm resigning my commission as a United States Marine effective now... I don't want any money from the VA... All I asked for was accountability of my senior leaders when there are clear, obvious mistakes that were made."
"I want senior leaders to accept accountability. I think them accepting accountability would do more for service members and PTSD and struggling with purpose than any other transparent piece of paper or message."
"Accountability from senior leaders would alleviate feelings of guilt or shame in service members more than individual counseling. It would save thousands of lives."
"He's risking it all... He wants someone to step up and say, 'It wasn't your fault; it was mine.' His attitude is one we should all be adopting. We should all be demanding accountability for these endless, wasteful, useless, failed wars."
"Accountability is the answer if you really want to be motivated to achieve your goals."
"I hope all of this backlash is just an ounce of the pain that I felt."
"We have to all take accountability for our own actions."
"There definitely needs to be a greater discussion and investigation on what the appropriate response is to people who transgress."
"This show has a single purpose: holding the politically powerful institution of policing accountable."
"When police break the law, it can be challenging to hold them accountable."
"Even when cops are caught breaking the law, the justice system often seems reluctant to punish them."
"I know apologies don't mean much and action is what shows progression."
"A presidency that is grounded in transparency and accountability is what we aspire to."
"When you apologize for something to a person or something messed up that you do, which that's pretty messed up, Jessie's point was that when Gabby got on camera and tried to deny and lied that that ever happened, that apology that she gave to Jessie was taken back by her doing that."
"History will judge us for our actions or lack thereof."
"Accountability does not come with a guaranteed promise of forgiveness."
"A high-value woman is self-aware and able to take personal accountability."
"To be clear, I blame Larry Nassar and I also blame an entire system that enabled and perpetrated his abuse."
"The right to protest doesn't just exist as a let's give people the right to vent; it exists on the grounds that democracy includes giving people the right to organize and put pressure on accountable politicians."
"Accountability: An obligation or willingness to accept responsibility for one's actions."
"Accountability is what relieves pain and brings peace."
"Creating this new identity of self, one that is imperfect but still valuable, one that is always learning and always growing, one that is allowed to make mistakes but takes accountability for those mistakes."
"You're looking for accountability, you're looking for them to own it, but if that involves them experiencing some amount of guilt which they can't handle, they're gonna keep on playing these victim cards, these hardening cards, these wall cards, like whatever they need to do to avoid that guilt."
"The police accountability report has been about the people of this country who care and want better for all of us and who believe that it all starts with holding power accountable."
"You've got the victim who died who should not have died, and those facts will never change."
"The eyes of the world are on us now, my colleagues, wondering if we will keep the faith, wondering if our constitutional republic will hold."
"Citizens are now policing the police because we've seen that the police cannot police themselves."
"All we ask for is competence and accountability. If you mess up, just say, 'Yeah, that was a big mistake, and we're going to learn from it and not do that again.'"
"Trust is not built on perfection; it's built on accountability."
"Trust therefore is built on a few things: number one, that yes, there's someone there for you in a way even when it's inconvenient, in a way that's consistent. But in addition to that, even if at times there may be a lapse, there's an accountability."
"Apologizing for those mistakes isn't only for you; it's to let the other person know that that isn't who you are."
"Accountability is always right to insist upon from the governor, and it's our duty as elected officials to do so."
"People died because of who Governor Cuomo is and has been allowed to be for many years."
"The fault of the car being stolen is the person that stole the car."
"Every time we started holding the player accountable in any way, every time we did that, it felt better."
"It's just a tricky road to go down because there's never anything that you can truly say to fix it. You have to prove that you're sorry and realize what you did was wrong over time."
"As difficult as it is for us to hear these cases, imagine how difficult it was for these victims to experience what they did."
"We're miles away from where we need to be, and it's not just about the manager; it's about the players on the pitch."
"Everything that happens to you in life and every choice that you make is a hundred percent your responsibility."
"Everybody's own personal responsibility is the real heart of the issue."
"President Donald Trump engaged in insurrection by inciting a violent mob to attack our Capitol and disenfranchise over 80 million people who voted against him."
"I lean into gratitude and perspective and accountability during these times. And that's it. That's all I can do."
"Accountability is tricky because people confuse accountability with lack of compassion. And I don't see it that way."
"It's time for action; it's time for a clear-out; it's time for him to resign."
"You're not guilty for anything you've ever done, drunk or sober, but you are responsible."
"You have 100% accountability for what you do about it now as an adult."
"I understand very well because as a professional, you have to take accountability for everything."
"You've got to go in there with behaviors—on this date this happened, on this date this happened, on this date this happened—with as much documentation as possible."
"Trial by media is a Bad Thing, but I think we need the media to hold the elite to account sometimes."
"People should be not only held accountable but to be held fairly accountable, and that the legal system should be fair to everyone."
"As long as you make up for it afterwards, it's cool at the end of the day."
"The big social media platforms... don't want regulation. They don't want to be held responsible for all the harm they're causing."
"We're witnesses to the greatest medical scandal in living memory."
"There's going to be a reckoning, and we're going to have to try and rebuild trust in our health services, in our media, and in our politics."
"We have to hold police officers accountable because we have police officers in this country who literally engaged in serial killing."
"This is a poor choice. This is on me. This is my fault. I'm gonna move on."
"The country has not failed; it has been failed by those in governance."
"Just because you're saved doesn't mean that decisions don't have consequences."
"Speech always has consequences. For every action, there is a reaction."
"Sometimes, you got to acknowledge the mistakes you made in the past."
"Repentance is not passing the buck off on someone else. Repentance begins with taking ownership of what you have done, owning it and confessing it, not blaming someone else."
"The demonization of agency... comes from the one-sided discussions that traditionally happen on the left and the rejection of like personal accountability."
"If you get consistent feedback of what people don't like, you better take that seriously."
"It is not your fault, but guess what? It is your responsibility."
"Blame everybody, blame white people, blame society, blame God. I didn't get no answers 'cause I was asking the wrong questions."
"The entire concept of journalism at its core is to keep whatever it is they're documenting accountable for their actions."
"I think you've got to hold people in position of authority accountable because nobody's perfect."
"On the day of judgment, every messenger is being asked whether he delivered the message or not."
"Christ wasn't killed by Rome or Israel... my sins and your sins crucified Christ."
"Give the guy credit, he is out there answering questions."
"We can hold these algorithms to a much higher bar."
"You can't change other people, but you can change yourself. Be accountable, be responsible, and work on the things you can control."
"You can't complain about it if you're not willing to do something about it."
"Free speech has absolutely no meaning, no worth, no utility, no value in a society where we do not hold people to account for vicious untruth."
"Oversight is about keeping faith with the taxpayers and giving people confidence that the government plays by the rules or is held accountable."
"Without actual accountability... we're going to put ourselves at risk of making those same mistakes again."
"We demand transparency and accountability. This charge is nothing. This is part of the activism. This is part of my purpose, my job."
"Central banks in almost all countries worldwide have become totally independent and in practice not accountable to any democratic institution."
"There's no excuse whatsoever for not getting at what it is that you should be doing."
"Fault and responsibility are two different things."
"Radical responsibility is like taking ownership of everything that happens in your life."
"When somebody apologizes when they've been outed to some degree, there is always the question: What are you sorry for?"
"You cannot punish other people for what you didn't communicate."
"He does not socialize the mistake; he uses the word 'I made a mistake'."
"Start with one small promise a day. Hold yourself accountable and just get it done, and you'll start to build that self-discipline inside."
"In nothing doth man offend God, or against none is his wrath kindled, save those who confess not his hand in all things and obey not his commandments."
"Look, I am coming soon! My reward is with me, and I will give to each person according to what they have done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End."
"Own your mistakes. You have to own it where the responsibility clearly rests upon your shoulders."
"If there is a Redemption arc, it needs to be earned. You can't just decide one character is suddenly good now and then expect us to forget/forgive the horrible things they've done before."
"The best way to be accountable to the Congress and to the public is to explain what we think, what we're doing, and how we're going to go about that."
"There's no point in having a platform if you're not transparent."
"I am for more transparency, more accountability, more openness."
"When I make a mistake, I've got to correct myself publicly and then I've got to make sure I learn the right lesson from the mistake in and of itself."
"So, what turns a child into a cold-blooded killer, and at what age should they be accountable for their actions?"
"Democratic accountability is better than the accountability I have with my employer."
"I'm always going to be that person whether it's about Andrew Tate or not... I believe in accountability."
"At some point, there has to be a day of reckoning."
"For the past four years, I've chosen to follow counsel and guidance that has led me into a dark delusion; my distorted version of reality went largely unchecked as I would isolate from anyone who challenged me."