
Exploration Quotes

There are 65122 quotes

"It's about being in the world and being as aware as I can possibly be, including being aware that there are things I'm not aware of. So sort of having a healthy respect and an orientation to the world that values truth and values understanding and exploration."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Play can also function as a way to explore new ways of being in different scenarios in work, in relationships, in settings of all kind."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"I still look for the feeling of delighting in Costello or the cuttlefish. That's what I'm looking for."
"You're stepping further into the unknown, you're expanding your horizons and stepping outside of your comfort zone."
"It's good to be back, but today we're gonna be talking about what is consciousness, a deep, deep juicy topic. This is one of the most important questions that you can ask and answer in your life."
"There's no reason in principle, and I suspect this will happen relatively quickly, that if all that information is encoded with enough depth, we'll be able to explore the entire universe of potential elemental combinations."
"The human species has been driven by the desire to seek things beyond the confines of our skin."
"The more we know, the more we discover about this big universe of ours, the more we know that we know very little."
"The mechanism of consciousness is still one of the great mysteries."
"This inner experience that no one else can share poses, I think, as the biggest issue facing us, the biggest question, the biggest fascination: What is it, how can we understand it, how does it come about?"
"Human resources, like natural resources, are often buried deep. You have to go looking for them; they're not just lying around on the surface."
"Even though we don't understand dark matter and dark energy... we still continue to study."
"Exploration, travel for the sake of discovery and adventure, is a human compulsion, a human obsession even. It is a defining element of a distinctly human identity."
"The mind truly is the final frontier. You are an astronaut into the deep recesses of this uncharted geography of consciousness."
"Having kids, very low tech, but it is a technology for opening new portals."
"The DMT world is your hyper-dimensional oyster, opening up a whole new frontier for exploration."
"I think there's a lot more out there than there already is. I think that...we know a very small little bit."
"Life doesn't really have a meaning beyond what we give to it. We have one life to live... if you don't explore that idea, and no one else is going to. If you don't be the person that you want to be, no one else is going to."
"Whatever you enjoy, I'm pretty sure there's something you could enjoy more because there's so much diversity out there."
"The brain is sort of the last frontier in terms of rapid advances with the body."
"I vow to stay curious and engaged, to look at the world with a questioning eye."
"One must do something new in order to see something new."
"If you can imagine the tree of all knowledge, we've barely scratched the surface so far."
"Creating artificial boundaries on what can and can't be discussed... instead, creating a full spectrum of exploration that can be done and trusting the intelligence of people to do the exploration."
"We are wired to create, to explore, to transcend the ordinary."
"The more we explore, the more likely we are to find something that is very important, maybe for ourselves, maybe for our species."
"You've worked really hard to get here. Don't miss this chance to explore something beautiful."
"Artists are searchers for meaning, just like astronomers."
"Creativity is dependent on the expansion of your mind."
"The standard answer in personal development is, 'Oh, do what you're passionate about,' right? But there's a ton of research out there saying people don't know what their passions are."
"Go and explore, right, like go and test yourself, go explore the world."
"Instead of being the mere observer of those events, I want to be the explorer."
"Resilience is one of the most important aspects it can have in this business and exploration period."
"Creativity is a deeply spiritual pursuit but most people never take it to that level."
"Congratulations, you went somewhere you weren't supposed to go, saw something you weren't supposed to see, and prevented a tidy resolution to a messy problem."
"Your most satisfying personal development and most important achievements will come as your goals open new horizons, as you explore new interests and skills beyond your comfort zone."
"The new explorers were not people who are necessarily going to find uncharted lands because all the lands had been charted. They're going to discover new things, they're going to create new products and services."
"The exploration of mathematical structure is in principle endless."
"I don't know, it feels like now I have opened up the world for me to go in a million different directions."
"The soothsayer thanks you for your efforts and whispers secrets about a wondrous palace temple hidden deep in the mountains of the mouth."
"Exploration comes before discovery because... you don't know exactly what you're going to find."
"You're at the base of a mountain that's shrouded in fog... you have to just take steps into the unknown, and when you take three steps, another three steps will be revealed ahead of you."
"Authenticity can't be faked; like when you see someone's real reaction, you know it's not actors."
"It's like when I was a kid; you'd build like a fort. It kind of recreates that experience of just exploring these worlds with your friends, capturing monsters and sort of making your fort."
"In other words, there’s no need to go chasin’ waterfalls…and more remote areas can stick to the rivers and the lakes that they’re used to."
"Imagine if we could create a school that didn't just arm children with knowledge but also arm them with lenses, multiple lenses through which children could explore and engage the world."
"Reality is so total and then what's left for science to do is to explore all the content."
"Paradox is not proof of our failure here; paradox is actually evidence that we've succeeded."
"Would you be happy over there, though, in America? You don't know before you try, do you?"
"These stories challenge us to consider the vast and mysterious tapestry of the universe in which we reside."
"We are a species of explorers. We will meet many obstacles on our way to Mars. But as humans, we'll not give up. We will always persevere."
"The instruments that we have in the rover are extraordinary and the fact that we can make these observations of organic molecules on Mars to begin with is just awesome."
"Perseverance is the most sophisticated mission we have ever sent to the Red Planet's surface."
"You were seeing something that no other human has ever seen before."
"We are a species of explorers, believers. We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard."
"Something about our desire to not be alone keeps pushing us forward in the search for life."
"It's the growing sense of always doing it in partnership with one another, and that goal of how we're actually going to establish human presence on another planet."
"Perseverance safely on the surface of Mars. Ready to begin seeking the sands of past life."
"Your friends are going to be like, 'You haven't been to Mars? You have to go.'"
"The chipmunk in laurel symbolizes a new venture that will surely lead to success. The chipmunk often takes the road less traveled, finding hidden pathways and adventure along the way."
"The first person to set foot on Mars is alive right now, and it could be you."
"The willingness to take big risks to reap big rewards is the foundation on which NASA is built."
"Get to know yourself, you are an entire universe."
"What a fabulous way to educate and inspire the next generation of explorers."
"You're literally missing out on infinity by choosing to look at reality from one particular partial angle."
"Perseverance is something beautiful. It is together with exploration and hope and vision."
"Our fundamental job is to explore new places, places we haven't been, answer questions we don't know the answer to."
"There is some hidden Morse code in the rays of the sun people recognized spelled out 'Explore as one,' which is what we intend to do."
"There's something special about the first few days [on Mars] because we have just landed a representative of the planet Earth on a place on Mars that no one has ever been to."
"But in the end, every great journey begins with one small step."
"It's going to be a fun adventure following this rover across the surface if everything goes well today."
"We call perseverance the roving astrobiologist, and she really is."
"We are a species of explorers and we meet many setbacks on our quest for knowledge. But we persevere. We, not as a nation, but as humans, will always persevere into the future."
"Humankind is entering a new era of space travel."
"If we were to discover that there used to be life on Mars, not only would we know that we're not alone, but we could say with certainty that life can form in places other than on Earth."
"The music track that plays here just beautifully frames the mystery and serenity of this ancient temple."
"That's the 'hard problem' of consciousness - internal sentience - our inner movie - the ultimate frontier of human exploration."
"Whatever we discover, it's all kind of magical."
"We've got to build, and we got to grow... let us explore this wondrous creation and have a good time doing it."
"Our goal of entering the cave wasn't necessarily to save the kids; it's kind of just to find out what's happening."
"Astrobiology is one of the key topics in all of science that is currently at the heart of what we're doing."
"By exploring the rocks with Perseverance, we have the opportunity to explore more about the development of life in the solar system."
"We refuse to accept the end of human exploration."
"It's about learning, about exploring, about going beyond what we currently know."
"With eight of the 18 types covered by previous fossil Pokémon, today I wanted to explore what the other 10 types could look like."
"I'm very optimistic we will find signs of ancient life there."
"This is a place that generations of Mars explorers have waited to get to."
"If humans were allowed free energy, free movement, and able to explore, we would find out what this place is."
"These small channels have been taunting explorers for millennia."
"To seek ultimate reality is to follow explanations until explanations end. And when explanations end, what remains? I'm looking for what remains."
"I just want people to say, 'There was this guy, he's gone now. Let's pick up from where he left and see how we can continue this exploration.' The journey has no ending. The point of arrival is always now."
"Life is full of mysteries, for example, we always wonder what's at the bottom of the ocean."
"The idea of consciousness displacement time travel is fascinating. It's like drifting back to past eras of our life as we relive our trauma or our victories."
"We will develop technologies, that allow us, to systematically, go beyond our interface, and perhaps enter different interfaces and play in different interfaces."
"This latest incarnation takes it into the brand new galaxy, which is the 140,000 universe, in a science fiction exploration of an ancient Old One structure."
"It's like a cosmic gateway, it's like a new beginning for this person."
"Don't settle, know what you want, and eventually, it will come. And also, expand your horizons."
"You get to hang out with Leonardo Da Vinci and see these people actually existing."
"Be like the woods: calm, soothing, mysterious, but full of life. It's the key to life, to wander about and be so entranced by everything that's going on around you."
"We're huge fans of China's spiciest cuisine from Sichuan province, so we scoured the Bay Area to see if we can find a place that does it justice."
"It's like peeling an onion. You peel it and peel it, and you think you'll come to an essence... you find nothing."
"For me, dreaming was really a beautiful place of exploration and discovery and adventure."
"Spiritual growth is not just a journey toward God discovery; it is also a journey toward self-discovery."
"A walk with God is endless. You would never have Him figured out."
"You can have a great discovery within yourself. There's a really great treasure, we have unlimited discovery within ourselves."
"The question is not what we can see, but what remains unseen and unheard, resonating in the spaces between."
"To each one of you who embarked on this journey with us... your curiosity, your open-mindedness, and your hunger for truth have made this exploration all the more meaningful."
"No great adventure or exploration can be taken completely risk-free."
"We've only explored five percent of the ocean, and to give you a better perspective, we've explored more of space than we have of the ocean."
"Riding this momentum, I started tackling harder foes, venturing to undiscovered zones, found new vendors with exciting and expensive gear, and uncovered more insidious plots."
"Dragon's Dogma 2 is a fantastic adventure of exploration, discovery, and learning that truly engages the player."
"But the greatest change lay in the advent of air exploration, with much of Antarctica charted from the sky in the years to come."
"Ernest Shackleton’s reputation as an explorer of the Heroic Age of Antarctic Exploration is as great today as that of Robert Falcon Scott or Roald Amundsen."
"Exploring fantastic environments is one of the most evocative, memorable, and truly magical parts of playing D&D."
"It's possible to use description and interact with the environment in really intelligent ways that focus on creatively exploring even the most dangerous environments."
"Antarctica is a strange, otherworldly environment."
"Humanity's drive to explore the cosmos is not bound by border. Discovery strengthens diplomacy."
"It's part of our human DNA to explore...by doing hard things, we learn, we develop new technologies, we educate and inspire the next generation, and we learn something about ourselves."
"Do you believe in the pursuit of new knowledge? Because that is at the heart of what NASA is about."
"There are two types of explorers: those who explore for the journey and the science, and those who seek riches and fortune."
"The galaxy is full of absolutely wonderful sights."
"If you want to discover unknown planets, undiscovered planets, then what you need to do is go somewhere no one has been before."
"If you go up or if you go down, you'll find that you're much more likely to find undiscovered systems."
"When exploring, if you're trying to do things efficiently, I recommend picking one direction and going in a straight line."
"Genshin Impact is a good game. It has some of the most enjoyable exploration I’ve ever experienced, and a sky high level of polish."
"At its very best Genshin Impact is magical and its promise of an idyllic world to escape into is unrivaled."
"The possibilities for what might lie beyond our comprehension are endless."
"She's convinced there are lost signs and secrets scattered on a desolate wilderness of the quadrant."
"Exploration of the game's mechanics and everything that they encompass, to me, is true to the spirit of Zelda."
"I can't wait to just get back out there and start traveling and exploring parts of the world."
"It's a really profound opportunity for exploration for the sake of exploration, a real gift for the human mind."
"If we're for anything, we're curious creatures."
"If you love exploration and video games, you owe it to yourself to play this game knowing as little about it as possible."
"There's a childlike wonder in climbing things; it feeds into that idea of freedom."
"You're shown a mysterious old man nearby and then left to do whatever you like."
"History proves that we have never lost by pressing the limits of our frontier."
"Many people think the universe has a big sign on it that says do not touch. I disagree. I think the universe has a big sign on it that says go forth and spread life."
"The world itself is absolutely gorgeous and detailed and cool."
"We're explorers by nature; eventually, we will go to the stars."
"Exploration in games can be rewarding in a variety of different ways, be it how it's rewarded, how it feels, or how much of the game it encompasses."
"Adventure has been around since the dawn of human existence. The drive towards exploration is a trait we carry, an evolutionary necessity meant to sustain our species and keep us alive."
"Embark on a mind-bending journey with Kaku about why the Moon is not what you think it is, unraveling hidden lunar wonders and astonishing discoveries that defy all expectations."
"Michio Kaku believes this newfound understanding holds remarkable significance for future explorations of the lunar surface."
"Once a symbol of mystery, the Moon is gradually unveiling its secrets, inspiring us to explore further and expand our understanding of the cosmos."
"I absolutely loved it and its meteoric successes, such as the completely and absolutely unparalleled sense of exploration, gorgeous visuals, and deep sense of mystery."
"We have this idea that you board this train and the train goes straight, but the truth is, life is the scenic route."
"The Outer Worlds looks to have a lot and it's a world we want to explore and discover."
"Gravity offers a way for us not just to see other worlds but to feel what's happening inside them."
"For more than a hundred thousand years, humans left their original spawn point on the African continent and set out on the greatest odyssey of exploration ever known."
"Mankind's thirst for knowledge and exploration has turned away from our own planet and towards those above in our skies."
"This decade, the 2020s, will become the greatest and the most influential decade in the entire history of human exploration."
"A place that holds hidden mountain ranges, alien-like landscapes, and clandestine meetings of the world's most influential figures."
"Antarctica boasts an array of fascinating and unique geographic features, the likes of which can't be found anywhere else on Earth."
"Vikings... were also explorers, traders, and even imperial guards in the heart of one of history's most powerful empires."
"I have absolutely no idea what the weird world is like."
"It's fun. That's what makes it so exciting to constantly do new things."
"Behold, the science of discovery is endless."
"We don't know if it's there but the only way we're going to know really is to look."
"Writing is about exploring the world and the human condition."
"When you come out of the cave, you're going to realize the whole wonders that there are to be seen in the rest of the world."
"Let's go in there because, you know what's gonna be hiding in there? God's gonna be hiding in there."
"I think it's essential to talk about these things... it's a chance for exploration and that can be a reflection for others to, you know, find that maybe in that story they feel a little less alone."
"The Owl House went from an okay show with good ideas and decent potential to a great show that explores new and interesting territory with every new entry."
"Because the next frontier is not just for the next generation. It's for this generation."
"They are beginning a journey that will take them on voyages of exploration like humankind has never seen before."
"Their trailblazing triumphs will transform the solar system and forever change life here on Earth."
"We've tested technologies that will help us travel farther into space."
"Morrowind is unique; the experience of entering this place is a journey like few others."
"Every explorer knows the risks associated with a chosen life of adventure."
"Relic sites tend to be more valuable than data sites."
"Release yourself from those old limiting thoughts and beliefs, allowing yourself to explore the realms you really want to explore."
"We're really just starting to scratch the surface of the potential of this technology."
"The very fact that these ancient truths and mysteries are unreachable is exactly why I feel I must attempt to explore them."
"Humanity had learned to survive through catastrophic disasters, pestilence, wars, and holocausts. Now, we aspired to seek out new lives among the stars."
"Games that reward exploration in cool ways, games that don't just give you the 'hey, cool, a new sword' feeling, but more meaningful games that give you important, worthwhile stuff for exploring."
"Outer Wilds, still an incredibly underrated game to this day."
"Elden Ring's exploration is so worthwhile, not just because it's like an RPG and you're making your character stronger, but just because of how much stuff you will be surprised to find and how well crafted and interesting it all really is."
"Red Dead Redemption 2 is a world like no other... the exploration is worthwhile in this game just because of how lived in it feels."
"Subnautica's exploration reward is, really, at the end of the day, just true, 100% satisfaction."
"Miyazaki's Ode to learning but Logan becomes a warning to all those who travel undiscovered worlds."
"Beautiful different mediums that we can use to protect ourselves while we explore our spirituality."
"I've had the privilege to travel to the most amazing places."
"There's not quite anything that matches that feeling of riding on Epona at Hyrule Field specifically at night."
"If God made twelve universes, we're only going to be able to explore the one that we're in."
"Understanding that there's all sorts of things in Catholicism that can help you enter into a deeper and richer spiritual life."
"The cosmic who done it remains exciting and will keep the ball rolling."
"I've played enough video games to know that wherever there is a waterfall, there is a room behind said waterfall."
"What do you desire to do? Where do you desire to go? The world is your oyster right now."
"Early on the work that I did was more like scouting... there aren't that many guides... you have to figure a lot of stuff out."
"The beginning, it's a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your front door. You step onto the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to." - From Bilbo Baggins, from "The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring."
"Do not limit the universe. There are beautiful connections that will serve different purposes and they are meant to be explored."
"I made the mistake of asking the question: Is a Minecraft world truly infinite?"
"Life is about adventure. Get out, take your chances, explore the world, and make things happen."
"The human species is a curious one and it expresses its curiosity by asking questions."
"I think being alone is not as scary as you think it is. And you should be alone and experience all of it."
"Find yourself a museum, whether it's an art museum or a history museum or a weird museum, whatever. Or an aquarium or a zoo."
"The best type of sci-fi is a philosophical exploration into a theoretical future."
"The Zone was full of terrors that were quite literally beyond human reckoning."
"It is genuine exploration and discovery as you not only map the Zone but catalog its contents and learn for yourself what each of these things do."
"Stay curious. The world has a lot for us to learn."