
Altruism Quotes

There are 26010 quotes

"Gifts given to others with no expectation of return are gifts of abundance."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"It feels better to give because there's a goodness in the self, in the giving."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The happiest people I see are the people who are giving."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"We know that people are happier if they live through altruism and gratitude and they're well connected with others."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Aligning your compulsion with some greater good is where the really good stuff emerges."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Will the mouse do that simply to give one of its buddies a reward? That's pure altruism."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"People who are happiest are those who make others happy."
"It's your karmic duty and your righteous action with Jupiter accessing your sixth house to really be of service to other people, to help the underprivileged, to help the needy."
"I'm all about just alleviating suffering and helping All Humans."
"The purpose of life, the meaning of life, is to be of service, is to help other people."
"The best of us is motivated by the opportunity to serve the best in other people."
"The best possible thing that you can do for yourself... is to work as hard as you can on behalf of what's best in other people."
"If I do nothing else on this planet but actually serve others and try to help people and free them in some way shape or form... I'll die fulfilled knowing that I did the right thing."
"The greatest motivation in this life is for the benefit and happiness of all other beings."
"Live your life for the happiness and benefit of all sentient beings. Make that your motivation."
"Our pursuit of a bigger goal produces a lot of good for people outside of ourselves."
"The greatest gift in life is the gift of giving."
"Altruism is the best medicine for your stress hormones."
"Supporting other people in your community can help you as much as it does them."
"I'm happy to be broke for the rest of my life as long as I'm doing good."
"The Googlers say, 'Don't be evil.' At least do not harm others. And if you can, if possible, bring some benefit to others."
"It's not about making a dollar, it's about making a difference."
"We are also an extraordinarily compassionate and altruistic one."
"If you're not going to do it for yourself, do it for the people who need you."
"I like that I'm trying to give people something I wanted as a kid."
"Change things in positive for as many people as possible."
"Altruism stimulates the same area in the brain as cocaine or sugar or heroin."
"You change their lives first, you don't ask for money first. You change their lives first, and then they will literally pay your bills."
"Love is to will the good of the other, which just basically means you want what's best for someone and you want to help them get what's best for them in life."
"You cannot find happiness without living a life where you are in service to someone else and caring for other people."
"Perform even the simplest act of love, which means willing the good of somebody else."
"I'm here because someone cared about my family. I don't even know who it is, but I'm giving back every way I can. It changed my life. It wasn't the food. It was a stranger's care."
"We are fulfilled when our life has meaning, and our life has meaning when we are trying to do good for the world."
"Your life is not about you. Rather, your life is about the lives of everyone you touch."
"Support victims because they deserve it, not when it benefits you."
"More than money, I love seeing people happy and safe. That's what being a knight is all about."
"Becoming a good human being is about learning to take great pleasure in contributing to the flourishing of others than your own."
"The pinnacle of personal growth is that you know that it's not about you. You're serving the ages."
"It's that sense of spiritual satisfaction from changing a person's life, especially a child's, that you'll never get from restaurant meals or boats or holidays."
"You recognize how good it makes you feel to be altruistic, to have integrity, to add value."
"Doing things for others that you don't even know... gives people the most joy."
"Go find somebody now who's doing worse than you and help them in a very simple way."
"Love is the humiliated self extant. What love cares about more than anything else is the good of the other."
"Help other people get what they want; they'll always give you what you want."
"I want world happiness for all. That's quite the ambition."
"I believe most people are good, and I actually believe if you join Big Pharma, your life trajectory often involves dreaming and wanting and enjoying helping people."
"He's just trying to make the world a little bit of better place."
"Consciousness dictates that we evolve to our highest self, that we become selfless, that we become servants."
"Put people before money, before accolades, before attention or status. Always put people first."
"I always give money to the homeless. It's a good deed."
"Life is about giving to others, doing for others, being of use to others. True value and influence come from when we are around other people."
"Everything is finding a way to live for others."
"What gives our lives purpose is not to wake up every morning to learn meditation so that we can be present for ourselves, though that is valuable. What gives our lives purpose is to do these things for another."
"I'm happy when I'm doing things that make other people happy."
"I'm not here to take your value; I'm here to add value to you."
"I've got to do something while I'm here to try and help as much as I can."
"Plant trees under whose shade you do not plan to sit."
"Finding your purpose isn't enough. You have to help other people find theirs."
"You find yourself when you lose yourself in the service of others."
"There's a lot of people doing good stuff out there."
"There is love, there is belonging, there is goodness, kindness, there are things you can do for other people."
"Providing value for people, isn't that what we kind of want to do societally?"
"The only thing you care about is helping somebody who is in need. Why? Because they're a fellow American, or maybe they don't even maybe they're not American... It's a human being."
"We're not separate from our society; if we're not helping ourselves, we're not actually going to be able to help others as well."
"Any part of our society that is downtrodden should get the help of everybody else."
"How do we...help each other, how can we care for each other, how can we act wisely in these times."
"We should plant trees under whose shade we do not plan to sit."
"We're born to help people, and if we can't help them, let's at least not hurt them."
"They felt better about themselves because they could help other people."
"Working really hard to gain a set of skills that... serve not only yourself but other people."
"Your happiness comes more from helping others accomplish things than your own accomplishments."
"You would pass along a good opportunity if you thought someone else needed it more."
"Being able to help people is really what is going to grow this industry and ultimately make this world a better place."
"Prioritizing other people in a lot of situations is actually the best thing in terms of your productivity and success."
"Helping human beings is just okay to do and you don't need to optimize your ROI."
"Altruistic love, remember that beautiful child... what do you wish except may that child be safe, happy, may he or she flourish in life."
"High quality consciousness is characterized by being selfless and giving, fearless and courageous."
"The way the world works is we sacrifice for others and others sacrifice for us."
"Do not invite rich people to your house for dinner; you will be repaid by their inviting you to their house for dinner. Invite poor people to your house for dinner; they cannot repay you, so the universe must repay you. When the universe repays you, expect a miracle."
"The greatest statement I've ever heard about gift and leadership is this: 'I did not come to be served, but to serve.'"
"If we take care of each other, that's when we can best care for our community."
"Minnie lived for other people; service made her happy."
"I'm secure in myself. I'm so secure in myself and I want the best for everything and everyone."
"What Sydney chose to do is exactly what I'm trying to get all of you to do with this assignment: to help someone in need even when it doesn't benefit you at all."
"You're very sensitive, and you're one of these really talented sensitive people who generate so much in this world. You also have trouble saying no. You see need everywhere, and you want to meet all those needs."
"He just burnt half a million dollars in Bobo tokens. That's insane, bro. Tell me, who in this world of greed does that?"
"We are here in this life so that we give and we serve."
"We’re measured by not how much money we make or how successful we are, but how much we alter other people’s lives in good ways."
"What you give away is what you keep for yourself because again you are the source of everything."
"You even risked your life to protect the little girl."
"None of you will truly believe until you love for your brother what you love for yourself."
"I'm doing this for the right reasons, because people need help."
"If I could take his place right now, if I could give him back his life, I would do it in a daggum heartbeat."
"True authenticity can be found in the pursuit of something greater than yourself."
"I went there to help them, but I got helped more than I think I gave."
"Love on everybody every day without hesitation."
"She was always willing to drop anything she had going on for someone who needed it."
"Nothing makes you happy other than being useful to others."
"I've been to the top of money, I've had all the sex that I've ever wanted, I've had all of the adulation and adoration, and nothing makes you happy other than being useful to others."
"A spiritual gift is given to each of us so we can help each other."
"The best thing I can do for everyone is to make the most of myself."
"The more people you serve, the more money you make. It's about service, not just talent."
"You might love dogs, but you could do more good; your altruism could be more effective if you use your head instead of your heart."
"Just because somebody is far away doesn't mean they matter less."
"You should always help more people if you can, and the consequences of your donation matter."
"He decided that he wanted to dedicate his life to doing good for the world."
"Effective altruism is basically asking yourself the fundamental question: how can I do the most good for the world?"
"My life should be consumed with doing good for others because that's what my heart loves most."
"It's not about you; it's about the mission; it's not about you; it's about them."
"Altruism, generosity, solidarity, and civic spirit...are more like muscles that grow stronger with exercise."
"Serving others and helping others with your skills and strengths is the greatest thing you can do."
"If business is done right, it is in fact the best form of altruism."
"Altruism is the belief in or practice of disinterested and selfless concern for the well-being of others."
"Do your best, that's it. Just choose to be your best. In my opinion, if you could do that, then you did not only yourself a favor, you did the world your favor."
"It was extremely meaningful to me to do something and to make up my mind to be a force for good."
"This is leading to innovative new approaches to doing good which are redefining notions of altruism."
"Why would you wish for even more of the usual toys? We can give more to the orphanage."
"Mamadou's faith led him to this act of super altruism."
"If one's goal in life is to be a force for good in the world, the best way to accomplish that goal is by making as much money as possible for the purpose of giving it away to others, specifically the poor."
"The circle of altruism has broadened from the family and tribe to the nation and race, and we are beginning to recognize that our obligations extend to all human beings."
"What's important is... it's about your legacy... it's about helping people along the way."
"It's important to be selfless and care for others."
"It doesn't matter if the person is a Muslim, an atheist, a Jew, or a Christian or Buddhist. If they are benefiting from that clear road because I helped them out with that, there is a reward for me in that."
"In Islam, I receive the reward for helping you with that...because Islam has taught me that I will get a reward for helping humanity."
"Minnesotans come together, they're there to help their neighbors, they're there to do the right thing."
"The person that you were started to shine through, and you helped her out. I think your altruism is absolutely genuine, and it's part of what makes you amazing."
"You're using your gifts to help other people this year."
"Focus on your own happiness instead of always trying to make everyone else happy."
"Sometimes the most selfish thing you can do is to be cooperative, altruistic, helpful, nice, be a good friend, be a reliable respectful person with a good reputation."
"Making what makes me happy is seeing my people happy, and knowing I did it."
"Working to benefit society maximizes individual happiness."
"Most people are genuinely interested in providing helpful information."
"What we need is the help others industry. There's an entire section of the bookshop called self-help and there's no section in the bookshop called help others."
"Our natural inclination as humans is to help others."
"I'm doing that for legacy, I'm doing that for karma, I'm doing it 'cause it's the right thing to do."
"I am in a situation where I have the opportunity to minimize unnecessary suffering in such a way that there is practically no skin off my back. To me, that is almost the definition of a moral obligation."
"You got to pay it forward, you got to help other people."
"Maria introduced herself as the caretaker of this church. It was a place that she set up to be an orphanage for the kids whose parents were adventurers that died in the dungeon."
"In this life, we are not given to know what we need for ourselves but given to know what other people need."
"Be generous. It's better to give than to receive."
"I use money to better my life and the lives of others."
"Sometimes the best way to solve your own problems is to help someone else."
"Thank you, my brother. We're about to go on a secret journey. This journey will be good for all people."
"If you're able to love a child that's not yours... you deserve to be recognized."
"Altruism is a thing, and it's something that we should all encourage."
"The real research on happiness, aka fulfillment, is focusing your time and your resources on your relationships and friends, on giving, and on how you make the world a better place."
"Helping other people is like nitrous to your journey."
"Find a way to serve your community or serve the planet or serve people in need."
"The key to true purpose is serving those that serve others."
"I believe we're a blessed nation that is therefore have a sense of responsibility to the extent we can to help others."
"It's an awesome country and by the way, how awesome is it a country where taxpayers contribute to save the lives of total strangers like in Africa or for young men and women to go liberate 50 million people so they have a chance to live in peace while we're defending our own security."
"You can't help everyone if you're not helping yourself."
"The greatest sense of purpose and meaning we can have in our lives is to serve those who serve others."
"We're all put here to do, in our own way, is to help other people."
"It's better to give than it is to receive because giving starts the receiving process."
"How are you making the world better... with this action?"
"The soul lives not for itself, but only for the love and glory of God."
"I want you to be ambitious not just for yourself but for the world."
"When you pay attention, pay attention to people who can't pay you back."
"The smallest of deeds can become magnificent if done for the sake of Allah."
"You are not enough, but you still can do great things. They may not bring you glory; they may even bring you pain and suffering, but if you put the good of others before your own needs and wants, you will find true and lasting happiness."
"Humility is not thinking less of yourself; it's just thinking of yourself less."
"You genuinely want to see other people succeed."
"I care more about the success of humanity than I do about personally gaining resources."
"The true meaning of wealth in life and I hope that's the return of me living my life as a people pleaser, being positive and smiling to make people feel appreciated."
"Love is commitment. Love is when you do things for other people even when you don't feel like it."
"Your research is devoted towards helping people; you're an educator who's obviously motivated by the desire to teach young people."
"Whenever you do an act and you give, I feel like there is some type of intangible nature that is inherent to the way the world works."
"I feel that my role on this planet, if I have one, is to try and help people with their lives, to live longer, healthier, and more productively."
"Sacrifice is the highest good and the only reason that our culture has survived... because they understood that the free sacrifice of self for something greater is the greatest good that we can have."
"She was always described as a caring person, someone who would drop everything to lend a helping hand."
"You cannot do all the good that the world needs, but the world needs all the good that you can do."
"Let's focus on the places where you can do the most good rather than the places where it makes us feel the best about ourselves."
"The more you take care of yourself, the better position you are to help people in the future or even to help people now."
"Life's most persistent and urgent question is: What are you doing to help other people?"
"Find somebody worse off than you are and help them."
"Don't ask how can I make money, ask how can I help... if you ask how can I help you'll make a lot more money. But money is not the goal, the mission is."
"The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few."
"Our nature wants to be aligned with connection and generosity and giving because our bodies will tell us that."
"It's what you do for people you love in this life that really matters."
"Working on myself is the most loving thing I can do for other people."
"Life should not be about you; it should be about what you can do for other people."
"We have been culturally raised with the collective philosophy that encourages and practices to help one another."
"To discover your own completeness in Christ frees you to turn your attention away from yourself to others."
"I'm more focused on how do we work together to alleviate that suffering."
"Humility is not thinking less of yourself; it's thinking of yourself less."
"We want society as a whole to be better because it benefits all of us."
"As we get our house decluttered and simplified, I feel like it frees up our time and energy, so that then we can think about helping other people."
"I wanted to offer education to people who were unable to afford it."
"I've always been interested in helping people."
"I did the most I could to leave the world a better place than I found it."
"Love means willing the good of the other as other."
"It's times like this where the people who can help out are incredibly valuable."
"Altruism and serving and helping others actually activates healing mechanisms in our body."
"I want to decide on good things, making people feel better, giving them good long-term solutions."
"Help people... any kind of way I can help somebody make somebody feel better."
"Gratitude cuts away all that, and the mind that is concerned about other people's happiness is a really bright mind."
"Life becomes much more expansive when it's not about me and my wants and what's happening to me, but about how I can help other people."
"We need to see even more action like this going forward because this is a time to think about each other, not about the bottom line."
"The way the human mind is wired, for you to really get something out of what you're doing, it's got to serve not only yourself but other people."