
Simplicity Quotes

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"The higher we go up the ladder, the more simple things get. If you're looking at the pillars, structure of self, function of self, you're creating the agency and gratitude, then what are you looking for when you're looking for a partner... a match in generative drive."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"It's all lies. Back to nature, the only truth."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"But I also know that when you're trying to solve really complicated problems, the more you can simplify the better."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Often, we're looking for something that's really complex that we have to pay for, that requires discipline...and it really isn't. It's lots of these like little micro moments isn't it?"
"Eat real, whole food. Start there. For some people, that's enough."
"Simplicity is indeed the truest form of sophistication."
"You just need one thing, one concept, one model, and you can be profitable."
"Big problems don't necessarily require big solutions."
"Spirituality is what's called transcendent to mind, but that's not shouldn't be a mystical word. It's very simple. We make it complicated. It's very, very simple. You are aware that you have thoughts. There, that's it. That's how simple spirituality is."
"It's easy to love it when you're playing good."
"This season, I'm not overthinking it. I'm just making things that make me happy."
"Life is so much more enjoyable when you're not doing enjoyable things because that forces you to be present."
"When you're alone doing things you're supposed to be doing, you're not doing super stimulating fun activities, when you actually go have fun, it's 10 times more enjoyable."
"Nature with its simple but harsh presence does not deceive... nature is sincere, it's neither for nor against us."
"What you need is more focus, and in order to have more focus in your life, you need to be able to enjoy and derive enjoyment from just the simple things."
"Your world building doesn't even have to be like complicated. Perfect example: Owl House. To make a spell, you need to make a circle. Bigger the circle, bigger the spell. Super easy, consistent rule."
"Enjoying the simple things in life allows you to appreciate the moments more fully."
"A good model is supposed to be simple, conceptually insightful, and empirical consistent."
"Step outside and take a breath of fresh air."
"If you figure out what to eat, you don't have to worry about how much; you don't have to count fat grams, carbs, calories, nothing."
"If you make the behavior change tiny enough, it's very easy to repeat and make that become a habit."
"When it comes to long-term change, there's only two ways you can get it done: You can change your environment...or you make the behavior tiny."
"Plant a tiny seed in the right spot, and it will grow without coaxing."
"All you have to do is be aware and notice, and that's sufficient for change."
"You could try that as a weird actionable step... just leave your phone, take your house key, and just go for a walk with nothing to distract you."
"Buying myself a really expensive piece of jewelry is fine, but what I really want is just to like feel like I treated myself a little bit and see something pretty, and I can accomplish that just as well with a bunch of flowers."
"It's not about the cookie; it's about the connection."
"The beautiful part about being honest is that you don't have to hide anything."
"For every complex problem, there is a solution that is simple, clear, and wrong."
"It's simple, low cost investing, the stuff I talk about in my book. Automate it. Move on with your life."
"Happiness is... very simple events minus expectations."
"My dad's only rule every day was if he woke up, he was happy."
"She chose to be with me when all I had to offer was myself."
"Go find somebody now who's doing worse than you and help them in a very simple way."
"Intuition cuts through the thicket, declutters our lives, our minds."
"Simplicity and optimizing for simplicity when it comes to what you derive your sense of meaning and happiness from in life, if you start there and then win and capture the entire world, that's a fantastic bonus on top."
"If you want more tranquility, more happiness, you have to do less."
"If you want more happiness in your life, start by removing complexity, particularly unnecessary complexity."
"Very little is needed for the happy life; it's all within yourself."
"Wealth is not having many possessions; it's having few wants."
"Meditation is a mental technique that's easy to do, effortless, yet supremely profound."
"What I am going to do... is make calculus look like one plus one."
"If you can't make it simple, you don't understand it well enough."
"The further faster I go, the crazier I get. The slower closer I am to my real life and grocery shopping and unloading the dishwasher and loving on people, the better I am."
"Why can't people just be like, 'Hey, I like you. Do you want to date? If it doesn't work out, stop dating.' I don't get it."
"There's water and there's love. What else do you need?"
"Taking away the obstacle of how to dress is a huge part of empowerment."
"Being able to simplify complex ideas is the best evidence that someone understands those ideas."
"The only thing that solves self-doubt is action. It's really that simple."
"The fewer things we try to do at the moment, the more productive we become."
"Drawing with these bright colors and just giving them faces and overall just keeping it very simple, bold, and colorful."
"Helping human beings is just okay to do and you don't need to optimize your ROI."
"Your life will get better...and I don't need a body data monitoring device to tell me that."
"Ray began his career riding bulls and bareback broncos, served two tours in Vietnam, but it was this simple country life where he felt most at home."
"This is a technique that's very, very simple but also incredibly powerful if you can apply it in your life."
"There's something just like freeing about having a tool that does exactly what it needs to do and nothing more."
"If you think about it long enough a light will go off in your head and it will become simple."
"The single simplest formula is doing things you like with people you like."
"We have the tendency of taking ourselves too seriously, and life is much simpler than that."
"Life is actually pretty simple, but we love to overcomplicate it."
"It's a surprise that if you let go of space-time, things become simple."
"The simpler it is for a common spectator to understand, the easier it is to pull them in and get invested."
"Once you're present and you experience things as they are, it's quite peaceful, it's quite effortless."
"Allow it to happen and it will. It's that simple."
"What is life if you can't have a cookie and a piece of cheese?"
"Confidence is the willingness to try. That's it."
"Prayer is the reason why I don't have all the distractions and clutter anymore."
"Go with your first option, your gut feeling. You don't have to overthink this. There really is no right or wrong answer."
"Clean your house. It just makes you feel better."
"A simple and peaceful life can often be the most rewarding."
"Sometimes, just turn your brain off and just laugh. It's fun to laugh sometimes."
"No is a complete sentence. You don't need to over-explain yourself."
"Better is a dry morsel, and quietness therewith, than a house full of sacrifices with strife."
"Losing weight in itself is literally calories in, calories out."
"So what is that-- what's the relationship and how did we even get here? Well, it turns out that computers are kind of simplistic, much like our hands here."
"Sometimes the most complicated problems actually have a simple solution, not necessarily easy but simple."
"When you feel prompted to do something simple, that's God."
"Sometimes you just get the book from the children's library and you learn it much quicker because it's essentially a summary."
"The quality of your life has more to do with what you remove from your life than what you add to it."
"Ah, farming games. What is it about them that makes us yearn for the fields? Maybe it's the desire for a simpler life, to possess true freedom and agency."
"Financial minimalism is all about taking a very simple, uncomplicated, and bare-bones approach to your finances, learning to live on less while still getting the same amount of joy as if you had spent more."
"Passion is simply energy. That's all that it is."
"How crazy is it that such a seemingly tricky problem ends up having such a simple solution?"
"If you could just get out of your own way, things would be very straightforward."
"We swarmed and we feasted upon the watermelon."
"The birds live simple lives. They strive for peace and prosperity."
"This is the part where he's really starting to talk to people like they're five, which was absolutely wonderful."
"What's understood does not need to be explained."
"Don't overthink it, just enjoy yourself. Just enjoy the moment."
"Transcendental Meditation is a very simple technique. It's simple not because it's simplistic or a beginner's meditation, but because there is elegant simplicity to the practice."
"Cocktails are sweets. They are treats. They are after and before dinner snacks. It's okay for it to be unassailably accessible and delicious."
"You want cheap thrills? Kindness is the cheapest thrill of all."
"The first time I used Uber, I fell in love with the simple experience where I could get a car at the tap of a button. It seemed magical."
"Be the easiest person to deal with, and you'd be surprised how many problems it solves."
"There's a beauty and there's an intrigue to complexity, but too much complication and too much complexity does not make for more fulfilling or happier lives."
"Simplicity is about truth and simplicity is about values."
"Make sure you love your mommy and your daddy."
"Master your English introduction. It's so simple."
"Not everything has to be a bold message; sometimes, integrity lies in the little things."
"An idea is beautiful if it packages a huge amount of kind of power and information into something very simple."
"The problem with talking about simplicity and using simplicity as a guide is that it's very easy to fool yourself."
"This piece is about simplicity. Well, that looks quite nice. I'm proud of it."
"People buy with simplicity, and it also helps me as a communicator to kind of communicate that simplicity just in real time."
"Let's not make it more difficult than it has to be."
"This Pooh Bear mug makes me very happy. It's very cute and brings me joy."
"I'm loving minimal makeup... I'm loving minimal everything."
"Maybe less is more. Maybe the simple, typical mark can stand for everything that they're doing."
"The universe on the very largest scale almost looks as simple as an elementary particle."
"I believe we want to look for a unified picture of physics in which the universe basically is a small place and as simple as it could possibly be given the laws of physics."
"A good logo...needs to be appropriate...distinctive and memorable...and simple."
"The game is opposed to child for simplicity, all the way down to the way the blocks were created. The low graphics and block-like textures give off the vibe of retro simplicity."
"The most obvious change is a focus on simplicity, rather than a garish, ostentatious display of wealth."
"The most powerful people are the ones who have less history; they're not dragging the quintessential baggage around with them."
"The simplicity is a big reason why I think people love the Cherokee today."
"You can't get in one of these and not remember when things were simpler."
"I love flashlights. I like being able to see."
"The simplest explanation is always the most likely."
"I think morality reduces to human well-being."
"Morality is easier than it's often made. That's about getting over these metaphysical humps."
"In terms of writing, nothing quite beats a pencil in terms of reliability."
"Simplicity is one of the hardest things to master, and that goes for everything in life."
"Sometimes, the simplest approach is the most effective."
"Life is better simple, but life is even better weird. So remember to stay simple but stay weird, fam."
"Life is counterintuitive and sometimes the easy life is actually the hard life, and the hard life is actually the easy life."
"With Google Chrome OS, we again focus on three things. It will be familiar to you by now since Chrome is the foundation of what we are doing here. It's speed, simplicity and security."
"Entities should not be multiplied beyond necessity."
"Truth is ever to be found in simplicity and not in the multiplicity and confusion of things."
"Nature loves simplicity and unity, and often a single cause will produce many effects."
"You just gotta think about what makes you happy and do that, dude."
"When you tell the truth, it's a two-step process: remember the truth, tell the truth. That's it. It's very simple."
"What gives life its meaning if not a smile? Tell them, Elliot."
"Don't work on conditions; we need only to work on ourselves."
"What gives a life its meaning if not a smile?"
"You know what I respect? People who can carry around a water bottle in general."
"Just enjoy things. Just stop looking for politics in everything."
"Math is not racist, math is not sexist, math doesn't care if your parents are cray-cray; math is just math."
"Keep it player, keep it player. It don't cost no more to keep it player."
"My entire job is simple: I make fun videos to entertain you guys, and then you guys enjoy them. The end."
"Learn how to be happy when you have nothing."
"The dads on the bus go, 'I love you,' all through the town."
"Baa, baa, black sheep, have you any wool? Yes sir, yes sir, three bags full."
"Nature is simple, nature is aesthetic, nature works with a minimal number of variables to produce the maximum number of phenomena."
"I'm just happy to be here, as simple as that."
"I think the far majority of people overthink shit."
"Laughing and crying, that's all you actually get."
"There was no distractions, no activity to do. It was just Dave, my mom, and me, from three different generations, spending long, slow time together."
"Make your bed. It's a simple task, but it sets you up for success by creating pride and confidence in yourself."
"Our very first objective is much more simple, and that is simply to survive."
"You don't have to have some magnificent talent or ability or skill to help people; you have to be you."
"You cannot stop at the high level, and you can't do what a lot of people do, which is they waffle. You need to be able to state what your goal is in a single sentence with no commas, parentheticals, run-ons. It needs to be a very simple and direct goal."
"I didn't want to own a house anymore and I didn't want to have any worries to look back on. I just wanted to be able to really focus and be in the present moment."
"Transparency in asset declaration is the simplest way to tackle corruption."
"There's something to be said for simplicity and minimalism, especially in footwear."
"I never thought just cardboard trees would make me so happy, but they have. I'm in a whimsical forest."
"You don't need to shut everything down to have a good time; sometimes, it's about finding joy in the chaos."
"If you really understand that science, it leads to really simple, obvious, concrete solutions."
"Peral doesn't care what his name is though and just calls him a friend."
"The most meaningful relationships allow you to just be yourself, without effort or pretense."
"The mix of emotions turned into a simple and pure laughter."
"Looking at that giant stream of sliders and values there doesn't exactly look easy, but honestly, what you see is what you get. It's one of the most simple parts of Blender."
"It's super easy and quick, and it's such a beautiful Christmas tree."
"I just sat on a bench with a can of Coke and thought, thank God."
"I had to use my robe for a pillow last night because I felt like reaching for the other pillows... that's crazy."
"Choose no more than two words and/or a number."
"He valued honesty and those who lived simple lives 'cultivating their gardens,' as he famously put it in his satirical novel Candide."
"Repairing the damage of aging is likely to be much easier than stopping it from happening in the first place."
"I don't call it meditation anymore just because it's so convoluted. I call it sitting in love."
"Dream big, don't get confused by the little details. Just dream big and continue moving forward."
"Addressing the problem of evil, people who put forward easy solutions probably haven't thought very hard about the problem."
"I'm very simple like that. I love Checkers. You can play a good game of Checkers."
"Physical activity is key; just count the steps. 10,000 steps a day is enough to transform your metabolic state."
"As we get our house decluttered and simplified, I feel like it frees up our time and energy, so that then we can think about helping other people."
"Like why do we need to make eating so complicated?"
"Your thoughts create your reality. If you can control your mind, you control your reality. Simple as that."
"Neither seek nor avoid. Few activities, few possessions, a minimalistic life."
"Most people are tied up in knots; their life takes endless management and sorting out. Take action."
"It's simple, it's effective, easy to remember."
"Sometimes it's good to just be happy, and sometimes it's good to just make a YouTube video."
"To live in a cabin in the wilderness, it just doesn't get any better than this, in my opinion."
"Focus on one thing at a time. Don't overwhelm yourself."
"If you want to experience a more beautiful life, it's just removing what's in the way of you already experiencing that."
"Everything you want is already here. What you have to do is subtract it."
"It is utterly unique and beautiful in its simplicity."
"The three F's are: Fix it, Farm it out, or Forget it."
"It's honestly so simple and after testing them out for a little while, I'm thoroughly impressed."
"Problems are often very complex, but I think the solutions are often very simple."
"It's like freshly squeezed organic watermelon and water."
"Man evolves outward to the periphery of complexity and then involves back to the central simplicity."
"I don't think problems are simple at all; in fact, I think problems are often very complex, but I think the solutions are often very simple."
"I want to be like you. I had a phase where I wanted to be like Steve Jobs, have one thing that I wear every day, like SpongeBob."
"If a message has value, it has to be simple, understandable, and repeatable."
"It didn't matter as long as Sora was healthy and growing."
"What the point here is that Doug says why cooties, and the response is, it could have been anything; the kids just needed something to tease Jack about."
"It's the deception of the enemy to cause us to think we have to have a seminary degree... to hear from God."
"I think that they would want me because I'm fit, I'm fun, I'm flirty, I'm beautiful, I have no children, and I'm agreeable."
"Why not go to the smallest unit of measurement and try to optimize it? Life is made up of days."
"It's a circle for Japan and a circle for sushi, and it's got a lot of components to it, yet it's very easy for me to read and understand what's going on."
"The Amish diet reflects their values of simplicity, modesty, and self-sustainability."
"An Amish home is expected to be a reflection of the family's values, and keeping it clean is seen as a reflection of the family's commitment to living a life of simplicity and humility."
"History is often cruel in its reductiveness."