
Partnership Quotes

There are 23292 quotes

"The higher we go up the ladder, the more simple things get. If you're looking at the pillars, structure of self, function of self, you're creating the agency and gratitude, then what are you looking for when you're looking for a partner... a match in generative drive."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"In a relationship, everyone prefers to admire their partner. So, find some avenue to do that."
"The man you choose to be your partner affects everything in your life: your mental health, your peace of mind, your love inside you, your happiness, how you get through tragedies, your successes, how your children will be raised, and much more. Choose wisely."
"You've got to be a partner; you've got to pull your weight. This is a team."
"You don't just find the perfect relationship; you find a really good partner, and then both of you work together on making a really good relationship."
"The most important decision that you're going to make in your entire life is who you're spending the rest of your life with."
"Men and women are better together than they are apart."
"Someone becomes the one by what we build with them."
"When both partners prioritize their own growth, it contributes to the overall growth of the relationship."
"Love isn't about finding the right person; it's about finding the person that you want to make it right with."
"I never knew that I could be in a relationship where I could actually have a bond and a best friend in someone, outside of just being an accessory."
"This partnership between Elon Musk and YouTube is not just a collaboration but also a signal to the world that the future of digital content is about to get a major upgrade."
"My husband is perfect for me. He's my biggest supporter. He makes me feel complete."
"Marriage has a different kind of math; it's not 1/2 plus 1/2 equals 1, it's 1 times 1 equals 1."
"Submission isn't an issue when you respect and see the hard work your partner is putting in."
"If you lead me properly, I'll submit naturally. It's about seeing the effort and being inspired by it."
"Marriage is not something that's 50/50. A partnership works when you can carry their 20, or they can carry your 20."
"We want everything. We want a partner to be an entire community: my best friend, my trusted confidant, my passionate lover, my intellectual equal, my co-parent."
"Marriage is nothing sacred, it's just a piece of paper if the person that you're with isn't helping you grow."
"Love is not about being loved; it's about building and creating together."
"It's not about calling the moving company; it's about can you be an equal contributing partner in the relationship."
"These materials are used in cutting-edge carbon fiber research. The Houston Methodist Research Institute is very excited about having the opportunity to partner with other industries to perform research that otherwise could not be performed anywhere else."
"You guys would have a pretty awesome relationship."
"May Allah grant you a spouse that will be the coolness of your eyes, who will be your partner as you strive for the pleasure of Allah."
"A high quality woman makes the quality of a man's life so much more better."
"It's the growing sense of always doing it in partnership with one another, and that goal of how we're actually going to establish human presence on another planet."
"I feel a lot of you are gonna become very committed to some sort of creative endeavor or creative partner that helps you enhance your creativity."
"You don't find your partner; you choose your partner."
"It's not you versus me, it's both of us against it."
"Behind a successful man, what's behind them? A successful, beautiful woman. Not even behind, side to side."
"Despite everything stacked against me, the Machamps, the critical hits, the fact I'm trying to be a Milkman in the 21st century, me and Milly tank have become the strongest."
"There is going to be a very significant friendship or romantic partnership that is blossoming in your life within the next three to six months."
"Since day six, He's done nothing else in the earth unless He does it in partnership with a man or a woman. That's how much God respects the laws He put in place."
"The purpose of marriage is partnership, unifying worlds and basically essentially helping each other to grow."
"Peacekeeping is first and foremost a partnership."
"God by his grace has chosen to partner with you and me in co-creating the life he ordains for us."
"The universe is your partner, so what do you desire to manifest right now?"
"This is a soulmate. This is your other half."
"You don't want to walk ahead of them, and you certainly don't want to walk behind them; you want to walk hand-in-hand with them."
"I still retain 100% rights and creative freedom and ownership on my show, but like they're an incredible partner."
"It's like your life is amazing as an individual, but when you get the right purpose partner and the two of you come together for real, it 10x is your life."
"This is the most important decision that you can make in your life, who you decide to spend your life with."
"Listen to your partner more than listening to us. They're the ones that are going to guide you, tell you what they like, and communicate with you what kind of a relationship they want."
"How would it feel to have a partner who could hold the fire of you as your hottest burning star and turn it into the warmth of a smile and a laugh?"
"There's a huge partnership coming in for you in your career."
"You're the greatest and strongest partner I could ask for."
"In partnership with NASA, Starship will serve as the lander to put the first Artemis astronauts on the Moon."
"When you are in a healthy relationship, you feel as if your partner has your back."
"I thanked my wife for taking care of our kids and working multiple jobs to pay for my education."
"Successful relationships are acts of co-creation."
"My wife, Jessica, you've been there to assist me through every single project... Thank you, honey, you mean the world to me."
"The most important decision you will ever make in your life is your decision to become a father and the woman that you have children with."
"A relationship should not just be surviving; it should be thriving."
"A new passionate beginning with a soulmate, divine partner, or twin flame is manifesting."
"Ask for their advice, and you get a partner."
"My maturity is connected to her imperfection."
"I'm the director of the Federal Bureau of Control. We're in this together, you and I."
"You've got to have the solidarity of loyalty and support of your partner, working both ways."
"You're looking cute today... You're just so hardworking, you are the perfect candidate for a partner."
"You want to find someone that is just as happy as you; you can be independently."
"Selfless, loving, non-forceful nurturing leadership from the husband and voluntary, loving submission from the wife, both acting in love and service to God."
"There's nothing like finding a good running mate that pushes you."
"I don't like the tone of 'I kicked her out of my house.' We are married. We are a team. This is our house."
"You both bring energy equally and you have respect and honor for each other."
"What people do in relationships that really work well is they feel like they're building something, something beyond just the two of them."
"My views on gender are very simple. I think that we're slightly different, but together we're ultimately powerful."
"People just want to feel like their partner has their back, respects them, cares for them, prioritizes them."
"We fought side by side in battles; we should trust each other in love, right?"
"It's all about balance in a relationship, right?"
"Success to me as a married woman is being in a home where my husband I can carry him literally on my head, and he is like my prize Jewel."
"You are bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh; you add new meaning, new purpose, and new vision to this thing called life."
"What makes you a man want to marry you? What do you bring to a man's life that money can't buy?"
"Relationships should be about an agreement between two people, becoming the best versions of themselves."
"She is comfort to her man's mind, she is comfort to his body, and she is comfort to his spirit."
"A good marriage, like or even a good friendship, is something that you develop over time. It's like building a project together."
"You have to remember that right, like a relationship, a good marriage, or even a good friendship is something that you develop over time. It's like building a project together."
"High-fiving your own reflection can shift your relationship with yourself, building a sense of partnership and trust."
"The VTA functions in close partnership with a different brain structure called the nucleus accumbens."
"We couldn't have done it without you for the past, what now, nearly two decades."
"Under Xi, China has continued to deepen its relationship with Russia, even as it wages a war on the European continent."
"The dynamic between the two was, arguably, one of the most iconic tandems in wrestling history."
"When everybody else lets you down... it's going to be your woman that holds you down."
"A woman is... your most loyal partner and advocate."
"It does feel like we just started, but it also feels like we've been doing this forever, but in a good way."
"The way I look at a relationship is that you're both running the same race separately...you're more likely to succeed if you are at similar stages and levels."
"Marriage is not about romantic fulfillment alone; it's about partnering for something beautiful."
"Getting married is realizing that my wife is way more significant than just a wife. She becomes a partner, a confidante, the calming factor in my life."
"You're with your partner because they complement your life, not because they support your life."
"I don't want to get behind anyone. I want to live my life alongside someone and so does my partner."
"You never have to worry about me ditching you and upgrading to a younger version of you. That's not my scene. I want to know what it looks like to build a life together."
"Without him, you cannot; but without you, he will not."
"Man, I appreciate my wife having a servant's heart and going to the Dollar General for me."
"They see you as their ultimate partner...you make them feel like the best they've ever felt about themselves."
"Taiwan is an extremely crucial partner and an important friend with which it shares fundamental values."
"Melinda is a great person, and that partnership we had coming to an end is a source of great personal sadness."
"Finding an actual partner is like finding somebody that fits you right."
"If you have a man, even if you think he's a half of a man, take care of him, insha'Allah, and be grateful to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala."
"You need to feel related and connected to your partner."
"You are going to partner up with someone very soon."
"I often call her AJ version 3...we've had to make the conscious decision to love and partner with the new version of the person that is emerging."
"I want somebody who feels more like a partner than like a servant to me."
"Partnership is one of the most important things. If you say you have 100 energy and if she or he has 100 energy, if it's multiplied it becomes 10,000."
"Man should be your best friend. Y'all gotta be best friends."
"We want traditional outcomes, we want marriage, we want a happy family and structure, but we want modern, we want partnership and equality."
"Rupture and repair: There will always be ruptures, and how you repair it together is the biggest predictor of whether a relationship is going to be successful."
"Marriage is legal, it's financial, but it's also love. You're a team in every way."
"For me, it's the friendship. This is my boy, this is my homie, this is my life partner."
"Marriage is one of those things where you're committing to something bigger than yourself."
"You need two healthy people to make a healthy relationship."
"I think it's important to kind of understand what your partner's interests are and maybe take an interest in them to some degree."
"We are partners with the Creator. He has the need, and He blesses the needs within us."
"In a healthy mature relationship, you should be perfectly fine with doing more for your partner than they do for you."
"Once you find a partner, it gives meaning to your life. As a civilization, humanity needs to find another civilization out there, and then the universe will be meaningful. It would not be pointless anymore."
"You can actually have both whenever you have a man secure in who they are and y'all can run the race right beside each other."
"Two hearts dedicated to creating something wonderful. Kindred spirits. Don't give up on those you love."
"This is a very beautiful partnership when working together."
"The first battle where Conroy and his wife are fighting side-by-side."
"Behind every strong man is a stronger woman."
"Marriage was never meant to be done just between two people. God was always supposed to be the cornerstone in the center of the relationship."
"A lot of people think about that sort of thing, how you can learn, how you can evolve as a parent and as a partner."
"Dreams coming true... it's going to be something that the two of you are excited about."
"Marriage is not intended to be a game; it's intended so that you can find a partner, someone to do life with, side by side, shoulder to shoulder. That's what being equally yoked is."
"This relationship will be beneficial for both parties."
"She's my soul mate and my wife, my everything in this whole world. I would be lost without her."
"In every relationship, there should be 'you, me, and we.'"
"You need to become a freaking soul mate to yourself, and then that way, you're going to be a soul mate to somebody else as well."
"We're training the mind to know itself fully and therefore to be able to be in the world as partners with the capacities that constitute us."
"We're announcing that we're partnering with the largest car company in the world, Volkswagen, to revolutionize the future of cars."
"I love a true partnership. I really enjoy when a couple works together really well and they feel like a genuine team."
"A wise man, an intelligent man, would like to have an intelligent partner."
"When you get married, that's what you're promising to do, you're promising to figure it out together."
"Why shouldn't we both contribute when we're able to? I want to be an individual person who happens to share her life with a man."
"Figuring out like a fair and equitable distribution of roles in a household is really important."
"Just do the freaking dishes and say, 'Hey, my wife is tired; she's watching the kid right now. I want her to sleep a little longer. It's no big deal.'"
"Real love is sacrificial service and the delight you increasingly find in someone that you've invested your life in."
"One life spent with you is all that I could wish for."
"What sort of partner do you want? Do you want an overgrown child, or do you want someone to contend with?"
"We don't find our partner; you choose your partner."
"This is the woman that together we're going to build an empire. I need a partner that we are aligned, in sync, and we have each other's back."
"We built this all of us. This woman got down in that foxhole with me and turned this into something."
"Marriage is a business decision. A successful marriage can be extremely fruitful; a bad marriage can be extremely painful."
"You are going to reach the full potential of your destiny with this business partner or with your romantic partner."
"God does his part and then you have to do your part."
"Orihime gets her big character arc moment where she's like, 'I can finally fight alongside Ichigo. I'm no longer a burden.'"
"You guys have a common interest or a common goal, makes it even more solid."
"Relationships are not 50/50; relationships are whatever I have and whatever you got, and we'll meet somewhere in the middle."
"They're willing to sacrifice, and they are on the same page, and that is the most important thing."
"You're going to attract a partnership you truly want... someone that matches up with your values, your goals."
"Justice: They see you as someone who balances them out, their perfect counterpart."
"We had the same appointment and we were 100% on the same page. Let's move forward with this." - Magi Pinto.
"When you and your partner are financially aligned, then you're both rowing in the same direction, and life becomes way more fun."
"Vasectomy is seen as a sacrifice that eases the burden of contraception responsibility from women and is often associated with gender equality."
"Finding the right partner is not going to happen overnight."
"What's at stake in a marriage is a shared life."
"One of the greatest ways you can acknowledge a man is by honoring his path and purpose by giving him the space to pursue it."
"The decision to transfer funds seized from Russian oligarchs to Ukraine marks a strong partnership between the United States and Ukraine, driven by a shared determination to decry Russian aggression and support Ukraine's resilience."
"Tightly holding each other by the hand, Samantha and Eddie step forward into a new world."
"Interdependence means that we can make each other feel things together that we can't necessarily feel on our own."
"The real struggle in a relationship is balancing both [fear of abandonment and fear of being smothered] because you have two people experiencing each of those fears."
"Behind every great man, there is a great woman."
"It's critical that your partner always feels like you're going to be there for them."
"In this life's delightful play, I choose you each and every day. To laugh, to love, to live and dream, together we're a perfect team."
"The biggest decision you're going to make in life, other than your faith, is the person that you spend your life with."
"You're no longer just my partner, you're my soul mate, and that soul mating is the pinnacle of expectations that we bring to modern love."
"We've made all kinds of new connections, so I still want that, but I also want you to be my best friend, my confidant, my great lover, and my intellectual equal."
"Having the right woman by your side, that's very sweet. It's the force multiplier that can take you further than you thought you could go."
"The archaic mind understood and perceived that nature is a living intelligent entity with which we are in partnership, not set against."
"The quality of the marriage has everything to do with what happens between us."
"Ash and Greninja look to one another in acknowledgment that they must master this power and not give up on each other."
"I have been very encouraged by the conversations that I've been having with my counterparts across the provinces and territories."
"Give your relationship a chance, work on the partnership."
"Needing to develop our resources needs to happen in partnership in a nation-to-nation basis with First Nations."
"How about you and me team up, get the staff off them, and then you and me become the kings of this."
"Your union might be about creating balance with your partner, balancing your person out, or having some sort of purpose together where you guys are some sort of power couple."
"We partnered with Yale University...to create a curriculum. The goal is to educate America from an early stage."
"We fight about stuff just like anybody does, but I think the glue for us has been our faith."
"Your wife shapes you, and you shape her, and that makes you both better people."
"Good partnerships are made from equal amounts of positivity."
"I need you more than ever. I need your hand in this resistance."
"Andrew Yang has partnered with Jack Dorsey to donate $250 to twenty thousand dollars to individuals and families in need."
"Libras want a partner, they don't want a leader, they don't want a follower, they want someone that knows how to be a team player."
"I wouldn't be the woman I am today without him."
"The most important decision you'll make is who you decide to partner with."
"They really felt like when you guys were together, they're like, 'I can conquer anything because I have [you] beside me, on my side.'"
"They really see that you guys are like soul mates, two peas in a pod."
"I'm trying my hardest for me. I joined this partnership; both people contribute different things to life to make it better together than it would be separate."
"The better half of me is my amazing wife Abby rose."
"You're a magnet to love and attract your perfect partner at the right time."
"You are ready to share your life with your soulmate."
"This connection is challenging the both of you."
"I think immediately they saw you as somebody very solid that they would want to build something with."
"Never look at anyone else as competition. That's why I always say, 'It's my sparring partner, like thank you for pushing me to be better, without competing.'"
"This person will support any goals and dreams that you do have."
"Life dropped an epic husband, the rarest of its loot table, and I was lucky enough to win the need roll."
"They could be starting to wake up to what a beautiful future you guys could have put together, what you could build together."
"You deserve a fair and balanced connection and somebody who's going to grow with you, somebody that's going to be your counterpart."
"Despite its billions of dollars in revenue and even a partnership with Amazon, it would ultimately declare bankruptcy and disappear completely by 2011."
"In a healthy relationship... parenting really can be that moment when you really get to the top of the mountain together."
"Healthy relationships are made up out of healthy individuals."
"The health indicators have improved and we're just this is part of a partnership to try to accelerate those. We're very optimistic."