
Healthy Relationships Quotes

There are 251 quotes

"A healthy relationship is, of course, one where agency and gratitude doesn't mean like, we're happy about everything, right? If there's something negative and we can change that, then we don't feel happy about that. The sense of gratitude in me makes me more likely to feel that I can change that, right? Or to take the chance of trying to change that."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"I try to speak more and more about healthy relationships, although that's definitely an area that I need to learn more about myself as well."
"Every healthy relationship has the same core ingredients: kindness, compassion, patience, mutuality of regard, reciprocity, and respect."
"Creating boundaries is essential in healthy relationships because they provide the foundation for your expectations, behavior, and how you communicate with others."
"The complete cessation or end of pathological caretaking. The relationships that they have are mutually loving, respecting, and caring."
"It's important that you address your own needs not from a place of bitterness, not from a place of spite, not from a place of jealousy, but from a place of wanting this connection to be strong."
"The only way you can create healthy love in your life starts with you."
"They are able to offer you that healthy love... They want to have something real and authentic."
"If you are at this level where you are beautiful and healthy, where you are able to love yourself, then you easily manifest somebody who is at the same level as you."
"I just think that I have so much more room in my life now for healthy relationships."
"If you are in a healthy relationship, you feel safe, nurtured, seen, heard, understood."
"When you are in a healthy relationship, you feel as if your partner has your back."
"In a healthy relationship, they will acknowledge those boundary violations and shift the behavior."
"Healthy relationships exist within boundaries, and boundaries have to be communicated."
"The greatest influence on a woman is a man, and the greatest influence on a man is a woman, at least a healthy man."
"It indicates a healthy connection, something really wholesome, something that feels really good where there's a really powerful balance exchange between you both."
"When people are in healthy relationships, they're able to see themselves as an individual. They don't enmesh or fuse with this other person."
"In order to achieve freedom, I believe we need to develop healthy relationships with those around us."
"Learn to love and respect yourself first so that you can attract the partner that you also deserve who respects you in the same way."
"Sometimes a healthy relationship can feel odd because it's lacking in drama."
"There's nothing more liberating than to experience a healthy man who you can trust enough to completely let go with."
"Communication is so important for a relationship to be healthy, for a relationship to flourish."
"A girl who does not play the victim, who takes responsibility, who apologizes... I think is a very big green flag."
"I can tell you from personal experience, this is true: You don't start living life truly until you understand the healthy relationships you can have with women."
"Self-love is the basis of all balanced and healthy human relations."
"Healthy relationships come from two people who are both coming from a place of health."
"Being an advocate for yourself is actually a healthy thing when it's funneled into the right thing and it doesn't happen at the expense of other people."
"No family is perfect... but there are healthy families out there that exhibit these qualities."
"Intuitive eating is about ditching the diet mentality and establishing a healthy relationship with all foods."
"It may help you function in a more healthy manner in your life and in your healthy relationships."
"To me the solution to the times is not to sort of shame masculinity. It's to really refine healthy masculinity."
"We're not looking for red flags, we're looking for good, healthy people who make us feel good."
"Anyone that loves you, anyone who is not a manipulator, anyone who is not gonna use guilt on you and shame you and blame you for why they're not getting what they want out of the situation, anyone that's healthy is not gonna do that."
"Even a healthy person, they may not like the answer and they may not have wanted to hear the no, but they're still gonna respect that the answer is no and they're gonna move on."
"Would you rather have your child grow up in a completely broken household or send a message that you're willing to fight for healthy love?"
"Some people just start to turn a different way or they have a different mindset as you or things just change and it's healthy."
"It's not about doing it non-traditionally, it's about doing it in a way that's truly healthy."
"A healthy partnership with a woman is when your masculinity and her femininity join together in a beautiful experience."
"Having really healthy loving caring relationships... where you want to have these really beautiful relationships with people and that you want to help people."
"You're better off with connections that truly love you."
"The best kind of relationship is two people who choose each other, not two people who need each other."
"A healthy relationship is built on two people respecting one another's triggers."
"That's the message of this video: we should love love, but only in the right way, devoid of the patriarchy and wholesome."
"Congratulations, you're ready for something nice and healthy."
"Anybody that wants a healthy relationship with you will respect your boundaries."
"It's very stable, emotionally healthy, and connected."
"A relationship should not be a prison of paranoia, it should be your own personal sanctuary."
"Interdependence is the healthy middle ground between independence and codependence. Be two people standing together, holding hands."
"I see boundaries as essential for healthy relationships and as necessary for your own self-preservation."
"Stay the [__] away from people that make you play games to keep them in your life."
"She wants someone who will work with her, collaborate with her, cooperate with her, not someone who will be manipulating her to do what he wants her to do."
"Fighting for a relationship looks like standing by someone in a healthy supportive way."
"People confuse passion with something toxic, but you can have passion and still feel safe and comfortable."
"He has no problem with respecting somebody else instead of having to be the alpha."
"I think that you do not need a sadistic and abusive relationship to be a whole and well-rounded and worthy person."
"I've never actually traveled the road that leads me to a healthy relationship."
"It's healthy and sort of supportive way that we are growing together."
"In reality romantic relationships that are healthy and secure are about co-regulation so they're about two people coming together and sharing the whole of themselves with each other."
"Life is a lot better when you don't surround yourself with people who don't want to be there."
"Everyone is very consent-focused, communication-focused, boundary-focused."
"A healthy person is never going to call you names."
"Only give your attention and energy to people who value and appreciate it and remove your attention from those who don't."
"Living apart is a choice, and I think that's healthy for them."
"The camaraderie was still there, like it was such a healthy work environment."
"To love someone is not to try to control their life, not to call someone derogatory names, and not to isolate them from their friends. That's not love."
"Healthy relationships don't include shaming someone who's asking you to take accountability."
"It's good that you walked away. That's what we want to hear more of—people walking away from toxic relationships."
"Each of you is valued... each of you deserves to be in loving and healthy and productive relationships."
"Partnership allows healthful supportive partnerships into your personal life and career."
"Healthy only dates healthy, damage is a decision."
"Communication is truly the key to any happy, healthy, successful relationship."
"Ultimately, self-love not only brings inner strength but also has a positive impact on the environment around you, helping you spread positivity and build healthy, supportive relationships."
"A twin flame connection is not based on narcissism, it's not based on cruelty or manipulation in any shape or form."
"The only way to love in a healthy way... is when your only dependency is on God."
"You can be happy and have that amazing magical connection and chemistry and fun and laughter with someone who doesn't abuse you."
"They're feeling this way but it's not in a really codependent desperate kind of way. It's not like a healthy way, like they just miss your presence kind of thing."
"Don't be afraid to leave because all that time you need to invest in yourself to take care of yourself, to find a hobby, to find a passion, and find strategies to meet healthier people."
"In healthy relationships, it's always a hundred percent."
"Setting and enforcing healthy boundaries is a sign of self-respect and creates a solid foundation for a healthy and balanced relationship."
"Approaching love as an opportunity for growth and connection fosters a healthy partnership."
"You can be that person, the healthy person who can spot another healthy person."
"Healthy love will motivate you to be your best, carry you through life's challenging moments, and make the beautiful ones even more beautiful."
"If you want a healthy connection, you have to be vulnerable and learn the balance between setting boundaries and opening up."
"Every relationship needs a little space from time to time."
"Creating healthy boundaries with people is crucial."
"The day this outperforms a 5950X, you're almost getting Threadripper performance here with better gaming."
"I attract healthy relationships. I speak my truth, I listen to understand another's truth."
"If you're dating somebody, you have to trust them. If you feel like you can't, then that's not a healthy relationship."
"Relationships are about a shared sense of commonality and love and empathy, not about trying to Gaslight and to trap somebody into being stuck with you."
"Boundaries just create a better space for us to love. They don't diminish love."
"Dating advice should promote healthy relationships, not manipulation tactics."
"Nobody who loves and cares about you is going to force you do anything you don't want to do, they're not gonna make you feel bad for common human errors, they're not going to police you, they're gonna accept you and have compassion."
"Allow yourself to express your feelings; it's essential for healthy relationships."
"You're no longer loving at the expense of yourself."
"Women deserve to be in a safe and healthy relationship."
"Standing up for yourself is critical, but ultimately you have to stand up to yourself in a healthy way."
"Healthy people are attracted to healthy people who are already happy by themselves."
"A healthy relationship is about choosing the person that allows you to be the best version of yourself you can be."
"Show vulnerability and emotion in ways that are healthy."
"Someone that fights fair, even when they're mad."
"Love is sticking by your side through thick and thin, and it's a healthy love this time."
"It's not an adult or healthy way to get these needs met."
"Trust is absolutely required in any healthy relationship."
"Thank you for changing me in a healthy way, thank you for making me better."
"Accepting and expressing a person's needs in healthy ways."
"Boundaries are ways of establishing a relationship without having expectations."
"What you see is what you get, they're healthy, they know how to communicate, they know what they want, they don't play games."
"You're not getting into relationships with other people from a place of like desperation or need but from a place of like hey I'm in a really good spot with myself."
"I might have to set a boundary which is something we could talk about because I love talking about boundaries."
"Don't follow people who make you feel bad about yourself."
"Having healthy boundaries clears up so much drama in our relationships."
"You deserve to attract beautiful relationships that make you feel safe and respected."
"Here's how you know a relationship is a good relationship for you: it makes you feel better about yourself, not worse."
"Support young black women who have a healthy dating life and aren't allowing themselves to get bogged down with these no good men for years at a time"
"A partnership that's not possessive rather empowering."
"Men have responsibilities and duties towards the women they are courting, dating, and wanting to marry. Get with a man that you genuinely love, respect, honor, and have a genuine connection with."
"Relationships should be healthy, happy, and safe."
"Disagreeing with someone is extremely healthy and important."
"Boundaries are how you create healthy genuine real relationships."
"Even if she is setting boundaries, even if she is saying 'you know that bothers me I really don't like that.' Like that's okay that's a healthy way of reacting."
"It's a very honest approach to really mending a situation in a healthy way."
"Boundaries don't mean I don't love you, they mean I'm going to love you and myself at the same time."
"It's healthy to set boundaries in relationships, expressing your needs... 'No' is a complete sentence."
"We really want to create the future of VR esports."
"There is nothing wrong with setting healthy boundaries. And in fact, when you set those healthy boundaries and people refuse to accept them, that's a red flag."
"Boundaries are not there to hurt the other person. They're there to protect you and the connection."
"Unconditional love does not entail accepting abusive behavior or anything that is harmful to you."
"Find somebody who adds to your happiness and doesn't take away from it, who supports you, loves you, encourages you. That's the type of love you want."
"Love is not pain, and beautiful love, healthy love, happy love, it's out here, it's real."
"Your love alone can be an example of what healthy love really looks like, especially in the era of superficiality."
"When you fix the problem within yourself, you will attract partners who aren't going to take too much from you or give too much to you."
"Healthy safe relationships are mutually respectful."
"Feeling solid and secure in who you are starts with being able to trust yourself. That's the foundation of any healthy relationship, including our relationship with ourselves."
"The relationships you want never require that you shut down or mentally flee the situation or give them all your power."
"A true healthy relationship, there is no 'I remember when we used to have it good.'"
"We should be teaching people how to get into healthy relationships."
"Once you start getting what you need from yourself and finding more satisfying relationships as a result of that, you stop being so interested in wooing these people who really are mostly in it for themselves."
"Know your worth and know that you deserve someone who's going to change for you and make an effort for you and heal for you and be there for you."
"I don't want to come across as though I am invalidating your feelings or your need for connection because I totally get it. When it's unhealthy and when it becomes an obsession it is not healthy for you or the person you're going to be in a relationship with."
"It's fine to desire marriage, but it's not good to idolize it."
"Healthy people can sense that they're looking for a bright cab light, they're looking for someone who is totally there, who's honest with themselves about what they want, who's mostly healed, you know nobody's perfect but they're free of past entanglements."
"Luca and Guilia’s romance is one of Pixar’s healthiest."
"Attachment was okay as long as it wasn't possessive or obsessive."
"You're not engaging in relationships that feel like fixer-uppers anymore."
"If you do come correctly, if you do show up in a healthy way, I'm all about it."
"Don't call us Pro-pornography, call us pro-healthy relationships."
"The congruent communication stance is the model for healthy communication."
"A healthy connection would never ask you to suppress your emotions."
"You deserve to be in relationships that don't make you miserable."
"But thankfully, I'm with much better people now. He never treated me anything like Harris did. He respected my boundaries, and he liked me just for me, baggage and all."
"Trust yourself, trust that you can go back out there and form healthy connections."
"You shouldn't want someone who really wants you. You shouldn't cling to someone who's trying to slip away."
"How do you deal with the Mean Girl type in your family in a healthy way?"
"You don't want to deal with any struggle love."
"The people that you begin to attract into your life will be healthy, whole people who will respect you because you respect yourself, who will love you because you love yourself."
"In healthy relationships, there's anticipation for the next meeting; in addiction, when you're away, it's just so painful."
"Know when to walk away from certain partnerships that are not necessarily healthy or good for you."
"Are we done pretending like hooking up with men... who are actively using us and actively don't have any an ounce of a shred of respect or care for us is empowering?"
"You want something he doesn't want, or even you think you're equally using one another. You think any of that [ _ ] is empowering or healthy? Let's throw out empowering, that is not healthy."
"The opposite happens; you'll become more secure, relationships are more likely to last or less codependent, they're much healthier."
"Evolved men crave a woman who has gotten complete closure over that toxic ex."
"Boundaries are a good thing and healthy boundaries are a good thing."
"You deserve to be in a relationship where you can have sex with no abuse."
"Was it a healthy relationship that you saw growing up?"
"Establishing healthy boundaries is what makes you more loving."
"A healthy connection is formed when two people are dealing with their stuff, their baggage, their trauma, their past burdens."
"Have hope that there are relationships out there that are healthy, not without resistance, not without suffering, but healthy."
"Have healthy relationships, those are some of the relationships that will sustain you even in marriage."
"I think there needs to be more highlight to people that are doing the healthy co-parenting situation because that's real."
"Beautiful thing when you do like you know going through that co-parent relationship in a healthy way."
"A healthy relationship enhances your life without trying to change the other person."
"Love should not hurt. Love does not come with pain. Love does not come with physical pain and emotional turmoil. It doesn't come with that consistently."
"My thing is, why do you have to go through so much struggle to prove it's love? Why can't you just love healthy?"
"Islam teaches us how to love in a healthy way."
"So basically, to have healthier boundaries, to treat that adult like the adult, to respect the feelings of the child, but to not cave in to them, but also ultimately to become a healthy adult themselves."
"As you grow into a healthier person, you invite other people around you to want some of that too."
"You can't force me to stay with you because that's not a healthy relationship."
"I will honor my needs, values, and emotions and create a safe place and empowering space where I can foster deep connections based on trust, respect, and mutual understanding."
"Healthy men actually respect you more when you properly vet them."
"You're trying to cut through the BS and want a healthy relationship for yourself."
"You also deserve someone who will challenge you, stand up to you, disagree with you, but never disrespect you."
"The good habit is one that enables you to focus all that need in an inner genuine sexual desire for another."
"Relationships based on dialogue, not manipulation, are what we need."
"Loving yourself is the first step really into having a healthy relationship with other people and with the world in general."
"You can still have a healthy relationship in society in the 21st century."
"Healthy relationships, one of the hallmarks is that you have a feeling of peace, that you have a feeling of ease."
"Communication, consent, and therapy."
"The most important thing that we can do for our children is show them the best representation of a healthy relationship that two humans possibly can."
"Healthy relationships are important. Your happiness comes first over anyone else."
"Love is not abusive; love has boundaries; love actually says no."
"Love, when someone truly loves you and is healthy for you, they are able to be in your life and you all are able to disagree without them purposely doing things that they know hurt you."
"We all deserve to have our needs met and have people connect to us and show up and have a mutual healthy exchange of energy and to thrive together and grow together."
"Having people that can help you see your blind spots is so healthy."
"Create your own life and healing and connect with healthy others, not damaged people who have never done and have no intention of doing the real inner work."
"We now go no contact, block these people, and understand that we should be with like-minded people that care about us in reciprocal relationships."
"Just write healthy relationships focusing on communication, understanding, emotional connection, mutual support, etc."
"In order to be in a healthy relationship, you need to have self-love."
"It's so important to spend time with healthy loving couples."
"Their relationship is completely drama-free... so non-toxic, and I just love it."
"Healthy interdependence says we are not responsible for people but we're responsible towards them and for ourselves around them."