
Agency Quotes

There are 1195 quotes

"A healthy relationship is, of course, one where agency and gratitude doesn't mean like, we're happy about everything, right? If there's something negative and we can change that, then we don't feel happy about that. The sense of gratitude in me makes me more likely to feel that I can change that, right? Or to take the chance of trying to change that."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The best amount of agency and gratitude? The most that's possible, right? Because we're going to engage in the world in the healthiest way."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"If I can bring my best self to you, to thinking about you, to understanding you, if I can bring the agency and the gratitude, then I'm going to do right by you."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The generative drive, that set of potentials are being actualized through the verbs of agency and gratitude. Like you're doing it all right then, and as you're doing it, you have a sense of peace and contentment as you're enacting all of it."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"A healthy self approaches life through the lens of agency and gratitude."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"If we look at happy people, no matter what stage of life they're at, no matter what their socioeconomic status is, the factors that tell us if someone is happy are agency and gratitude."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Empowerment is the ability to navigate the world around us and to bring myself to bear in ways that are effective. From empowerment arises the sense of agency."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Show me someone who's coming at life through agency and gratitude and is not happy with their life, and you'll be showing me something I've never seen before."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Gratitude for being in life or having the capability of going back and planting seeds in that garden is the alliance between agency and gratitude."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"What we all need to aspire to is to be in states of agency and gratitude for as much of our waking life as possible."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Agency and gratitude are verb states from which peace, contentment and delight emerge."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"What you're really doing is taking agency back of your life, and then you start to get to a place where, first of all, you have hope again."
"It's not that the agency changes the way that you view the world; it's that the agency exposes you to the real world."
"It's important to assign some sort of agency to an actor that they do exert some type of free will."
"Optimism is the idea that things get better and pessimism is the idea that things get worse, but both of them presume that nothing we do matters."
"Focus on the things that we can, thus giving us agency and giving us a sense of peace and perspective about the truly uncontrollable."
"The notion of Serbian agency in the context of their military tactics not being just counter-insurgency but a full culling."
"You can't have agency without responsibility. The two come hand in hand."
"People don't realize how much agency they have. They can choose their response to their circumstances."
"Taking us back once again to the critical need to cultivate agency and gratitude, not just in unhealthy, but certainly in healthy relationships."
"We have incredible agency to change our destiny and to change the way, really ultimately, most of us are aging today."
"Having the freedom to make choices, consider the consequences, and be responsible for your own fate affords you some amount of agency."
"We can criticize someone without taking away their agency, without coercing them or interfering without their consent."
"I have this thing called empathy, so when I see an animal losing its agency, I empathize with them equally."
"The left gave up agency; the message used to be, 'Hey, you can have agency in the things that you are directly involved in but root for systemic change.'"
"The demonization of agency... comes from the one-sided discussions that traditionally happen on the left and the rejection of like personal accountability."
"There's a fair at the beginning, there's all these things you can do at the fair, and there are things that are pay off right away, there's things that just kind of happen, and you're like, okay, and you sort of have... You don't realize you have agency over it."
"Guilt as defined by psychologists and neuroscientists is actually a way of assigning ourselves more agency, more capability of controlling reality than actually exists."
"Without privacy, we have no power because it's privacy that gives us agency."
"Agency plus gratitude, right? Including gratitude for having a self that could leave a situation."
"If you stripped away the patriarchy, misogyny, sexism, and White supremacy, truly what are the incentives for a woman to give up her agency and submit to a man?"
"Empire is about the denial of the subjectivity of others. It's about monopolizing agency."
"You can change the course of what's happening and your outlook."
"People have agency; they pick what they want to do."
"It's up to us to make it something out of whatever happens."
"Everything that we've been talking about today really is that you have the capacity to make things happen."
"As actors, we forget that we have agency, especially when it comes to intimacy."
"We need to feel like we have agency in the world, like we can accomplish things and be effective."
"The whole concept is that the narrator has written a story about your character, Stanley, but you, the player, have the agency to choose to ignore the narrator's guidance and explore things on your own."
"The more we learn about ourselves, the more it will look like there's no deep agency, no deep responsibility."
"We want a world where we have agency over the things we put our attention over and technology could make that the default setting."
"We are active agents within the causal net... We can actually change the variables as we go."
"Miracles don't happen to us; they happen by means of us."
"Neither choice should be wrong, and the important thing is that neither choice can be wrong while still preserving player agency and giving weight to the decision."
"You have to accept the world as it is or fight to change it."
"Are you crafting, designing, and intentionally creating your life, or are you just coasting in the passenger seat?"
"The best way to reduce poverty is to actually give people agency. This means giving people money."
"It's not the world that writes the story; we do."
"When we go through a trauma, we need to reorient ourselves in our lives to feel like we have agency in our life again because our agency was taken away from us."
"It's empowering, this idea that you can control the world, you have some kind of agency in the world, just by being conscious and just by being you."
"A better society has to be written through our inalienable self-determinations, and that will only happen when we realize we are holding the pen."
"The future is not just happening. The future is built by us."
"Our freedom — our agency is determined by people who already have the freedom to do just about anything they want."
"You all have an agency. You can just say no. You don't have to watch if you don't want to."
"I think the biggest issue then that feminism faces is the mindset. Women taking the agency, women taking initiative."
"We are not sent to be acted upon; we are sent to act."
"Good randomness includes some degree of player agency."
"The agent isn't going to experience whatever gets chosen."
"As long as we can find and be assured of things that are true, we have been given the agency to choose to act on it."
"when female characters are damselled their ostensible agency is removed and they're reduced to a state of victimhood."
"The player in a video game has tangible control over where they go, what they see, what they hear, and what they ultimately experience."
"No, you didn't allow this to happen. Allowing something to happen implies you gave it permission. At no point did you actually consent."
"Choice within the guild storylines like you have actual like agency."
"You can't help how you feel but you can choose what you will do and how you will act."
"It's a surprisingly controversial position to see children as full human beings who deserve agency over their own lives."
"The notion of human agency. Not volunteerism, like not the idea that you can do whatever you want, but the notion of human agency."
"It moves away from this idea that there is an overarching agency that makes a demand of us."
"Our nation's destiny has never been certain. What is certain is the ability to shape that destiny."
"Make the vote the hero, give them some agency, make them feel like they've accomplished something."
"Structures shape outcomes they over determine outcomes they inform outcomes but they do not predetermined outcomes in such a way that we have no power."
"You can make a choice and your choices have ramifications."
"Individuals are the unit of reality. Each individual has competence, agency, and basic respect."
"God partnered with us. We are God's agents on the earth."
"The universe is not just a machine, there is some kind of agency behind it all."
"It's completely disempowering, it removes agency, it removes responsibility."
"They're only doing this simply because they want to."
"It's not just about having faith, it's about taking agency."
"Can't hide from fate, but you can make your own."
"Even if you don't have a lot of power, you do have some."
"Architecture is a verb, life is a verb, and we're the architects."
"It's grounded in moments of agency crucial junctures where things could go either way."
"Our group was definitely lent towards putting the agency back in the hands of the people."
"People want to take back control and have a sense of agency and purpose."
"If you act, you're going to change things or you have the power to change things in a favorable way."
"You should pick what factory you want to work in when you're a free agent."
"Women have to be perceived as having agency, having the ability to act, and then leave the damsel role for the agent role."
"We can essentially overwrite another predetermined outcome with our own, and that's a superpower any Marvel hero would be jealous of."
"Even if it's true that all of these galaxies have supermassive black holes, they might actually have incredible agency despite their smaller fraction in terms of mass."
"It sucks because it's like, why are we letting this happen to us?"
"History is not deterministic, we still have agency, we have power."
"We're talking about a very young agency that suddenly had lots of money and no discipline."
"It would be especially neat considering that all major decisions in the game are left up to the player."
"You are an active participant in your own life."
"Your passivity early will turn you into someone who can only be passive later. You lose your agency, you lose the potential to be an active and engaged individual in the world."
"I'm going to smash the CIA into a thousand pieces."
"I feel confident. I'm starting to see that my energy is creating. I'm an agent of creation."
"The power is with Marcus Rashford and his agents."
"The idea that human agency plays a role in history."
"We have the capacity to INTERVENE in that process!"
"You always have a choice. Every man and woman has a choice."
"I think feeling that I was an active participant in my fate and my destiny really was important to me."
"It's always a choice, everything is always a choice."
"There's a solid element of player agency in determining the level of risk versus reward."
"Every step along the process there's some things that you have agency over."
"Higurashi lures us in with its deceptive veneer of agency."
"Feeling of regaining my agency and control over my life was exhilarating."
"Women today have way more agency over their Persona, over their personal sense of being, over their sexuality."
"Again, tell people that they don't have agents in their own lives, and the consequences get really ugly really, really quickly."
"You are the agent of change in your own life."
"We made it happen. It didn't like, it accidentally happened. We made it happen."
"A tool is not defined by its will, but by its actions."
"This wouldn't happen without me, I move the wrenches, I make things happen."
"Black single mothers are looking for pathways to exercise their agency."
"Any time I've operated the fullness of my power... it is God that says that I have agency."
"You don't get to choose when you're born or when you die but you do get to choose how you live."
"You want to be the user you don't want to be getting used."
"Only agents can confer meaning on something, nothing can mean something to a rock or to an atom."
"You don't have to be a passive player in your own evolutionary process."
"The only time you have agency is the now time."
"You're the vehicle, you're the agent of change."
"Life is not happening to me, it's happening because of me."
"Do we get to win this time? This time it's up to you."
"Now you're in control in the same way that typically like the other roles have much more individual agency of going and making their own plays."
"Agency is a genuine natural phenomenon – and maybe biology would be less coy about it if we had a proper theory of how it arises."
"Agency is neither a mere by-product of blind evolutionary forces, nor an illusion produced by our tendency to project human attributes onto the world."
"Did they recognize their own agency within the bad choices? ...take personal responsibility... improve my situation to whatever degree possible."
"He's not so broken that he can't have agency and try to do something."
"The thing about relationships that I want more of us to realize is that we have agency in them."
"There is power to be had, and we can claim it."
"Things can get better or things can get worse. Our choice, we have agency."
"We're so much more powerful than we give ourselves credit for we just have to take back our power."
"Conditions don't just happen, they're made to happen."
"The overwhelming tendency for human beings to overattribute agency onto their environment is a ubiquitous aspect of all human psychology."
"The ability to make models of the future is the prerequisite for agency."
"Even in the bleakest situations, human beings have agency; we all have the capacity to make life a little better."
"What's in my control? What can I actually do?"
"Your life is 100% what you make it to be."
"You're not a product of your surroundings; you're a product of your choices."
"Agency relationship exists between a principal and an agent in which the role of the agent is to bring the principal into contractual positions with third parties."
"Implied authority arises where the agent acts in accord with what's normal under the circumstances."
"I actually am the creator of my life; I'm no longer the victim of my life."
"I have the power to create change."
"You always have a choice, and you are exercising it now."
"The only people who can change their situation are themselves."
"As leaders, we can foster an environment which is incredibly powerful for people to express their agency."
"You're the key to the things you want in your life."
"I finally feel like I have some control and a say in my life for once."
"In normal healthy people, structure limits agency; the structure is an outside constraint on agency."
"You have reacquired agency, autonomy, pride in yourself, and the capacity to move on."
"A sense of agency and self-efficacy restored."
"You're not just drifting through life; you're making life happen instead of letting life happen to you."
"We all make choices in life; it doesn't feel like I have a choice."
"I only came to give you a choice."
"Despite what you've done in the past, you can always still take control and make things right."
"You make what you want of your life."
"No one can choose what class they're born into, but we can choose how we live or die."
"You're the only person who has the ability to make a difference, to make a change."
"Fate shall be forged by my own hands."
"Ultimately, it's up to us what we do."
"We're not automatically like that, we get to choose who we're going to be."
"Don't be the one who gets chosen, but be the one who gets to choose."
"You are the co-creator of your life."
"It's a place where I've spoken to women who've healed past sexual trauma through the agency and the control that they felt they had doing porn scenes."
"If you're taking this seriously and spending at least 20 to 30 hours per week on running an agency, getting to $10,000 a month within the next 12 months is definitely feasible."
"There's a lot of people who are trying to sell like expensive five or $10,000 courses on how to run an agency; you don't have to spend money to learn how to do that."
"History is never deterministic... it depends on the choices we make right now."
"It's pretty much free to start an agency, that's why I love starting agencies."
"You are the magician, the Divine architect of your life, and you have to be that architect."
"Maybe I have to find a way to feel a little in charge of me again."
"You are the builder, let's not forget, you're the one that's doing this."
"The power is the degree to which an agent can shape the environment to its personal preferences."
"Agency is about just this diversity and profusion of being able to sample different things and deciding what they want."
"If you swing too far the other direction, then you take away people's agency."
"We've gotten very bad at talking about people's agency and people's freedom."
"If you're tired of waiting for your person to do right... the only person that is stopping you from moving forward is yourself."
"We have to take our chances and decide our own fate, otherwise it was all for nothing."
"Rather than feeling powerless, you begin to feel powerful."
"Hope implies agency, active capacity to not just imagine a better future, but to see and engage with the potentials of that future here and now."
"I can do anything I want with this ring; anything I will to happen, I can make happen."
"Privacy can be seen as a type of agency, a type of ownership, and an even deeper extension of self."
"We control a lot less than what society tells us we do."
"She is utterly shattered when you find your agency, autonomy, and independence and tell her to f off."
"What women want: respect, fairness, opportunity, and free agency."
"Men expect respect, fairness, opportunity, and free agency just by being male."
"You're taking hold of your life. You're not letting life do you. You're gonna do life."
"You don't have to be a passive bystander to all of these changes that are coming down the pike for you."
"Your future is not predetermined; you can make it happen."
"The power to change fate was never solely in rogue's hands, but hers."
"Ultimately, She-Ra is way cooler than Xena. She's, she has more agency. There's, anyway."
"Ghosts are more than just echoes. They can actually think and feel and act according to some internal drive."
"You will determine the outcome of the end of the battle. Not God."
"He could actually make the choice."
"How can an agency relationship be formed? Well, number one, it has to be consensual. Both parties have to agree."
"We have formed an agency agreement by consent."
"They never said you're our guy but they allowed you to continue on leading people to believe they never cleared it up they're going to be liable you're an agent by a stopple."
"You're not helpless... you can change."
"Recognize your own agency... and see choices even in difficult situations."
"Yet among these transformative elements, the most powerful force is undeniably you. For in your hands lies the ability to cultivate our harmonious homestead that echoes your dreams and nature's inherent wisdom."
"It's terrible, being manipulated and raised as a weapon for someone else's game."
"Who might be an agent? Well, this guy, I don't know if any of you watch that HBO show 'Entourage,' right, Ari was a famous agent of Vince."