
Health Improvement Quotes

There are 1228 quotes

"And that trial actually found that when patients were in ketosis, they had statistically significant improvement in activities of daily living and quality of life."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Regular exposure to sauna starting at about two or three times per week, all the way up to seven times per week, greatly improves, meaning statistically significant improvements in longevity."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"It shouldn't surprise us that both pathways are stress. Local hyperthermia is stress. Burn certainly is stress. Sauna is a form of stress. Deliberate cold exposure is a form of stress. Exercise is a form of stress."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"There is no supplement or drug for increasing longevity that even comes close to the known improvements in health metrics that relate to longevity that come from getting quality sleep and especially from getting sufficient amounts of quality exercise."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Being a nasal-breather and avoiding being a mouth-breather can actually positively impact hormones."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Exercise has been proven more than any pharmaceutical drug to improve the quality of your life and reduce illness."
"Overall, definitely improved health...I feel a lot thinner, a lot more leaner, a lot less inflammation."
"We should be finding ways to naturally increase opiates, and that's exercise."
"Once people understand how their dietary habits are impacting them, and once they make a change, their whole universe upgrades."
"We live in a world... where the food industry, the health industry, big pharma, and even some doctors themselves profit from our sickness."
"Every single mental health issue...gets worse if you're not doing those five things and gets better if you're doing those five things."
"I have seen thousands, yes thousands, of people dramatically improve their health even at age 50 and beyond."
"If you're not happy with your current health, change your diet, and things will get better."
"The thing that really matters to me is... a 69% reduction in all symptoms from all diseases."
"Sleep is the tide that rises all other health boats."
"If you have a deficiency and you remedy it, you get a significant result."
"Just by changing what he ate, Brian's health problems resolve."
"It's really about leveling up and improving your physiology such that you can engage in those innate mechanisms that know how to prevent disease in the first place."
"People with chronic health complaints, when their mindset changes, when they start to see some of the programming that they've had to view the world a certain way and when that starts to shift, then I see this truly wonderful growth."
"Reality is if you go 20% better than what the standard American diet is, you will do 20% better in your healthcare."
"Lowering your systolic blood pressure by five, even if you were at 140 and we lower it to 135, we reduce your risk of stroke by 15% and your risk of heart disease by another 10%."
"Both drugs objectively improve sun damage in the skin on biopsy, suggesting healthier skin, and both can remove sun damage that would otherwise lead to skin cancer."
"Improved health: your health is improving, your eating habits are improving."
"Omega-3 supplementation in PCOS patients helped improve insulin resistance and reduce total cholesterol, triglycerides, and LDL levels."
"Organisms become healthier, disease-resistant, and longer-lived."
"Public health would improve dramatically, and if you really think about it, that's all that matters."
"If you eat no fried food for the next two weeks, and you look at your skin, and you look at how you feel when you wake up, and you look at your grip strength, and you look at every single metric about how good you're doing, you will improve."
"I was 360 pounds, my waistline was 46 inches; now I'm 220 pounds and still losing. My waistline is 37 inches."
"Physical activity during the day does seem to have an improvement effect on your sleep at night, particularly in terms of the quality of your sleep."
"Funding education increases earnings but can also reduce crime and improve health problems."
"I've been doing 30 minutes of like, busting out in sweat... exercise over the last couple of weeks and what a difference it makes."
"After making the switch to Smalls, 90% of cat owners reported overall health improvements."
"For people who are actually trying to optimize and have tried all areas to optimize and could not get to where they need to be, whereby they have tried the lifestyle optimization, diet, hitting all your nutrient needs."
"I'm excited to see how much better I can even feel in the future with just even eating healthier and exercising again."
"Losing almost 70 pounds in three months and then within roughly eight or nine months becoming clear of the pre-diabetic condition is very encouraging."
"I went to a PT and I kind of like thought it would help... he helped me so much so fast and even one session that I almost started crying and hugged him."
"Intermittent fasting improves immune function, offering benefits for autoimmune diseases and overall health."
"One of the big questions is, can you reverse type 2 diabetes while improving other cardiovascular risk markers?"
"The journey from unhealthy dieting to healthy dieting doesn't have to be like hell."
"If you consciously change your breathing, you can change your physiology."
"I lost 95 pounds in less than eight months, not by dieting, but by changing my lifestyle dramatically."
"My immune system is strong, energy level totally off the charts, and this was by God's grace."
"Learning Tai Chi empowers us to improve health and quality of life."
"If you get data on your body and make a few changes, you can add seven years to your health span."
"All fasting is doing is leaning it out, and if you follow that up with good eating, you're going to make yourself stronger."
"Everything that we do is to improve the health of others, physically and spiritually."
"The death rate from diabetes and heart disease plummeted drastically when people had to eat starches, vegetables, and fruits."
"Exercise is not a clinical treatment; it's not a medicine that's prescribed but is part of something that you can do to clinically improve an illness."
"Most people, if they're walking around right now at about 55% of their true state of normal, there is an element missing from their body that would make the difference between them being an average person and being a superhuman."
"The 20-hour fast has proven to give us a chance to reset our hormones."
"N-acetylcysteine boosts glutathione, our body's master antioxidant, and has been shown to improve conditions like depression and Alzheimer's."
"The hit pointscape looks pretty good and it also gives an increased healing rate."
"Focus on improving your health, your spiritual health, your mental health, and your physical health."
"There's just so much low hanging fruit to improve health that we're simply not picking in the western world."
"Exercising or just being active in general also has helped me be consistent."
"I've lost 40.2 pounds in six months. I can't believe it. I haven't been this small in nine years."
"I have never felt better. I have lost 30 pounds and am almost back to my weight at 21."
"I am stage 3b male 54 and I've seen my first improvement in creatinine levels in years after starting to move more and switching to a plant-based diet."
"If I just become an expert in sleep, can I actually help everyone that I see? And I think the answer is basically yes."
"Prior to going vegan, my health was not great."
"Once I finally started to look at the data and understand how getting less sleep was affecting my body... everything changed for the better."
"Getting better nutrition, cutting out the junk will definitely help."
"Cycling Resveratrol has led to the greatest improvement in longevity in mice."
"The more good stuff you eat with polyphenols, the more you actually benefit from it and you start to flood your own system with the good stuff which leaves less room for the bad stuff."
"In about ten days, we get almost everybody off of blood pressure pills, diabetic medications, heart medications, and they've lost a considerable amount of more weight."
"Once I started this skincare routine, I rarely break out anymore, and my skin is no longer oily."
"After five months no more medication, 100 pounds down, felt the best I've ever felt in my life."
"Just getting off the couch and being active at all...is actually going to improve things. But if you want to optimize it, that's when we're talking about doing 300 minutes and mixing in some high intensity exercise."
"The health indicators have improved and we're just this is part of a partnership to try to accelerate those. We're very optimistic."
"The current program makes you healthier...the side effect is some weight loss, some better insulin sensitivity, and some better energy."
"Cyrus, just learn how to eat. You don't know anything about nutrition. Learn how to eat and your life will fundamentally change for the better."
"This research is definitely encouraging as it suggests there are ways to reduce MDMA's negative effects."
"Ultimately, people make intentional choices with regard to their diet and have some sort of a North star to head toward, and they're going to get healthier."
"I can honestly say that [ADHD symptoms are] like 90% gone."
"If you just slept better, learned to eat less, and paid attention to what you do before you go to sleep... it will change your entire life."
"There are so many people who suffer unnecessarily, who suffered needlessly, and there is a way forward."
"After going plant-based, I felt better, like I had more energy."
"Start small... adopt healthy breathing practices anywhere."
"What about the positive side effects? So if you're on this thyroid medication, levothyroxine, or any thyroid medication for that matter, you're taking it because... you are deficient in that hormone in your body."
"Your energy should be improving... your weight should be dropping... your hair, skin, and nails should be improving."
"Your health is going to get better, but that doesn't mean to start doing the things that got you there in the first place."
"Cardio isn't just about losing weight; it's about better endurance, better blood flow, and better pumps. It's about being a more effective machine."
"Olive oil has done wonders... do it every day and you'll start seeing changes."
"Changing your salt, your oils, and your sugars to more optimized versions is a start."
"My resting heart rate which was at a 67 is now at a 55...it kind of inspires me to be healthier."
"I've been doing the AIP diet, which stands for autoimmune protocol, and it's just been working really well."
"The thing for me was health benefits. All my issues, which I was struggling with from week to week, were disappearing."
"Meditation is not about clearing the mind, it's about giving your body deep healing rest."
"100% of people, every single person, over six months lost weight. There wasn't one person left behind which means everybody can do it."
"You can become stronger than any of you ever imagined possible."
"Hospitalization numbers are down. Good news."
"Free school meals used to be very good, improves health quite a bit, reduces poverty, reduces obesity, costs a lot of money."
"I'm not addicted anymore which is great amazing."
"I noticed that when I first went carnivore, mental clarity was better, my mood was better, everything was better."
"Just by doing that, we now know that your immune system is going to get stronger."
"Encouraging Healthy Living could improve post-vaccination response."
"I made a bunch of changes and within 30 days I had lost 35 pounds."
"I haven't beaten sugar, no sugar for like, I think it's like we're only two months now, I'm eating mostly meats and fats and been eating a whole lot healthier now and I feel better."
"Vaccines have really added decades of life to every person."
"Time-restricted eating is one of the most powerful things we can do to improve our metabolism."
"Previous infection plus vaccination brought down the incidence rate significantly."
"Spell it out, write down five things you want to get more flexible, you want to get more athletic, you want to have more energy."
"Your chronic sinus issues and nasal polyps, if I were able to time travel a year from now, you've been doing keto for a solid year, and say, 'Hey Amy, how's your sinusitis and your nasal polyps?' You'd be like, 'What sinusitis? What nasal polyps?'"
"I don't know what your health issues are, I don't know what you're experiencing, but we're going to get you off anything that comes in a box, bag, or a can."
"On a lower carbohydrate diet not only did their weight get better but their risk profile got better too."
"Grains, sugar, vegetable oils, and liquid dairy. When those four things help almost any inflammatory arthritis condition, skin condition, or gut condition, start to get immediately better."
"Training your fasting muscle makes it easier over time."
"My body honestly has not felt this good since college."
"Once you stop injuring the endothelial cell, it comes back, makes enough nitric oxide. You can not only stop the disease, you begin to reverse it."
"If you go from eating junk to eating actual food, you will get healthier."
"The average lifespan has increased by 30 years in the past 100 years."
"I'm simply going to give you ways that you can improve your insulin sensitivity and decrease your insulin resistance."
"A 30-minute workout every day can improve your health."
"Quit drinking... cutting back on things that are detrimental to my health or my mind."
"They're reversing their diabetes, they're getting off their medications, they're feeling better than they ever have, and that's called doing a public service."
"The chiropractic treatment helped Ronnie to feel better."
"So my cholesterol ratios became superb, my ggt collapsed from 100 plus down to around high 20s, my ferritin almost halved because ferritin is a marker for metabolic syndrome and now I knew what insulin resistance was."
"When you're avoiding all the animal products and following a really healthy diet, your LDL bad cholesterol will fall."
"Heart disease can be reversed...total cholesterol dropped 24, good LDL cholesterol 37."
"Lowering the sodium in the diet can help substantially."
"The evidence now is overwhelming that when people who have diabetes go to a vegan diet... they do great."
"Tests are up, cases are down, hospital emissions down, the number of patients overall in hospital and specifically those on mechanical ventilation beds both down."
"I don't snore anymore dude everything is gone in 10 [ __ ] weeks."
"I feel like I'm 35 years old again really I swear to God I feel like I'm 35."
"Replacing saturated fat with different foods mattered. Replacing with whole grains, so oats, whole wheat bread, quinoa, the risk came down."
"Your body's adapted and it means that your body has an ability to use that glucose a lot better."
"Don't think as you get older, you should get slower. You actually can increase the amount you work out and feel great."
"You changed Axel, you made her healthy because she's a doctor now! I want my Axel back that loved eating cakes and cookies and unhealthy food with me!"
"It's only when we actually allow ourselves to recover that we get better, that we improve."
"Pyramid energy improves our bio-magnetic field, balances chakras, and boosts immunity."
"Little guys like this are getting clean water so they're not getting sick anymore."
"The chip program is a complete health improvement program... there's overwhelming evidence that the whole food plant-based diet gives us the best option for beating these diseases."
"Changed in less than a year, and all of her doctors have said how are you doing, and she's like through diet through all of this food and it's been amazing."
"Some diseases can actually be reversed, the disease can actually go backwards and someone can get long term better."
"Make sure to eat a healthier diet and have a healthier lifestyle so you have a better chance of surviving this thing."
"If it's not healing at the speed you want it to heal, then let's dive into how do we go about that and it might be you need more nutrients."
"In three days of getting vegetable oils out of your diet, your inflammation markers will go down."
"I connected the dots and realized I could reverse high blood pressure, diabetes, and obesity by eating differently."
"Raise your vibration and say things like 'I am healthy now.'"
"It's been like just the recovery, trying to eat better, trying to live better, you know, just be healthier. So I'm good, you know."
"Why are you kind of a [ __ ] because he's not fat but he's was holding extra weight he had a gut."
"We committed, we said let's go 40 days with no meat... and in fact, we both felt better than ever."
"While we're on the subject of health, though, it does seem that you're coughing a lot less."
"The power of AI in terms of improving science and human health will be extraordinary."
"Berberine effectively lowers LDL cholesterol and triglycerides while raising HDL, the good cholesterol."
"It's going to make you feel so much better that your only regret will be that you wish you done it sooner."
"I've seen an overall trend upwards of some progress in my symptoms and quality of life."
"Zero carb daddy: 7.8 now 5.2 A1C lost 78 pounds."
"You can actually help people improve their health with good nutrition advice." - Dr. Ken Berry
"You can actually change our body's immune system by foods."
"By February of 2008 it was reported that he had lost 510 pounds."
"Imagine the blessings of finally cracking the genetic code extending human life by decades and dramatically reducing the ravages of old age."
"These drugs suppress appetite and help snap people out of their sugar addictions."
"You can change your lifestyle and if you don't like what your life, what your body, what your health looks like, you can change the expression of your DNA."
"You're never too old to make changes to make meaningful healthful changes in your body."
"My blood work actually came back looking better than it's ever looked."
"I've started with the recipes and the recommended fiber supplements and in no more than six months my creatinine went from 3.71 to 2.2."
"Once we started eating this way, within about one or two days, we got their lives back."
"Let's get that guy a steak, let's get that guy some liver, and then we'll see what happens. He'll probably feel a lot better and be a little less cranky."
"He allowed me to have the resources I needed to help myself and to address my health issues that I developed over the past couple of years and get out of that dark hole."
"We're reducing poverty at an incredible rate, people have more fresh water, we have lower infant mortality rates."
"We can end this chronic disease epidemic once and for all."
"If you lose weight, your type 2 diabetes goes in reverse."
"Transplants are not just life-saving, they're life improving."
"I didn't see any real change until I changed what I was eating."
"Breaking down scientifically proven healthy habits into tiny tasks."
"The diet is going to help you to get much better, your arteries can clean out or that process can start regardless of age."
"I committed to making 10 key lifestyle changes to see if I could turn this all around."
"Thank God we have a vaccine now that has radically reduced the death rate."
"The magic comes when you get rid of the toxic stuff."
"I was really happy with my results because I've dropped like three percent body fat."
"A 20-pound spare tire of fat melted off my waist... and I felt great waking up in a nice lean, light body every day."
"Once you figure out fixing leaky gut... most of these conditions resolve."
"So now she is on the senior consult diet and since starting that diet she has become so shiny she's like she glows."
"Results for many people are almost too good to be true. Afternoon fatigue just vanished out of nowhere."
"By cutting red tape and unleashing America's medical genius, we've reduced the fatality rate 85% since April."
"Everyone knows that when you begin to eat healthier foods and you start taking out toxic foods from your diet, you feel physically better."
"The way I feel now is just, oh my god, I couldn't describe to my old self how much better I would feel without sugar."
"Heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes - all can be reversed."
"Transitioning from a mono fruit fast to the Dr. Sebi alkaline diet needs to be strategic."
"Strength matters... 70% reduction in incidents and mortality from dementia."
"It's so important to take the route of losing weight through diet and exercise so that we can actually restore the health of the individual."
"Hurt to go to bed at night. You won't feel sick all the time. You won't feel tired all the time. Yeah, it's awesome."
"He was able to reverse all of his numbers and he was able to get off all his medication including statins and his numbers were better off the statins than they were on it by fixing all these lifestyle factors."
"Improved health follows fat loss this is very important improved health follows fat loss."
"Incorporating turmeric into your daily routine can have a positive impact on your overall well-being."
"Diet... very low carbohydrate diet... that's really the most important thing you can change."
"If you want to fix 90% of the problem, it's the food you're putting in your face." - Dr. Ken Berry
"Every symptom I had was gone and I lost 35 pounds."
"He now lives a healthy and happy life where he never takes for granted how easily and comfortably he can now move around."
"Former smokers live longer and have lower rates of diseases."
"Seeing this photo you guys can see my skin has gotten tremendously better and it still is just on such a beautiful journey."
"We can reverse chronic diseases and climate change."
"I'm living a much healthier lifestyle and I have so much better coping mechanisms."
"One huge key to losing weight is to eat more unprocessed foods."
"Reduce insulin resistance to become insulin sensitive."
"Getting on a very organized and detailed meal plan was really helpful."
"If you stick to the diet, you lose weight and everything gets better."
"You have to cut the carbohydrates low enough to dramatically reduce insulin."
"You have to lower sugar, eliminate sugar, and lower the carbohydrates enough."