
Daily Living Quotes

There are 160 quotes

"And that trial actually found that when patients were in ketosis, they had statistically significant improvement in activities of daily living and quality of life."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Every day is an opportunity to create a living masterpiece."
"Each day is a small lifetime, and how can you live a good life today?"
"I just tried to live every day as if it was the full final day of my extraordinary, ordinary life."
"May Jesus enable you to follow Him today and always."
"You have every day to live. You have every day to invest in you."
"Make the most of every day, and that's all you can do is make the most of every day."
"Let's live each day in a manner worthy of His calling, making the most of every opportunity for the glory of God and the building of His kingdom."
"I receive every provision of grace for my daily living."
"Living with your design is really getting you to think about how you live every day and thinking of an interior that will suit your lifestyle."
"Trust God for the outcome and then enjoy the day at hand."
"NFTs are an insanely hot trend within the blockchain space."
"And may we live our days from this presence, from this loving."
"Ask yourself, what would you do today if you loved yourself?"
"Hyperinflation, not fun. Very demoralizing, very stressful, makes daily living very difficult."
"Are you prepared? Are you living your life every day like Jesus will come at any time soon?"
"You die once and you live every day, so live every day and make it count."
"Live each day to its fullest, make sure you're doing what's right for you."
"Each day is the best day to live with urgent expectancy."
"Navigate life's changes one day at a time; be kind to yourself and others."
"It makes your life so beautiful, so worth living, that like each day is this piece of time that you have been given, so so lucky to have been given."
"Life is like life. It's not about quantity, but about getting in somehow every single day."
"Tragedy that I've experienced in my life... I just want to live each day to the fullest."
"You've got to live your life, you've got to enjoy every single day while you can."
"Living each day to the fullest and making all the memories."
"I'm just living day-to-day, experiencing life, meeting people."
"Really focus on enjoying the journey... we want to try and enjoy each day on its own merit."
"Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow; worry empties today of its strength."
"It’s about living through each day as it comes, one at a time, with one constant goal: survival."
"Day by day, one day at a time, you learn to see it, seize it, and consume it."
"I've been crucified with Christ. I die daily."
"Happiness is getting up every day and living purposely."
"Beds are super important and people tell you that every day and getting a good night's sleep is hyper important."
"The meaning of life is this: help as many people as you can, live every day the best you possibly can."
"The righteous shall live by faith. Faith is not just something by which we enter into a right relationship with God; it's so much more. Faith is also what we live with every single day."
"We all have our ways. I just try to live every day like it's my last."
"Live every day for what you got and be thankful for what you get."
"Knowing this should help us focus every single day to live for Him...He wants each and every one of us to expect Him to return and live as if He's gonna return in our own lifetime."
"You've got to take it one day at a time. Don't take it personal."
"Live each day as if it may be your last on earth. It may be. Leave your legacy."
"Instead you ought to say if the Lord wills we will live and do this or that."
"Live every day of your life like it's your last."
"Look well to this one day for it and it alone is life."
"Live every day unto itself, for sufficient unto the day is its own trouble."
"You ain't got time to try. You need to start living your life every single day and be blessed, and be thankful, and be strong, and walk with power, and walk with faith. This is it."
"Literally everything I have, the breath that I have today is Jesus; literally, and I have to wake up feet on the ground Daily Bread is all I can ask for and I have to live for today."
"Live every day like it's your last? Eventually, that would just mean live every day the same."
"I believe in science, I believe in evolution, and I believe you should live every single day as it comes."
"The world has never yet seen what would happen if we all decided to live as if God is our God every day, humbly before Him."
"You have the ability to make the most out of every day that you are given from this moment forward."
"Let's live for his glory each and every day."
"Hopefully, that was helpful to show you some of the ways that we save money day to day."
"I live every day relying on Him for who I am, what I have, what I do."
"Just a fight to live our lives comfortably, happily in the mundane."
"The key lies in taking life one day at a time."
"I noticed that a lot of people just live day to day, you can't live day to day, you've got to look forward."
"Focusing on the present allows us to live fully in the peace and grace that God provides daily."
"Understanding the resurrection changes everything about how we live today."
"It's all in the past. In the present, I make it a point to live every day the best I can."
"What matters to me most is how I live every day."
"It's not a big deal that you're gonna die everyone's gonna die I hope you live long and healthy and happily and you don't worry about this every single day cuz that makes the living part pretty bad."
"Don't overthink it, literally just walk into each day like it's the unknown."
"If you take life one day at a time, you can pretty much handle anything."
"Remember, every day is a new opportunity to live more intentionally, more serenely, and more in line with who you aspire to be."
"Help us Lord in our own day-to-day living that as we walk with you and live for you that you would be glorified in all things."
"Every day of your life should count to be a good experience."
"Every day should be celebrated, you should try to make the most of every day."
"The Christian teachings are life-giving in the here and now, in our daily living."
"The message of the Cross for sanctification deals with your everyday living."
"He designed and created you to live exactly like Jesus did on the earth, perfect, complete wholeness every single day of your life."
"We are living out what's been written every day."
"Maybe it would be good to live every day like that."
"But the only one that you can control right now is today, okay? You can learn from yesterday, you can plan for tomorrow, but what you can do best is take today and make it amazing, okay?"
"Help me strengthen me to live for you today and every day."
"It's one thing to give mental assent to a whole bunch of doctrines but a completely different ballgame to live it out in your daily life."
"One day at a time, one day at a time, one day at a time."
"To feel like you're making the most of each day and living your life to the fullest is truly a moment of pure happiness."
"I'm a big believer in just taking it day by day, game by game."
"We are called to live daily, moment by moment, in everything you do, to do it unto the Lord."
"We can live our lives totally as led by the spirit of God, even in the smallest things."
"I'm really trying to live each day to the fullest."
"You live your life one day at a time."
"I try not to map it out too much and just live life each day."
"About a third of patients are unable to care for themselves, and three-quarters have impaired activities of daily living."
"You only live once, but the truth is that you live every day, you die once."
"You take life day by day, you make the best of it, you make the best of every single day."
"You just get up every day and live it."
"Lord, open up this blessedness in our life that we might see it clearly, understand it fully, and live it daily."
"I'm not chasing my dream anymore; I made a financial plan to live it every day."
"God's covenantal character teaches us how to live before God day by day by faith, seeing our story as taken up into His story."
"When you start to actually live every single day like the person who ends up getting the thing that you want, you get closer to actually receiving it."
"You've got to live every day and just whatever it is."
"Adaptive functioning is the actual application of somebody's intellectual functioning in their day-to-day life."
"Achieving your goals isn't about being super driven or special. It's about choosing how you live each day."
"Live your life, live the best life you have every single day, and you know, go on your own terms."
"Help us live every day in your grace and your glory."
"You've got to get better at creating it, designing it, and living it on a daily basis."
"Don't worry about your life; own your day, and you'll own your life."
"You only die once, but you live every day."
"How you live day to day in the house is super important."
"I want to live in the presence of God every moment of every day."
"Live every day with thanksgiving and contentment."
"Remember, you were created by God and for God, so live every day for Him."
"We try to live one day at a time."
"We need to live with more wisdom and self-mastery and courage and love and hope and gratitude and curiosity and zest, not someday but today."
"You only live once, right? No, you live every day; you die once."
"I prefer to take each day as it comes."
"I'm living day by day gratefully."
"The CATS index is a quantitative assessment tool that measures six areas of functioning for activities of daily living."
"You live life on an everyday basis with poise."
"Speak beautiful things and live every day with intention."
"I'm so impressed that you didn't slack off and tried to live every day to the best of your abilities."
"Life doesn't happen where you plan it out and then live that through; it's like life happens day by day."
"Take each day as it comes, as corny as that sounds."
"I've decided to make the most of each day."
"PIP is made up of two components: the mobility component and the daily living component."
"Christianity is not a decision, a ritual, or a sacrament; Christianity is a lifestyle."
"Strength workout uses resistance in a way that improves strength to help make activities of daily living easier to do."
"We live life day by day, see what has in store for us."
"It's a life choice, it's a day-to-day choice, it's a minute to minute walking down a certain road with a certain approach and a certain philosophy."
"Don't leave today's version of you to a random chance; choose who you want to be, choose how you want to be, then live today accordingly."
"Let's live the best life that we can each day the best we can."
"If a veteran has service-connected disabilities that result in the veteran needing regular aid and attendance to perform daily activities of living, then you may be entitled to what's called SMC aid and attendance."
"We can't change yesterday... we can't control tomorrow... what we can do is live one day at a time."
"Don't go with your song still inside you; let it guide you every day."
"The Lord is teaching us to live one day at a time."
"We only live once, got to make the most of every day."
"What if we did treat each day as a unit... we didn't give any energy to tomorrow except for maximizing the potential for tomorrow today."
"To take what everyday brings and do that with my best total wholehearted effort as a person of practice, that was the way to live."
"It's just one day at a time, bro."
"Give us the strength today, just one day at a time."
"You only live once, but every day."
"With the goal of living each and every day to its fullest."
"We have a choice each and every single day of how we choose to live our lives."
"Live your life and honor the Lord. Honor Him, obey Him, do everything you can for today."
"Live every day of your life ready to leave."
"You can only die once and I've lived my life every day the way I always did."
"Lord, for my sake, teach me to take one day at a time."
"The wilderness is our life right now, it's how we live our life right this very day."
"They are living a life that is a big game, and they play it day by day."
"Jesus says in the gospel, 'The evil of the day is sufficient unto itself,' and that's how we need to take the spiritual life, just one day at a time."
"You want to live in a place each and every day where you are kind of heart centric, unconditional love, passion, a sense of engagement."
"We just literally take one day at a time, 24 hours."
"You have to live each day like you already have everything that you want."
"Comforting foods, family, and daily needs are all a part of living magically day to day."
"Just live your life every day, and then if you find somebody you want to spend a lot of time with, then do that."
"You get to wake up every day and decide to continue to live; they say you only live once, you live every day."