
Resilience Quotes

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"Difficulty, struggle, and frustration when you're learning something are not signs that you've reached your limits; they're signs that you're expanding your limits."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"You live long enough, you're gonna experience loss. You're gonna get kicked in the gut, and you're gonna see people you care about get kicked in the gut."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"You want to find your point of rest in the midst of any struggle."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"True leaders emerge in the moments of greatest stress."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The desire and the will to persevere no doubt translates to this thing that we call the will to live."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"F. Scott Fitzgerald, 'there are no second acts in American lives' turns out was completely wrong. Turns out there are second acts, third acts, fourth acts. Apparently, you can have an unlimited number of acts."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Hormesis really is, it seems, a case of what doesn't kill us, makes us stronger."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Your entire life is a storm, so chase it out of town and fix it."
"The better we can be, the more fortified we are should someone who has these qualities come into our life."
"You can't help but love him for everything he has been through in his life."
"The only identity that's going to serve you long term is that of the learner. It's anti-fragile. The more you attack somebody with the mindset of the learner, the stronger you make them."
"We don't live in our trauma; we don't stay stuck in our trauma; we don't let it consume us because if it does, we're dead."
"Nobody wishes for trauma, but if you have trauma to wish for growth, that's a great thing to wish for."
"No matter what type of circumstances that you have been raised in or have experienced you always have the ability to find a way out and create success for yourself."
"Laughing at oneself is often the best way to move forward."
"Kids who are under about seven years old can get one half of their brain removed and they're fine."
"If you really understand neuroplasticity, then you can make the worst times in your life the start of the best time in your life."
"It made me think that whatever life throws at me, I've got the tools and resources within me to deal with it."
"There has to be an opportunity that comes out of it; otherwise, it was for nothing."
"When it's really tough, and you just want... that's when you want to start telling yourself, 'This is the good part.'"
"It's so important to have a more complex view of stress because we've definitely been villainizing all forms of challenging experiences."
"The most normal thing that a person who has experienced trauma does is to get up and try to be normal."
"An identity check is critical because the only way you're going to bounce back from what is going to happen in life is to have a strong sense of self."
"You can't change what's happened to you, but you just change what happens in you."
"Losing is in how you deal with losing. It's extremely important in trading because winning is easy; it takes care of itself. The key to trading is learning and figuring out how to take a loss."
"Your goal for the day is to make it to the next day."
"One of the skills you have to learn is not falling apart in the presence of pain or suffering. There's a lot of ways to do that."
"When your rate of neurogenesis is high, it's like paddling downstream... There's more resilience."
"We are resilient and be proud because everything has been stacked against us to keep us down, and we just keep rising."
"You cannot control events and circumstances, but you can learn to manage your mind, which means your responses."
"The Jedi Master level of happiness is to say, 'Okay, it happened, and I have no choice to change it. There is nothing I can do to fix it, so can I accept it?'"
"On your worst day, you're still a bad motherfucker."
"Trust is just simply knowing that you can get up there and handle whatever is gonna come your way."
"The ability to rapidly recover from adversity is a very important constituent of well-being."
"If you are able to go to school, hold a job, have friends, and it doesn't cause such severe distress that it inhibits your ability to do those things, you wouldn't say that this person is mentally ill."
"On the other side of this temporary pain you're going through, you get introduced to your other self, and this other self produces another life."
"Balance is always losing your balance and then recovering your balance."
"I am grateful for the pleasure and pain, for they have shaped me."
"My life is a testament to resilience and gratitude."
"What facilitates change for me is people's willingness to lean into what is uncomfortable, what is painful, what I don't want to look at."
"Great leaders...they really can celebrate themselves well. So they don't just get stuck on that one negative comment."
"It's not about that we can just avoid it...it's about being able to separate out and see this is often about something that is being projected."
"Surviving failure is different from failing."
"Confidence comes from surviving failure, from knowing that you're actually alive at the end of the day."
"You set it an ambitious goal where you want to end up and you make your plan... and you know that if the car breaks down or something happens, you'll navigate your way."
"We teach them resilience and stoicism. We teach them how to handle difficulties in life and how to make something of their life."
"We can all lose our motivation. The question is, do we regain it? Do we show up when it really counts?"
"Food brings people together in the most difficult times."
"You are not what you are going through. Now is your time, now is the moment to capture the vision."
"Say thank you for your failure, setbacks, and pitfalls because they help you revise your plan and pointed out a lot of your flaws."
"Nobody is coming to save them. If they want to get out of that hole, they're going to have to do it themselves."
"Resilience is our innate biological ability to adapt, recover, and grow in the face of life's challenges."
"Sense of optimism and faith that we'll get through challenging times like today."
"Trauma, as I define it, is not about what happens to us; it's about what happens inside of us as a result of what happens to us."
"That's the advantage of doing the long-term right thing; people will swing around behind you if you can withstand that initial trial by fire."
"These tools and practices they work and they lead to places where we have a more optimal stance to deal with the challenges of the world."
"We are building resilience; it's uncomfortable, but because it's uncomfortable, it means that our species is actually getting stronger right now, not weaker."
"The belief that tomorrow, the next moment, will be better than it is now gets us through the crappy moment that we're having right now."
"Whatever you're going through, you got this."
"Resilience is a bucket, a bucket or a box or a bag that holds lots of other things. It holds social capital, the people you can access around you, your belief in the things you can get done, and your thoughts about the world, the future, your capacity."
"I know I can do this; that statement is resilience."
"You are capable of adapting to any situation."
"Regularly doing things that you love makes you more resilient to stress."
"What you're talking about is resilience...to get to the place where you can validate your own experience and not need that external validation." - Jazz Robbins
"Getting enough sleep is probably the single most important foundation to being able to recoup your resilience during the day."
"It's not about what happens to us in life; it's how we deal with it."
"You've got to have psychological mindedness, which means they've got to understand that it's not about what happens to us in life; it's how we deal with it."
"You can use this as a way of increasing your stress threshold... and getting more confident."
"Sometimes you're going to fail... and that's okay."
"What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, or cripples you for life."
"The more positive you stay, the more you push through and think of new ideas, the more you're going to be rewarded."
"Eventually, you just have to grow out of feeling like there's bullies and feeling like things are unfair in order to get past high school."
"Whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger."
"The practice of fasting stresses our cells just enough where it causes more resilience."
"Hormesis basically means the what doesn't kill you makes you stronger."
"I've been able to use all my experiences to my benefit and turn it around, proving that I'm not defined by my past."
"He who has a why to live can bear almost any how."
"Gratitude as an anchor in trials... helps us maintain our balance and perspective."
"Champion mentality: it's not about winning, it's not about a trophy, it's about having no quit."
"We are extremely tough and extremely adaptable."
"If you don't get in, okay, like move on, please. Your life is not validated by an institution."
"When the going's tough, the tough get going."
"The three things that every wannabe entrepreneur should think about before they start their own business: be ready for rejection, make sure your product is the best, and be prepared to do all the things unsuccessful people don't want to do."
"The people of Japan have been stretched to their limits over and over again throughout history yet still managed to persevere."
"But believe it or not, with a lot of time and figuring yourself out, it's very manageable and can become one of the strongest tools you can use to become a really balanced, awesome, humble, incredible, super cool person."
"Don't be afraid to push that extra mile. So the Nine of Wands is about resilience and not giving up."
"Look at your battle scar, your pain, your discomfort. Honor that feeling... and then try to find the blessing in it."
"The human mind and body is impressive; part of our evolutionary biology. When you're put in a certain environment, you've got two options: you die or you evolve."
"Hey listen, you got yourself through that. I was just there to help distract, but you did that."
"Imagine everything going well in your self-improvement journey. You've been exercising consistently, meditating, and journaling, making so much progress. And then, you relapse back to day zero. Jeffrey will criticize you for this... But Adonis will tell you that all of this is still part of the journey."
"What happens after you mess up, make mistakes, have failures? The way that we process those failures, the way that we process those setbacks, that's so, so important."
"In the year of our toast, we have survived many Viking invasions, and things are looking all very, very good."
"On the other side of suffering is happiness."
"Hope is something that comes from within and can resist oppressive forces around us if we are strong enough."
"What if life was always happening for us, not to us, and we realized that was true, that even the pain was just a lesson so we could grow and experience and give more?"
"It's amazing what levity and humor can do for us in resetting our state and our ability to lean back into life."
"Life is always going to have ups and downs, so there's no need to feel like you're failing at it whenever you find yourself in one of the down paths."
"I do believe the hardest part of space flight is on the families...our families did it amazingly well and with a lot of grace."
"Your mistakes are what give you wisdom. Your mistakes are what give you strength."
"Don't be afraid of the rising tide; it will soon recede."
"Keep your roots and stand taller than the trees."
"What matters is whether you get back up and keep going."
"What matters is to keep going no matter what, keep going."
"Everyone gets knocked down. What matters is whether you get back up and keep going."
"Collective trauma demands collective resilience."
"No president can succeed without resilience. Every president confronts crises, defeats, and mistakes."
"The key to resilience is the radical acceptance of all our emotions."
"As a man, trauma and difficulty is extremely important because it's the building blocks for mental fortitude and physical form."
"The most resilient parasite is not a bacteria, it's not a virus, it is a thought."
"He's hard to kill, Luca. He's very hard to kill."
"YouTube sometimes you're super pumped about it. Sometimes it's real discouraged... but I believe that develops resilience."
"The Saguaro cactus symbolizes longevity, persistence, and adaptability."
"My self-worth comes from the things you can't take away. I'm generous, considerate, empathetic... these are things that nobody can take away."
"You've got to study that, man. You get there and you want to quit, and you don't. It just makes it a little easier. That's all the repetitions do."
"Life ain't about medals, houses, money, cars, fame; it's about scars."
"Scars show your willingness to get to the other side; they show your failures, your willingness to start from scratch."
"It's about scars so when you get judged, you get judged on your scars."
"I fought, and I will fight. I have a fight in me. I will fight."
"Mind management doesn't mean that it's going to be one big rosy scene... it is actually the ability to be okay and at peace with having moments of depression."
"If I fall down and I just feel like I can't go on and I want to give up, just look up."
"I would rather die. I will live on my feet, I'll die on my feet rather than live on my knees."
"Vicky survived two attempts on her life and she's really moving on with things now."
"Your crew is really a tribute to Resilience's name. We wish you all happy reunions with your families and loved ones."
"True strength lies in a character's resilience, bravery, and determination, not their physical prowess."
"No weapons, no friends, no hope. Take all that away and what's left? Me."
"Boos don't block dunks." - As Kobe Bryant said
"Resilience is developed when we have family, friends, and close people around us to help us in difficult situations."
"Who's had a curveball in their lap before? Raise your hand."
"Resilience is the ability to tolerate and withstand negative things."
"Why you smiling? Because what else am I going to do?"
"If your heart is broken, make art with the pieces."
"Resilience is about what we do with that. Can we make art with those pieces?"
"Resilience is about shifting that mindset to move away from perfectionism."
"We seek a meaning that's deep enough to sustain us through tragedy."
"If I was going to break, I'd a broken a long time ago 'cause I've been to hell and back and I'm still here."
"Give somebody a high five and say, 'Neighbor, I'm not built to break. I've got too much anointing to fall apart.'"
"Resilience is one of the most important aspects it can have in this business and exploration period."
"It doesn't matter what happens, it matters how you think of it."
"My greatest wish for you is that you can continue doing epic shit while being happy right now and knowing that, you know, even if you failed, it doesn't affect your happiness, but you'll continue aiming big even though you know you can feel, because that's just how you roll."
"Teach me to bear my cross in the spirit of faith, of confidence, and of gratitude towards God."
"Pain is inevitable but suffering is optional."
"Powerful Survivor who has endured a winter storm."
"They're not going to make any foolish decisions, but they're also not going to give up."
"I promised I'll be the happiest person you've ever seen in a wheelchair because I'm in a wheelchair either way."
"Can you frighten Lazarus with death? He already died before."
"If we see our lives and the moments in our lives as seasons, enjoy where you're at, and if you find yourself in a difficult place, know that too shall pass."
"Difficult times... hold a reservoir for growth."
"I'm blessed, bro. I'm blessed for all the fuck-ups too."
"I'm not gonna lose my mind over losing a house because I'm gonna need my mind to decorate the next one."
"Have you ever felt powerless? Do you have a hard time bouncing back from struggles? Do you feel like you're drowning? You must face adversity to become strong."
"When you face adversity over a consistent period of time, you know how to manage it, how to withstand it. It makes you stronger, makes you more resilient."
"To get stronger, you have to take knocks to the face left, right, and center... to crawl through a pile of [challenges] to get out the end free and strong."
"You are stronger than you realize, and that inner power will come to light when you need it the most."
"The tower gives you an opportunity for positive transformation and to rebuild bigger, better, and stronger than ever before."
"You can't change the physical circumstance, but you can change how you think about it and how you react."
"Despite being a Duke with a credit value of 270, it still managed to defend itself against Julius's shot-kill attack."
"What we need most in times like these are people who are willing to step up, people who are willing to be brave, to be courageous, and to lead with heart."
"Dean's a fighter; he's not gonna back down from a challenge."
"How do you handle success? Everybody handles losing the same way; they're pissed and they work harder."
"The greatest key to survival is adaptability. You got to be able to adapt."
"You have power over your mind, not events. Realize this, and you will find strength."
"God only gives the toughest tests in life to people that can truly handle it."
"I've become very good at being comfortable with being uncomfortable."
"You don't just go through it, you grow through it."
"We're entitled to feel a kind of gut-wrenching sadness at what is going on. We are entitled for our hearts to be broken. But we're not entitled to allow our spirits to be broken because the people there are depending on our spirit."
"When something is resilient, it is able to adapt in the face of adversity and it is able to withstand adversity."
"To be resilient, you have got to be able to accept what is. You've got to be able to accept reality."
"She stood in the storm and when the wind did not blow her way, she adjusted her sails."
"Tenacity is the ability to keep on keeping on when you feel like giving up."
"Resilience is the ability to bounce back when you've been put down."
"Food is not a pill; it's not a symptom killer; it's a way in which you can build a more resilient body and mind."
"The rubble of your past is going to become the foundation of your future."
"Exercise can change the function of your brain, can change even the structure of your brain in ways that make you more resilient."
"Rock bottom is the solid foundation to build the future."
"Resiliency is that gift and ability; it's the discipline to turn those pieces into a work of art."
"Those back against the wall moments, they define your life. They become what you take with you for the rest of your days on this planet. They make you who you are."
"I think the language of sustainability is the wrong language because sustainability sounds like a liberal philosophy... I think the word that we should be using is resilience."
"In the midst of hate, I found there was within me an invincible love. In the midst of tears, I found there was within me an invincible smile."
"No matter how hard the world pushes against me, within me there is something stronger, something better, pushing right back."
"One of the great advantages of people with emotional intelligence is the ability to auto-motivate and move forward even in the face of frustrations and disappointments."
"I learned something called the five-minute rule: it's okay to be negative when something goes wrong, but not for more than five minutes."
"I always say to people, this is part of your story, and if you've come through this, that's part of your strength and resilience."
"The path out of despair is by keeping commitments to yourself."
"I found joy, yeah. There's always going to be criticism, you know, but then I always remember when I was young, I just wanted to be an NBA player. That's it. And now, to be where I am, it's just unbelievable."
"Survivors of narcissistic abuse often go on to do amazing things...they write amazing things, they create."
"It's a lot to take in, but there's no other way. Let's just go for it directly. Why beat around the bush?"
"You can get yourself out of practically any situation if you really deeply understand the game's mechanics."
"Don't look at it as something happening to you; see it as happening for you."
"Failure is okay. It's just a start. You can always try again."
"I think we need to use all of our tools, all of our disciplines, all of our histories to understand these things and not just dismiss them as hallucinatory or crazy."
"It's about failing and going again, and failing and going again, never giving up."
"Once I pushed out all of that, realized in my head these people's opinions don't actually matter, that's when I started succeeding."
"All y'all haters, all your trolls, close your eyes and picture me rolling."
"Don't abandon yourself because someone else abandoned you."
"Keep moving forward, that's the main thing. Don't stop living your life because this person is gone."
"Once an empath has awakened, they become a fierce phoenix that is rising up out of the ashes."
"A bad day is still a day and like, above the ground."
"If you have trouble, you can always come to us. If you fall, we'll pick you up and put you back on track."
"Nobody remembers your losses. George Lucas had movies before Star Wars."
"When you learn how to navigate and manage your breath, you can actually navigate any situation in life."