
Ketosis Quotes

There are 151 quotes

"And that trial actually found that when patients were in ketosis, they had statistically significant improvement in activities of daily living and quality of life."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"It's about inducing a state of ketosis, which is mimicking the fasting state."
"One of the coolest things...about intermittent fasting is it's kind of a gateway experience...to ketosis."
"Beta-hydroxybutyrate, the main ketone body, is a powerful epigenetic anti-inflammatory compound."
"The ketones stick around for 6 to 8 hours which is very helpful for the healing process."
"The biggest mistake that I have made and that I've seen other people making... is that a lot of times people think they're in ketosis but they're actually not." - Naomi Whittle
"Higher levels of ketones suppress appetite, aid fat burning."
"Ketones are metabolites secreted from our liver. They've been around throughout human history."
"If you think of fasting as a way...what happens during those states, you get a little ketotic."
"Ketosis is the condition where are you using ketones as your primary fuel."
"Once you become fat adapted, the weight loss is more steady, your body's more efficient using the ketones."
"The goal is to bring your insulin levels as low as possible. If your insulin levels are low, you have maximum fat burning, you have maximum ketosis."
"You don't lose weight to get healthy, you have to get healthy to lose weight. Focus on the healthy version of ketosis."
"Intermittent fasting can enhance the benefits of ketosis."
"When your body's burning fat as its primary fuel, you have better mental clarity."
"Ketones replace glucose so you can push those glucose levels down."
"Fasted cardio is when you're in fasting forced ketosis - swim a mile, burn a pound of pure body fat."
"It's not about being in ketosis all the time, it's about the positive effects."
"Ketosis can suppress the hunger hormone ghrelin."
"Master stress I didn't say manage stress I said master stress stress will knock you out of ketosis you can be doing everything right but if you are living a high stress lifestyle it'll be hard to achieve the healing ketones."
"Ketosis is a phenomenal physiological state to be in."
"Ketones provide fuel and enhance metabolic efficiency in the brain."
"The ketogenic diet or ketosis is a state where the body is not burning carbohydrates for fuel but burning ketone bodies."
"From an evolutionary perspective, at least intermittent ketosis was the normal state."
"Ketosis improves athletes' performance by 7-15%."
"If we kick-start them with a fast, it actually becomes a little bit easier to stay in ketosis outside of the fast."
"I would suspect that most people who are living their Liv in ketosis... probably would actually say no to doing."
"It's important to go into ketosis on a regular basis."
"There is no quick way to get into ketosis. It's a lifestyle, not a diet."
"Ketosis can help us withstand some of these stressors of 21st-century life."
"Ketosis stops hunger because your blood sugar is relatively low and flat but it's flat and you're burning fat you got plenty of fuel and you don't feel hungry."
"The ideal way to get into intermittent fasting is to challenge yourself to get into ketosis and ride that wave as deep as you can."
"Keto adaptation is not that complicated, eat a well-formulated ketogenic diet and you will be well adapted to it."
"Ketosis occurs with about 50 grams or less of carbohydrates eaten per day for about three days."
"So one potentially long-term impact from ketosis is one's ability to burn carbohydrate at the same rate in the future."
"So you actually want the fattier ground beef. You don't want super lean, you want the fat because it helps you stay in ketosis and it helps you stay full."
"A ketone goes up into the brain and it turns off the hunger hormone."
"Once you start running out of glucose, the ketones will substitute in the brain."
"If you want to get super shredded without doing much exercise, you need to do it through being in ketosis 24/7."
"Nutritional ketosis may help to preserve and stabilize brain energy metabolism."
"When you get into a fasted state, you have these ketones that are present that allow your immune system's response to be a little bit more targeted."
"Being in a state of ketosis and having the ketone bodies elevated are very interesting and possibly beneficial for healthspan, for cognition."
"Being in a state of ketosis could be beneficial from the context of brain injury, inflammation, and the stress of being out in certain extreme environments."
"Ketones are good. Ketones are not bad; they're good."
"If you're on a ketogenic diet and you're not monitoring your ketones, you will fall out of ketosis because carbohydrate will enter your diet."
"Babies get into deep ketosis substantially and very very quickly, and it's thought to be an adaptive mechanism to help fuel the brain because the brain thrives so well on ketones."
"If you're making ketones, you're burning fat aggressively."
"And just, just for the listeners as well, like nutritional ketosis is very different to the ketoacidosis that leads people into hospitals and we have to give them fluids and all the rest of it. That's more of a diabetic type complication. Yeah."
"Therapeutic ketosis generally favorably shifts brain energy neurotransmitter systems and really important card metabolic biomarkers in the right direction."
"You're in ketosis if your urinary acetoacetate is 40 milligrams per deciliter or above."
"The urine ketone strips... it's measuring acetoacetate and what does it tell you... you're in a state of ketosis."
"If you just look, even studies beyond our study, is that you need to elevate acetyl acetate has the anti seizure effect."
"The elevation of ketones then are supplying an alternative energy to the brain."
"But instead it serves as an example of how therapeutic ketosis can improve brain function."
"Nutritional ketosis with multiple health benefits."
"When you start going on ketones, your heart starts beating better. Maybe that increases the rate a bit. Your heart gets used to running on rocket fuel now."
"Need a significant degree of ketones to get it there so for a lot of my patients, I find that somewhere between 1 and 3 Millo beta hydroxy butyrate on the Ketone meter that seems to be the sweet spot for a lot of people."
"Our normal cells actually seem to thrive in that setting when they're burning fat for fuel using ketone bodies."
"It feels really good to be in ketosis because I know that the way that I was feeling yesterday, I'm unlikely gonna feel that again."
"Ketosis and ketoacidosis are two completely different things"
"Ketones have been found to benefit numerous aspects of the body."
"Ketones are also produced when somebody is on a very low carbohydrate diet."
"Exercise during the fasting period will accelerate the onset of the elevation in ketones and accentuate the increase in ketones. This will give a boost to all the mechanisms activated by fasting."
"Once you're in ketosis, once you are insulin sensitive, more is not necessarily better."
"When you are burning ketones, it is a state of being uncoupled from the energy coming in."
"Intermittent ketosis is so important on a 24-hour basis."
"Fasting is a very safe and effective way to get into a low grade state of ketosis and it improves inflammation. It also increases resistance to stress."
"Anything that has calories in it is going to break that cycle of ketosis. So you can have green tea without sugar or cream. You can have black coffee which we've seen doesn't really break it as much. Just avoid anything that has calories."
"There is no long-living population that is consistently in a state of ketosis."
"Compared to ketoacidosis, nutritional ketosis is an entire order of magnitude lower."
"One of the primary functions of ketosis is to supply fuel for the brain."
"Nutritional ketosis is a very powerful tool when properly done, but it's not simple. It's not just a matter of cutting out carbs."
"There is no in between. You could eat a low carb diet, sure, and never be in ketosis."
"Ketosis is a highly evolved, highly conserved process."
"Therapeutic nutritional ketosis could be a powerful add-on treatment to conventional psychiatric care."
"Doctors have used therapeutic ketosis for over a century to treat treatment-resistant seizures."
"The higher the Ketone level, the lower the symptom. It's really not difficult to do this intervention and to test this out."
"I thought I was not going to ever be in ketosis, but I was."
"...and I was in ketosis and I was doing really well."
"It is not a direct correlation between High Ketones and weight loss it just doesn't work that way."
"If you're using it to manage a condition, you would want to always be in ketosis."
"Ketosis is not inherently bad for you. It might actually turn out to be good for you as it's being studied over and over."
"Fat should be used to satisfy your hunger and not just added to boost ketone levels for the sake of it."
"The natural state is a state of ketosis."
"We've known about the effects of ketosis on the brain for thousands of years." - Kellie Barnhill
"Children and babies are born into ketosis, you know. They're not eating carbs; they're actually in ketosis."
"Nutritional ketosis dramatically improves insulin resistance in this population."
"But when you stop eating foods rich in carbohydrates and instead replace them with foods rich in fats, the brain uses the ketones from that fat as energy."
"Insulin is the only major anti-ketogenic hormone in your blood."
"Glucagon is pro-ketosis, insulin is anti-ketosis."
"Well you know certainly there's at least in our world of brain related issues a lot of great information about being in ketosis in terms of stimulating brain-derived neurotrophic factor to enhance in the brain's case neurogenesis."
"So the question is, you don't want to use insulin therapy unless you're in therapeutic ketosis."
"So it's very clear that the tumor cells can't use ketones. The issue is, get your ratio down to one."
"Ketosis is important. It's an appetite suppressant."
"The war on carbs is a different style of diet where you go into ketosis without any real plan about when you're going to come out."
"Ketosis is what allows you to build the brain."
"You want to drive yourself into a mildly ketotic state; it actually helps your brain."
"When your brain switches to ketosis... you think clearer, there are multiple studies showing this."
"The fasted state is characterized by low insulin levels, raised glucagon levels, normal blood glucose levels, increased fat burning, and ketone production."
"All people throughout the world would have been in ketosis for probably most of the time in our normal evolution."
"Ketones just means you're burning fat."
"Ketones don't cause fat loss, ketones are the result of breaking down fat."
"Acetoacetate is a ketone body, and ketone bodies are made from excessive fat breakdown in the liver."
"At about 12 hours, your body's now starting to make a good dose of ketones, the brain is excited, so you're getting that mental clarity."
"Ketones are going to produce more ATP."
"Ketones mimic caloric restriction; you get all the benefits of caloric restriction when you're in ketosis."
"Rosemary contains hispidulin and rosemarinic acid, and those are components that actually get you deeper into a fasted state and deeper into a ketogenic state."
"The importance of being fat adapted in ketosis is not just for energy; it's primarily for tissue for healthy tissue repair."
"When you have ketones in your blood... then you know that your body is actually using fat for fuel as opposed to sugar."
"Ketosis equals health-promoting; fasting equals regeneration."
"I miss ketosis; I miss feeling the way that I was feeling before."
"When you first start ketosis, you are extremely, extremely dehydrated."
"Once you've done keto for a long period of time, you know when you're in keto."
"When you're getting into ketosis, the cravings start to stop, and these things go away."
"After several months in ketosis, you will have four times the number of mitochondria and they'll be four times as effective."
"There are five specific nuts out there that you could have on the keto diet pretty much all the time and still remain in ketosis."
"Ketones turn off the hunger hormone and raise the fullness hormone."
"It's pretty safe to say that it's a very suitable approach for ketogenic dieting and keeping your brain into ketosis."
"Fasting shifts the body into a fat-burning state known as ketosis."
"The fasting-mimicking diet I really, by day two of the diet, the system starts switching to a ketogenic mode."
"Being in ketosis when you go through chemo and radiation sensitizes the cancer cells to the chemo and radiation."
"If you're in ketosis, you will be going through mitophagy."
"There's more to it than just not eating; you've got to make sure you're monitoring all those different levels."
"If you consume twenty grams or fewer carbs per day with them coming mostly from vegetables, you will be in ketosis and you will lose weight."
"This buildup of keto acids in the bloodstream is called ketonemia or ketosis."
"Higher ketones, which you'll have on a carnivore diet, directly suppresses inflammation."
"Ketones in circulation don't just have a weight loss energy profile; they stimulate the way your brain works."
"If the keto magic hasn't happened for you, there is a good chance you're not actually in ketosis."
"So get into deep ketosis land and see if you notice physical, mental, emotional, cognitive benefits."
"When I am actually in a good state of ketosis, my mood, my mental outlook, is better."
"To be fat adapted offers you an enormous advantage because once you start running out of glucose, the ketones will substitute in the brain."
"We wouldn't have manipulated ketosis with food in nature; we would have got ketosis from fasting."