
Cultivation Quotes

There are 704 quotes

"Mindsets are indeed powerful, they can have a real effect, and while they do take time to cultivate, they can be cultivated."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Here it's more natural to cultivate compassion for yourself, for individuals."
"In Sanskrit, bhavana means to cultivate. In Tibetan, gom means to become familiar with something. So obviously it's like training."
"B is astounded when he learns that reaching the foundation establishment realm will extend his lifespan by 100 years."
"It's giving us the time and space to cultivate, create this self-love."
"Whatever we're seeking, but really it's giving us the time and space to cultivate, create this self-love."
"Contentment is one of the flowers of heaven, and if we want to have it, it must be cultivated."
"Peace is a process. It's not like the flick of a light switch; it's a process, you understand, like we're cultivating that peace constantly."
"Passive income is earned from persistent, ongoing cultivation."
"Good temper should be cultivated by every mistress as upon it the welfare of the household may be said to turn."
"Happiness requires cultivation, long-term cultivation."
"If you want heaven's power, you must be cultivating spiritual intimacy."
"Please cultivate the mind. Have a beautiful mind."
"Air movement is one of the most important requirements that we can provide in our high production cannabis gardens."
"Cultivate that confidence, guys. It's so important."
"Your intention sets the stage for the energy you want to cultivate."
"No democracy is not a fragile flower still it needs cultivating."
"I feel pretty good about that and they also are bush beans."
"Fascism is not about changing people but cultivating innate qualities."
"What have you done with your seed? Have you cultivated it? Developed new technologies? Created new businesses?"
"Cultivation is a daily practice... it's actions put into words put into motion and that becomes reality."
"The leaves are 30 times sweeter than sugar I've grown them last year I grow them actually the last two years."
"Cultivating the democratic mindset in society."
"Since the clone tent will have the lights on 24/7 while running clones and the actual grow room will be on the flowering light cycle, which is why it's so important that we don't have any light leaks out of the tent."
"Congratulations to the host, the cultivation method has just been completed."
"Gratitude is a spiritual practice... to cultivate an attention to the positive and to goodness." - Jordan Peterson
"We actually have to cultivate a taste for peace."
"The cannabis plant is bigger, better and stronger than ever."
"The peppers are currently the biggest star of the garden."
"It's important that we keep our plants happy in all senses."
"I cannot get a tree to bear fruit if I didn't put it in the soil in the right way."
"If you can get your hands on some, order the seeds from Italy and plant these things."
"I believe that you can create, cultivate, and keep healthy romantic love."
"Cultivate things that lead to a resolution of thought, not just an annihilation of thought."
"Now is the time to really put in the effort to cultivate what we have already sown."
"Forms of cultivation in the valley of Mexico was chanampa agriculture."
"It's really all about creating this ecosystem... maybe you're growing your plums, this is a beautiful American plum tree."
"This mindset doesn't just happen; it's cultivated and nurtured."
"You don't make wisdom; you cultivate it."
"You reap what you sow in any environment, and the grass is green where you water it."
"The six inner powers achieved, that you will attain from practicing the yin and yang methods of inner alchemy, are the hidden knowledge for you to retrieve from within this Book of the Three Sovereigns."
"Most of the weeds you'll get in a raised bed come from above; the wind blows the seeds in from around the raised bed."
"Whether you're a seasoned Gardener or just starting out, you'll find that growing carrots is a straightforward and enjoyable process."
"Well-being is a skill. Cultivating well-being is really a skill."
"Apple varieties require different growing and harvesting methods."
"The asteroids are a beautiful field to cultivate. Very fertile."
"I reckon tomatoes give us the biggest range of varieties of any crop we can grow, testament to our love affair with this stunning plant."
"We need to create the circumstances in which wisdom can grow."
"It is easy to grow vegetables. It's literally pots, soil, seeds, and then you need to water them and give them light."
"You're cultivating this beautiful energy right now."
"It's cultivated on every continent except Antarctica."
"Finding those spaces between the plants where you can sow something."
"...because all the cultivation here is based on cruelty."
"On the path of cultivation, talent is the most important."
"Just a simple post and wire support training your cane fruits up to give you a long season of pickings by planting several different varieties together."
"If people realize how easy they are to cultivate and how deliciously flavored they are, I'm sure more gardeners would try to grow them."
"With care and cultivation, they can make for a pretty remarkable team."
"Zinnias are cut and come again type flowers which means that the more you cut the flowers the more blooms the plant will produce so you can have beautiful blooms to create arrangements or bouquets all season long."
"You have to have that want and desire to build connection with others and I want to cultivate it."
"Happiness is not an external pursuit but an internal state of being cultivated through intentional and mindful living."
"Energy capture means I know how to conserve energy when necessary but I also know how to cultivate energy."
"We're gonna take some home. Of course, we need to have at least 12 new plants."
"It was time to unlock and cultivate all his skills," xinjiang exclaimed with newfound determination.
"You can grow blueberries from Canada all the way down to Florida as well as the highlands of Mexico. The overwhelming majority of the world's population can grow these small plants."
"The hunter-gatherer encourages certain plants and animals, he or she aims to harvest the sweeten."
"The one who cultivates people upon the small knowledge before the big knowledge."
"Education should be a matter of growing things, not inserting things."
"Gifts are given for free, fruit is cultivated."
"With pansies and violas in particular, I have the best results if I start them indoors very, very early, end of December, beginning of January at the latest."
"Charisma is something you can absolutely develop and cultivate."
"They want the look, they want to look because it looked like that and that's when you start mixing all these [__] plants together and you get all this okay weed that just looks wild."
"Love is not like a diamond; love is like a flower. It must be cultivated. It must be cared for. It must be nurtured so it can grow and grow and grow."
"The most mature plants are injected first before they can pollinate each other, but injecting the corn is an art and it doesn't always go perfectly."
"Character does not come by chance."
"The reality is if you cultivate the best in her, I promise you it's better than everything else that's out there that's glittering and ain't really gold."
"Mulch is so important for your whole garden."
"Desire has to be cultivated. If you've eaten donuts all your life, there's no shame, but you can retrain your body to crave something new."
"Terrific example of just planting a couple seeds in leaf mold and letting it take off."
"In intimacy with God, we have to learn to cultivate our inner life, and it takes time."
"Mushrooms need light to grow. Ambient natural light is great, and grow lights designed for seed sprouting work quite well."
"More so than any other single factor in mushroom cultivation, genetics can really make or break a grow."
"If you're not growing it, you should really think about it."
"Roses love fertile deep soil, they're heavy feeders that love fertilizer, water, and sun."
"If I want those trees to flower and bear fruit, I've got to fertilize them."
"The immortal level elixir is required for the cultivation of the transcendency."
"It's all about learning about the varieties that you grow."
"You weren't cultivating when you were in the Tien HOA mountain range."
"For the first year, just like most of our fruit crops, we want these plants to invest in vegetative growth and roots and a root system."
"On the path of cultivation, every step is difficult."
"Love is not found; love is created. When you become love, then you attract love, and you create and cultivate love as a couple."
"Spiritual growth is all about cultivating."
"The most important thing is the seed that you're going to put on the ground."
"...it was an atmosphere that Cal senior worked hard to Foster from the beginning."
"Cultivate and protect your personal brand and your professional reputation with the attention it deserves."
"Joy is not something to be found, it's something to be cultivated and maintained."
"If you plant like if you're a farmer and you plant the seeds for your crops today you can't come back tomorrow and harvest the fully ripened stuff."
"Cordyceps grow in the wild on nutritious bugs so we kind of want to recreate that nutrition for them so they can produce all those beautiful compounds that we like."
"Start now, start cultivating what he's put in you right now."
"Patience is something that we have to cultivate as well."
"Pio's legacy lives on most notably in the vineyards he cultivated."
"Bury or work into the top one to two inches of the soil."
"Growing your own spirulina will ensure that you have an eye on the source water and nutrition used for your culture, which I think is the best option."
"We actually grow earthworms separately."
"It's a magical plant everyone should be growing."
"Getting my plants up off of the ground and providing them with more air circulation has cut back drastically on the issues that I typically have with things like fungal and bacterial pathogens."
"Next year what I'm gonna do is I am going to start probably almost all my tomatoes in soil blocks."
"The entirety of the citizens should be free to withdraw as much time as possible from the service of the body and devote themselves to the freedom and cultivation of the mind."
"Seeking your destiny, tend to your garden."
"So let me tell you the first clue to look for so you know if your seedlings need transplanted the first clue to look at to see if your seedlings are ready to be transplanted to a larger container is the leaves you want to have two to three sets of true leaves."
"It's always an aspect of culture. That's what culture means, is to actually grow plants. If you do it well, it's a demonstration of your own culture."
"To really harvest, cultivate a connection with your heart and your being."
"To help cultivate an accurate and loving self-image."
"It's the best thing to grow here, grow love. It's the best thing, not only here, any part of the world, grow love."
"Friendship is a garden that's all there is to it. It takes a great deal of cultivation and nurturing."
"Ethiopian coffee is cultivated in various regions of the country each with unique characteristics."
"Liquid culture doesn't require a laminar flow hood."
"Four conditions for fruitfulness, first, I must cultivate some roots."
"In Shang Ding, there are only two experts who have reached the perfect golden core stage."
"If we plant the right seeds, we'll bloom like Ontario's Chilean flowers for generations to come."
"We saw what a successful kind person or pirate can really cultivate."
"Roses have a bit of a reputation as something that's difficult to grow, but that's not true once you get to know the conditions they're looking for."
"Some roses are grafted onto rootstocks for vigor and disease resistance, while others are grown on their own roots."
"Roses prefer a clayish soil for consistent moisture and nutrient supply, though they tolerate a wide range of soils."
"Cultivators of the Demonic path are becoming strong stronger much faster than the Divine path."
"Good and evil would never change because of the cultivation path because everything depended on the human heart."
"The relationship a gardener has with strawberry runners is wide and varied, ranging from minor annoyance like a light weeding, to diligent collection and management to maximize the patch."
"Strawberry runners are amazing little offshoots that let us know our plants are healthy. As a low maintenance crop, it's the one thing we have to deal with when we're growing strawberries."
"You are on the verge of a huge breakthrough moment. The little thing you need to do is to cultivate the arrival points. It's really close, like poking away at the surface of a cavern to see if you're near the surface."
"What are the five factors of success for growing these tricky but beautiful flowers?"
"...you get it by feeding it because you're strengthening the Orchid and the Orchid is going to give you a lot of spikes in the next cycle of blooming."
"They grow in almost any soil, sand you might have a little problems that you would have to amend it with some good organic matter."
"Beets grow great both in containers and in raised beds."
"The greatest challenge and task for a philosopher is to recognize and cultivate singular relations, which is foundational to society."
"This is what these two warriors were fighting for, and he does not know their cultivation base."
"You can go from seed to seed in about six weeks."
"Micropropagation is used by specialist laboratories to produce plants in a sterile environment in which multiple shoots are produced from single buds."
"Get cultivating your own good life."
"The mind will continue, but the body dies. Therefore, cultivate the mind as much as you can because it's the only thing that will continue."
"These are atros the red ones grown from seed and they're about three years old or four years old. So I'm going to pull a few of these out and show you what we can do."
"A cabinet is simply an indoor Greenhouse. It's the same as a grow tent, but essentially that's all it is."
"We're building a tree, a story about my family working together to cultivate food."
"Cultivation is essentially immortality and that is what this whole game is about."
"Once compassion has been cultivated to the point where it becomes spontaneous and effortless, then later the only situation has to arise to elicit compassion."
"Grow the things that you like, provided of course that they're suitable for this climate and the amount of time and effort that you're prepared to put into gardening."
"Wisdom is basically a way of cultivating and coordinating the individual virtues."
"I will cause you to be tilled and sown."
"When a farmer has a crop, they are growing that crop."
"Awareness is not something that we can will. Awareness is always a by-product. But mindfulness is something that you can cultivate."
"...but mindfulness is something that you can cultivate. And the more mindfulness you cultivate, the greater the chance for awareness to kick in."
"Thinning everything out improves the soil for them, it improves what they can produce, and they're really pretty."
"The British take tea from China, plant it on a massive commercial scale in their colonies in India, Sri Lanka, and Kenya."
"To rule as humans over creation is to be cultivators, to be gardeners. It's about harnessing the potential and then guiding it towards new things that would never have just grown."
"These plants have the brightest yellow or burgundy color flowers. They're easy to grow from seeds, they flower very quickly from sowing, and they bloom very steadily throughout the summer. You might even forget that it's a hearty perennial."
"Our true profession is husbandry, and we're supposed to cultivate the crops to bring forth the best fruits."
"Positivity is a seed that can be planted and cultivated through the practice of mindfulness."
"So what I do like with the annuals that we plant in May... I just pop them in and they grow."
"Cultivate the land, enhance, make better."
"There's a way to cultivate that state of mind."
"Suddenly, Kip appeared, surprising them both. It turned out that as The Witch of the World Tree, Ket's cultivation level had increased so much that she could now enter the management floor easily without needing CK's permission."
"Geraniums from seed: a beginner-friendly endeavor."
"Geraniums from seed: a cost-effective solution."
"One must cultivate their mind, body, and spirit in harmony."
"Cultivating a supportive community."
"The world is good, and it's here for us to cultivate."
"Cover soil break the surface plants will grow."
"The cultivators of the central continent had studied all the techniques and spells to their essence and were now in the business of combining old techniques and creating new ones."
"Our minds are like gardens, shaping the landscape of our lives."
"You can either make your own mix which could be a peat perlite."
"Love needs space to be cultivated."
"Hunger is natural, but appetite can be cultivated."
"So we got all the tango planted on the grow table."
"Plant those seeds that bring beauty where you are inwardly and outwardly"
"I believe that there are two foundational principles that you have to get right if you want good healthy transplants for a good Garden Harvest and those two things are good soil and good seed."
"You need to cultivate true deep friendship with the other person."
"As I walked around the lush tropical landscape, it seemed perfect that a place that means 'prepare to go forth' has now become a farm. Farmers surely understand better than anyone that you can only reap and harvest what you sow."
"What I find fascinating about Havana is the availability of land you managed to find ground that can be cultivated where you can start growing things."
"Seed plus time equals harvest. Planting plus tending equals harvest."
"You don't need a grand change to find peace. Cultivate the ability to find peace wherever you are."
"This writing is incredible, just by opening it and having a glance my sword cultivation has started to improve."
"And in that time you can actually plant through that sheet mulch if you wish in the winter and the autumn now."
"So the next tree that you guys have to grow, even more than the fig, and I like these actually more than figs believe it or not, it’s relatively an unknown fruit in the US."
"...but in the meantime, I'm just working on that, I'm fine-tuning it before I even get to sending that, I've got to make sure they're all autoflower which is kind of the cool part about that."
"You won't have in life what you desire, you'll have in life what you cultivate."
"The big thing is testing your leachate a lot of the larger plant cultivators out there will test the water that's leaching out of their substrate so they can actually know hey this is too high in phosphorus so we can lower our phosphorus."
"We're using that same 6-in cube with a Flor Flex cap on that fresh oxygenated nutrient."
"Community does not just happen, it is cultivated."
"This is a plant that I am growing in my shade garden and I actually hope to establish more of it."
"Just check what do I know that is beneficial for me and I need to cultivate, one thing."
"I believe in treating the plant with respect because you're going to get a better product if you don't cram it into garbage cans and stand on it."
"Lilo spent all his time enhancing his manifestation grade and cultivating energies."
"Without the suppression, he could cultivate the essence of this world and cultivate even faster."
"You gotta have experience to ripen this fig in the northeast."
"Strawberries were built to grow in containers; they're some of my best producers."
"Stay in this state. Let it cultivate. Don't move on. Cultivate the state."
"Why cultivating your intuition is important."
"So, bromeliads are easy to grow, easy to maintain, yes, why aren't there more bromeliad growers, why aren't there more people getting into it?"
"Cosmos is a fantastic Cut Flower."
"Knowing that there is good quality and so for me a couple of areas if I'm busy and I don't plan on flowering for a while being able to pop off an auto in your bedroom is kind of cool for early seasons."
"If you quit echo-locating, and just go inside yourself and choose, I'm just going to be joyful today, no matter what happens, I'm just going to be happy. Then you can do that. You can cultivate that, and you can do that."
"Sometimes to get a coral to grow you have to cut it."