
Effort Quotes

There are 51491 quotes

"Research from neuroscience tells us that through effort, our brain can change. It can form new connections that we call synapses."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Fitness can be a truly enjoyable process even when you are exerting yourself, especially hard."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Don't worry about becoming a best-selling author. Paradoxically, it's the people who don't try to become best-selling authors and focus on writing the best goddamn book that they can, that wind up as best-selling authors."
"I'm reprogramming myself and it takes a minute. I have a pretty clear knowledge of what right and wrong now."
"The pleasure in the seeking and the striving develops its own form of joy."
"Your efforts are really going to make a difference in improving relationships with your siblings."
"The harder I work, the smarter I get. But I have to do the hard work to get there."
"Trying is one of the most valuable things you can do."
"With just a little bit of work, you can be so far ahead that you don't have to worry about money."
"Motivation is something you can create yourself. Put in effort, you will improve, you will make progress."
"Motivation isn't a spark, motivation is the fire that starts burning after you manually, painfully, coax it into existence, and it feeds on the satisfaction of seeing yourself make progress."
"If you just don't quit and you do the bare minimum, you just show up, you will make fantastic progress."
"It's important to try. Not just, 'Well, you tried.' No, I mean you tried. You were you... in those moments, you were all that matters in the universe."
"If you want things to change, if you want talent, if you want success, if you want relationships with people, you have to fail, and more importantly, you have to try."
"It's about time and work. It's nothing about, I don't know, this is not Matrix like plug something in my head and I'm gonna get it."
"The key is to subjectively reward those steps. So it's not going to be, let's say I go out and I run a mile and my goal is to run 10 miles in a few weeks, the key is as you're in the strain of that mile, the hard part, you want to tell yourself this is the good part, this is the part that gives me energy."
"Growth mindset... is to attach a sense of reward to the effort process itself."
"There is no one coming to save you. You have to pick yourself up; you have to do the work."
"Making YouTube videos takes a lot of time and effort."
"The idea that you can self-reward the effort process is extremely powerful."
"If you believe in yourself and really put your heart into everything, I feel like you're going to get a good return on that."
"The aspect of being a failure doesn't come from the success in the end; it comes from if you really quit on yourself or if you don't put in the effort you know you can put in."
"You don't just find the perfect relationship; you find a really good partner, and then both of you work together on making a really good relationship."
"It's got to be a combination of those two things, where like, you don't just find the perfect relationship; you build it."
"To improve your social intelligence, you don't actually have to be great in social situations right now."
"Personal growth is tricky, so the term growth implies millions of tiny thankless steps, which sucks. And the term personal implies that nobody can take them for you, which also sucks."
"I've never seen anybody who genuinely tried their hardest for anything and never got it."
"Consistency is key. There's no secret formula."
"There is hope; it's just you have to put in the work."
"You could win but didn't do your best and you really failed, and you could lose and do your best and you were truly successful."
"The only people in life who never fail are the same folks who never try."
"The credit belongs to the man or woman who is actually in the arena."
"We have to dispense with this idea that 'the one' exists. Someone becomes 'the one' by what we build with them. Any commitment long term requires true effort."
"I'm suspicious of anyone who says when it's right it's easy."
"It takes effort. I don't want to ever settle for a relationship where you say, 'Well, I'll sacrifice that because I have all of this other stuff.'"
"The growth mindset... the belief that skill and intelligence can be developed just with efforts."
"The only belief that matters is that by applying time and energy into something, you will actually get better at it."
"Everything you're achieving and striving for will work out in your favor and it will be so worth it."
"Love isn't about finding the right person; it's about finding the person that you want to make it right with."
"It's constant work, a constant mission if you're going to try to live for positivity and bring people up."
"Empathy requires foraging for information, a metabolically expensive process, especially when feeling encumbered."
"It's always the books that take a little bit more effort that I end up absolutely loving."
"You can't be unhappy that your marriage doesn't work if you didn't work on your marriage."
"The only belief that matters is that if I put energy and effort into getting better, I actually will get better."
"I think it's to care about something and do your best with it... that commitment, for me, is the meaning of life."
"Try your hardest every day to find that base level of happiness."
"There's no guarantee that you're going to do all this work and everything's going to work out, but there is a guarantee that if you don't try, you're going to live a life of regret."
"The most optimistic thing about life is that any individual can become better, can have a better life, with effort."
"I really hope you like this. I'm sure I will. It was kind of hard to find you something, but I think you'll like this."
"We're all married in this room; we're all happily married, so we didn't get lucky. It's like you just have to work at it every single day. It's a choice that you make."
"My Epitaph is going to be: 'It was a lot more work than I'd anticipated.'"
"You need to stop the energy that's half-ass. You did not come down here to be half-ass, I'm sorry to say, Capricorn. You do not come down here to have half-assed relationships either, period."
"There's only one way to do it: you got to do what others can't or won't, and sometimes you gotta do both."
"Sometimes, it's not about overnight victory; it's about later victory that comes with hard work."
"If you've done your best and you've really gone for it, then that's really all you could have asked for."
"I had a blast making this video; it was a lot of work, but I really enjoyed it."
"Just how loud I could possibly scream going around the bases without passing out or throwing up, and I think I did a good job of hitting that number."
"Megan Fisher worked hard to feel comfortable in her own skin."
"You get what you put in, and if you want to be great, everything is hard work."
"Nothing comes easy; everything is hard work."
"Love doesn't keep us together; love is what we use to work at it."
"Hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard."
"It's going to be hard work, but it's always worth it."
"Self-care is so much more than just doing a face mask and drinking enough water. It's effort. It's literally effort to care about yourself."
"Optimism doesn't just happen like that. It's something you have to achieve, you have to work on."
"The right effort is not about striving harder, but about letting go and being kind."
"Life is not perfect. Life will never be perfect. How much we put into effort to be perfect, there is no perfect everything."
"The payoff for having so many conversations and working really hard is the phase of life that we're in right now, which I call the 'desert phase' of our life. We've raised our voices, and now we get to see what we've accomplished. We get to see our hard work in our children and now live our lives with each other, just celebrating our payoffs."
"It's like no matter what you put toward it, it wouldn't grow, but it had that potential."
"When you talk to God and you speak things into existence, and you put that power of love, it's going to come to light as long as you put in that work."
"This kind of effort is outstanding for McCaffrey. It's contagious to a team. It's awesome."
"This is not about intensity; it's about consistency."
"Talent does not win championships; work ethic does."
"If every day, my favorite days are the days that I get into bed and I'm exhausted but proud of the work that I've done, I've left it all on the field."
"Effort is the universal currency of respect."
"My agent really helped me out; he did the dirty work of calling the clubs and getting me in there."
"You have to be willing to go the extra mile to stand out and do hard things better than anybody else."
"Except the Lord build the house, they labor in vain that build it."
"Character is not a gift; it's a result. Character cannot be bestowed; it must be developed."
"Unbelievable effort from all four of these athletes."
"I think, in general, everyone... should just remember that everyone's trying to do their best."
"Be nice to everyone, appreciate that everyone is trying to do the best that they can."
"Everything that I'm getting right now, I work for that. I'm going to really be able to enjoy it."
"Fundamentally, is it good enough? No. But we are making a difference to people."
"To go uphill, you have to be intentional. Nobody ever went uphill by accident."
"If you really want to do something, you'll find a way; if you don't, you'll find an excuse." - Jim Rohn
"On the night, all that textbook stuff goes out the window, and you just got to be relentless, give it your best."
"As long as he's trying and he's making your household what it is, a real household with love, that's really what matters."
"It's been a lot, but I'm, I feel like I'm making progress."
"I've done my homework, I've finally put everything together into one beautifully distilled FORTY EIGHT slide PowerPoint."
"You beat 90% of the people in your life by doing two things: showing up and giving it everything you've got."
"It's through that struggle and that effort and that dream and the desire that you get there."
"Put your mind to it, put your heart to it, and you'll make it happen. Put your blood, sweat, and tears into it too."
"You’ve got to put in the perspiration to get the inspiration."
"It's easy to be trash; it's very hard to be exceptional."
"Relationships are like a Rubik's Cube; you gotta hope all the colors fit together."
"You're not obliged to finish the work, but you are not permitted to cease from it."
"This is not the first time I've tried this, nor the second, or the third. What I'm trying to do, I keep restarting."
"Nothing in your life will work until you do."
"Your parents, unless they were actually terribly abusive, were doing the best they could."
"Your dedication to whatever this is, the time, the effort, the study that you've put in, is really, really paying off."
"For every disciplined effort, there is a multiple reward."
"The worst thing to do in life is to do something that is hard and meaningless."
"We derive a certain amount of satisfaction from past accomplishments, generally in proportion to their difficulty."
"If you're passionate about something, it's easier to give it 100 percent. If you create more value, there's a greater likelihood that you'll be successful."
"There is no such thing as overnight achievement. If it comes easy, it goes easy."
"I can sit in the corner of the room and dream all day long, but nobody is going to come and serve success on a plate."
"Whatever I wanted to pursue, of course, I'd go through the roadblocks and I'd fail a lot of times, but like if I stuck to whatever it was, I would achieve a good level of success."
"Anyone can learn to be funnier. And it all starts with a choice, a choice to try to find ways to use humor."
"I go to great lengths not to fake my content."
"All it takes is a little effort, and everything will work out."
"You have to apply understanding and work and effort. The good news is you can get to whatever change you want."
"You create your own luck, and he has been brilliant this evening."
"The difference between... aiming super high versus aiming just a little bit higher than where you are, from an effort perspective, it's about the same effort."
"It may feel a little bit gritty from time to time, but...there will be transformation as a result of the work that you put in."
"Never regret trying hard in life. You always want to try hard."
"If you don't have a dog in your profile picture on Twitter, are you even trying?"
"It just takes one extra degree to change hot water into steam."
"Your manifestation is as far away from you as you are actively working your way towards it."
"No matter how much I tried to organize every single piece that was overwhelming, sometimes you're just working with too many pieces."
"It takes more things to frown than to smile."
"Life is not about being the best; it's about trying and never giving up."
"Love shouldn't be work, but it does require effort."
"Friendships take just as much, if not more, work than your romantic relationships."
"If you want to make an omelet, you gotta break some eggs."
"Humans are one of the most trial and error species. We do what we think is right, but we [__] up most of the time, but we're trying."
"Their effort was being rewarded in one of the most fulfilling ways possible."
"You will earn the money through your own efforts and you will become a leader in your own way."
"So our chances of actually getting things mostly right are probably pretty slim. But that’s never stopped me before."
"You're not letting her down. All she ever wanted was for you to do your best."
"He's just a guy who tries his best to leave a positive influence wherever he goes."
"It's okay to not have all the answers and it's okay to fail, but it's not okay to stop trying."
"For me to be really motivated by something, and the way that my mind works, I have to feel a very close tie between how much effort I put in to how successful that thing turns out."
"Organized hustle is business; unorganized hustle is just hustle."
"The fact that we can't solve every problem for every person in the world does not harden my heart to being able to do what we can."
"It's never a waste of time taking an opportunity."
"You've got to put the groundwork in...and you'll always benefit from that."
"What you put in you got out and I think that's really rewarding."
"The dream is free; the hustle is sold separately."
"Even to the last minute, we were lucky, but also we worked. We fought to survive."
"And they're doing all kinds of hard but not all kinds of smart."
"Once you have devised a rational plan, you'll be able to execute on that with any amount of effort that is required from you."
"It's genuinely very interesting and big brain, it takes some work, it takes a lot of planning."
"It takes a lot of work and effort to successfully get through pre-med, get into med school, and go through med school."
"Do your best in everything you do; when you feel satisfied that you've really given it your all, you're going to feel good about yourself."
"Washington... it's insane the amount of time and energy that he put into not only his appearance but that of his whole household and even that of his troops."
"People who actually care about you will make the effort to make you feel loved, wanted, and valued. People who don't will display flaky and inconsistent behavior and take you for granted."
"If you do what's right and you stand up for what's right, you can't control the outcome, but at least you did everything within your power to do what was right."
"Divorced women are most likely to work 10 times harder to make that marriage last than anyone else who hasn't got that experience."
"The formula for success is to do all you can to make things happen, then let go of the results. Holding on too tightly to a desired outcome can sabotage it."
"Hard work... nothing is ever going to replace hard work."
"What you have in mind doesn't work out, and that's okay. At least I tried."
"The secret to success is doing a lot of little things consistently over a long period of time."
"I always like to say that the secret to success is doing a lot of little things consistently over a long period of time."
"You can't coast into a better you, you can't drift into a better future. It takes intention and it takes planning."
"Action and effort done skillfully following nature feels effortless."
"Most people have never put in the work for their dreams. They wanted it on credit."
"Nobody's dreams happen without fight. Fight with all you got."
"The most successful people I've met are all winging it; they're all just working incredibly hard."
"You deserve to see what your life would look like if you gave 120%."
"I can't even imagine how much time this took."
"Keep up your grind; you are being looked at."
"Success is never owned; success is only rented, and the rent is due every day."
"It's the little details that count, that one little bit extra repeated time after time that extra hour, the extra reps, the extra little bit of effort that little extra, with consistency adds up to a massive difference."
"If you ask me if all of this is worth it, 100%."
"The speed only really means anything if it took a lot of effort to get there."
"You're going to find most of your meaning by picking up your damn load and stumbling forward."
"Great things never get dropped in your lap; they never start from comfort zones."
"The reason [the grass] is greener [on the other side] is because they water it."
"Work you're putting in, time you're investing into yourself, you will see a reward."
"It's really important to make a concerted effort to reach out to your people and let them know that you love them."
"A human being owns nothing except their efforts and their efforts shall be seen."
"The world's lazy. Everybody talks about what they want to do...but nobody wants to roll up their sleeves and just go."
"You are the product of your efforts and whatever you want out of life you can get out of life if you put in the effort."
"Nobody owe you anything in life, ever. Life ain't gonna be fair, it's just not. But you better do the best with what you got."
"Whatever it takes for you to impress your family for the holiday season, do it. It's okay to impress your loved ones."
"The only failure is not trying. The only rejection is not asking. The only mistake is not risking anything."
"The amount of effort that you put into to get through one of your university examinations, that much effort, if you give it, it's enough for God realization."
"Life is like a wheelbarrow, you get nowhere till you start pushing."
"Losing weight is not easy; it requires time and consistency."
"If I see my best player going hard, why wouldn't I want to work hard on what I can do best?"
"Go hard. And then when you think you going hard, go harder."
"When it comes to sustainability, any effort is worthwhile."
"Success really takes is relentless discipline, discipline on a level which you cannot fathom."
"Go big or go home. It means either put in all your effort or do nothing at all."
"Richard is doing everything he can to make this as special as possible."
"Hard work is everything. It's not the cool thing these days, but hard work is everything."
"People keep asking whether there can be a reconciliation, and as you know, there can always be a reconciliation, and it has to start somewhere."
"I don't think anything is irreparable if people are prepared to make the effort, but that requires effort on both sides, of course."
"Achieving what you want or not achieving what you want is seldom about your low point or your high point; it's all about your midpoint."
"The hard work isn't achieving it; it's keeping it."
"God loves people who work hard and try hard."
"If you put a little extra 30 minutes into your own craft, damn it, you were above the rest."
"It's hard stuff to do that creates something really great."
"You can't wait for inspiration. You have to go after it with a club."
"Life is like a sewer... what you get out of it depends on what you put into it."
"I always thought it was cool to try really hard."
"Increase your efforts if you want to achieve your goals."
"The most important thing in anything that I do is that I pour as much of myself into these projects as I possibly humanly can."
"The number one thing that leads to regret is not giving it your all."