
Growth Mindset Quotes

There are 1399 quotes

"Adopting a growth mindset and a stress can enhance performance mindset is incredibly valuable, and even more valuable is combining those two mindsets."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Growth Mindset, which is this striving to be better to be in this mindset of I'm not there yet, but striving itself is the end goal."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The neural mechanism of cultivating growth mindset involves learning to access the rewards from effort and doing."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Growth mindset, in its purest form, is the attachment of these reward systems to the effort process, to the friction process, and not just to obtaining a reward."
"True high performers...attach dopamine to the effort process itself. In fact, [the] hallmark of growth mindset is really two things: one is 'I'm not where I want to be now, but I'm capable of getting there eventually.' The other is to attach a sense of reward to the effort process itself."
"Growth mindset... is to attach a sense of reward to the effort process itself."
"The growth mindset is attached to the dopamine system, which Mother Nature installed in all organisms as a reward system so that when we're heading in the right direction towards something, there's a sense of reward."
"I adopted a growth mindset that I was a healthy person with healthy habits."
"The growth mindset... the belief that skill and intelligence can be developed just with efforts."
"You have to have a hypothesis, turn it into something actionable, run that action, learn from the partial failure, get a little bit smarter, come up with a new hypothesis that is more informed, and repeat."
"A growth mindset is that you believe that your talent and intelligence are not fixed traits."
"Pressure is a privilege...you look at any aspect of Our Lives where we experience growth, it's under pressure."
"It's not ever the case that you've arrived at a full, permanent growth mindset. It's something that you have to look at all the time."
"Growth mindset environments allow students to embrace learning and growth instead of worrying all the time will they look clever or not."
"If you are comfortable today with what you were comfortable with yesterday, you're already in trouble."
"Thank you for joining me today for our discussion about growth mindset, what it is, and how to cultivate a growth mindset."
"So, if I can make it through that, if I can see that and I still see the world for what it could become and I still have a growth mindset instead of a fixed mindset, then I make it possible for someone else from my neighborhood to succeed."
"The Grass Is Always Greener where you water it. It's not greener anywhere else."
"Getting one percent better each day... it's really encouraging a focus on trajectory rather than position."
"What I always try to remind myself is that right now is just one moment in time. If you're committed to growth and development, then this moment is fleeting."
"I wake up with possibilities. I'm open to possibilities because I put myself out there and I'm willing to grow."
"A lot of times, I get discouraged, but I think when I'm truly in the right zone, that's the only way we actually can grow in our lives."
"I'm in beta. That's not an excuse for me not to grow. It's the reason why I have to."
"Embrace the growth, don't run away from it, don't feel defeated by it; you will overcome this, whatever you're going through."
"I always thought... we'll reach a point eventually where there's some stability, but we keep expanding, we keep growing. If you're not growing, you're dying."
"You expose yourself to opposite points of view in order to grow."
"The Confident Kids Journal is a growth mindset powerhouse helping your child to develop a strong level of confidence, raise their self-awareness, and their resilience, and conquer their goals and dreams."
"Anything you water grows. If you water problems, you got bigger problems. If you water solutions, you got bigger solutions."
"If you think you're good enough, that's where you start to grow and get better and better."
"I'm a very much a 'let a thousand flowers bloom' type of guy."
"The only belief that matters is if I put time and energy into getting better at something, I will get better."
"In a growth mindset, they believe that their basic talents, abilities, personal attributes can be developed through effort, learning, mentoring from others."
"With a growth mindset, we can have such a better world for everyone."
"The growth mindset... that our abilities aren't fixed, we can grow, everything is a learning experience."
"Can you feel that difference? In a fixed mindset, effort and difficulty people say make you feel dumb, incompetent, inadequate. But in a growth mindset, we learn that when we’re struggling with effort and difficulty, that’s when we’re getting smarter."
"I think the process of going through things that are difficult is very much important."
"Changing your mind is the ultimate strength."
"High performance students adopt a growth mindset. They never stop learning and striving to become better every single day."
"Rejuvenate yourself beforehand... make room for growth."
"If there's any young guys out there that are upset about changing position... embrace it."
"There's no such thing as failure, only learning exists."
"Growth mindsets have longer and more stable relationships than destiny mindsets."
"Don't compare someone else's chapter 20 with your chapter 1."
"Look at the growth, look at the progress. That model, that mindset, is the key."
"You can change who you are; it's possible and it takes time."
"We got to start with us. We got to plant the seeds for us first."
"Growth mindset is willingness to learn, make mistakes. You're not so caught up in being right."
"Long-term investing mindset works because it's about investing in growth and companies' futures, not just short-term market fluctuations."
"Intelligence is not fixed, and if people use discipline and determination, then anything can get better."
"A key sign of improvement is that if you don't see your past self as cringe every couple of years, it means you're probably not improving."
"Economics is not a zero-sum game. Everything can grow."
"There's no such thing as failure, only lessons learned."
"That's how you get unstuck; that's how you stop self-sabotaging: accept that it's okay to not be good enough yet."
"The real failure is failure from learning from failure. That's the real failure."
"The only way to stop catastrophizing is to pattern interrupt that not allow yourself to wallow in that cognitive distortion to say I'm going to base things on fact and then have a growth mindset."
"Every single day, you eat every day for your health, you brush your teeth every day for your hygiene. I need you to learn and grow every single day for your mindset."
"Every difficult thing in life is really just steps that you haven't defined yet or practiced enough."
"I believe in living authentically and with a growth mindset because I think it's how we honor God and find peace."
"The diversity of thinking and the depth of thinking just one level past what you're used to is the way to keep the whole garden flourishing."
"So you either get tough and grow or cave in and stay small."
"Life is this learning and evolutionary process where we learn and grow."
"When you deal with spiritual dryness properly, you don't just get back on track. When you do get back on track, you find yourself far down the path, far further ahead, far humbler, far happier, far stronger than you were before."
"I think to just be open to learning and growing... to make people feel hopefully good."
"Our goal was to get to 50 employees, and the goal really was not so much to make a lot of money."
"Everything starts up here in self-education."
"Remember, there's no such thing as failure, only learning."
"Renew yourself, shedding old habits for growth."
"Transformation never stops. You always have to invest in yourself."
"Get uncomfortable as [__]! You have to sacrifice comfort in order to get there."
"Being conscious is about understanding your imperfections and addressing them."
"The growth is healthy because the alternative to growth is no growth."
"Don't build for what you need right now, build for where you're going."
"Finding out you're wrong can be painful, but it's not to be feared. It's actually maybe a good thing because you can learn something."
"Sometimes it's about learning to believe in our growth even when we can't feel it."
"In order to progress and improve, you have to be critical of the thing which you are trying to improve."
"Can you look yourself in the mirror and say, hell yeah, I'm proud of the man I'm becoming? That's all it comes down to."
"Adopting a growth mindset allows successful individuals to reframe negative situations by focusing on what they can control."
"Embrace the growth mindset. Through trials, I am becoming stronger and wiser."
"Making difficult choices showcases an unwavering commitment to growth."
"You can't be in the middle, you're either growing or you're dying." - Dave Hollis
"Your struggles, my friends, are much like this soil—they may weigh you down temporarily, but they are also preparing you for breakthroughs."
"Reframe failure as an experiment, a learning opportunity."
"Stop running from your pain and embrace your pain."
"It's not about contracting; it's about expanding."
"Embrace challenges as opportunities for growth and remember with faith as your guide, you can conquer the impossible."
"It's proof of growth and I think it changes our mindset to where I can grow I know it so I've got more more to come."
"No harvest ever comes big. Stuff starts small first, and you have to have the ability to discern when something big is on the horizon."
"I'm always open to learning and I'm always open to growing and I'm always open and to uh, you know to better myself."
"The only way you grow is through discomfort in life."
"In order to get better in life... you should challenge yourself."
"Admitting mistakes is a sign of growth, not weakness."
"I feel like the hard road is actually so much better for improvement."
"People want to hear that you're still growing despite the growth being had, you're still growing."
"Everything on planet Earth is either growing or dying."
"If you're not growing, you're dying. That's just a fact of life in the entertainment business."
"We should learn to say 'this is enough'... recognize when enough is enough and not continuously pursue growth just for its own sake."
"You're looking for any growth and lessons, not about wins and losses."
"The best growth in anything is when you are critical of yourselves when you're winning because there's always room for improvement."
"It's not how you start, it's what it becomes."
"Think of your failures and weaknesses as steps to climb to the next level."
"Humility brings about power, and that humility allows you to lean in and to an availability."
"Whatever you put in my hands is going to prosper, whatever you give me is going to grow."
"What may seem like insurmountable obstacles become opportunities for growth and learning when we view them through the lens of Faith."
"Step into a new version of yourself. It's time to evolve and expand."
"Don't compare what's happening here to your ministry and begin to despise the day of small beginnings."
"He still wants to learn and get better every day."
"Criticizing me telling me when I'm wrong that type of stuff that's what I want to know."
"It's good to be wrong, that we can change those ideas."
"Don't judge each day by the harvest you reap, but rather by the seeds you plant."
"Learn, invest, repeat. Start small, grow smart, achieve financial independence."
"This is about us growing together as a team."
"Give yourself the space to grow, have a growth mentality."
"Unless your attempt to do something beyond that which you've already mastered, you will never grow. So if you want to begin to grow, you've got to put something out here that you can't reach easily."
"There's a lot you can learn from your failures."
"You have a growth mindset, continuously seeking to grow and learn from every experience."
"Growth is an objective one could say, well people like growth."
"I think people like growth a lot, who likes a lot to have the ability to do."
"The challenge mindset... see it as something you can learn from."
"Our job is to get better not stay the same, is to get better."
"Don't think in IRR, think in doubling and tripling."
"The brain loves habits... that's why growth comes from just being uncomfortable."
"The only thing that you need to take away from this video is what you're either growing, you're either on the attack, or you're on the defense."
"Invest in yourself. Be growth oriented, be obsessed with progress."
"Don't expect to be right; expect to get more right over time."
"I'm kind of only interested in doing stuff that scares me because that's where the goodness comes from."
"That just tells me that you're on the verge of just growing and evolving as a person."
"It's always good to start off a little bit crap and then... it gives you room to grow."
"Life is meant to grow, we're meant to evolve."
"These people think in terms of economics, growth, and innovation."
"Focus on personal growth, grow as much as you can, take challenges as lessons."
"I really am rooting for Matt... You can learn from this, you can grow, you can change, or you can keep doubling down. Your call."
"I'm trying to build and build and build right now."
"I think fear is a good thing now why because it increases our need to overcome that fear."
"Criticism, when given in good faith and with trusted opinions, is one of the best ways to improve."
"Criticism should be seen as a constructive tool for growth, not something to be feared or avoided."
"Keep fostering your own current work, keep experimenting, keep getting out of your comfort zones."
"Perfection is a limitation because there's no evolution, there's no growth in perfection. It's stagnant, it's dead."
"Embrace the season of growth and trust the process."
"Always bounce back and move to a higher level."
"Never become complacent. Never become stagnant."
"Success isn't just built on one pile of trash. It's built on so much trash, so much trash, failure."
"In the inevitable experience where...you fully believe in growth mindset...but now you've got a physiological stress response...how are you going to appraise that better?" - Dr. David Joerger
"In a culture of growth, you're willing to examine mistakes because they're part of the process of growing as a group."
"You shall prosper most if you are willing to unbecome what you have believed yourself to be."
"Choose growth, choose the adventure, choose the long way home, victory over defeat."
"We all start at zero and then, uh, we hopefully grow from that. That's always the goal."
"I want to grow it, I want to have more views and more subscribers, more little business ventures and income streams, and just better quality videos."
"Failure is not death, it is an opportunity to learn and grow."
"Growth mindset: always thinking of ways you can improve."
"Challenge yourself; if it's not growing, pivot."
"It's about taking responsibility for your own actions."
"You've got to become a risk-taker. If you're not willing to risk, you cannot grow."
"We're all about that flow when we're trying to make our channel grow."
"Everything is just a catalyst for growth, and it's all meant to be happening."
"Focusing on getting better is a positive thing."
"I just want to keep growing. I never want to get stale."
"Better to take a leap of faith than fear stagnation."
"Comfort is the enemy of growth... you gotta burn that midnight oil."
"Failure is not a setback but an opportunity to learn and grow."
"That all starts with just changing the content over time. Again, that's not a weak thing to do, that is not a weak or passive approach."
"Education and learning from your mistakes, you've got to constantly grow."
"A challenge always makes you uncomfortable. If it doesn't challenge you, it won't change you."
"Never give up on what you're here to experience, how you're here to grow."
"Big things start small. The biggest oak starts from an acorn. You've got to be willing to let that acorn grow into a little sapling, and then maybe one day, it'll be a big business on its own."
"Teach them to be comfortable being uncomfortable."
"They were willing to imagine a future where their business was growing."
"You have to learn how to handle things on smaller levels so that you'll be able to handle things on bigger levels."
"No judgment Zone... it's about learning, unlearning, and growing."
"Disruptive thinking changes the way we grow."
"Pay attention to what you don't know. Watch for the things you don't know. In that area lies growth."
"Mistakes can accelerate your growth if you use them properly."
"It's only a failure if you don't learn anything from it."
"That's going to allow you to grow, that's gonna allow you to build into who you want to be tomorrow."
"Break free from pain and embrace growth; your breakthrough is coming."
"Put something out there. Put yourself out there, where you have to do it. It's like a make or break thing."
"That feeling of your legs burning right now is the feeling of growth."
"Happiness is on the way, know that things were rough, but it was for a reason, it was to get you out of that comfort zone, so that you can grow."
"You don't want things to blow up, but at the same time, you might learn a lot more if something dies."
"Real growth often happens outside of your comfort zone."
"You're a constant creator, you're a constant gardener, but all that energy around you is always growing."
"Being one percent better every single day is what's going to lead to that growth."
"Wherever you are in your journey, I hope you too will keep encountering challenges."
"Adversity is the key to personal growth confronting challenges actually being challenged"
"Focus on what you do have in your life, and it will grow."
"It really is a time for you to evaluate your beliefs, your investment in yourself."
"We can't change the past, but we can embrace it, grow from it, and become better people, better heroes to the ones around us."
"Expect opposition and recognize it as nothing more than labor pains."
"I'm more into building from the ground up process."
"Don't compare yourself to other people's goals. See if this is challenging for you, and then challenge yourself just a little bit more every year."
"Your tolerance for tension determines your potential for growth."
"I always look for the intermediate steps towards growing. I am never someone that suffered being fine at something. I always want to get in there and get better."
"What doesn't kill us makes us stronger. Even negative change can lead to growth."
"Have the right mindset to adapt and grow through change."
"Growth, man. That's real growth, understanding what's just negative criticism and understanding what's actual constructive."
"Construct a narrative about ourselves that empowers us."
"How you handle failure, that's where the growth takes place."
"Life is pulling you in that direction to expand you out."
"Every dilemma is an opportunity for growth and evolution."
"Growth is the certainty...allowing ourselves to propel towards new scientific developments, new perspectives, new ideas, new inventions, new innovations."
"Lean into the learning and celebrate your openness to grow."