
Repetition Quotes

There are 6353 quotes

"It's clear that an effective gratitude practice has to be repeated from time to time."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The most potent protocol or tool for gratitude is going to be one that you repeat over and over again."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Neurons that fire together wire together, and they fire together because you're doing it; they wire together because you're doing it a lot. That's repetition."
"Innovation solves problems, and I'll say it again because it is true."
"The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again."
"The bot will respond with a message of encouragement whenever someone sends a message containing a sad or depressing word."
"If you don't learn what you were supposed to learn, you are destined to take the class over again."
"Addiction...how frequently we will do that, so that's addiction."
"Everybody loves bringing up the, like, what's the definition of insanity, right? It's doing the same thing over and over and over again and expecting a different result."
"The more you do it, the more you do it afraid, the more confident that you get."
"Why do we repeat things? Because we bring an unhealthy set of defenses."
"The power of the law of repetition: each time we control our attention and express our word along a certain line, repeating over and over again a certain concept, it will become established in the subconscious."
"The plot point of a robot wanting to steal a human's identity is something we see over and over again."
"They should be read not once but a hundred times."
"You should never hit a point where you just end up picking the same thing over and over again."
"Those who don't know history are doomed to repeat it."
"The standard saying is that those who forget history are doomed to repeat it, but dwelling on the mistakes of history can lead to a repetitive doom loop as well."
"You have to learn to be the master of the game of the set of iterable games that repeat."
"The definition of insanity is doing the exact same thing and expecting a different result."
"Understanding something doesn't mean your intuitive or creative brain knows it. Training that part of your brain requires a lot of practice, just constant repetition."
"You go through things in life, and if you don't learn the lesson, you go through it again."
"The guests said they liked riding this ride over and over again so they could hear the different jokes."
"The more that you repeat a lie, the more that the lie becomes the truth."
"If you repeat a lie often enough, it becomes the truth."
"A belief is just a thought you keep thinking over and over again until it's hardwired in your brain."
"Because a thought, if you repeat it again and again, especially you know every day, it becomes a belief."
"As long as you hear something repeatedly, even twice, the likelihood that you believe it goes way up versus something that you hear once."
"This is scary for investors; they've seen this movie before."
"To do the same thing over and over again with expecting a different result is a form of insanity."
"A very simple, magical, almost unbelievable fact about your subconscious mind is that it believes whatever you repeat to it consistently, and it doesn't matter how true or false the statement is."
"The principle that your mind will take on whatever you feed it, regardless of truth or falsity, only works through brute force and repetition."
"Those that don't understand the past are bound to repeat it."
"The true gaslighting abuse happens over time, over and over and over again."
"This is actually the second time we're filming this."
"If you don't understand your history, it's bound to repeat itself."
"Oh lord, that was glorious, my friends. Alright, oh that was fun, let's do it again, baby."
"When you practice, you want to have a goal, you want to be consistent, and you want to understand that repetition is your friend."
"So I think part of the reason that we have so many kids in this country fall off the bandwagon is we try to make everything really exciting and really fun. And we forget the lessons that language learners and musicians, and sports, people in sports, dance instructors--they all know that practice and repetition is part of gaining expertise."
"Instead of the reality, which is every great expert has to have practice and repetition with what they're learning."
"Repetition is sort of like the glue of your graphic designs; it holds everything together and brings it into a unified piece of work."
"One of the most obvious hallmarks of a professional and a competent designer is if their designs are tied together with repetition."
"True repetition occurs when we continually strive to live out our ideals in real life."
"Mutual consent, mutual consent, mutual consent."
"Doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result is the definition of insanity. It's not; it's a definition of stupidity and brainlessness."
"There's something about rehearing the same piece exactly the same way again and again that lulls us into a sense of its special rightness."
"God forgives repeat mistakes. That's a fact."
"In a specific area that you want to be confident, just getting reps in that area doing it over and over until you lose the nervousness."
"If you're too damn stubborn to change, you will keep running into the same thing over and over, continually."
"The subconscious mind is programmed through repetition."
"Don't get frustrated at me. I'm just repeating what you tell me."
"History repeats itself, then it deletes itself."
"Thank them and thank them over and over again."
"Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result."
"History keeps on repeating, or at the very least, rhyming."
"If you do not learn from your mistakes, you are bound to repeat it."
"If anyone feels like it's Groundhog Day, well, so do I, and I'm happy to be here."
"Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it."
"Every time you repeat that loop, you are programming neural pathways in your brain."
"This smacks of governments over the world which have had the answer they don't want from their own people and then have just asked them the same question again."
"When you find something in life that works, just keep doing it. Just spam it."
"The definition of insanity is doing the exact same flipping thing over and over again and expecting stuff to change."
"When you move into town, you have fewer kids because they're no longer free labor, they're more of a luxury good."
"When you say something over and over again, it stops sounding right in your head."
"Mastering one move or two moves over and over again is the blueprint and the truth."
"When you hear something that sounds good repeated, it's like a miracle. Why does this stay interesting over and over again?"
"The user experience, user experience, user experience."
"Repeat a lie often enough, and it becomes the truth."
"Every second felt like an eternity, and the song seemed to go on in endless repetition."
"Those who cannot remember the past are doomed to repeat it."
"My definition of a riff is a repeated melodic motif that happens repeatedly throughout the song."
"If you don't learn a lesson, you get to repeat that bad boy."
"History keeps repeating itself because no matter how much time passes, human nature remains the same."
"This is getting more and more sad... like it's every single time he gets indicted."
"It's the food, it's the food, it's the food."
"If you tell a lie enough, eventually people will start to believe it."
"Repetition is the mother of skill. Repetition helps us to remember."
"People who fail to learn the lessons of history are condemned to repeat them."
"It's not gonna happen overnight...it's repetition, repetition, repetition."
"We can't rewrite history because then we're in danger of repeating it."
"Life gives you the same lessons over and over again until you learn from them, integrate them, and grow from them."
"History doesn't repeat, but it definitely does rhyme."
"It's the definition of insanity, keep trying to do the same thing but expect a different result."
"A lot of people are saying that Jesus is coming soon. You may think, 'I've heard that before.' Well, if you think you've heard that before, you're gonna hear it now like you've never heard it."
"The best way to remember new words is to actually keep reading because the words that matter you'll see them again and you'll review them naturally."
"Those who don't learn history are doomed to repeat it."
"This has all happened before. From one civilization to another, to the next, and we are the next."
"Isn't it funny how history seems to repeat itself over and over and over? We're constantly being told we're progressing as a people, and yet we keep finding ourselves locked in the repetition of certain cycles."
"The truth matters, and hiding information and stating a lie over and over again does not make it true."
"Man, it’s even better on the fifteenth read..."
"Repetitive behaviors made me a great bodybuilder and powerlifter because that's all that's about... It's about singles, it's dingers every single day, wake up and you do your little checklist."
"History doesn't necessarily repeat, but it rhymes."
"We are just collections of particles, you and I. So if the configuration repeats, you and I are out there too."
"I've seen this before, I've sat through this before, I've witnessed this before. So now it's like, when does it stop?"
"It takes time and repetition, time and repetition, time and repetition. It's a skill, it's a strength."
"If we aren't careful, history will continue to repeat itself over and over again."
"What's old is new, that's always the same thing, and history repeats itself."
"One last ritual, and then we say goodbye again, as always."
"If you tell a lie long enough, people will come to believe it."
"If you can do things once or a hundred times, it's much better than doing it a million times."
"A riff is a short repeated melodic phrase used throughout a song."
"Dedicating yourself to being excellent and doing the repetitive tasks, you get better at the thing, and then you tend to like the things when you get better at them."
"Absolutely brilliant...tierney brilliant, absolutely brilliant."
"Always loft; always loft; always loved; always loved."
"Three times in a row, three minutes... It's an amazing feeling."
"Dream, dream, dream, dream, dream, dream, dream, dream!"
"I spend millions of dollars saying the same fucking shit in 400,000 ways, hoping today's going to be the fucking day."
"Let's go, dude, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go."
"Butter makes everything better." (Yes, it's worth repeating!)
"Basic questions should be answered because they keep occurring over and over and over again."
"One of the great lessons of history is that it repeats."
"Telling stories is telling stories is telling stories."
"I loved cooking the chicken adobo, I can do that again and again and again."
"Jesus is king, Jesus is king, Jesus is king."
"Did I ever tell you what the definition of insanity is?"
"An amazing experience." - "...an amazing experience..."
"Speedrunning is fan-driven gradual mastery of a game, done by replaying it over and over, aiming for goals the developers may never have thought possible."
"Greatest country in the world, greatest country in the world."
"Overwriting it which means repeating a new thought or behavior so many times with such emotional intensity that it becomes a more energy efficient pathway for your brain than the one that you've had until now."
"Those who don't remember the past are doomed to repeat it."
"What are you fighting against? This is literally months after you allegedly copied elements of her video for the millionth time. You did not have to do this."
"I swear to God. I swear to God. I swear to God." - Shayne
"I believe Hua Mulan, I believe Huawai, I believe Hua Mulan, I believe... I believe Huawai Mulan."
"Teach, supplement, repeat: the Tamer recalls the five levels of skill mastery."
"Alright guys, here we go, places speaker down, places speaker down, places speaker down."
"Are we seeing a repeat of this phenomenon again? I don't know, I'm just asking questions."
"People are getting tired of seeing movies about the same characters over and over again."
"Investing in narratives is actually investing in narratives. Narratives drive markets."
"People are saying it's like LSF drama, it's literally the same."
"The lie has been said over and over and over again."
"God, there are so many Long John Silver fires here, right holy."
"This is all old news just rehashed and astroturfed."
"It's a good skit, it's a good skit, it's a good skit."
"If you see something a thousand times that doesn't mean that it happened a thousand times."
"It's a game about delivering packages from one location to the other. It is extremely repetitive, so why did I enjoy it?"
"I want you to have one game a week just doing a build over and over and over again over and over and over again."
"There's only so many times you can march them up to the top of the hill and have to march them back down again."
"Wake… up!" "Wake up!" "Wake up, wake up, wake up. Up you wake, up you wake, up you wake, up you wake."
"The grind for these wasn't so repetitive but the reward does make it worth your time."
"And like I said all you need to do is repeat the process and start to make money with YouTube shorts 2021."
"Life is a highway, yeah, that movie's awesome." (Repeated for emphasis)
"Stay safe, stay healthy, and practice, practice, practice."
"Let's go your five try and repeat as Super Bowl champs year five the final year for part one and our team looking to defend our Super Bowl title."
"We're back where we have been for the last eight years." - "We're back where we have been for the last eight years."
"Good thing we've learned the lessons of history so we're not doomed to repeat that."
"Every time you play, sometimes in adversity you learn more."
"Johnny and Courtney 4Never, 4Never, dying's what exes are for." - Funeral crowd
"I stand by everything I said I'd say it again."
"Black lives matter, and as I said earlier, I'll say it again."
"Without accountability, it will happen again."
"Insanity is doing the exact same thing over and over again."
"I just wanted to see the Earth Valumental. Now I've heard that recording more than 400 times. It gets better every time."
"Isn't it fitting that this matchup would go five once again? Now four straight times that has happened in this series."
"Don't tell me history doesn't repeat itself."
"Disgusting, disgusting, disgusting, disgusting."
"If you go back about 200 years you do have the same thing...this is not something new."
"Are we running this back? Are we running this back?"
"Let me ask you a simple question: I have seen this before."
"Black history is American history. Black history is American history. Black history is American history."
"History repeats itself because human nature is what it is."
"I'm smart enough to understand what's happening and I'm smart enough to see that history is repeating itself."
"It's important to remember this that this is a pattern that repeats itself throughout history."
"Repetition is key. You want to study, that's what it's about."
"This is a good position, this is a good position."
"I am not just repeating over and over and over again."
"Performance is also about actions that repeat over and over again in our daily work."
"Fundamentally the human story seems to play out the same way."
"Repetition legitimizes repetition legitimizes repetition."
"They're gonna be really, really, really, really cool." - They're gonna be really cool!
"Groundhog Day for every 90-year-old every day."
"We got our first dead body, body, body, body, body."
"Looks like we just saw a level like this not too long ago."
"A habit is a redundant set of automatic, unconscious thoughts, behaviors, and emotions that's acquired through repetition."
"Looks at the replies for two seconds... Oh shoot, here we go again."
"One more game, one more game, one more game!"
"Almost like an echo in here, it's like deja vu all over again."
"I am the death machine, the machine of death, the death machine. Oh, the machine of death. I am the machine."
"It's honestly hard not to just run back raise the bonfire level and do the whole thing over again."
"Accountability is not coming. It's not coming, and again and again, I'll just give the advice and friendly advice to, you know, my friend Jank Uger."
"Protect the children, you know what I'm saying? Protect the children, protect the children."
"This leap attack thing was the most fun ability in the game because you can just Spam it over and over."
"The mind is like a computer program, and it loves repetition."
"That was really cool, we do that again. We're gonna do that again, guys. We're gonna do that again."
"Doctrine matters. Doctrine matters. Doctrine matters."
"When you have a prosecutor who's asking the same question 50 times, you now give the media the opportunity to say he couldn't answer." - Commentator
"It just takes repetition. You have to do it several times."
"Loops are used when you want to execute the same part of code multiple times."
"The main thing that really killed it for me with the story is the amount of repetition."
"It's just a really generic, repetitive, and uninteresting story."
"There's very little that is more powerful than repeating yourself when you just said what you meant to say."
"Every time the cycle repeats we get smarter and smarter and smarter, and it is only a matter of time until we finally break the cycle."
"Repeating jokes, repeating points, repeating formats, these are signs you have a problem that plagues our internet scene."
"Words matter and those words will be reiterated by everybody."
"I know I've said it like 15 times, I sound like a broken record, but this is amazing."
"We want to repeat the things that we did well but we want to do better and improve on the previous day."
"It's all the resurrection, it's all the resurrection, it's all the resurrection."
"History doesn't repeat itself but it sure often does rhyme."
"The Lord refers to Joseph as 'my servant' 94 times. That's just interesting that He's trying to teach us how to become His servants."
"It just keeps shooting itself in the foot over and over."
"If you repeat a lie often enough, people will believe it, especially if it's a big lie."