
Mental Well-being Quotes

There are 458 quotes

"It's clear that an effective gratitude practice has to be repeated from time to time."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"If you missed your daytime light ration, get your nighttime dark ration. They are independent and additive."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"When your rate of neurogenesis is high, it's like paddling downstream... There's more resilience."
"We sustain psychological injuries like failure, rejection, guilt, loneliness, brooding and rumination, loss, and trauma bouts of low self-esteem just as frequently, if not more frequently, than we do physical ones like cuts and scrapes and sprains."
"Whatever's good for your heart is good for your brain."
"Routine has been increasingly helpful in this whole healing journey. If you create structure and know the things that you're going to do as soon as you wake up, it just creates a bit of a safe space for you."
"There is no silver bullet; all measures to stop the spread of COVID have painful effects on our economy, social lives, and mental well-being."
"All self-awareness, all self-worth, everything in our life is derived from how we feel about us. Our entire mental well-being, how we see the world, our worldview, is derived from within."
"How do we get comfortable with uncertainty so it doesn't consume us?"
"The one thing that has mentally been best for me is to look at food and exercise and just taking care of my body generally... with water intake and everything else, like, looking at it like a lifestyle change."
"Healthy heart, healthy circulation, good mind - I love boxing for those reasons."
"Healthy heart, healthy circulation, good mind."
"Improving your memory, mindset, and mood so you can be happier, think sharper, have better cognitive acceleration, be able to adapt and react quicker and more effectively on a daily basis is crucial for living your life at your highest level."
"I have been working out a lot at home to take care of myself physically and feel better mentally."
"It's been just over a week since I've been using Instagram, and I feel so much better."
"We take for granted our mental well-being up until we don't have it."
"It's not about going on a meditation retreat or doing anything extreme; it's about building habits that create more of these moments in your daily life."
"May the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus."
"In order to achieve a happy life, joyful life, we have to take care of our mind, motivation."
"95% of our serotonin, which regulates our happiness and entire mental state, is produced in the gut."
"A cluttered space can equate to a cluttered mind."
"Spring cleaning isn't just about freshening up your space; it's about creating a haven where you can truly relax and feel at peace."
"If we go long enough without sleep, we basically go crazy."
"You need to get out of your negative thought cycles and find some mental and emotional peace."
"The wealth is being healthy...you can have all the money in the world if you're not mentally healthy, you're going to be miserable."
"Health of body and mind comes through positive thought. Keep your mind free from negative thoughts."
"Peace of mind is one of the key desires that almost everybody should be striving toward."
"There is no good thing that happens from having your stress system be anxious for weeks or months at a time."
"Any man who doesn't have peace of mind is not on the right path in life."
"Testosterone is not only key to men's physical health, not only to your bones, not only towards your muscles but also your mental health."
"As the world has become more comfortable in a variety of ways, we've lost a lot of the things that make us healthy not only physically but also mentally."
"Regret, guilt, shame, and self-hatred will make you unhappy"
"Meditation gives one both a calmness and a clarity."
"Sleep is a foundation for our mental and physical health."
"The intensity of her emotion suggests that her mental health may be significantly impacted."
"A lot of people who don't practice meditation are really missing out."
"Could you start a new era of human well-being in our minds with this basic measurement of the brain?"
"I think mental health as opposed to mental illness is a good way of thinking about it like that."
"Staying hydrated is so good, mentally, it's game-changing."
"There's a level of contentment and joy I don't want you to lose because the market's gone crazy."
"Running is just plain good for you, not only for your physical health, but your mental health."
"Getting upset about stuff that's happened in the past is such a bad way to... your mind will get destroyed if you do that."
"The world's first NFT house is now for sale, a futuristic dwelling designed to promote mental well-being and calmness."
"Self-esteem is a critical element of good health."
"If you're eating poorly and you're eating badly it will cause depression, it will cause symptoms."
"Exercise gives you endorphins, and when people are sad, sometimes they can go work out and feel a little bit better."
"Running's more about evening yourself out. Makes me feel good about who I am."
"Stretching can help improve posture and increase serotonin levels."
"Use this time to work on yourself, work on your physical health, your mental health."
"You have to deal with things, you can't let things harbor within you and fester."
"Focus on your physical fitness. It's crucial for mental well-being and preparedness."
"True happiness comes from what's in your head."
"Remember this: your life is not about you. Rather, your life is about the lives of everyone you touch. When you make your life about the lives of everyone you've touched, you will never wake up dealing with anxiety or worry or stress again."
"Let's all spread positivity, let's have a positive environment, let's have a good environment."
"A no big deal attitude towards waking up, doing a quick movement session, feeling really good and feeling those endorphins afterwards."
"Sex is as mental as it is physical, and I'm all about the science behind feeling my very best."
"I work out to get fitter and stronger, and mentally it just makes me feel so so so good."
"The key to peace and happiness is practicing gratitude."
"Taking care of the body through an exercise like yoga or even cardiovascular activity tends to see a better experience with psychological health."
"Exercise brings me back into my ideal state of mind."
"Having a connection to nature is important... observing trees, mountains, and rivers."
"I don't have New Year's resolution. I just tried to be more at peace, become more happier."
"It's all the same thing. My body was not happy. So, yeah, I think diet can help with depression too."
"Simple practices like gratitude can elevate levels of happiness."
"Exercise is incredible at releasing endorphins and dopamine."
"Instead of just focusing solely on healing my skin or my forehead I focused on my overall health and healing what's on the inside and then healing my skin or simply just a byproduct of that."
"The peace in the storm is the calming of the waves and the calming of your heart."
"That feeling at the end of the day when you're done with the cleaning is like the best feeling ever."
"Erectile dysfunction is a normal part of life and should be discussed and respected like any other emotion that humans go through."
"Biblical meditation will set you free and it will keep you free."
"If the body's not happy, if the belly's not happy, how can the mind be happy?"
"I felt so much clearer and just better and have more energy, and you know being clinically depressed and drinking is a depressive so it's like we probably shouldn't mix those two as often as you think you should."
"Companionship doesn't actually have to be other people. It can be oneself. It can be plants or stuffies."
"What we eat affects us mentally, just as much as it affects us physically."
"Above all else, take care of yourselves, stay safe, stay healthy, stay sane."
"I probably feel as good as I ever have physically, but also mentally, emotionally I'm in a better place."
"There is so much to gain when we stop obsessing over food and our body weight and normal fluctuations that are really not meant to be hyper-controlled."
"The difference between having a steak for dinner and having another bowl of oatmeal would just have a tremendous benefit."
"I just need some social interaction and to feel normal and to feel alive."
"The biggest benefit of five minute chunks of time isn't the actual work that gets done. It's what goes on inside our head and how we feel about ourselves once it's done."
"Gender dysphoria is a medically recognized thing that some people go through."
"Mental prosperity will bring you to a place where no gender barrier, no religious barrier will stop you."
"Being able to hear the birds and outside noise just makes me feel really happy."
"This two-year phase for Taurus is a very positive one for their mental happiness and also happiness at home."
"Massive respect to Greg, it is Callum's responsibility to make sure that I'm healthy and I'm well and I'm mentally stable."
"We have one life; anything that will make you feel better is a good thing."
"Clean your surroundings. Cleanliness is next to godliness."
"Affirmations: What we don't deal with mentally will attack us physically."
"You can't just turn it off... mentally and emotionally unhealthy if you can just flick a switch."
"No one comes back from a walk saying, 'I wish I hadn't done that.' You just feel better."
"It's the unification with the present moment that is the main source of mental pleasure."
"Living a life on Carnivore where you have zero inflammation and zero anxiety, you're fearless."
"Negative visualization... when you're done... I'm so grateful for how things are right now."
"Good sex and mental health are linked, with oxytocin, dopamine, and serotonin enhancing the process."
"You're being supported, there is an end goal of happiness and well-being."
"Just this little bit makes me feel so much better. I can think clear now."
"Keep troubles and torments at a distance where they may be easily forgotten."
"I learned to become more in tune spiritually and mentally with my surroundings."
"Sometimes, you need a little bit of laziness. You can't be always motivated."
"It's going to hurt before it feels better. Toxic positivity is a pattern that is observed in people who require others to be happy and positive all the time."
"Toxic positivity enabling is dangerous, systemic, and it is everywhere. Someone invalidating you is not your fault."
"I love having a clean room and going to bed knowing my room's clean and waking up and knowing it's clean and coming home knowing it's clean it feels so good."
"TRT helps with recovery, fixing my mental state improves everything."
"It's okay to feel sad sometimes, so sometimes it happens that you're sad and you'll feel sadness. It's actually really healthy."
"This is all I want, is to wake up fine, tell me that I'm alright, I'm not going to die."
"Don't let anyone live rent-free in your mind. That is toxic behavior."
"Visualizing has the powers and capabilities to help manifest dreams and goals that you have desired, therefore putting you in a state of comfort."
"Move your hands together, inhale, maybe happy, maybe free, free from suffering, free from pain, experience real love, real peace, and real joy."
"Getting enough fuel in the tank is essential for both physical and mental health."
"Meditation can bring equanimity to our lives, so we don't get too affected by the ups and downs, the extreme ups and downs that we go through in life."
"I stay really positive because I'm always thinking of things to be grateful for."
"Dancing or singing, prayer, meditation, even stuff with writing and creativity, definitely being in nature, in fresh air."
"Stay away from negativity as much as you can, stay away from negative environments and excessively negative people."
"Pooping is very important, it will also help a lot of people who do suffer from depression."
"I started doing therapy three times a week...I needed to throw myself in head first to my mental health and mental well-being."
"It does make a massive difference. Yeah, it really does. But yeah, it's just one of them things that we have to deal with and the shooting and the outdoors definitely helps."
"People who make their bed are happier people."
"It's kind of like an investment in your peace of mind."
"Make time for self-care to stay healthy in mind, body, and spirit."
"I don't think it's healthy not to talk to people and voice your thoughts and feelings."
"Benefits of yoga: physical health, mental clarity, stress relief, and flexibility."
"The absence of joy, love, and laughter is the biggest virus facing us."
"Positive vibes, positive intentions, positive feelings."
"The primary cause of unhappiness is never the situation but your thoughts about it." - $1
"Life's great, trying to find that peace, some happiness, and doing the right thing."
"It's a time for you to think about what's causing stress and anxiety in your life."
"You tend to push through, but pay attention to when your body and mind need rest."
"Emotions play a big part in having integrity, being kind and compassionate, having peace and joy."
"I just had a really rough time with my body, my self-esteem, my mental state."
"We have data and proof now that we can create sustainable production of dopamine or well-being."
"Putting my head on my pillow and knowing that I have created an environment where I feel that safe and that wonderful is truly what gets me up each and every day to do a great job and to live my life."
"Learning to control worry and anxiety is essential for our well-being."
"Eating healthy foods will actually boost your amount of serotonin that you have in your body."
"People who ate seven servings of vegetables and fruits every single day were happier, less frequently depressed."
"Life improves in lockstep with your willingness to invite hardship into your life."
"I think a lot of people forget about grief too."
"Forgiveness is for your benefit. It's how you release. It's how you don't carry toxic energy with you."
"Imagine you're sitting there, you just had a bath, you've washed your hair, you've done your full body moisturizer, you've done a face mask, you've done all your skincare, you're feeling great."
"Will we actually be able to let go and be happier? - Yes."
"My mind is the dwelling place of happiness, joy, and deep sense of security."
"The antidote to chaos: order. Achieve order, achieve happiness."
"Intense physical exercise has recently been shown to be at least as effective as therapy or meds."
"headspace does exactly that, it offers guided meditations for whatever you feel you need."
"Remember they, the things that you spend your time in in your mind and they really impact how you feel so painting things like this can really help you just be lighter and better in yourself and enjoy things."
"By feeding the micro, we could actually switch people into being much more resilient to a stressful situation."
"We want to hold on to our peace right now. We really want to create a home within ourselves and create a lot of peace in our environment and in our mind."
"Exercise is so good for you mentally because it releases endorphins and endorphins are feel-good hormones that light up your brain and make you feel good and reduce your stress and reduce your anxiety."
"Truly if you're feeling down, go to a park when it's sunny outside, whether it's cool or not, even if it's cool or if it's warm, and sit in the grass."
"There have actually been a lot of studies linking gut health to mental health."
"My mental health overall is good. I feel like right now where I am mentally and where I am like when it comes to my mental health and how I you know protect my mental health protect my piece and all of that I would say I'm doing really good."
"Peace can be found when he starts taking care of his own well-being."
"Your mental health comes from your mind, not your brain. Your mind and your brain are separate."
"Money always helps if you're in a good space, but if you're not, then it won't matter."
"Therapy can give you peace of mind, get those negative thoughts out, let that positive stuff in."
"I'm seeing you're making the conscious decision to cut this person out so you could focus more on yourself and your mental health."
"Working out will essentially help enhance your physical appearance and it will also boost your endorphins and make you feel better about yourself."
"Physical activity, even just a walk or yoga, helps me feel more at peace."
"Stop stressing out yourself too much because stress brings diseases."
"Emotional regulation will support us in being healthier, happier human beings."
"The most important thing for me to do is just keep gratitude in my head because that keeps me going."
"It feels so good to be out getting sun, it's like getting warmer."
"Sometimes you gotta feel your feelings and emotions instead of bottling them up."
"When my room and my closet are clean, I just mentally feel better."
"Depression isn't just in your head; it's often accompanied by physical symptoms."
"I'm going to continue eating healthy, exercising, keeping a good positive mindset."
"Anything we can do to keep our brain neural chemistry clean... is worth exploring."
"I'm a strong believer in how your physical health has an effect on your mental health and vice versa."
"This is how much my mental health and physical health are intertwined."
"Regardless of the state of society, art is important for community, a sense of community, and establishing mental well-being." - Noemularlive.com
"I'm feeling a lot better mentally ever since starting that routine."
"Visualize yourself inhaling all the positivity in the world—love, joy, happiness, prosperity, and peace."
"Nothing like a morning cup of coffee, right? And again, there's that whole mental aspect of it. So I recommend that you have some coffee."
"Improve your diet, improve your mental health, meditate."
"Good [__] equals no stress, yeah I should probably pet the cat more."
"Trying to let go after repeatedly trying to let go and push past and get over and stop dwelling is not healthy."
"Emotional repression is dangerous and harmful."
"Peace is your most valuable asset. If it costs you your peace, it's too expensive."
"Move your body, it's beneficial for your health and mental state."
"Hope is an essential element to our quality of life."
"When you think about the long-term investing, it's so much better for your peace of mind. It's dollar cost average, there's just ways to kind of remove stress from your life."
"Thank you guys for hanging out with us today, take a deep breath, we're gonna make it, it's gonna be okay."
"God's word declares that you have been given a sound mind."
"You have to take care of your physical body because that controls what you're thinking mentally."
"The pervasiveness of sugar in our diets is not just about our physical health and diabetes and weight, but it's really linked to our mental well-being."
"Self-care really plays a huge role in our mental health, and I just encourage y'all to do it."
"Being mindful couldn't be easier."
"Sometimes in my practice, I actually do prescribe meditation instead of medication. And meditation can actually change the brain, your focus, your ability to handle stress, and your mood."
"If you have a very calm and less stressful mental state of being, this is going to help you rise on that emotional scale of Consciousness as well."
"Mental health is equally important; sleep, nutrition, and exercise all contribute."
"Peace of mind is just something that you can't buy."
"Practice mindfulness. It's like a muscle you flex and then you can use it when you need it."
"You need to stay hydrated, but your mind also has to be good too."
"I love what I do, so I don't think it's unhealthy. I feel good in my mind."
"Expressing oneself authentically is considered essential for building a strong foundation for mental well-being."
"I'm in a really good place mentally right now. Oh, I mean, it is Twitter; you're not allowed to be happier or enjoy things on there. That's just the rules."
"I think it's good for your body, I think it's, it is good for you to get out there and dig in that dirt, not just for physically but mentally it is."
"You are mentally being and that's the hardest part but it's the most rewarding."
"There's a complex relationship between metabolic dysfunction, food, mental health, and disease."
"As I prioritize my physical health, I'm equally committed to nurturing my mental well-being."
"I feel calmer than I ever have before and it is it's that kind of I guess it's the dedication to consistently looking after my mental well-being and putting all those tools in place."