
Benefits Quotes

There are 5569 quotes

"A gratitude practice can benefit social relationships across the board."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Music actually boosts IQ points across the board more than some of these other activities."
"Building your levels of personal discipline is not easy, but let me tell you, it pays off."
"I'm an optimist. I do believe that we will reap the benefits of all this hard work and strain."
"If you can do that, you will see many of the benefits of longer duration by simply getting more consistent."
"Smiling can literally change your life. Smile at the bartender, you're going to get a drink faster. Smile at your co-worker, they're more likely going to take that shift trade request."
"Biggest thing is benefits, not features... don't talk about what you do, talk about what you're going to unlock for the reader, for the customer."
"Making good choices and listening to your intuition pay off."
"Bliss, radiance, and kindness are very common side effects of meditation."
"The benefits of walking barefoot are priceless."
"There is nothing as healthy, not even exercise, as the proven physiological health-promoting benefits of Transcendental Meditation."
"Sometimes a change of scenery is just great."
"Diversity is a good thing. It brings people together; you're capitalizing on the things that make them different."
"Short feeding windows... do produce a number of positive health effects."
"Artificial intelligence being used in partnership with humans offers tremendous benefits."
"Once you start, whether you get enlightenment or not, day to day the benefits that flow, the peace and the joy and the sense of security and strength, it slowly becomes the most valuable thing in your life."
"There's a quality of life that comes with it, the increase in quality of life."
"The net benefits of having immigrants is so much more than the negatives."
"Depending on the role, team members may be eligible for benefits including 30 days of annual vacation allowance, stock options, at home office remote stipend, and company retreats."
"Minimalism is awesome and you don't need to declutter your entire home down to eight suitcases to see the benefits of minimalism."
"Freedom of speech on the internet definitely has way more benefits than negatives."
"Saving time and, of course, reducing stress is going to be huge for many people."
"However, I believe that the potential benefits of AI far outweigh the risks."
"The vast majority of economic activity happening in America is beautiful; it's voluntary exchange of both parties benefiting."
"Immigrants are an overall net positive to the economy."
"Globalization has a lot of great benefits and a lot of huge downsides."
"There are some advantages to religious belief, but there are also some major, major disadvantages."
"Fasting is actually one of the best things you can do for yourself from both a mental standpoint and a physiologic standpoint."
"Social Security is something everyone pays into, and when you hit a certain age, you start getting benefits from that."
"You're at a time where you're gonna be reaping the benefits and rewards."
"Tai Chi improves physical health, especially muscular strength, flexibility, and fitness."
"It's exclusively good things, which makes it an easy decision in the early game whether or not to use it."
"Having a simplified home is just the best thing ever."
"A lot of good things obviously come with revenue growth."
"Investing in our mental health would yield tremendous returns."
"For a soldier, though, they could count on a steady paycheck their entire career with bonuses along the way and a nice pension at the end."
"It's not about the proselytizing of minimalism; it's about showing people what the benefits are."
"By asking that question, you start to identify what the benefits of simplifying are."
"The advantages of walking barefoot definitely outweigh all of the bad things."
"Goals are not to get, that's a side benefit. Goals are to grow."
"I promise you that you will gain more by praying the Rosary than from reading any spiritual book."
"Generous, paid time off policy of over 45 days."
"So defeating Gelt's army has given us plus six armor for our entire army, which is actually really good."
"Whenever a land enters the battlefield under your control, you gain one life and draw a card."
"Maintaining their privacy while reaping the benefits of fame."
"Talk to strangers...doing so supplies us with a critically important social nutrient that they call Vitamin S."
"Have you ever gotten a free flight because of your Delta SkyMiles card? Or maybe a near-impossible restaurant reservation thanks to your platinum American Express card?"
"Immigration is one of the best things to happen to the United States of America."
"The best things get better when more people have access and when more people are able to participate in the game."
"Rehab always will have its benefits, in my opinion. I think it's an amazing program."
"I like social media for all the good things it provides...but I can't love social media as a whole because it's problematic."
"The advantages of the vaccine greatly outweigh the disadvantages."
"Daylight savings time has some unusual effects, and making it permanent might create some long-term benefits."
"Prioritizing safety and workplace conditions and better benefits for the workers that ultimately generate the profits is the appropriate way to go forward."
"Most of these plants can grow even with weeds in. In fact, some weeds are beneficial."
"Try fasting. It has so many benefits health-wise, mentally, and physically, slows your aging down, reduces your risk of disease."
"You see these? I just bought these. Well, they give me a speed buff."
"If you move toward green energy, the net benefits would outweigh the net detriments."
"If you major in computer science, you can work for companies where you can get free food, free laundry, free haircuts, they're very well paid, and everyone thinks that you're a genius."
"Social Security provides a very good deal for waiting to collect."
"If you live past 80, it's about a $324,000 difference you're getting in those last five years of life."
"If you delay your benefits from age 62 to 70, your benefit is going to be 77 percent higher."
"The relationship between humans and dogs is mutually beneficial. Having a faithful dog assures a listening ear, a warm pot to hold, and even strong legs to run beside."
"Learning how to say no and put up these proper boundaries is going to be really beneficial for you."
"It's really important to focus on the potential benefits that you're getting which are not aesthetic-based."
"Forgiveness... benefits me, it can potentially benefit that person."
"The sooner you plan the tree, the sooner you get to eat from it."
"Taking care of your body...you don't know when all that stuff comes into play and adds up correctly."
"I have reaped the benefits of being consistent with the rhythm of rest."
"Mental benefits maybe this is a little bit shorter. The main things that I wrote down here are clarity, focus, alertness, faster at comebacks, good at speaking, hold conversations longer."
"The common good has become global, and nations must associate for their own benefit."
"Is a personal trainer necessary? No, I don't think so. Could it help you a lot and has it helped us? Yes."
"Many psychologists think parasocial relationships are usually good for us."
"It's a slow long arduous process to start but long-term once you get it up and running it could be one of the best investments that you can make."
"When I think about the way things are, I think: Who benefits from things remaining like this?"
"By proxy, she's going to have a very fantastic life."
"Public transport does have a lot of other benefits. It offers mobility to people who can't drive or can't afford a car, it is much more environmentally friendly, and it can make city centers much nicer places to live without the noise and pollution of thousands of cars."
"Lifting weights does change your body, and favorably."
"Caffeine is an alkaloid that occurs naturally in dozens of other plants. It serves as a central nervous system stimulant that can boost mood, increase concentration, and metabolism."
"Immigration really isn't scary; it's a natural component of any and all civic policies that exist. It benefits our country."
"Exploration of the globe has had benefits for mankind that are hard to calculate."
"Caregiving, or any type of giving, signifies a one-way relationship; you're always giving and never getting anything out of it, which even with caregiving, you are getting a lot out of it. The rewards and the benefits of shared memories, shared moments, and experiences."
"Negative ions are very beneficial for us because they lower our cortisol levels, which is our natural stress hormone, they also reduce inflammation, and they increase blood flow."
"I've never not invested in my humanity and not had it pay off in dividends that were exciting and unexpected."
"There's a benefit to kind of living a full life."
"Learning to code has so many benefits. It develops problem-solving and critical thinking skills."
"Imagine the benefits that has long-term for you, it's quite enormous."
"Lucid dreaming itself has a lot of benefits, apparently it can help ease anxiety, overcome nightmares, it can even improve motor skills."
"Just because something is beneficial doesn't make it objectively true."
"Skateboarding...it helped me out in a lot of ways."
"We also gain plus one possible advisors, plus two diplo relations, plus 10 max absolutism, and minus 40 years for personal union integration. Super nice."
"The gift of a fool shall do thee no good when thou hast it. Neither yet the envious for his necessity, for like as he hath nothing to give thee, so shalt thou have nothing to receive."
"A 24-hour fast... I find to be the sweet spot. I find that a 24-hour fast done periodically is really what most people need if they're looking for the benefits of a fast."
"It goes without saying that if research in space leads us to discovering a cheap and abundant clean energy supply, space exploration helped earth and its inhabitants."
"It's incredible techniques and the fact that it can also boost your immune system I mean it's just a win-win-win."
"A fresh diet has been found to have all sorts of benefits."
"Your dog will be happier, healthier, better coat, softer."
"These loans are up to 100 percent forgivable as long as employers keep paying their workers. Gotta take care of your workers."
"You can use the Disney Dining Plan at some non Disney owned restaurants."
"Vaccines are a very elegant mechanism for doing something that is clearly tremendously beneficial for health."
"Mental health sets you up for a cascade of good things."
"When you give people value for free, really good things will happen."
"This price cap will benefit directly emerging and developing economies."
"Brand awareness, that is what we ultimately gained from this."
"If this should end with the rejection of aggression and the rejection of the Putin regime's view of the world, then that would be a massive, massive benefit to the whole world."
"YouTube premium could also give people maybe perks and games like Amazon's Prime gaming does I think that would also be a good way for them to compete on that basis."
"If you have double strike, you will double your trigger."
"I think the higher you compete, the more benefits you reap typically."
"Preventing war and stopping atrocities, that's a win-win across the board."
"In other words, the benefits of the elemental protection outweigh the benefits of a higher defense stat, making more of the equipment in the game strategically valuable throughout the entire experience."
"Immigration helps an economy, that's just a fact."
"There's something about creativity that it doesn't necessarily have to abide by any laws of logic and it can still be beneficial."
"I want to be Above and Beyond in protecting women and giving them the right protection and benefits when they're having babies."
"When the United States and China work together, the entire world's going to win."
"But this is one of those ways that you can get two cards a turn, basically."
"Isn’t it enough that someone kept their promise to you? Don’t you already benefit? It sort of just seems like double-prizes at that point."
"More open systems would be good for consumers."
"The enormous benefits that will accrue as a result of Christianity being true just outweigh any costs associated with it."
"Having a more diverse collection of people confers a whole bunch of soft benefits."
"I think getting more immigration would be a good thing."
"Having the price of energy go down substantially would be about the best thing you could do for them."
"It is so beneficial having the original pure experience readily available."
"Collabing with big people always seen as beneficial."
"In 2023 the federal maximum SSI benefit rate is $914 for an individual."
"A lot of people who don't practice meditation are really missing out."
"Windows of Opportunity is better in my opinion. It's good for a lot of reasons."
"Not drinking allows you to stop running from yourself."
"Antidepressants can be absolutely miraculous."
"Marginalized people benefit the most from free speech."
"Every different fruit and vegetable has beneficial phytochemicals and phytonutrients."
"Honey is such a powerful treat that it can save Sims from freezing to death and heat stroke."
"Understanding where you're comfortable and what is actually beneficial for you because it can be very risky to not know that."
"Enjoying it at the higher frame rate... it's worth it."
"Reading books is one of the best things you can do."
"The overwhelming evidence shows that Christianity has positive benefits."
"Every bonus we can get... is going to go a long way for us."
"Everything in my life has just increased since I stopped."
"Lifeblood is described as making the user feel much healthier."
"Walking with God is not only honorable but pleasant and profitable too."
"Wouldn't it be great if prices just fell down right? Well, yeah, I think it would be great for basically everybody."
"so the only Surefire solution the article presents is actually a pretty practical one that will almost certainly work at least on a portion of the workforce free on-site Child Care"
"Fasting benefits: clarity, ministry establishment, favor, healing, spiritual preparation."
"Just by increasing your steps to 2500 steps a day it will literally lower your cardio muscular system disease."
"If you're able to do this and put in the work then you could have really great benefits now and well into the future."
"But I've found that I prefer niacinamide because it also helps with hyperpigmentation but it also helps with oiliness."
"Optimizing your sleep can literally help you gain pounds of muscle."
"You can't read the Bible too much, no matter what language it is. It's not gonna hurt you."
"Negotiations can happen, whether that be in stock or in bonuses whatever type of company you're interviewing it particularly make sure you get decent benefits."
"More people riding can only be a good thing."
"Just be yourself, no matter what. The more you are yourself, the more you're gonna get out of it."
"Cycling is really good at promoting positive mental health, isn't it?"
"I think introspection is just a plain good thing."
"Joining TSA pre-check... allows authorized travelers to skip the wait."
"If you use my link in the description below to buy a Tesla, you will get 1,000 free supercharger miles and in turn so do I."
"Encryption provides enormous benefits to society by enabling secure communications, data storage, and online transactions."
"Releasing and letting go of things is actually very beneficial in many ways."
"You’d be amazed at the medicinal benefits of a positive mindset."
"The Internet increases, improves, technology advances, you benefit from that."
"Artificial intimacy might be better than no intimacy at all."
"The benefits of being a consistently profitable trader are freaking amazing."
"The time periods where I took a break and really connected with myself was really hard... but it was end up being very beneficial."
"The T distribution allows us to use small samples, which is very beneficial."
"Put yourself in uncomfortable situations for benefits. Pushing out of the comfort zone makes us better spiritually, mentally, or physically."
"Overall, having all that control with Linux is well worth while."
"Just transform into clothes, I mean, also, yeah, no, there's really not much downside to that."
"Planning out my workouts, I feel like it's really beneficial for me."
"People are actually scared of mushrooms, aren't they? They shouldn't be because they are amazing."
"Fame like you said, fame can kill you or it can be the greatest thing in the world if you use it right."
"Investing in a coach or a trainer has a very high return on investment."
"Get to know the staff. Regulars are recognized and treated as VIPs and may get free upgrades, discounts, and more."
"It's definitely a different mindset after filling up with gas for so many years but overall it's way cleaner way easier and overall saves me time."
"Meditation is very powerful, it can help in so many ways."
"Immediate benefits from the bill... If your kids have a pre-existing condition, they will not be denied. That's a great win."
"Smaller classroom sizes are definitely extremely beneficial for every single child."
"The wage premium that are conferred on you from a just a four-year degree in any like stem field is massive."
"Having a strong male figure in an environment is a very beneficial thing."
"Goodwill is good. We're getting really a ton of prestige."
"Some of the best early perks are experimenter and discharge."
"So many benefits to different tiers within the patreon."
"How exercise can actually help the thyroid in adrenal function."
"The accessibility and portability of this thing brings is absolutely fantastic."
"Free trade is always better for the economy."
"Many people's lives are drastically changed for the better because of what religion can offer."
"New pass options have been added into the mix. That is a beautiful thing."
"Exploring creativity yields benefits similar to meditation."
"You can render measurable significant clinical benefits by just changing the diet."
"It's literally like free cleaning service forever, all you gotta do is just give him a little warm bed. I am down for that, dude, I'm down."
"Having environments like that where you're willing to just draw from a wider pool of employees is almost always going to be more beneficial."
"Responsibility is one of those things that will get you out of bed every single day and give you a lot more back than just admiration."
"The romance genre has helped my mental health so much."
"Waiting a few months is going to pay dividends."
"Over 1,500 medical studies... have found that coconut oil is beneficial for your health."
"Release anything that does not serve you to recalibrate yourself and be in that win-win situation."
"Unions raise workers' wages, increase home ownership, retirement savings, access to critical benefits like sick leave and child care, and reduce inequality."
"Putting the work in to prepare is always beneficial."
"Building my own business: all the benefit accrues to you."
"Being kind goes a long way and it does pay off."
"There could be many benefits of being able to induce lucid dreaming."
"Some of you paid vacation for some, look, payday."
"Using open source software can be beneficial to any organization."