
Emotional Impact Quotes

There are 10519 quotes

"Receiving gratitude is actually much more potent, in terms of the positive shifts that that can create."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Truth-telling is the stimulus, and the emotion that accompanies that truth-telling is what allows for neuroplasticity to occur."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"I think you're going to be very attached to the refrigerator. You're going to go through some hell with that refrigerator."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"You're talking about a 200 pound dog... and seeing life drain from his body... that realization that we're here for a short time was made so real."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The more intense of an emotional state that you're in immediately following learning, the more likely you are to remember whatever it is that you're trying to learn."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Whatever environment you have around you, that's what's going to influence your decisions and that's what's going to influence your emotions."
"An image like this, the king of the jungle hugging the human that saved him, is incredibly powerful."
"For me, the movies are like a machine that generates empathy."
"Ken describes his sound as feel-good music, stating if you're down, it's going to make you feel good."
"It is the scariest thing when tax people call you up on the phone. It's like your dad is calling you up and he's just visibly angry."
"It was hard for me to watch this. It still is right now."
"Emotionally, it was like we were blown out of the water. It was incredible."
"When is the last time that you thought to yourself, 'I love TikTok, or Twitter, or Instagram,' and it loves me back? Yeah, me neither."
"And it just really moved me hearing the music again, and you'd get those goosebumps, you're like, yep, this is it again."
"With some story changes, the film has the potential to be emotionally powerful."
"Our first loves ever, the first person that we saw when we were born are these two beautiful young ladies, our mothers."
"You may not remember specifically what somebody said to you, you may not even remember specifically what someone did to you, but you will never forget how someone makes you feel."
"I could feel my inner child stirring inside me, and the shock of it all gave me goosebumps and tears came to my eyes. Yes, tears over a freaking Kirby game."
"Leaves from the Vine... it's just heartbreaking."
"Everybody has that first love that they thought was going to last forever. When it doesn't work out, it feels like you're going to die."
"Music can make you cry, it can make you happy, it can make you rock into all the depths."
"Alicia thanked Oswald with a warm smile, which melted Oswald's... heart."
"It's phenomenal... it's a fantastic touch and even now, like I'm talking, it gives me chills."
"Good fairy stories... can give to child or man that hears it when the turn comes, a catch of breath, a beat and lifting of the heart near to, or accompanied by, tears."
"Her death in Deadpool 2 was just genuinely heartbreaking."
"If I don't feel good about myself, I want you to feel not so good about yourself."
"The judge asks the child if she wants a short break, but the girl and the dog make for an amazing team, and the whole courtroom holds its breath as she speaks."
"I felt the passion and emotion that hit right there."
"A panorama of horror which time can never erase from my memory."
"Music bypasses the reason, speaks most directly to our souls, and can shape our souls."
"You're my world, everything's been turned upside down since meeting you."
"The interplay between the extreme scope of the year-long cross-country journey they went on together and the incredibly narrow focus of the storytelling lands the ending perfectly."
"First, the show is just really good. It's both hilarious and genuinely touching."
"Tell a story with your image and convey the mood, the feeling, and the story of when you were there."
"In a highly emotional scene, Finn, Simon, and Betty slowly accept their impending deaths."
"The Acolyte is definitely a special case when it comes to Star Wars TV series; it's a lot like an onion: it's got many layers to it, and the more layers you peel away, the more you want to cry."
"They find joy in moving others emotionally, perhaps moving them to action, to change, or to happiness."
"I've dated a girl with mommy issues. It's actually worse."
"I love getting trophies because at least I know that whatever I do, I'm going to get a little noise that makes me feel better."
"The emotional infrastructure of social media is affecting their souls and their emotional lives."
"It's not very fun to have millions of people all over the world call you the most vile, horrendous, disgusting, life-ruining words a person can be called."
"This is the most concise but also compassionate docu I've ever seen. The way you handled my story with delicacy and love made me cry."
"People don't remember what you say to them; it's really what people remember is how you make them feel."
"One of the most heartbreaking things that people go through is the loss of their dogs."
"It was thought-provoking, it was moving, the music was good, the acting was superb, well staged, well presented, really good performances."
"Every time I saw the table named after Stanley Humphrey, I nearly started crying. That has just completely made my life."
"The stronger the emotion you feel from that breakthrough, the more you're going to pay attention to the image in your mind, and now you're beginning to brand new circuitry in the brain."
"Faith, hope, and love... are all contagious."
"I love good movies. Movies that make me laugh or cry."
"Your personality creates your personal reality, which is made up of how you think, how you act, and how you feel."
"The stronger the emotion you feel from the inner event, the more you're gonna pay attention to the picture in your mind."
"This game is so legendary to me, man. I still get like... I still get teary, genuinely iconic to me."
"The big ghost held Doro once again, calling her mother."
"The concept of residual trauma manifesting as ghostly apparitions raises intriguing questions about the nature of emotion and memory."
"Love can be the greatest trap or the greatest liberator."
"It's profoundly frightening, so if what we want is emotional catharsis, there is nothing better than The Shining."
"Intense emotional rollercoaster awaits, viewer discretion advised."
"If I never met you, I never would have known what love feels like."
"If you can't cry at your own movie, how do you expect millions of people to cry in that moment?"
"Ghostbusters Afterlife is legitimately one of the best sequels in recent years, and the most emotional Ghostbusters film to date."
"Nostalgia is delicate but potent. In Greek, nostalgia literally means 'the pain from an old wound'. It's a twinge in your heart far more powerful than memory alone."
"You ever watch a really good show or play a really good game, and it's so good that when you finish and you beat it, it f---s you up?"
"There's a lot of nature... If you see an image that doesn't have any natural material in it, it feels very cold."
"The topic of nostalgia is like so near and dear to my heart because of how much I feel like I've been affected by it, as if it's like a disease."
"I cried during the manga while reading this short story, and that was without animation, voice acting, music. This is going to hit, and I am very, very prepared."
"Nostalgia is a powerful tool because it's a hundred percent subjective."
"The emotional impact of an anime character's journey can resonate with audiences, leaving a lasting impression that transcends cultural boundaries."
"Yeah, I don't want to make this a sad ending."
"I held her hand, looking through her eyes as she left this world, and it was very difficult to process."
"Finding your purpose is a deeply personal journey. It's about impacting someone in a fundamentally emotional way."
"There are hundreds of millions of people who are left in a state of confusion, dismay, dysphoria, and ostracization because the binaries that people have built up around them... exclude them."
"Brothers is the game that has affected me the most emotionally out of any video game ever."
"No, I swear, I'm tearing up. It's just so insane. I wish you guys could experience this with me."
"I really feel like I'm here. I feel like I'm here. And then the second I like turn this off and go back to my real world, it kind of just makes me sad."
"Sting has elicited emotions from crowds around the world that most wrestlers could only hope they would achieve."
"Your ending should bring the emotion and meaning in the story to its highest point of tension, then resolve in a clear way that is both emotionally impactful and meaningful to your audience."
"Clarity is very important in creating an emotionally impactful and meaningful story."
"Once it did, it really struck a chord for me, especially the final act and how all of that culminated with that powerful ending."
"The powerful and important moments that mean something to the characters get to be played straight, with full sincerity and maximum emotional impact for the audience."
"Exposing her on this show last year, I left the stage and burst into tears because exposing her was awful."
"We don't want to end up in a scenario where we just end up not caring about what happens, 'Oh, they died? Maybe they'll come back in the future', instead of 'Oh my God, that character is gone. What implications will this have?'"
"Are you in the right headspace to receive information that could possibly hurt you?"
"The real framing method that separates good visual movies from visual masterpieces is when you not only use the background to make your foreground shot look cooler but when you also use the background to boost the emotional impact that you want your foreground to evoke."
"It was a real epiphany. The ominously dark shading and cracks in his head give off such a powerful sensation as if his head is literally coming apart."
"Making beautiful films or films that appeal to the hearts and essences of people is not a winners and losers game...when people have to vote, they have to kind of vote with their heart and their intuition."
"It's just that hits me harder than most things in One Piece do."
"The impact of a scar on an individual's emotional well-being is not to be taken lightly whatsoever."
"The list was so long that it took me around 10 minutes to get through them all, with each name, at least initially, harder to say than the last."
"That game made me feel feelings; it makes you question what it means to be human."
"The point of art is not to copy reality; the purpose of art is hyperbole, exaggeration, its distortion to produce pleasing emotions in the viewer's brain."
"Sometimes it feels futile, because it's not possible to explain why they matter. But that's why you work in stories."
"A broken heart...can close your mind to love."
"It's humbling and heartbreaking at the same time."
"I had a whole bunch of fathers message me say they watched and they cried."
"The game keeps going and the fallout of that choice, while the player is under the duress of a ticking clock, can be emotionally impacting, artistically thought-provoking, and elicit a human response."
"Anytime I saw a student in handcuffs, it just broke my heart."
"I didn't expect to be so moved by the end of this three-hour-long epic journey."
"What was supposed to be an arc about healing, fixing your problems, and uniting as a family, ends with probably one of the most depressing endings in manga."
"We store what's important to us. We store happy memories in one place, we store traumatic memories in another."
"When you give, you give from the heart, and that influences the brain."
"It may stand to reason, then, that this radical empathy for all things, including the non-human, is batting with the weight on emotionally."
"Saving someone close to you from an obsessive psychopath will always be more tangible, emotional, and powerful."
"It is a heartbreaking moment and it also boosts the emotional impact of the bigger Spider-Man action sequences later on because we feel just how massive of a toll it takes for Peter to fulfill his responsibilities."
"My friend... she's like, 'I just read your book, you have me laughing and crying, and thank you so much. You make this experience what it was, like, you made it so I don't feel like I'm crazy when I think back on it.'"
"The regret is not because it's a bad film; in fact, the opposite. It's a very important film to have seen. But I regret it because every time I think of it, my heart breaks again."
"Failure is perhaps more painful than success is rewarding."
"That feeling of putting your time and tens of thousands of dollars and months and passion and work and excitement into something and telling yourself like this is going to be like a turnaround for me... the pain you feel when that thing fails... is like an ego hit."
"Are you lost? The soft voice shattered the quiet darkness and pricked the boy's heart into a racing flutter."
"It's not what they're saying; it's what it feels like."
"This song for me, emotionally and conceptually, just really kind of predicted and embodied the year."
"Music's everything, man. And this game understands that so much."
"This was stellar. This is a book that completely melted my heart turned me into a pile of goo, and I loved every single second of it."
"People will forget what you say... but they'll never forget how you make them feel."
"We can't overstate how powerful, how moving this will be, watching the queen leave Buckingham Palace for the final time."
"Oh my goodness, that was actually terrifying."
"There's a day that my mom started using a cane to walk around. That was really painful for me to see."
"I went to a PT and I kind of like thought it would help... he helped me so much so fast and even one session that I almost started crying and hugged him."
"The whole deal is trying to figure out a way to get people to laugh and cry. That's our respite from this constant drudgery, this tragedy, this fear."
"Something that should be there is suddenly missing."
"Every woman whose husband views pornography feels like her husband is emotionally unfaithful."
"A narcissistic injury occurs when a narcissist is held accountable, confronted, or shown that something they did was incorrect or hurt someone else."
"We're gonna see kerbin rise from the moon and it's going to be beautiful and we're all gonna cry."
"Reading her perspective was enlightening, devastating, and vulnerable."
"Found family...every single time I cry. I don't know what it is about it, I will never have enough of it."
"No speaker that I have heard to date gets at the heart and the soul of my favorite artists and their music better than the La Scala."
"When people play our games, we want them smiling, we want them laughing."
"You gotta pay attention to how a man makes you feel... It's more about how he makes you feel than what he actually does."
"I'm not going to be Shakespeare; I want to give people a great read that entertains them, that makes them laugh, that makes them cry."
"It was really hard to read. I cried. It was beautiful."
"Your energy to other people feels like safety."
"Our legacy is not just a collection of content, but a history of pixels burned into our screens, minds, and hearts."
"What makes a good photographer a great one? I think photographers who have a purpose when they shoot and make you feel something when you look at their images are better than photographers who are just shooting what's trendy or popular."
"That's emotionally significant. That's strong character work."
"It was super heavy. We probably knew going in, but then, like the trailer, it starts out very, very light."
"I would rather something that hits me emotionally than something that just throws in a bunch of random references and iconic characters just for the sake of having them included."
"The Disney World side of things, you've got multiple nighttime spectaculars in three of the parks and these shows will give you the goosebumps and teary-eyed gazes."
"Finding Clementine's hat...it's a really powerful symbol."
"It is rare for books to make me feel this way, and the 'Cruel Prince' Trilogy accomplished that."
"It's just so sad, and you know I love sad books, and it's also just like a book that makes you feel something, which I felt is really special."
"I stayed alive for you, and you killed me anyway."
"Every now and then a romance is written in a way that I'm like oh, I'm so glad that was here, it was really cute, and I was invested in it."
"It plays wonderfully into the overall path of the film, evoking precisely the sorts of emotions which it sets out to do."
"The music, it just makes you feel good, you know?"
"When you just hear this music, it just makes you feel good, you know?"
"I'm just angry that we had a good life, and he threw it all away."
"It's a really hard thing to broach because I feel like most of the people who are watching right now, um, like as in onlookers to the whole drama from start to finish, I feel like there is a distinct lack of empathy."
"I was devastated by it. It's a really beautiful film and completely emotional."
"Pots that brought me to tears, and some of them are actually completely silent."
"You never know how low is low when a market gets very emotional."
"You can get a great emotionally compelling image from any camera."
"The ending of that movie is just like, it's like the first time I remember almost like weeping to the point of shoulder convulsions in a movie theater."
"Meryl has succeeded because of these factors cumulatively, we can be thankful for every tear she's made us shed, every laugh, every gasp."
"There's something about rehearing the same piece exactly the same way again and again that lulls us into a sense of its special rightness."
"Pain is everything I want in a main villain of anime."
"Nostalgia maybe, but it's not just nostalgia, it means something."
"Your fire and your love and your light is literally thawing their Frozen state."
"As exciting as victory can feel and be, it's just as horrible to be on the other side and getting completely obliterated."
"It basically was magnifying and intensifying anything on my mind and that was really in my heart at the time."
"Heidi's love was strong, full of love, they lingered in the atmosphere. I still feel them now."
"When individuals are surrounded by architecture that poorly reflects their community identity, individuals actually internalize the negative emotions evoked by the external ugliness."
"Tell them stories that they can connect with and stories that will actually move them."
"Our body energy fields are affected by our actions and even our emotions; when we understand this, we can harness our energy more effectively."
"Dark Souls takes you places, it makes you feel emotions, and it asks you questions that you may well still be grappling with for years and years to come. And that's why Dark Souls is underrated."
"You need that package, like you need the narrative, you need that moment something that hit you on an emotional level for you to make sense of it."
"This game is a gift, it touched my soul and gave me a piece of my childhood back."
"Encanto might just be the best animated film I have ever seen and certainly one of the few Disney films to actually bring tears out of me."
"Something bad can happen without malicious intent; you can understand why it happened the way it did, and it can still really hurt."
"It feels humiliating. You feel like you have no power, no control in the situation."
"We have 15 families that have lost loved ones today, and it's extraordinarily painful."
"It doesn't hit you until they come back, and the guys are crying because they felt like they didn't do enough to bring everybody home."
"Every one of them just said, 'Hey, I'm sorry.' It just broke your heart."
"Make great records. If you make records that move people, they're going to share them with other people."
"Before Your Eyes...kicked my emotions around like a metaphorical hacky sack harder than I think any game has ever."
"The greatest thing of it is that people still get joy from it; it makes them happy, it makes them smile, it makes them laugh, it makes them care."
"Even after playing it a second time... I got goosebumps."
"Every once in a while, a story like this comes up, and it angers you so much that it feels personal."
"Words hurt, any kindergartener called stupid on the playground could tell you that." - A reminder of the power of words.
"Right when I saw your face, though, I... I became calm."
"The word 'friend' was like an inquisitively cut diamond, having its ferocity tested by being used to carve initials into the glass of Rarity's heart."
"It told a good story, had good pacing, thought it had good emotional value."
"Worship music is all about the dynamics, the build-up, that hopeful soaring climax that can send shivers down your spine or make you feel in tune with some grand act of God."
"Every facet of the game, from the intricacies of the level design to the visuals, difficulty, and yes, obviously the music, is meticulously crafted to elicit the same emotions that Madeline experiences throughout the story."
"It takes a sound that was once tense and fearful and turns it beautiful and bittersweet."
"The hooks don't leave you. It's like when the bee leaves a bit of a sting inside of you."
"Oh my God, there it is! Wow, you can see the stars, you can see the planets. Oh my God, you guys, I'm actually crying. This is the most I've ever seen in my entire life."
"Trauma is not what happens to you; it's what happens inside of you."
"It's like a grand slam in the World Series. But honestly, it's better than that."
"A lot of moments in Zelda games are truly heartbreaking and help create the feeling of a real world full of real people."
"It's heartbreaking to see that at the end of the game when most characters are celebrating, the Deku Butler cries in despair and ruin as he finds his son's soulless corpse alone in the cold tunnels beneath the land."
"I just had no idea how much she would make an impression not only on these banquets but my heart."
"One of the most harmful things that our social media-driven culture has done to us emotionally is give us the false impression that all of the people that we might see when scrolling on a day-to-day basis are really our friends."
"The only way to engender real change is not through analysis and critique... but to make people feel differently."
"I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel."
"Realistically, how does someone look at Naruto going through having a shopkeeper basically assault him, it's one of the saddest scenes in the whole series."
"I am most happy when I see a tear in the eye of someone playing Lost Odyssey. I wish for people to not play the game without paying attention to the story and the difficult situations they will face."
"Mufasa's death in The Lion King remains one of the most gut-wrenching moments in cinematic history."
"It's good if a story is hard to tell. That means it's incredibly emotionally potent."
"Shadow of the Colossus is an unforgettable gaming experience that will stick in players’ minds long after the credits have rolled."
"If you want to change what people do, you've got to change their thinking. If you want to change their thinking, you have to change how they feel."
"But to the enslaved people who were behind the stage about to be auctioned off, this wasn't Hiring Day. They referred to it as Heartbreak Day."