
Emotional Health Quotes

There are 4143 quotes

"A regular gratitude practice can provide resilience to trauma, in two ways; it can provide a reframing and resilience to prior traumatic experiences."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"This particularly transformative form of journaling... was researched by Dr. James Pennebaker."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"We can't really say that certain emotions like sadness or happiness are healthy. It's context is important."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"It's not time that heals all wounds; it's time during sleep and specifically dream sleep that provides emotional convalescence."
"There's no weapon more strong than the weapon of forgiveness."
"Happiness as a sort of fleeting transient state and being emotionally healthy are quite different."
"Toxic positivity is like putting a band-aid on a bullet wound."
"Gratitude unshackles us from toxic emotions."
"There's no hierarchy of pain... Therapy is you would take care of your emotional health the same way you would take care of your physical health."
"Emotional health... is largely uncoupled from age and is one where I think we should all be mindful of how we can maximize that throughout the duration of our lives."
"Never let grief be your excuse to hurt yourself."
"Find ways to connect with people you love and care about so that you can be getting these oxytocin hits throughout the day."
"Our adult selves have to care for those little babies [our inner child]."
"Forgiving yourself is probably a bigger one that affects you more day-to-day."
"Express for yourself, understand how you feel, embrace your emotions."
"Sometimes we just wake up in a bad mood for no reason, and it's important not to let it govern us."
"Happiness is not the absence of anything negative or sad... Happiness is, in fact, the presence of all of it and the acceptance of all of it just the way it is."
"You have to allow yourself to feel sad...allow that to happen."
"If you're mad about something, you can either sit in silence and stew about it, or you can speak up. Just say what's going on. You will feel better, and whatever the issue is, will likely be solved a hell of a lot more quickly and painlessly if you just use your damn word."
"Having that anxiety is normal. Bottling it up is not."
"If you love yourself, you will love everybody else around you at the degree to which you cultivate love internally."
"Thought patterns become emotional patterns become behavioral patterns."
"Gratitude is one of the most powerful balms for your soul, for your heart, for your mind."
"People need freedom politically, economically, socially, freedom from their unconscious emotions so they can be themselves."
"Forgiveness is something that we give to ourselves, not necessarily somebody else."
"Every client I saw, whether they were a nursery school teacher or they are a billionaire, they all had the same thing: 'I'm not enough.'"
"Shame is only going to corrupt our ability to love ourselves."
"It's probably good to feel your feelings and not just try to be positive 24/7."
"Let yourself feel all of the emotions... your entire rainbow spectrum of feelings is sending you important messages and guidance."
"Patience is the most important thing to deal with trauma."
"Gratitude practice every night, because when you're grateful, you can't be angry, you can't be resentful."
"It didn't justify resentment, it didn't justify ingratitude... there was nothing good in it, there was nothing helpful in it, all it was doing was hurting me."
"Creating art to let out emotions is supposed to be healthy. Some therapists even recommend it."
"Love is a healthy emotional and genuine connection with another. This may pertain to you reaching a vibration of unconditional love."
"Holding onto bitterness is like taking rat poison and waiting for the rat to die."
"Our way of loving ourselves is the way our parents love. Or let go."
"All trauma is pre-verbal... Trauma is not what happens to you, it's what happens inside you as a result of what happens to you."
"You cannot get over the past if you can't put the past behind you."
"Emotional mirroring is responsible for a large part of security in a person."
"Healing begins with feeling. Be gentle with yourself and tender with your heart."
"This isn't like a bad emotional; I'm not sad. I'm really grateful."
"You should never be okay with being treated that badly. You should never be okay with being betrayed. You should never be okay with having someone you trusted so much turn around and treat you as if you never meant anything to them."
"Don't gaslight yourself out of your own pain. Don't talk yourself out of feeling how bad that pain is."
"Honor your emotions, feel them, and release them."
"I've been trying to hide it from everyone for so long, I just can't do it anymore. I have to get help."
"Your emotional guidance system cannot be broken; it is always available to you. The minute that you decide to tune back into it, to perceive it in a way where you can let it guide you through life."
"Toxic mothers are just as bad as absent fathers."
"How you feel is way more important than how you look."
"Don't spend so much time worrying about what you don't have and being emotionally distressed because it can take a toll on your whole body."
"Developing the skill of self-love is really dear to my heart for a number of reasons."
"Reducing emotional flashbacks is absolutely key to tackling complex PTSD."
"We found that it is fatal, for when harboring such feelings, we shut ourselves off from the sunlight of the spirit."
"Once you've learned how to forgive yourself, you need to learn how to let go."
"Release the negativity. Know that your emotions will be running high, but a win-win outcome is coming."
"Your mere presence for someone who you care about, who's distressed, does something inside their body which is healthful."
"You're giving that woman so much more power over you. You know what I think is [___] alpha? Not being afraid to express emotions if it's an appropriate time and a place, and not bottling it up and risking your own mental well-being."
"We can't ever get rid of shame. What we can do is develop resilience to shame."
"You cannot selectively numb emotions. When we numb the painful emotions, we also numb the positive emotions."
"You cannot selectively numb emotion. You can't say, here's the bad stuff. Here's vulnerability, here's grief, here's shame, here's fear, here's disappointment. I don't want to feel these."
"Crying releases stress and helps reduce anxiety."
"Dream sleep provides a form of almost overnight therapy; it is emotional first aid."
"The way you multiply time is by giving yourself the emotional permission to spend time on things today that create more time tomorrow."
"When a person has poor boundaries, they will often blame themselves even for a very negative or even a problematic or traumatic interaction, saying, 'Well, it's my fault I had poor boundaries,' which can not only result in self-blame and shame but a whole cascade of negative emotions associated with that."
"Love is the opposite of fear. Love will actually neutralize inappropriate or excessive fear."
"You're gonna release, you're gonna surrender, and you're gonna choose to be happy."
"Especially people that have codependency will feel loneliness like five times worse than the average person."
"It's your responsibility to heal that wound."
"The whole point is if Trust is gone, then the relationship is dead from the inside; it's not fixable."
"If your emotional health is suffering, none of the others really matter that much."
"The moment you start feeling whole, your healing begins."
"It does not mean dissociating from the attachment to the person, animal, or thing."
"The best gift you can give your children is for you to be emotionally healthy."
"This is the stress test, and the stress cardiogram will reveal the real state of your heart, or in this case, our emotional oxygen supply."
"Communicating how you feel is very therapeutic."
"Keep your heart chakra as open and as clear as possible."
"For men, an emotionally healthy individual combines aspects of the lover, the wizard, and the warrior, along with the guidance and drive of the king."
"Invest in your spiritual and emotional health... If you don't heal yourself, you will bleed on people who haven't cut you."
"Hate is baggage. Life's too short to be pissed off all the time. It's just not worth it."
"Our relationship with food goes far beyond our physical health, as there does appear to be a strong connection between food and what we eat and our emotions."
"Don't judge your spiritual condition by your feelings."
"If you don't deal with your pain, your pain will definitely deal with you."
"If you stop suppressing your ability to feel and allow yourself to feel, you will find the solution to your depression, to your pain, and everything else."
"Rich financially but very broke emotionally."
"It's really important to just keep that honoring to yourself because when you don't allow yourself to acknowledge these things, you also start to block off other things."
"Emotional pain can be, um, as bad if not worse than physical pain."
"You can't go through life not having ups and downs; it's just impossible."
"Men are more likely to be emotionally healthy and happy in monogamous relationships."
"Being honest with yourself is the internal closure you will need to emotionally move forward."
"I'm able to leave it this time with gratitude and not resentment."
"Holding any kind of anger or resentment just weighs you down and holds you back from living your best life."
"If your emotional life is full of pain, resentment, or unprocessed heartbreak, your mindset alone is not enough."
"It’s intense and if we don’t integrate what we’re feeling and catch up with what we’re feeling, we become off-centre, we lose our balance."
"Being human is messy and confusing sometimes. We're a human and a soul, and acknowledging that it's messy and confusing is a very powerful place to be."
"Make sure you have a healthy work and emotional life balance."
"If we can remember our basic goodness... instead of reacting, instead of defending, instead of sinking into shame, if we can remember that, we can then respond to what comes up in a way that further aligns our heart."
"You've got to learn to forgive, right? Like this is the key thing. It's hard, I'm not saying it's easy, just forgive."
"Forgiving is letting go of your charge on something."
"Positive emotions, like hope and joy and love, are an essential daily requirement for survival."
"Healthy masculinity looks like being aware of that vulnerability and then being able to figure out okay, how do I process healthy emotions?"
"Always looking on the bright side can actually be harmful. Sometimes people wanna be sad."
"I've watched all types of things; you never hear people talk about emotional detox."
"Gratitude changes your vibration when you're filled up by what you're doing, instead of being drained by it. That's how you know."
"The first act of violence that patriarchy demands of males is not violence towards women; instead, patriarchy demands of all males that they engage in acts of psychic self-mutilation, that they kill off the emotional parts of themselves."
"Embracing that you can be vulnerable. A lot of men want to portray strength, strength, strength, but men are people and I know that men have feelings."
"In a healthy emotion management system, you want to put the effort in upfront and reap the reward on the back end."
"Can you forgive those who hurt you because that's where healing starts?"
"You can't live with anger, bitterness, and hatred; it just won't work."
"It's hard to love someone else when you don't love yourself."
"Fear-based energies around this beautiful union, this beautiful connection."
"Setting boundaries and validating oneself can make one impregnable to narcissistic attacks."
"I've been feeling more disconnected than ever and it makes me sad."
"Not understanding your attachment style and your partner's attachment style can mean the difference between having a loving and supportive committed relationship or a lifetime of toxic, emotional rollercoaster type and dead-end relationships."
"Emotions are not bad, they can be functional. When we stop getting in the way of their inherent purpose and we flow with them, then we're able to live better lives of meaning and integrity."
"Healthy anger is a boundary defense. Suppressing healthy anger suppresses the immune system."
"Forgiveness is such a tough space... You will feel better if you forgive and you'll feel lighter."
"Forgiveness is personal. It doesn't always happen and for me the real goal is letting go."
"I always say in order to heal, you have to feel."
"Forgiveness is one of the principal ways that we begin the healing process. You have to forgive these other people."
"Your wardrobe should somehow inspire you, not when you look at your wardrobe you just feel sad, depressed, overwhelmed, and angry."
"From a physical perspective, women are way more vulnerable than men, but when it comes to an emotional perspective, men are just as vulnerable."
"Real relationships aren't competitions and there's no 'winning' someone's affection. Just because something makes good drama doesn't mean it's healthy behavior."
"I am responsible for my emotions and I don't want to suppress them where they'll blow up."
"I feel like we focus so much on relationships breaking our heart, but failed friendships can 110 percent break your heart."
"The best support system in the world is good friends."
"Hurt people hurt people, right? And so, I'm hurt right now, and I don't want to drown somebody else."
"If you're holding on to resentment and anger, that will influence your biology and your immune system."
"Love without attachment is the purest kind of love."
"To have those open exchanges is better than to have that bottled up and fester with some sort of deep, unhealthy, toxic frustration."
"The past is a place of reference, not a place of residence."
"The role of healthy anger is to set a boundary between what's nourishing and to let in what's healthy and to keep out what's dangerous and unwelcome."
"Traumatic experiences or emotional abuse... can manifest later in life in a variety of different ways."
"People with PTSD or complex PTSD tend to feel empty; they kind of feel worthless."
"It's okay to feel and have feelings. We are humans."
"The theory that emotional numbness can be a consequence of rejection is called the numbness hypothesis."
"You can let go of that, but you have to figure out where it comes from and then heal that."
"What I learned from Dennis, what the Lord had taught him in the School of the Spirit was all we have to do is in prayer present any emotion that's not the fruit of the Spirit, it's not a good emotion, to the Lord and he will instantly, through his forgiveness, wash the negative out and replace it with supernatural peace."
"And forgiveness will instantly cleanse our heart of any toxic emotion, whether it was shame, fear, pain of rejection, anger."
"It's okay to have natural emotional reactions. If you're angry, you're angry. Let it out."
"You gotta let that shit out. You gotta let it flow. Otherwise, you're gonna be in agony for the rest of your life."
"Most of the time, the sexual act doesn't have any emotional connection like love associated with it; it's not fulfilling, and it can have a horrible impact on our lives or cause personal shame and feelings of self-loathing during the comedown."
"Give yourself a chance to really figure out whose emotions you're feeling... ground yourself for a moment and think, 'Is this me? Is this all I'm feeling? Where is this all coming from?'"
"Some people have gone through very horrific abuse and have ended up surprisingly being very sort of emotionally resilient and having quite minimal psychiatric damage."
"Video games give people escapism and help people come to terms with dealing with their emotions in a safe environment."
"Self-condemnation and self-criticism are two of the most destructive emotions."
"Confronting other people is self-care 101 because you cannot suppress what it is that you really feel."
"Self-love can't fix loneliness. You can love yourself 100% but still be lonely."
"Trauma... it's still in your body. It will come up when you least want it, when you least expect it."
"Holding your emotions in for a really long time can be painful and detrimental to your health."
"You need things like anger to learn where to set your boundaries; you need things like grief and sadness to help you form intimate connections with other people."
"This advice of trying to repress your emotions and try to shove them back down is like emotional constipation and it will not benefit you in the long run."
"You have grieved for some of it, but if you're not indifferent to that person, you didn't grieve."
"Time is going to pass. There are still grieving phases to go through."
"There's no toxicity, there's no raising her voice, there's no yelling matches, there's no jealousy."
"It's not good to keep secrets that make you feel bad. Telling the truth is important."
"If you learn to guard your heart, you won't have to recover from so much."
"It's okay to feel your feelings and then parse through them."
"Being open about your emotions isn't just something motivational Instagram post made up, it is good for you."
"Rage and disconnection are signs to sit down with somebody that you love, someone you trust or a professional, and just say, 'I'm finding myself disengaging from life; I'm finding myself wanting to swing and hit everything.'"
"You can hold love within your heart for someone without feeling like you are compromising everything in order to love them."
"Just because someone is not sad doesn't mean that they are happy."
"They have this overwhelming fear of abandonment."
"Accepting pain is not the same as seeking it out."
"Having a secure relationship with yourself reduces fears of abandonment and rejection."
"The loss of capacity to cry is a better indicator of severe depression."
"Let's talk about our own emotional discomfort when our needs are not being met, a very common scenario in relationships."
"Keeping things bottled up inside just makes things worse."
"Become emotionally regulated; don't be scared of your feelings. They're just messengers."
"Harboring resentment is like eating rat poison and hoping it kills the rat."
"Forgiving yourself and others. I got chills just saying it."
"Emotional wounds are just as problematic as physical wounds."
"Be angry and sin not; let not the sun go down upon your wrath."
"Nothing ever changes unless you deal with what's in here (pointing to the heart) and here (pointing to the head)."
"If I'm going to listen to someone and let them have influence over my emotions and over my decisions, it needs to be people really close to me that love me, not people in the distant world of the internet."
"You've got to understand what emotional flashbacks are, learn what complex post-traumatic stress is, learn what codependency is, and start studying to heal these things in you."
"Bitterness only consumes the vessel that contains it."
"Tears cleanse the soul, so let your emotions out."
"Our memories possess two distinct forms and systems of awareness. The first one is for public consumption... The other one is for our emotional experience and that one we want to conceal because it hides some pain."
"It is vitally important to stay positive and loving."
"Prioritize your emotional health. Pay attention, make it important, be proactive about it."
"If we don't learn how to express ourselves, we will resort to anger as a false sense of relief."
"Guilt is I did something bad. Shame is I am something bad."
"Acting contrary to our values leads to guilt, self-deception, anger, frustration with others, self-loathing, shame, and all sorts of other unhelpful and unpleasant things."
"The best things to remind ourselves when staying objective and reasonable about heartbreak, codependency experiences: bless your grief flow, really appreciate your pathway reconstruction team."
"Healing is not linear; you're not just gonna wake up one day, and everything is gonna go away."
"You're gonna have so much love for yourself because you'll know you made the difficult decision."
"Guilt is not invited to my happiness party; I won't even tell him where it is."
"Emotions should be dealt with as you have them, or only shelved temporarily before making time to process them."
"In the long run, if you don't find a healthy way to express anger or what's bothering you before it becomes anger, you're putting a big strain on your relationships."
"You take your arms and hug yourself. Do it right now. Okay, that hug is from all of us."
"Try not to destroy yourself; sit with your feelings, take the opportunity."
"Every pathology that's not biochemical emanates from not being seen."
"If you can form healthy, stable attachments, the rest of it kind of comes along for the ride."
"Hope is key, and even if it starts out as smaller a muster seed, nurture hope; it'll save you."
"You got to make yourself happy first...you making yourself happy, people see that off of you, and then they'll be happy."
"Every time you tell your daughter you yell at her out of love, you teach her to confuse anger with kindness."
"You don't have to feel good all the time. And if you're going through a hard time, you're not broken."
"Comfort is huge for me, and it's not just physical comfort but also emotional comfort."
"In my opinion, Dad Spears's removal as conservator is critical to Britney Spears's emotional health and well-being, and is in the best interest of the conservatee."
"The healthy way to controlling your emotions... is to confront them, accept them, and make them part of yourself."
"When you love a narcissist, it's like emotional food poisoning."